Quick, casual Q&A with Melissa Hutchison & James Windeler

Hey guys,
We have a bit of downtime before the PC Gaming Show! Leave your questions for Melissa and James, and we might be able to get to a few between hair/makeup and rehearsals. Upvote questions you like so we can get to the best ones the fastest!
EDIT: We had to go backstage and get ready for the show. Keep posting your questions here and we may get to them as the week goes on!
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There is any chance that we will see Gracia's family again?
Will Chet come back??
Will our choices and endings in season 3 have a impact for clem story in season 4
So ughhhhhhhhhhh are the Garcia’s gonna come back?
Will return a character from " A New Frontier" in the Final Season?
Will there be anyone of season 1 coming back like molly
or maybe a flashback of lee ?
Will our choices from A New Frontier have any impact on TFS?
Will we have any flashbacks to characters from past seasons or see Javi and the other Garcia's we kept alive?
Melissa any chance we will hear your gentle voice in any upcoming Telltale games....something with wolves and snows? Also...when you look back on your time as Clem..what was your favorite memory.
We're still in active development on later episodes, but it's unlikely the Garcias will appear in The Final Season. We're really focused on telling Clementine's story. -James
A New Frontier was designed as a jumping on point for new Walking Dead players. Is The Final Season designed with the same mindset, or is it catered more to long time fans of the whole series?
Has everyone in the studio listened to this song? Is there any possibility this becomes the TFS theme song?
Will we ever know what happened to Christa??
Can we hope to see any Season 1/2 characters return?
What are the major themes and principles that will be explored in this final season? What type of story are you guys trying to tell?
Season 1 was very much a redemption story. Season 2 focused heavily on trust, growth, and loss. Season 3 was about family.
What type of story can we expect to see in the final season?
What is the inspiration behind the final season?
What was the decision behind only 4 episodes? Also will the episodes be a bit longer due to no 5th episode?
This is Caroline. That was amazing but also... no, that's not the theme song. Lol.
(P.S. Melissa loves it too. #TeamKenny)
Hi and thank you so much for the Q&A! I have a couple of questions for both Melissa and James!
Questions for Melissa:
What is it like to be the voice actor for Clementine?
Which version of Clementine is your favourite? Season One Clementine? Season Two Clementine? A New Frontier Clementine? Who is your favourite Walking Dead character except for Lee or Kenny and Clementine?
What was your reaction when you were informed that this Season would be The Final Season?
Questions for James:
Will The Walking Dead: The Final Season have 2 hour Episodes? I know that question is a bit too direct and it may be something that can't be discussed right now so if that is the case then please feel free to ignore it. Sorry for the direct question.
When were you asked to be the Lead Writer for The Walking Dead: The Final Season?
How did you react to being offered the opportunity to write the Fourth and Final Season of a Series that is loved and adored by many?
Again thank you so much for giving users the opportunity to speak with Telltale Staff. We truly appreciate it. I truly appreciate it!

Super Excited to get my hands on The Walking Dead: The Final Season!!

P.S. I am sorry if my questions are too direct. Please feel free to ignore them if it is something that cannot be discussed.
There's a chance you could see a returning character or two, but that's all we'll say. No spoilers. -James
Is someone from previous season will back? Please answer
Happy? This is The Walking Dead we're talking about...
- Melissa
I hate Kenny in S2...but this song is power!
how will clem and aj’s relationship be different from lee and clem’s? i can’t wait to see how it’s explored!
I feel like past Seasons have done a poor job on building a connection between the player and AJ. He obviously means the world to Clem, but I can't say that myself, as the player, could ever relate to that. How much of the Season's plot is reliant on that bond? Is there versatility on what type of relationship Clem can have with AJ, or is their relationship pretty much already set in stone?
This one is for Melissa.
We've seen the voice you portray for Clementine change over the seasons, mostly aligning to age. With this time jump, how have you adapted your voice and inflection of Clem for this new season? Why has it?
I'm kind of worried Clem and AJ's relationship will be too similar to Clem and Lee's in season 1...Any way you guys can calm my worries?
This one is for james Could we see Kenny hat in season 4
When we were talking about the story we wanted to tell, we decided that four episodes was what the story called for. We think you'll be happy with the experience. - James
Since there will be 4 episodes the final season, will the episodes be longer than before? Thanks for this!
Wow I hope Clem makes it...I hear buying a new headquarters because your old one was burned down by some people mad with grief can be expensive.
Clem is not Lee and AJ is not Clem. AJ was born in the apocalypse, which we haven't seen yet in our game. He's never known anything from the world before. That said, there is an echo of the Lee/Clementine relationship in the lessons Clem learned from Lee and is now passing on to AJ. - James
So, you guys made some significant improvements on making choices matter with Batman The Enemy Within. Can we expect to see similar tricks up you your sleeves for the final season?
What are your plans for new The Walking Dead game with new story and characters?
It's a different franchise and a different experience. Also... we're not going to spoil anything this early! - James
Yeah... maybe I went a bit overboard when asking a "couple" of questions....
Thanks for the reply! And I apologize if I was too direct.
Since there’s only 4 episodes in the season, can we expect longer episodes?
How long will episode one be?