Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • We need to go deeper.

    A spoiler within a spoiler? Wtf is this

  • Which is exactly what they said in the AMA, they didn't close the door but they did say they wouldn't continue it just for a cash grab.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Did you forget what happened to Tony Hawk's Pro Skater franchise? Pro Skater 5 is the only installment that isn't made by Neversoft and look

  • Sticking true to the original vision for the story. Your assumption that the implies the end of the series is just that, an assumption. Again I saw the AMA and when outright asked they wouldn't equivocally state this the end and neither does any of what was quoted say either. You are making assumptions. This may be the end but they have made it clear in the reddit ama that they have not made that decision yet.

    Skybound is literally saying they are sticking true to their original vision, this isn't a hard concept to get. I get that Denial is the fir

  • Well, if the original vision includes a definitive end to Clementine's story, and Skybound is planing on staying true to that original vision, then it's probably not a major leap to assume that Skybound is indeed allowing her story to end

    Jimayo posted: »

    Sticking true to the original vision for the story. Your assumption that the implies the end of the series is just that, an assumption. Ag

  • So any noteworthy news? Or is still nothing confirmed?

  • Other than the confirmation of Skybound taking over and work resuming as of last week, nothing new. Still no clue as to the new release dates, though I'm not surprised by that yet. I'd imagine we'll get something in regards to Episode 3, optimistically, by the end of next week, at worse, mid December before Christmas.

    So any noteworthy news? Or is still nothing confirmed?

  • Basically everything is confirmed except the release date. We know that Skybound hired as many ex staff as possible, we know they resumed work already, and we know that episode 3 is pretty much ready for the ratings review which usually happens about 2 weeks before release.

    So any noteworthy news? Or is still nothing confirmed?

  • And testing episode 3 & 4 are going forward since it has 0.01 in achivements

    Basically everything is confirmed except the release date. We know that Skybound hired as many ex staff as possible, we know they resumed wo

  • edited November 2018

    Skybound Games usually release news on monday or friday, right? So maybe we will get news this friday or next monday.

  • Any idea when episode 3 will be submitted for review?

    Basically everything is confirmed except the release date. We know that Skybound hired as many ex staff as possible, we know they resumed wo

  • It really do be like this

  • ...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It really do be like this

  • well doing a season 5 is impossible,this season is literally called the FINAL SEASON,they said that this is the end of Clem's story many times,but we might get some other walking dead games,with new characters and shit,pretty sure that's what Skybound wants to do.

    Also i'm pretty sure we're gonna get determinant endings this season,and clem is gonna die in one of them or something,so it's impossible for her to be in another game i don't know why people want that anyway that's stupid.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It really do be like this

  • Damnit I keep coming back here thinking the motifications are actual news.

  • This is the last season .. If Skybound wants to continue Clem's story they will..

  • One of the mods will update the thread title whenever anything important happens.

    Damnit I keep coming back here thinking the motifications are actual news.

  • The only way to have a definitive end to clem's story is to kill her. And I doubt was ever the case. You people seem to want telltale's end to clem's tale rather than taking a wait and see attitude like anyone who judges the actual facts would.

    Deltino posted: »

    Well, if the original vision includes a definitive end to Clementine's story, and Skybound is planing on staying true to that original vision, then it's probably not a major leap to assume that Skybound is indeed allowing her story to end

  • This season was called the final season by the previous owners. What previous the owner's wanted means jack at this point. How you people are incapable of simple fucking logic is beyond me.

    iFoRias posted: »

    well doing a season 5 is impossible,this season is literally called the FINAL SEASON,they said that this is the end of Clem's story many tim

  • I mean, yes, Skybound has total control of the story. If they want to change it, they can. However, the company has decided to stick with the original story Telltale has written. This is the final chapter of Clementine’s story. It’s a possibility that she may or may not die at the end of the series. That path is up to the players.

    Jimayo posted: »

    This season was called the final season by the previous owners. What previous the owner's wanted means jack at this point. How you people are incapable of simple fucking logic is beyond me.

  • Because we don’t want them to beat a dead horse and continue putting Clem into games when her story should have ended a while ago and they’ve done everything they could with her. It’s nit that we don’t love Clem, it’s often that we love her so much that we don’t want to see her dragged through the mud just so whoever makes the games can make a quick buck off of her popularity when she has no purpose in being there (cough ANF cough). And ending Clem’s story does not necessarily mean killing her.

    Jimayo posted: »

    The only way to have a definitive end to clem's story is to kill her. And I doubt was ever the case. You people seem to want telltale's end to clem's tale rather than taking a wait and see attitude like anyone who judges the actual facts would.

  • The previous owners are still the same owners. It’s the same development team, and hell, even the new company was the same company that assisted the old company when it came to making the story. Skybound had long agreed that this would be the end for Clem before Telltale went under, and again, they’re sticking true to that.

    Jimayo posted: »

    This season was called the final season by the previous owners. What previous the owner's wanted means jack at this point. How you people are incapable of simple fucking logic is beyond me.

  • Any idea when TFS returns to Steam?

  • Oh, there's plenty more ways to definitively end a story without having to kill the main character off. The problem is, we don't see those reasons much. And there's a simple reason for that: greed. If we didn't have people getting greedy and decided to milk franchises for all they're worth, we wouldn't have to resort to outright killing characters in order to stop people from shoving them into everything.

    And you're right-- I do want to see Clem's story end. I want to see a developer that shows genuine restraint and respect to their own narrative/story by ending it on their own terms, rather than ride it out. Not everything benefits from longevity.

    Jimayo posted: »

    The only way to have a definitive end to clem's story is to kill her. And I doubt was ever the case. You people seem to want telltale's end to clem's tale rather than taking a wait and see attitude like anyone who judges the actual facts would.

  • edited November 2018

    This is her final fucking season that's it they're not gonna put her in another game so stop dreaming.

    Like others said,we don't want them to fucking beat a dead horse,let them end her story stop asking them to make more seasons or to put her in another game for fuck's sake,no one wants that.

    Jimayo posted: »

    This season was called the final season by the previous owners. What previous the owner's wanted means jack at this point. How you people are incapable of simple fucking logic is beyond me.

  • Will you ever stop dreaming? What else is there to tell anyway? Season 4 is CLEMENTINE'S FINAL STORY, you either deal with it or keep being a denial which will never solve anything.

    Jimayo posted: »

    This season was called the final season by the previous owners. What previous the owner's wanted means jack at this point. How you people are incapable of simple fucking logic is beyond me.

  • edited November 2018

    The only way to have a definitive end to clem's story is to kill her.

    No, not at all. There a lot of ways to end a story without killing the protagonist.

    What's with the mindset that death is the only viable and definitive ending for Clementine? It's one possibility, sure, but stories can be so much more than that. I wouldn't mind if they killed her off, but i'd prefer it if they keep her alive. Not, because it could mean that we might see her again, but because it would make for a much more interesting ending, especially for a franchise that coats itself with the fact that everyone could die at any time.

    Giving Clementine an ending, where she lives a relatively boring and quiet life in Ericsson's would be so against everything we came to expect from the franchise, that it would work just on its own, if pulled off right, that is.

    An ending that leans itself more on the optimistic and hopeful side of the world is exactly what the franchise, Clementine as a character and us, the players, need. Ending this kind of story in a nihilistic way is easy especially in our current political and cultural climate that is basically build on nihilism, but refusing to do so and choosing to do it the other way is a much bolder choice, because it challanges the player to accept that despite how broken and horrible this world is - and we've seen plenty of it - that maybe -- just maybe everything is going to be ok.

    Jimayo posted: »

    The only way to have a definitive end to clem's story is to kill her. And I doubt was ever the case. You people seem to want telltale's end to clem's tale rather than taking a wait and see attitude like anyone who judges the actual facts would.

  • MKirkbride said on November 19 that work on TFS continues and telltale closure happened on September 21. That's 59 days. So is it incorrect to assume the delay should be 59 days? Which is, from Nov 6, January 4th 2019?

  • I'm all up for a new walking dead game in telltale stlye but any new game must not feature Clementine other wise the final season would be for noughing

  • Just change the name to The Walking Dead: The Not-so Final Season

    Jimayo posted: »

    This season was called the final season by the previous owners. What previous the owner's wanted means jack at this point. How you people are incapable of simple fucking logic is beyond me.

  • Again, unless clem dies, that doesn't mean it has to be an end. Sticking with the original story and ending clem's story are not the same thing.

    I mean, yes, Skybound has total control of the story. If they want to change it, they can. However, the company has decided to stick with th

  • Which, again, they already said they don't want to do. They said continuing clem's story as a mere cash grab is not something they want to do, while at the same time not closing the door. So they may continue clem's story if they can write a great story.

    Because we don’t want them to beat a dead horse and continue putting Clem into games when her story should have ended a while ago and they’v

  • But not everything benefits from ending either. Again I will point to the belgariad and the mallorean. The belgariad had a definitive ending and yet he decided to continue those character's story and the mallorean was fucking great too.

    I'll also point to the sword of truth, the omen machine and the nicci chronicles.

    The sword of truth was mostly good and after the closure of that series he continued with the omen machine which was fairly fucking good, then he ended those character's stories and moved on to secondary characters with the nicci chronicles which are dogshit. Continuing a good character's story is not necessarily a bad thing and moving on to other character's in the same universe is not necessarily a good thing.

    Deltino posted: »

    Oh, there's plenty more ways to definitively end a story without having to kill the main character off. The problem is, we don't see those r

  • I didn't ask them to. I asked whether they were going to follow telltale's lead on that and they refused to give an equivocal answer to that, so I am quite confident they are still considering whether this is the final season.

    iFoRias posted: »

    This is her final fucking season that's it they're not gonna put her in another game so stop dreaming. Like others said,we don't want the

  • Except, if you don't kill the protagonist you can always pick it back up, as has been shown time and time again in literature. You people should really read a lot more fantasy.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    The only way to have a definitive end to clem's story is to kill her. No, not at all. There a lot of ways to end a story without kil

  • edited November 2018

    But they won't, since this is The Final Season of Clem's story.

    I asked whether they were going to follow telltale's lead on that and they refused to give an equivocal answer to that

    Except that they did give you an equivocal answer to that.

    Jimayo posted: »

    Which, again, they already said they don't want to do. They said continuing clem's story as a mere cash grab is not something they want to

  • But the original story is ending Clem’s story.

    Jimayo posted: »

    Again, unless clem dies, that doesn't mean it has to be an end. Sticking with the original story and ending clem's story are not the same thing.

  • Just make her death determinant and be done with it, for fucks sake.

  • Bullshit!!! Look at Naughty Dog, they ended Nathan Drake's story with Uncharted 4 because there is no more story to tell and have NO plans to bring him back.

    Jimayo posted: »

    Except, if you don't kill the protagonist you can always pick it back up, as has been shown time and time again in literature. You people should really read a lot more fantasy.

  • That has no relevancy to what i'm saying.

    I'm talking about the deeper meaning of the world and her character in conjunction to a possible ending. You're talking about the future of Clementine in the game-franchise, which has no point to it, since it is the final season. That's a fact.

    Jimayo posted: »

    Except, if you don't kill the protagonist you can always pick it back up, as has been shown time and time again in literature. You people should really read a lot more fantasy.

  • edited November 2018

    But they made the Lost Legacy after it, which I think contributes to the point were all trying to make. The Final Season is the end for Clem's story. NOT the Walking dead game series. (Or maybe it is) point is that there could still be walking dead games after the final season. Just not with clem. @Jimayo

    AronDracula posted: »

    Bullshit!!! Look at Naughty Dog, they ended Nathan Drake's story with Uncharted 4 because there is no more story to tell and have NO plans to bring him back.

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