Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • So... any news if walking dead will be present in the VGA?

  • I'm getting the feeling we are being trolled here.....JUST a feeling

  • No but VK is skeptical so that’s enough for me to say it’s not happening

    ronald95 posted: »

    So... any news if walking dead will be present in the VGA?

  • Great we got nothing

  • Worst Game Awards ever and it's not just because we got nothing from Telltale.

  • Skybound you mean

    AronDracula posted: »

    Worst Game Awards ever and it's not just because we got nothing from Telltale.

  • Yeah

    Erinour posted: »

    Skybound you mean

  • That might be a good thing, as that means we’re getting the episode this month.

    Erinour posted: »

    Great we got nothing

  • I’m still betting on it being released tomorrow

  • edited December 2018

    I don't understand the notion that if they release the trailer somehow EP 3 won't come this month? But if they don't release the trailer, that means it will...?

    The notion should be that if NO trailer is dropped then EP 3 is certainly not coming around any time soon.

    10 times out of 10 a trailer being dropped means the game is coming pretty soon.

  • I wonder why didn't Ian say which of that was true; like does he have to keep us so puzzled?

    There's two possibilities right now. * We get the trailer today or tomorrow and the game comes out in January * We don't get the trail

  • Well Ian Howe did say, in response to someone saying that we’re getting a trailer this week and the episode this month, that only some of that was true. Naturally, we’re coming to the conclusion that we’ll get a trailer, but the episode won’t be out until January, or there isn’t a trailer and the episode will be out this month.

    I don't understand the notion that if they release the trailer somehow EP 3 won't come this month? But if they don't release the trailer, t

  • Maybe we will get episodes 3 and 4 at the same tiime

  • The Discord is The Walking Dead Game correct?

  • Mostly, but you're free to talking about anything you want in specific channels.
    Beware the leaks

    The Discord is The Walking Dead Game correct?

  • Damn, people just love to leak. But thank you for the info!

    Mostly, but you're free to talking about anything you want in specific channels. Beware the leaks

  • Episode 3 isn't even rated.

    Next year 100%.

  • No.

    donmike84 posted: »

    Maybe we will get episodes 3 and 4 at the same tiime

  • There are leaks?

    Mostly, but you're free to talking about anything you want in specific channels. Beware the leaks

  • edited December 2018

    My best bet is that Episode 3 is coming out January 8.

  • So, how bout that Award Show trailer?

  • Teehee Nicki Rapp (voice of Lilly) teased more work on TWD with her latest post, just like the guy whose tweet was deleted with the picture of clementines. She put the caption “just oranges”

  • Didn't happen :(

    DabigRG posted: »

    So, how bout that Award Show trailer?

  • Nooo.....

    Didn't happen

  • I really hope we get a trailer or release date today, I am more than willing to wait longer for Episode 3, but I would be extremely happy if we got some news

  • Yea me too. A trailer would be nice. Just to get us a little more hyped after two months of waiting :)

    I really hope we get a trailer or release date today, I am more than willing to wait longer for Episode 3, but I would be extremely happy if we got some news

  • From what I've heard people talking about there. There was a specific role you could give yourself to see the leaks in discussion but I kept away from it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    There are leaks?

  • Agreed, let's see what happens bro, fingers crossed :smile:

    Yea me too. A trailer would be nice. Just to get us a little more hyped after two months of waiting

  • Well, I was certain a trailer would come today. Looks like not. Disappointing.

  • I want episode 3, and I want it NOW!!1!!1!

  • Yea, I thought that too. :( :(

    gta3demon posted: »

    Well, I was certain a trailer would come today. Looks like not. Disappointing.

  • Could be leaked still, who knows.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Well, I was certain a trailer would come today. Looks like not. Disappointing.


    I want episode 3, and I want it NOW!!1!!1!

  • Skybound Games’s YouTube channel has a playlist of trailers for their games, and there is a private video that was updated yesterday.

  • Oh shit!

    Skybound Games’s YouTube channel has a playlist of trailers for their games, and there is a private video that was updated yesterday.

  • edited December 2018

    Seems like the trailer’s not coming out today, so here’s a fan-made one:

    I believe he did a great job. I really enjoyed it!

  • That's for sure it, but that doesn't mean anything. We know a trailer was coming, but when they release it is the mystery.

  • I’m sorry, but I’m a little confused about what you’re speaking about.

    gta3demon posted: »

    That's for sure it, but that doesn't mean anything. We know a trailer was coming, but when they release it is the mystery.

  • I think they mean that a trailer was always going to be released, but the exact date of when the trailer will be released is something that none of us know at the moment

    I’m sorry, but I’m a little confused about what you’re speaking about.

  • Ahh! I understand. I’m a bit tired, so some things that I read are a bit confusing.

    I think they mean that a trailer was always going to be released, but the exact date of when the trailer will be released is something that none of us know at the moment

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