I love ppl in the comments here are complaining about shipping and say it is all we are talking about. Like what do you want us talk about? I mean if their was a big villian like idk Lilly came back this final season was the villian? Sure we talk about that. I mean we talked about S1 getting Clem back in EP 5 before that we were facing challenges. S2 rolls around and we had a big villian Craver in EP 2 and we faced him. Then we moved on over what happens now. S3 The New Frontier was the new baddies(sort of)controlled by a corrupt person and we faced her and defeated and then we faced a decision what happens now. This Final Season? We are not facing anything expect maybe Abel's group I think? But unless something big baddie comes around the corner?
I and others will still keep talking about Clem x Violet(me talking about that ship more on the shipping thread) or Clem x Louis.
Yeah I got a little heated there, but I was called a creep and nasty by freelancepolicefan11, so you should probably be telling them that. Im only just trying to point out the hypocrisy.
I checked on ESRB's website for confirmation on this and the rating was different. ESRB haven't rated the second episode to have implied or sexual themes (despite the fact that these rating descriptors exist). However, for comparison on ESRB, the sex scene in Batman: The Telltale Series - New World Order was said to have "Sexual Themes". The AUS rating board says that both Ep2 of TWD and Ep3 of Batman have "Moderate Sexual Impact".
This can mean two things:
ESRB haven't properly rated the episode yet OR the Australian rating is an overreaction.
S2E4 and E5 of TWD (where it is implied Luke and Jane have sex) also have "Sexual Themes" on ESRB (while maintaining a "Mild Sexual Impact" on the AUS rating board) so I'm not really sure whats going on.
I checked on ESRB's website for confirmation on this and the rating was different. ESRB haven't rated the second episode to have implied or … moresexual themes (despite the fact that these rating descriptors exist). However, for comparison on ESRB, the sex scene in Batman: The Telltale Series - New World Order was said to have "Sexual Themes". The AUS rating board says that both Ep2 of TWD and Ep3 of Batman have "Moderate Sexual Impact".
This can mean two things:
ESRB haven't properly rated the episode yet OR the Australian rating is an overreaction.
S2E4 and E5 of TWD (where it is implied Luke and Jane have sex) also have "Sexual Themes" on ESRB (while maintaining a "Mild Sexual Impact" on the AUS rating board) so I'm not really sure whats going on.
I don't want to heavily moderate you guys as much as you don't want to be heavily moderated, so let's all do our part to keep the forums a safe, non-creepy place for everyone.
Not hard at all. Apparently they're just lazy sometimes when it comes to their games. I mean, they say Rewind isn't coming back but yet they have left over code for it in TFS. They could bring it back just like they could include Kenny's hat, but they don't among a myriad of other things.
Except for Kenny's fucking hat
Telltale I mean come on, HOW hard would it have been to just show her taking the hat out of her pack and letting AJ wear it for a bit
Please read the rules before posting. Maybe read them again today if you have the chance.
I don't want to heavily moderate you gu… moreys as much as you don't want to be heavily moderated, so let's all do our part to keep the forums a safe, non-creepy place for everyone.
I love ppl in the comments here are complaining about shipping and say it is all we are talking about. Like what do you want us talk about? … moreI mean if their was a big villian like idk Lilly came back this final season was the villian? Sure we talk about that. I mean we talked about S1 getting Clem back in EP 5 before that we were facing challenges. S2 rolls around and we had a big villian Craver in EP 2 and we faced him. Then we moved on over what happens now. S3 The New Frontier was the new baddies(sort of)controlled by a corrupt person and we faced her and defeated and then we faced a decision what happens now. This Final Season? We are not facing anything expect maybe Abel's group I think? But unless something big baddie comes around the corner?
I and others will still keep talking about Clem x Violet(me talking about that ship more on the shipping thread) or Clem x Louis.
Not trying to take away from what you've said, but to add to it, it's all about the wait time. Developers need to basically make most of the game, then release episodes bi-weekly (e.g. RE Revelations 2). The episodes also need to have more replay-ability to hold over the wait time. Maybe after beating the episode, it unlocks a mini game of some sort, & a different mini game per episode. Just something Telltale could consider in the future, you know.
I've said it elsewhere, but I'll reiterate it here: Given more Dev time, if their smaller competitor studios (Quantic Dream, DontNod & DeckNine) can do more with less employees, so can Telltale.
They're polishing it. The E3 interviews contained gameplay from the episode that was released 2 months after, and until then they were polis… morehing the animations and testing it, adding some more dialogue. Also I struggle to understand why people think they finish episodes and then release them, they need to be ahead of the game. Generally it's
Whilst episode 1 is out episode 2 is in heavy development and 3 and 4 are in light development
Whilst episode 2 is out episode 3 is in heavy development and 4 is in moderate devlopment
Whilst episode 3 is out episode 4 is in heavy development.
I know everyone knows this, but.. almost everyone.
I was lucky to pickup this series after ANF was completed. I don't think I would've been happy with ANF initially had I been around waiting for the episodic releases. I had the pleasure of playing it all in one go, so perhaps that's why I don't hate it as much but it did leave a lot to be desired. That I can't deny.
I absolutely hated A New Frontier but this new episode has definitely won me over. Also glad they left the S3 references to a minimum, although the little callback to the ranch was intriguing.
Yeah, this freakout is expected, though. Probably coming from the same group that thinks these raiders are sexual slavers, lol. I mean it isn't like this game has the same ratings as The Witcher III, folks. Calm TF down.
Nerissa from The Wolf Among Us. ?
I love ppl in the comments here are complaining about shipping and say it is all we are talking about. Like what do you want us talk about? I mean if their was a big villian like idk Lilly came back this final season was the villian? Sure we talk about that. I mean we talked about S1 getting Clem back in EP 5 before that we were facing challenges. S2 rolls around and we had a big villian Craver in EP 2 and we faced him. Then we moved on over what happens now. S3 The New Frontier was the new baddies(sort of)controlled by a corrupt person and we faced her and defeated and then we faced a decision what happens now. This Final Season? We are not facing anything expect maybe Abel's group I think? But unless something big baddie comes around the corner?
I and others will still keep talking about Clem x Violet(me talking about that ship more on the shipping thread) or Clem x Louis.
I haven’t gotten to that part...
It's not a big spoiler anyways. But yeah, thought the majority here have finished the game, sorry.
Its fine lol I bought it but never got around to finish it
Honestly it’s fine as long as they don’t show it, and aren’t 16/17 year olds sexually active tho? (I could be wrong lmao)
Wew lad calm down. No need for the swears.
Well, I know I have to look forward to.
Yeah I got a little heated there, but I was called a creep and nasty by freelancepolicefan11, so you should probably be telling them that. Im only just trying to point out the hypocrisy.
This thread got carried away lol
This thread is getting weirder and weirder real quick
I checked on ESRB's website for confirmation on this and the rating was different. ESRB haven't rated the second episode to have implied or sexual themes (despite the fact that these rating descriptors exist). However, for comparison on ESRB, the sex scene in Batman: The Telltale Series - New World Order was said to have "Sexual Themes". The AUS rating board says that both Ep2 of TWD and Ep3 of Batman have "Moderate Sexual Impact".
This can mean two things:
ESRB haven't properly rated the episode yet OR the Australian rating is an overreaction.
S2E4 and E5 of TWD (where it is implied Luke and Jane have sex) also have "Sexual Themes" on ESRB (while maintaining a "Mild Sexual Impact" on the AUS rating board) so I'm not really sure whats going on.
Can we all just agree that if Clementine does have sex it's not the end of the world.
Yeah--it's the beginning.
No its not.
Don't you DARE say that accursed name around here again!
It's probably just the aussies overreacting as always. I bet it's just a kiss or some shit.
Please read the rules before posting. Maybe read them again today if you have the chance.
I don't want to heavily moderate you guys as much as you don't want to be heavily moderated, so let's all do our part to keep the forums a safe, non-creepy place for everyone.
Not hard at all. Apparently they're just lazy sometimes when it comes to their games. I mean, they say Rewind isn't coming back but yet they have left over code for it in TFS. They could bring it back just like they could include Kenny's hat, but they don't among a myriad of other things.
I have been a good boy. No creepy things that I posted.
Btw? Who started the creepy comments? I have looked at all the comments OMG
What game is that from, Bloodborne?
You can tell by looking at my profile pic.
Just so ya'll are aware, major Episode 2 spoilers have already been leaked.
Please tell me someone saved that [Richard] Shadow picture.
Careful there, stranger. We don't cotton to leaks 'round these parts.
Are you serious?! How?

Not trying to take away from what you've said, but to add to it, it's all about the wait time. Developers need to basically make most of the game, then release episodes bi-weekly (e.g. RE Revelations 2). The episodes also need to have more replay-ability to hold over the wait time. Maybe after beating the episode, it unlocks a mini game of some sort, & a different mini game per episode. Just something Telltale could consider in the future, you know.
I've said it elsewhere, but I'll reiterate it here: Given more Dev time, if their smaller competitor studios (Quantic Dream, DontNod & DeckNine) can do more with less employees, so can Telltale.
I don't care. I am not listening at all. Puts Earplugs In
I was lucky to pickup this series after ANF was completed. I don't think I would've been happy with ANF initially had I been around waiting for the episodic releases. I had the pleasure of playing it all in one go, so perhaps that's why I don't hate it as much but it did leave a lot to be desired. That I can't deny.
Yeah almost slipped up and saw one yikes
Don't be surprised. Things leak constantly nowadays.
Well we should at least know the websites, to avoid being spoiled.
Tell me so I can avoid them until the EP 2 comes out. That way I am happy and I am not spoiled at all.
Edit: let me guess it is Tumblr right? I don't go on there and never have gone on there
I almost got spoiled the relationship screens at the end on reddit so be careful on there
Yeah but that quick though? It's hard for me to believe telltale would be that careless.
Someone on Reddit extracted the choice and relationship screen assets. Just avoid the Walking Dead Game subreddit and you'll be fine.
Yeah, this freakout is expected, though. Probably coming from the same group that thinks these raiders are sexual slavers, lol. I mean it isn't like this game has the same ratings as The Witcher III, folks. Calm TF down.