Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • Think it’s time to get hyped?

    Yea I can definitely see the reveal happen next week. I heard Skybound reveals news on monday or friday so its either tomorrow or friday when the news happens

  • I don't know, maybe?

    Think it’s time to get hyped?

  • Too late to ask homie, my hype is boarding on the train as we speak.

    Think it’s time to get hyped?

  • Not sure if there will be a trailer but I bet there will be screenshots or something to go along with the release dates. I doubt it’ll just be “oh hey here’s the dates.”

  • Ummm… Well for me, I enjoy a good underdog story. Lee's temper in a sad situation caused him to react in a way that destroyed his marriage, career, reputation, and possibly his family ties considering (if I remember correctly) he hadn't visited his folks in a while. He started at rock bottom, came across a lost young girl, and used that as an opportunity for a second chance to redeem himself at least on a personal level. Even though Clem's folks were found to be walkers after Lee was at his final minutes of living, he sort of did redeem himself by giving said young girl a second chance at living considering she would have starved to death if left where she originally was. Thus, the underdog sort of won.

    Clem has been the underdog since Lee mainly because of either her naïve nature to survival, her limitations due to age, and/or she has lost everything and is alone against the world. Her story has gone up and down (more down than up). Losing AJ inbetween the events of S2 and ANF was her lowest point. Finding out he was alive and up to now with TFS-episode 2 has been her slow and treacherous uphill battle. Thus why while I do understand that anything can happen with this final season, I am partial that she lives on even if that means having something happen to make it a bitter sweet ending to the story arc.

    I personally don't get gratification for her going through so much pain. I enjoy seeing the complexity of her character from the good to the bad. This is why I been longing for moments where we can see Clem be goofy and kid like to moments where we can truly see anger boil over. Most of her emotional diversity has been limited to sad faces, occasional crying, a little bit of bitterness, and a few chuckles sprinkled in. She hasn't really written in a way or situation where we can really see how varying her character can be (with ANF being a major missed opportunity). But that's just me...

    It's certainly the only game. I believe it's the reason why this series in particular has such an emotional and mental impact on and probably most of us here. It's incredibly masochistic.

  • Also the day a bunch of christmas gifts I shopped for come in the mail. Tomorrow Is gonna be an eventful day :)

    Monday, tomorrow, is the day we"ll get the release dates. I can feel it.

  • Until @VengefulKenny hints at something like he did last time, I’m not counting on news tomorrow.

  • Send new(D)s pls.......I'm desperito.........Jk

    gta3demon posted: »

    Until @VengefulKenny hints at something like he did last time, I’m not counting on news tomorrow.

  • Well, episode 3 is already finished, according to Melissa. I just can't see Skybound not revealing the release date tomorrow or friday.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Until @VengefulKenny hints at something like he did last time, I’m not counting on news tomorrow.

  • If we do get a release date and a trailer it would be a good week if you are a walking dead and marvel fan with the offical unveiling of avengers 4 title and Captain marvel first trailer as well

  • Don’t you mean second trailer for Captain Marvel

    donmike84 posted: »

    If we do get a release date and a trailer it would be a good week if you are a walking dead and marvel fan with the offical unveiling of avengers 4 title and Captain marvel first trailer as well

  • The game isn’t even back on sale yet. I figure that would come first

    Well, episode 3 is already finished, according to Melissa. I just can't see Skybound not revealing the release date tomorrow or friday.

  • If we don't get something this week, episode 3 is 100% coming out in 2019.

  • Maybe the release delay of ep3 is due to issues holding up the game's return to the digital storefronts.

  • edited December 2018

    This guy works for skybound and says two trailers coming this week.

  • Merry Christmas to us all!

    gta3demon posted: »

    https://twitter.com/woodytondorf/status/1069760767363186689 This guy works for skybound and says two trailers coming this week.

  • edited December 2018

    They just deleted that tweet :sweat_smile:

    gta3demon posted: »

    https://twitter.com/woodytondorf/status/1069760767363186689 This guy works for skybound and says two trailers coming this week.

  • Hype is rising again boys. Get your bodies ready.

  • Refreshing the subreddit every 15 mins really helps

  • edited December 2018

    The tweet was deleted, meaning Episodes 3 and 4 have obviously been cancelled.

    Everybody go home.

  • Absolute mad lad!

    The tweet was deleted, meaning Episodes 3 and 4 have obviously been cancelled. Everybody go home.

  • edited December 2018

    Trailers will probably be released on 6th december during the game awards

  • Skybound probably also went bankrupt. RIP.

    The tweet was deleted, meaning Episodes 3 and 4 have obviously been cancelled. Everybody go home.

  • Or at least one of them. Telltale has been using the Game Awards to announce their games for years. Skybound will probably do that, too.

    A lot of people will be watching this, so why shouldn't they use it. Can't wait.

    Trailers will probably be released on 6th december during the game awards

  • That’s actually a brilliant strategy. Think about how much hype and anticipation for the series has been lost due to Telltale closing and the long wait. To show off a trailer for its continuation at the Game Awards gets the word out to a larger audience and renews excitement for it.

    Trailers will probably be released on 6th december during the game awards

  • https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/skyboundgames/?appid=694720 Skybound Games is on Steam. Can we show our support by following them?

  • inb4 if there is a trailer, it ends with a release date of: "out shortly after the show".
    I mean, I wouldn't make a bet on it, but you never know.

    Trailers will probably be released on 6th december during the game awards

  • That would be awesome.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    inb4 if there is a trailer, it ends with a release date of: "out shortly after the show". I mean, I wouldn't make a bet on it, but you never know.

  • edited December 2018

    Imagine if that happened.
    pls kill

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Skybound probably also went bankrupt. RIP.

  • If you needed moe proof that the tweet was legit, Skybound released one of the trailers today. It's for a battle royale car game.

    So, one trailer left to go. And I doubt its released on the same day as their game, so thinking either Thursday or Friday.

  • Probably thursday.

    gta3demon posted: »

    If you needed moe proof that the tweet was legit, Skybound released one of the trailers today. It's for a battle royale car game. So, one

  • If it did, then The Walking Dead would have to be cursed because it kills every company that does something with it lmao. Next up would be AMC.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Imagine if that happened. pls kill

  • Oh it definitely would be. It'd be similar to Breath of the Wild's dlc dropping right after TGA last year.

    That would be awesome.

  • therell be walking dead trailer at the game Awards because last time a Telltale game was shown at the game awards that game sold like crazy amirit??

  • Tfw stay tuned means wait another 6 months

    gta3demon posted: »


  • they already released the first trailer and it's about a car game,so i think we're gonna get the trailer in 2 days at the game awards,and we're gonna get the episode on Christmas

    remember they said in that other tweet "don't say we didn't get you anything"

    so yeah,that's my prediction.

    gta3demon posted: »


  • That would certainly be one hell of a Christmas present. I still see it coming out on the 18th, if they're sticking to the Tuesday releases.

    iFoRias posted: »

    they already released the first trailer and it's about a car game,so i think we're gonna get the trailer in 2 days at the game awards,and we

  • A trailer for episode 3 at the game awards? What about who didn't play episode 1 and 2?

    iFoRias posted: »

    they already released the first trailer and it's about a car game,so i think we're gonna get the trailer in 2 days at the game awards,and we

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