Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Duck was put down on Halloween.

  • I don't remember the exact moment but In new Frontier Clementine says to Javier " You lived didn't you?" And if you tell Marlon it's taken it's toll he says the same thing to Clementine.

  • By my count it was on November 3.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Duck was put down on Halloween.

  • Well fuck the wiki then.

    That's also gonna mess with my upcoming meme.

    By my count it was on November 3.

  • To be fair, there's a lot of guessing involved, especially between 102 & 103. Their date is just as right as mine, I'm just biased.

    By my count, Clementine's birthday is October 30th. And she's born in 1994, meaning she'd turn 24 this year. Just a fun fact.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well fuck the wiki then. That's also gonna mess with my upcoming meme.

  • Hey. Hey-hey, remember when Telltale said no new characters would be introduced after Above the Law?

    Well they lied.

  • This does not count because this character is the same model as the other 'Barbie' characters, but in armour. Also, he had like two lines.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hey. Hey-hey, remember when Telltale said no new characters would be introduced after Above the Law? Well they lied.

  • Isn't he a character from the comics, though?

    This does not count because this character is the same model as the other 'Barbie' characters, but in armour. Also, he had like two lines.

  • I have no idea because I do not know much about the comics. Sorry.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Isn't he a character from the comics, though?

  • he's just a random guy from the Hilltop to help Jesus in the game,but you don't see him in the comics.
    Also i forgot how bad some characters look in this game,god this guy looks so fucking bad.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Isn't he a character from the comics, though?

  • Oh, okay.
    I assume him stopping to talk to Paul meant he was the Leader of the Knights or whatever. Also, I thought I recalled seeing a name I didn't recall in the credits once.

    iFoRias posted: »

    he's just a random guy from the Hilltop to help Jesus in the game,but you don't see him in the comics. Also i forgot how bad some characters look in this game,god this guy looks so fucking bad.

  • You should..probably read the comics,one day.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, okay. I assume him stopping to talk to Paul meant he was the Leader of the Knights or whatever. Also, I thought I recalled seeing a name I didn't recall in the credits once.

  • edited August 2018

    So, to tally the amount of [main] characters in each premiere episode(plus Ties that Bind Part 2) as of Done Running:

    A New Day=13


    (25 (previously 24), -12 minor including Ed, Steve(?), and Sam)

    1. Lee Everett
    2. Clementine
    3. Shawn Greene
    4. Chet (Alive, Determinant)
    5. Andre Mitchell (Determinant)
    6. Hershel Greene
    7. Kenny
    8. Katjaa
    9. Kenny Jr.
    10. Carley
    11. Glenn
    12. Lilly
    13. Larry
    14. Doug
    15. Irene
    16. Diana (Voice Only)
    17. Ed (Photograph)
    18. Sandra (Zombified)
    19. B. Everett (Zombified)
    20. Mr. Everett (Photograph)
    21. Mrs. Everett (Photograph)
    22. Steve (Voice Only)
    23. Unnamed Atlanta Police Officer
    24. Lee's Ex-Wife (Voice Only)
    25. Stranger (Cameo, Remastered Collection Only)

    All That Remains=9


    (20, -11 minor including Christa, Lee, Katjaa, and Duck)

    1. Clementine
    2. Christa
    3. Omid
    4. Luke
    5. Peter Joseph Randall
    6. Nick
    7. Alvin
    8. Rebecca
    9. Carlos
    10. Sarah
    11. Winston
    12. Michelle
    13. Victor
    14. Ralph
    15. Sam
    16. Lee Everett (Photograph)
    17. Kenny (Drawing)
    18. Katjaa (Drawing)
    19. Kenny Jr. (Drawing)
    20. Roman (Corpse)

    Ties that Bind Part 1=12


    (22, -10 minor not counting Marianna(temporarily) or AJ)

    1. Javier García
    2. Clementine
    3. Kate García
    4. Gabriel García
    5. Mariana García
    6. Kenny (Flashback, Determinant)
    7. Jane (Flashback, Determinant)
    8. Alvin Jr. (Flashback, No Lines)
    9. Edith (Flashback, Determinant)
    10. David García (Flashback)
    11. Hector García (Flashback)
    12. Salvador García (Flashback, Zombified)
    13. Mrs. García (Flashback)
    14. Max
    15. Badger
    16. Lonnie
    17. Rufus
    18. Tripp
    19. Francine
    20. Conrad
    21. Eli
    22. Eleanor

    Ties that Bind Part 2 aka Divided We Fall=13


    (15, -2 minor not counting AJ)

    1. Javier García
    2. Clementine
    3. Kate García
    4. Gabriel García
    5. David García
    6. Mariana García (Corpse, Determinant)
    7. Alvin Jr. (Flashback, No Lines)
    8. Tripp
    9. Eleanor
    10. Conrad
    11. Francine
    12. Paul Monroe
    13. Max
    14. Badger
    15. Ava (Flashback)

    Ties That Bind(Both Parts)=14 or 13 1/2


    See individual Parts

    Done Running=8 *


    (14, -6 minor including Rosie but not counting Assim, Pending season completion)

    1. Clementine
    2. Alvin Jr.
    3. Tennessee
    4. Violet
    5. Marlon
    6. Rosie
    7. Louis
    8. Brody
    9. Willy
    10. Aasim
    11. Ruby
    12. Mitch
    13. Omar
    14. Abel

    So, Season 1's A New Day(by itself) and/or A New Frontier's Ties That Bind(combined) have the most main characters introduced while Done Running has the least.

  • Wow. 6 years later and still there's some secret dialogue that I never knew about. Gotta give it to Telltale for hiding so many and us still discovering them after all this time.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Geez, how did we go from having too many girl characters to having a blatant smokie fest?

  • What do you mean?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Geez, how did we go from having too many girl characters to having a blatant smokie fest?

  • As you may remember me stating a few times in the past(including a thread that ultimately didn't get past the second page due in part to my own negligence) that there were a lot more, varied girl characters among the kids/youths of the collective cast than there were boys, much less many that strayed from the general formula they followed.

    Now all of a sudden, the Ericson delinquents of TFS are almost overwhelmingly males(or "Bro Town") of different ages, races, hobbys, and personalities, while their female counterparts are for the most part very few and not very developed.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    What do you mean?

  • Has it been mentioned before that if you wait while pointing the gun at Duck, he will eventually stop breathing and his head will drop?

    Can't find a single video of it on YouTube. I wish I'd recorded it myself and uploaded it.

  • I never knew this. Does the game still make you shoot him, or continues by itself?

    Stewart25 posted: »

    Has it been mentioned before that if you wait while pointing the gun at Duck, he will eventually stop breathing and his head will drop? Can't find a single video of it on YouTube. I wish I'd recorded it myself and uploaded it.

  • The game will just stay still until you press the button to shoot.

    I never knew this. Does the game still make you shoot him, or continues by itself?

  • It's possible for Kenny to chicken out of letting it get done.

    I never knew this. Does the game still make you shoot him, or continues by itself?

  • I actually did it my self I wanted to wait until he was dead before shooting.

    Stewart25 posted: »

    Has it been mentioned before that if you wait while pointing the gun at Duck, he will eventually stop breathing and his head will drop? Can't find a single video of it on YouTube. I wish I'd recorded it myself and uploaded it.

  • Can't you leave him to turn?

    Stewart25 posted: »

    Has it been mentioned before that if you wait while pointing the gun at Duck, he will eventually stop breathing and his head will drop? Can't find a single video of it on YouTube. I wish I'd recorded it myself and uploaded it.

  • As @awesomeguyrocks says, it'll just stay like that then until you shoot

    prink34320 posted: »

    Can't you leave him to turn?

  • You only leave Duck to turn if you stay silent when choosing who to do it or if you tell Kenny to do it and then don't say anything

    prink34320 posted: »

    Can't you leave him to turn?

  • Lee died on Nov 2nd

    By my count it was on November 3.

  • In Michonne, if you stayed silent during Norma’s questioning in Episode 1 and then you don’t say anything when made ask Greg the same questions, you are the one who gets hit

  • Interesting.

    supersagig posted: »

    In Michonne, if you stayed silent during Norma’s questioning in Episode 1 and then you don’t say anything when made ask Greg the same questions, you are the one who gets hit

  • I thought that Lee died somewhere on Nov 1st?

    The whole timeline is fecked ?

    By my count it was on November 3.

  • Prepare yourselves for an absolute bombshell of a story.

    So back when Gary Whitta was announced to be returning to help produce the Story for The Walking Dead: The Final Season he appeared on Kinda Funny Games along with Greg Miller. They discussed Gary Whitta's return to the Writers Room, The pressure of ending Clementine's journey on a satisfying note for her millions of fans and to do her character and her story justice by bringing it to a definitive conclusion.

    Gary Whitta then went on to discuss the Drop Ben/Pick Up Ben choice in Episode 4 of Season One and how they tailored the story to give players a legitimate reason to drop him as in early playtests nobody wanted to drop him. This turned out to be a broken choice as the objective was to have every choice be a 50/50 split or as close to that as possible. So Gary and the other writers' Solution was to have Ben endanger Clementine as the writers knew that players had such a strong connection to Clementine, so having Ben abandon her and put her at risk would lead to players wanting to drop him in the bell tower.

    Here is the link to the video ( Skip to 0:35:06)

    Apologies for the terrible explanation as I am quite bad at talking and putting my thoughts into words. Let me know what you guys think of the video :smile: Enjoy

  • They did the same to Kenny in S2. Not a lot of people chose the Shoot Kenny option so they went back and played with his character a bit

    Prepare yourselves for an absolute bombshell of a story. So back when Gary Whitta was announced to be returning to help produce the Story

  • edited September 2018

    Ava is voiced by Ally Johnson, not Ali Hillis.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And Ava!

  • I have a theory that this rewriting of Ben was actually responsible for the bullshit offscreen death of Chuck.

    See, we know from the AMA they did on reddit recently that Chuck was originally going to be in the episode more: he went with Lee and Kenny to look for a boat. This means the scene where Ben ran off and left Clementine (which is where Chuck stays behind and gets seperated) didn't originally happen until they decided to make Ben more unlikable. I assume he probably went down into the sewers with Lee and died in the same place his body is found in the actual episode, we just got to see it actually happen instead of coming across it.

    Prepare yourselves for an absolute bombshell of a story. So back when Gary Whitta was announced to be returning to help produce the Story

  • Oh, was she? My bad.
    You think I'd know the difference on sight. :confused:

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Ava is voiced by Ally Johnson, not Ali Hillis.

  • Really now? Wanna link that?

    Cheddarhead posted: »

    I have a theory that this rewriting of Ben was actually responsible for the bullshit offscreen death of Chuck. See, we know from the AMA

  • edited September 2018

    Telltale has dead ass used the same scene 3 times now god damn

    There are other ways to shock people that isnt surprise shooting them in the back of the head Telltale

  • Marlon looks very sad in that picture

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Telltale has dead ass used the same scene 3 times now god damn There are other ways to shock people that isnt surprise shooting them in the back of the head Telltale

  • he lookin kinda opie dopey ;'(

    MrGraffio posted: »

    Marlon looks very sad in that picture

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