I tried using the same argument to people, and all I got was "Then that means her Story isn't over", " it doesn't look like you pay much attention to The Walking Dead" and "have you seen Alexandria, The Hilltop and all of the other communities that eventually fell?" as well as other varying statements that disagreed with my stance.
I share the same view as you in regards to how The Final Season should end, The Walking Dead may be a grim world where suffering is plentiful and death is constant, but happiness can still exist and life can progress.
The way I view The Walking Dead is that it is a story of hope where people who had no special statuses in the old world, are given the opportunity to shape the world into a better place, and to bring out the humanity in a world full of dead. While Communities like Alexandria and The Hilltop have fallen numerous times, they were rebuilt and better fortified than ever before, that is how life progresses and how life has progressed over the history of the world.
The only way to have a definitive end to clem's story is to kill her.
No, not at all. There a lot of ways to end a story without kil… moreling the protagonist.
What's with the mindset that death is the only viable and definitive ending for Clementine? It's one possibility, sure, but stories can be so much more than that. I wouldn't mind if they killed her off, but i'd prefer it if they keep her alive. Not, because it could mean that we might see her again, but because it would make for a much more interesting ending, especially for a franchise that coats itself with the fact that everyone could die at any time.
Giving Clementine an ending, where she lives a relatively boring and quiet life in Ericsson's would be so against everything we came to expect from the franchise, that it would work just on its own, if pulled off right, that is.
An ending that leans itself more on the optimistic and hopeful side of the world is exactly what … [view original content]
But the original story was to bring Clementine's Story to an end, sticking to the original Story means they are still ending Clementine's Story, and whether or not she dies, it is the conclusion to her Story
What's funny about this whole Clem argument is that I don't think @Jimayo is desperate for a new Clem game, and that's what a lot are failing to understand, but in my opinion he/she is acting really dumb in bothering to argue this case. It's like getting bossed around by your mum and then manipulating/finding holes or exploitable parts in her words to her when she comes back to argue why you didn't complete the instruction. Bad example, I know. Although this is a debatable topic, we all, including Jimayo are quite sure that there won't be another Clem game, it's just that he/she is for seemingly no reason, trying to argue his/her point about such a thing.
This exactly. I mean even though i'm a strong advocate for this kind of ending, I won't hate the game if they decide to kill her off instead.
It's just that I feel like the franchise - especially the games and the tv show - has been stuck in this "everything is horrible, dark and dire" state, which holds the franchise back a little by seemingly limiting the stories you can tell in that world.
For me, The Walking Dead has always been primarily about the tone, theme and atmosphere of the world and the characters that inhabit it and they do a pretty good job creating this world, but I feel like the world feels objectively the same for every character, which is kind of a missed opportunity, because since the franchise is so character-driven, that kind of subjectivity that comes with those vastly different characters isn't really represented in the way how this world feels. This is especially apparent in the tv show which features different point-of-view characters over the nine seasons, but the atmosphere feels just the same regardless through which character's eyes we see that world.
Here's an example: character A is more of a cowardish and easy to scare character that gets overwhelmed pretty fast. He gets into a sudden and surprising fight with a couple of walkers and that character is scared, which is mirrored by the way this fight is filmed. It's very unfocused, because he is unfocused. There's also a heavy use of shaky cam and fast cuts to further show how much that character is struggling.
Now character B is basically a master of fighting walkers. He has a lot of experience and is generelly a good fighter. He gets into the exact same fight and this is nothing special to him. The camera-work stays calm, steady and focused with much fewer cuts and longer takes, because this character has total control over this situation.
This kind of subjectivity in the presentation does exist in the show and the game, but only in key moments, like Lee's final walk to the Marsh House in S1. It does have a relatively high amount of cuts, but you still feel like you're alwas in control, because in that moment Lee isn't afraid, which is also represented by the fact that you can pretty much choose which walker to kill next and you have a relatively long time to choose.
Another interesting example is the last fight in Suffer the Children, where you have complete control over Clem. When I watched some let's plays I would often see how those players become overwhelmed with that situation and it showed. That whole scene felt really different, much more chaotic when played by these people. But when I played the episode in my second playthrough, it was pretty focused and much less flawed, because I knew what would happen. Videogames are generally pretty fantastic at giving the player a rather subjective experience and that fight is probably the best showcase from the Telltale games.
The tv show, however, mostly uses the same filming technique for most of it's fights. Well, except for the mid-season finale of season 9.
That last fight with Jesus was really good, because it felt so different. It was much more focused and less hectic presented than usual. The best example of how to integrate this kind of subjective presentation into the actual characters is when Aaron shouts at Jesus to come to the gate. That walk by Jesus is a single take with no cuts, because he just fucked up several walkers without problems just before - even with some sick slowmotion moves. Now he's just walking out of there with only two walkers in his way. He casually finished off the first one and swings his sword to kill the second walker, but that walker dodges his attack and stabs him, which resulted in a cut in the moment where Jesus realises that he's not in control anymore. But then there's another few seconds long longtake as the whisperer whispers something into his ears, but Jesus is already dying, followed by another high amount of cuts during Michonne's and Magna's fight against the whisperers. This is just fantastic.
I'm sorry for the long text, but I really needed to get that out of my chest. Please don't hate me now :P
I tried using the same argument to people, and all I got was "Then that means her Story isn't over", " it doesn't look like you pay much att… moreention to The Walking Dead" and "have you seen Alexandria, The Hilltop and all of the other communities that eventually fell?" as well as other varying statements that disagreed with my stance.
I share the same view as you in regards to how The Final Season should end, The Walking Dead may be a grim world where suffering is plentiful and death is constant, but happiness can still exist and life can progress.
The way I view The Walking Dead is that it is a story of hope where people who had no special statuses in the old world, are given the opportunity to shape the world into a better place, and to bring out the humanity in a world full of dead. While Communities like Alexandria and The Hilltop have fallen numerous times, they were rebuilt and better fortified than ever before, that is how life prog… [view original content]
Thank you for the reply. And I do agree, There is more to The Walking Dead than meets the eye. Walkers are simply an obstacle to overcome in order to achieve the reestablishment of society, and while characters such as Rick, Clementine, Carl, Michonne are heavily outnumbered by the dead, it doesn't mean that they will not succeed in making the world a better place, it just means that it may take a while, but that point will eventually be reached.
There are numerous points in history where good people have been outnumbered and outgunned, but they pushed through it in hope for the future of the world, and look at the world today, thanks to their efforts. Sure they didn't have to face a large group of zombies, but if humanity was put in such a situation, I have little to no doubt that there would be people who would make it through it and use their Hope as a drive to keep them going.
So to get back on topic as to what we were talking about, I am fairly confident that Clementine will survive The Final Season, it is the best way to end her Story, we spent Four Seasons protecting and looking out for Clementine, so to see her die would leave the efforts of the player completely null and void. Sure, lessons would be passed on to AJ, but the time and effort, the journey, all of the things we as the player went through with Clementine, would pretty much become null if Clementine dies, and while her death may give the complete 100% guarantee that Clementine will not return in future instalments, I am fairly sure that the devs said that it is the end of Clementine's Story, so with it being the end, there are no roads set up for the future of her character. And with Skybound now owning the rights to the game, as well as showing they intend on staying true to the original vision, not to mention playing a part in designing the Story and conclusion, they would keep things the same as they were and give Clementine the conclusion they have planned and stand by it. I am confident that she will survive.
And I really don't mean to drag out this comment by saying this, but that segment of yours where the steadiness and quality of the camerawork when focusing on certain characters with different abilities and capabilities is really interesting and never really noticed it, it is actually such an interesting and cool feature to be honest
This exactly. I mean even though i'm a strong advocate for this kind of ending, I won't hate the game if they decide to kill her off instead… more.
It's just that I feel like the franchise - especially the games and the tv show - has been stuck in this "everything is horrible, dark and dire" state, which holds the franchise back a little by seemingly limiting the stories you can tell in that world.
For me, The Walking Dead has always been primarily about the tone, theme and atmosphere of the world and the characters that inhabit it and they do a pretty good job creating this world, but I feel like the world feels objectively the same for every character, which is kind of a missed opportunity, because since the franchise is so character-driven, that kind of subjectivity that comes with those vastly different characters isn't really represented in the way how this world feels. This is especially apparent in the tv show which features different … [view original content]
Thank you for the reply. And I do agree, There is more to The Walking Dead than meets the eye. Walkers are simply an obstacle to overcome in… more order to achieve the reestablishment of society, and while characters such as Rick, Clementine, Carl, Michonne are heavily outnumbered by the dead, it doesn't mean that they will not succeed in making the world a better place, it just means that it may take a while, but that point will eventually be reached.
There are numerous points in history where good people have been outnumbered and outgunned, but they pushed through it in hope for the future of the world, and look at the world today, thanks to their efforts. Sure they didn't have to face a large group of zombies, but if humanity was put in such a situation, I have little to no doubt that there would be people who would make it through it and use their Hope as a drive to keep them going.
So to get back on topic as to what we were talking about… [view original content]
One thing I love about walking dead zombies aka walkers are not the main focus of the story first is character and story development second survival and third walkers
Since we're talking about things we like regarding TWD, I've always been a fan of how, for the most part, the game has been a bit more... grounded?
I mean, take a look at the TV series: pretty much all the main characters are super competent, almost all of them have killed numerous walkers and people, and they've all had at least one moment where they've gone all one man army on something or someone. If anything, they're almost too competent.
In the game, while there's still capable fighters here and there, the combat prowess of most characters is a bit more reigned in. It also makes the scenes where someone does go completely ham on zombies/people more impacting, like Lee's infamous gauntlet scene. It's a lot less impactful when you have characters constantly running around headshotting everything and bailing themselves out of dangerous situations that should have given them a bit more trouble than they did. If this is the standard fare for the characters, why bother feeling tension? Is there anyone that still feels fear/tension when Daryl finds himself in a fight? Even when he's losing, you know he's gonna somehow get out of it without much difficulty. Even with Clementine there's still scenes where there's a bit more tension, because we have been shown that she's not able to take on much more than 3 or 4 walkers at the same time, nor a fully grown adult without resorting to using the environment/her wits.
Beyond that, there's a tad bit less ridiculousness or over the top elements, at least in my opinion. Comic and show have an eccentric king with a pet tiger, a group of primitivist savages wearing walker skin, a dangerous sociopath with a baseball bat that likes to swear a lot, large scale fights and wars between communities, and so on.
Some people might consider the game's smaller scope a weakness, but I think it benefits from honing in on a more specific group of people at a time. And as the seasons progressed, we've seen the sense of scope increase somewhat. ANF in particular is probably the most TV show-esque season in that regard; it's got some more zany elements, warring factions, a broader scope, a higher focus on action, and all that stuff.
Now that's not to say the game isn't guilty of occasional BS or wacky elements, but I feel like it's resorted to those elements the least out of the three mediums. And I kinda respect it for that.
Please tell me I ain't the only one that feels like this. Or that I'm at least making sense here.
@Deltino Since we're talking about things we like regarding TWD, I've always been a fan of how, for the most part, the game has been a bit more... grounded?
Yeah, that's a pretty good baseline for why I ended up liking the game and a good chunk of why Season 2 & ANF felt like half-cooked, drudgey letdowns unfortunately.
Beyond that, there's a tad bit less ridiculousness or over the top elements, at least in my opinion.
Oooh yeah.
Please tell me I ain't the only one that feels like this. Or that I'm at least making sense here.
One thing I love about walking dead zombies aka walkers are not the main focus of the story first is character and story development second survival and third walkers
Yeah, that's a pretty good baseline for why I ended up liking the game and a good chunk of why Season 2 & ANF felt like half-cooked, drudgey letdowns unfortunately.
I’d say S2 is pretty grounded, maybe not as much as S1 but it definitely does a better job then ANF. While a lot of people didn’t like the constant trend of rapidly killing off characters in S2, it definitely added to the whole “Anyone can die” theme, yea Clementine was definitely not going to die in episodes 1-4 but when No Going Back came around anything was possible. The only big issue a lot of people have with realism/grounded feeling in S2 is how Clementine is way to capable as an 11 year old girl. However I find this flaw to be blown way out of proportion a lot of the time and it’s not like Season 1 didn’t have any similar issues either.
@Deltino Since we're talking about things we like regarding TWD, I've always been a fan of how, for the most part, the game has been a bit m… moreore... grounded?
Yeah, that's a pretty good baseline for why I ended up liking the game and a good chunk of why Season 2 & ANF felt like half-cooked, drudgey letdowns unfortunately.
Beyond that, there's a tad bit less ridiculousness or over the top elements, at least in my opinion.
Oooh yeah.
Please tell me I ain't the only one that feels like this. Or that I'm at least making sense here.
Nah, you ain't.
Some people might consider the game's smaller scope a weakness
I consider this its biggest strength and is honestly the main reason I prefer the games way more then the other mediums. The comic and show have gotten to the point where I just remember characters by their faces and it’s very infuriating when the show or comics expect you to remember all these useless characters. The TV shows puts to much emphasis on them (Tara bottle episode). I mean the show literally got rid of their main character.
Since we're talking about things we like regarding TWD, I've always been a fan of how, for the most part, the game has been a bit more... gr… moreounded?
I mean, take a look at the TV series: pretty much all the main characters are super competent, almost all of them have killed numerous walkers and people, and they've all had at least one moment where they've gone all one man army on something or someone. If anything, they're almost too competent.
In the game, while there's still capable fighters here and there, the combat prowess of most characters is a bit more reigned in. It also makes the scenes where someone does go completely ham on zombies/people more impacting, like Lee's infamous gauntlet scene. It's a lot less impactful when you have characters constantly running around headshotting everything and bailing themselves out of dangerous situations that should have given them a bit more trouble than they did. If this is the standard far… [view original content]
Yah. Having less is more, and has really benefited this game. Maybe it's why the series always emphasizes that things are better with fewer people. More time to focus on small details, less frantic hopping from one topic to another to give it screen time. Better fitting the prefix that all of what humanity had before is gone, public safety, politics, structured society, things that should be addressed as a past thought in the land of the dead. Not saying that having these big communities is bad, but having too many things on the stage at ounce it makes it hard for one thing to stand out when everything else is fighting for attention too.
Like a pen full of puppies, they're all jumping out at you, yelping your ears, but you only want that one special puppy you can bond with. And it's usually the puppy that came first, the shy one.
Since we're talking about things we like regarding TWD, I've always been a fan of how, for the most part, the game has been a bit more... gr… moreounded?
I mean, take a look at the TV series: pretty much all the main characters are super competent, almost all of them have killed numerous walkers and people, and they've all had at least one moment where they've gone all one man army on something or someone. If anything, they're almost too competent.
In the game, while there's still capable fighters here and there, the combat prowess of most characters is a bit more reigned in. It also makes the scenes where someone does go completely ham on zombies/people more impacting, like Lee's infamous gauntlet scene. It's a lot less impactful when you have characters constantly running around headshotting everything and bailing themselves out of dangerous situations that should have given them a bit more trouble than they did. If this is the standard far… [view original content]
Yeah? What're people going to talk about? There's no release dates so there is no hype for episode 3. There's no point in talking about what could happen in ep 3, because we've done that already.
Yeah? What're people going to talk about? There's no release dates so there is no hype for episode 3. There's no point in talking about what could happen in ep 3, because we've done that already.
when you forget that TWD even exists because you don't get Twitter notifications anymore and you check back on the forum all excited after months and absolutely nothing has happened
but then you realize you can now spend the next two months in total bliss again before realizing that this franchise is in fact a thing
however simultaneously you realize that two months from now nothing will have happened either
when you forget that TWD even exists because you don't get Twitter notifications anymore and you check back on the forum all excited after m… moreonths and absolutely nothing has happened
but then you realize you can now spend the next two months in total bliss again before realizing that this franchise is in fact a thing
however simultaneously you realize that two months from now nothing will have happened either
when you forget that TWD even exists because you don't get Twitter notifications anymore and you check back on the forum all excited after m… moreonths and absolutely nothing has happened
but then you realize you can now spend the next two months in total bliss again before realizing that this franchise is in fact a thing
however simultaneously you realize that two months from now nothing will have happened either
So they resumed actual hands-on work on Episode 3 and 4 two weeks ago. If we're going by supposed indications that Episode 3 only needed bug work and some final touches, My optimistic guess would be by Friday we'll get an update.
I'm just curious: has any other entertainment medium had an overarching story that follows a child that has gone through as much or more devastation as Clementine? I know there have been a several stories of teens in some sort of captivity by an evil entity and they break out yadda, yadda, yadda. What I'm talking about is an individual child character dealing with survival, independence, physical to emotional pain, psychologically scarring events, and having to care for others for a period of several years. Outside of real life stories I heard about children in war torn countries, I haven't seen much in fiction. Just curious; wonder if someone might mention something I want to look into.
I'm just curious: has any other entertainment medium had an overarching story that follows a child that has gone through as much or more dev… moreastation as Clementine? I know there have been a several stories of teens in some sort of captivity by an evil entity and they break out yadda, yadda, yadda. What I'm talking about is an individual child character dealing with survival, independence, physical to emotional pain, psychologically scarring events, and having to care for others for a period of several years. Outside of real life stories I heard about children in war torn countries, I haven't seen much in fiction. Just curious; wonder if someone might mention something I want to look into.
Anybody else here miss the interesting conversations/arguments/threads we had before ? I hope episode 3 comes out soon so this forum can live again a little.
Also i really miss all those cool people who left or got banned from the forums and never came back.
Honestly, I don't think there will be any other trailers. The people who made the trailers and stuff like that were their own separate part of Telltale, and while I'm sure Skybound's marketing and PR team could make a trailer, I just don't see it happening. I feel like the release dates will just be announced on twitter, maybe some screenshots, but no trailer.
I can feel it too. If not tomorrow, then definitely this week. I saw a post on reddit where someone overheard Melissa talking to a fan about the release date, and she said it’s done, they are just waiting for when they want it to be released.
I can feel it too. If not tomorrow, then definitely this week. I saw a post on reddit where someone overheard Melissa talking to a fan about the release date, and she said it’s done, they are just waiting for when they want it to be released.
Yea I can definitely see the reveal happen next week. I heard Skybound reveals news on monday or friday so its either tomorrow or friday when the news happens
I tried using the same argument to people, and all I got was "Then that means her Story isn't over", " it doesn't look like you pay much attention to The Walking Dead" and "have you seen Alexandria, The Hilltop and all of the other communities that eventually fell?" as well as other varying statements that disagreed with my stance.
I share the same view as you in regards to how The Final Season should end, The Walking Dead may be a grim world where suffering is plentiful and death is constant, but happiness can still exist and life can progress.
The way I view The Walking Dead is that it is a story of hope where people who had no special statuses in the old world, are given the opportunity to shape the world into a better place, and to bring out the humanity in a world full of dead. While Communities like Alexandria and The Hilltop have fallen numerous times, they were rebuilt and better fortified than ever before, that is how life progresses and how life has progressed over the history of the world.
Apologies for the long comment
But the original story was to bring Clementine's Story to an end, sticking to the original Story means they are still ending Clementine's Story, and whether or not she dies, it is the conclusion to her Story
Cabin fever has definitely set in...
What's funny about this whole Clem argument is that I don't think @Jimayo is desperate for a new Clem game, and that's what a lot are failing to understand, but in my opinion he/she is acting really dumb in bothering to argue this case. It's like getting bossed around by your mum and then manipulating/finding holes or exploitable parts in her words to her when she comes back to argue why you didn't complete the instruction. Bad example, I know. Although this is a debatable topic, we all, including Jimayo are quite sure that there won't be another Clem game, it's just that he/she is for seemingly no reason, trying to argue his/her point about such a thing.
@ everyone in this fucking thread right now
This exactly. I mean even though i'm a strong advocate for this kind of ending, I won't hate the game if they decide to kill her off instead.
It's just that I feel like the franchise - especially the games and the tv show - has been stuck in this "everything is horrible, dark and dire" state, which holds the franchise back a little by seemingly limiting the stories you can tell in that world.
For me, The Walking Dead has always been primarily about the tone, theme and atmosphere of the world and the characters that inhabit it and they do a pretty good job creating this world, but I feel like the world feels objectively the same for every character, which is kind of a missed opportunity, because since the franchise is so character-driven, that kind of subjectivity that comes with those vastly different characters isn't really represented in the way how this world feels. This is especially apparent in the tv show which features different point-of-view characters over the nine seasons, but the atmosphere feels just the same regardless through which character's eyes we see that world.
Here's an example: character A is more of a cowardish and easy to scare character that gets overwhelmed pretty fast. He gets into a sudden and surprising fight with a couple of walkers and that character is scared, which is mirrored by the way this fight is filmed. It's very unfocused, because he is unfocused. There's also a heavy use of shaky cam and fast cuts to further show how much that character is struggling.
Now character B is basically a master of fighting walkers. He has a lot of experience and is generelly a good fighter. He gets into the exact same fight and this is nothing special to him. The camera-work stays calm, steady and focused with much fewer cuts and longer takes, because this character has total control over this situation.
This kind of subjectivity in the presentation does exist in the show and the game, but only in key moments, like Lee's final walk to the Marsh House in S1. It does have a relatively high amount of cuts, but you still feel like you're alwas in control, because in that moment Lee isn't afraid, which is also represented by the fact that you can pretty much choose which walker to kill next and you have a relatively long time to choose.
Another interesting example is the last fight in Suffer the Children, where you have complete control over Clem. When I watched some let's plays I would often see how those players become overwhelmed with that situation and it showed. That whole scene felt really different, much more chaotic when played by these people. But when I played the episode in my second playthrough, it was pretty focused and much less flawed, because I knew what would happen. Videogames are generally pretty fantastic at giving the player a rather subjective experience and that fight is probably the best showcase from the Telltale games.
The tv show, however, mostly uses the same filming technique for most of it's fights. Well, except for the mid-season finale of season 9.
That last fight with Jesus was really good, because it felt so different. It was much more focused and less hectic presented than usual. The best example of how to integrate this kind of subjective presentation into the actual characters is when Aaron shouts at Jesus to come to the gate. That walk by Jesus is a single take with no cuts, because he just fucked up several walkers without problems just before - even with some sick slowmotion moves. Now he's just walking out of there with only two walkers in his way. He casually finished off the first one and swings his sword to kill the second walker, but that walker dodges his attack and stabs him, which resulted in a cut in the moment where Jesus realises that he's not in control anymore. But then there's another few seconds long longtake as the whisperer whispers something into his ears, but Jesus is already dying, followed by another high amount of cuts during Michonne's and Magna's fight against the whisperers. This is just fantastic.
I'm sorry for the long text, but I really needed to get that out of my chest. Please don't hate me now :P
Thank you for the reply. And I do agree, There is more to The Walking Dead than meets the eye. Walkers are simply an obstacle to overcome in order to achieve the reestablishment of society, and while characters such as Rick, Clementine, Carl, Michonne are heavily outnumbered by the dead, it doesn't mean that they will not succeed in making the world a better place, it just means that it may take a while, but that point will eventually be reached.
There are numerous points in history where good people have been outnumbered and outgunned, but they pushed through it in hope for the future of the world, and look at the world today, thanks to their efforts. Sure they didn't have to face a large group of zombies, but if humanity was put in such a situation, I have little to no doubt that there would be people who would make it through it and use their Hope as a drive to keep them going.
So to get back on topic as to what we were talking about, I am fairly confident that Clementine will survive The Final Season, it is the best way to end her Story, we spent Four Seasons protecting and looking out for Clementine, so to see her die would leave the efforts of the player completely null and void. Sure, lessons would be passed on to AJ, but the time and effort, the journey, all of the things we as the player went through with Clementine, would pretty much become null if Clementine dies, and while her death may give the complete 100% guarantee that Clementine will not return in future instalments, I am fairly sure that the devs said that it is the end of Clementine's Story, so with it being the end, there are no roads set up for the future of her character. And with Skybound now owning the rights to the game, as well as showing they intend on staying true to the original vision, not to mention playing a part in designing the Story and conclusion, they would keep things the same as they were and give Clementine the conclusion they have planned and stand by it. I am confident that she will survive.
And I really don't mean to drag out this comment by saying this, but that segment of yours where the steadiness and quality of the camerawork when focusing on certain characters with different abilities and capabilities is really interesting and never really noticed it, it is actually such an interesting and cool feature to be honest
One thing I love about walking dead zombies aka walkers are not the main focus of the story first is character and story development second survival and third walkers
Since we're talking about things we like regarding TWD, I've always been a fan of how, for the most part, the game has been a bit more... grounded?
I mean, take a look at the TV series: pretty much all the main characters are super competent, almost all of them have killed numerous walkers and people, and they've all had at least one moment where they've gone all one man army on something or someone. If anything, they're almost too competent.
In the game, while there's still capable fighters here and there, the combat prowess of most characters is a bit more reigned in. It also makes the scenes where someone does go completely ham on zombies/people more impacting, like Lee's infamous gauntlet scene. It's a lot less impactful when you have characters constantly running around headshotting everything and bailing themselves out of dangerous situations that should have given them a bit more trouble than they did. If this is the standard fare for the characters, why bother feeling tension? Is there anyone that still feels fear/tension when Daryl finds himself in a fight? Even when he's losing, you know he's gonna somehow get out of it without much difficulty. Even with Clementine there's still scenes where there's a bit more tension, because we have been shown that she's not able to take on much more than 3 or 4 walkers at the same time, nor a fully grown adult without resorting to using the environment/her wits.
Beyond that, there's a tad bit less ridiculousness or over the top elements, at least in my opinion. Comic and show have an eccentric king with a pet tiger, a group of primitivist savages wearing walker skin, a dangerous sociopath with a baseball bat that likes to swear a lot, large scale fights and wars between communities, and so on.
Some people might consider the game's smaller scope a weakness, but I think it benefits from honing in on a more specific group of people at a time. And as the seasons progressed, we've seen the sense of scope increase somewhat. ANF in particular is probably the most TV show-esque season in that regard; it's got some more zany elements, warring factions, a broader scope, a higher focus on action, and all that stuff.
Now that's not to say the game isn't guilty of occasional BS or wacky elements, but I feel like it's resorted to those elements the least out of the three mediums. And I kinda respect it for that.
Please tell me I ain't the only one that feels like this. Or that I'm at least making sense here.
Yeah, that's a pretty good baseline for why I ended up liking the game and a good chunk of why Season 2 & ANF felt like half-cooked, drudgey letdowns unfortunately.
Oooh yeah.
Nah, you ain't.
I’d say S2 is pretty grounded, maybe not as much as S1 but it definitely does a better job then ANF. While a lot of people didn’t like the constant trend of rapidly killing off characters in S2, it definitely added to the whole “Anyone can die” theme, yea Clementine was definitely not going to die in episodes 1-4 but when No Going Back came around anything was possible. The only big issue a lot of people have with realism/grounded feeling in S2 is how Clementine is way to capable as an 11 year old girl. However I find this flaw to be blown way out of proportion a lot of the time and it’s not like Season 1 didn’t have any similar issues either.
I consider this its biggest strength and is honestly the main reason I prefer the games way more then the other mediums. The comic and show have gotten to the point where I just remember characters by their faces and it’s very infuriating when the show or comics expect you to remember all these useless characters. The TV shows puts to much emphasis on them (Tara bottle episode). I mean the show literally got rid of their main character.
Yah. Having less is more, and has really benefited this game. Maybe it's why the series always emphasizes that things are better with fewer people.
More time to focus on small details, less frantic hopping from one topic to another to give it screen time. Better fitting the prefix that all of what humanity had before is gone, public safety, politics, structured society, things that should be addressed as a past thought in the land of the dead. Not saying that having these big communities is bad, but having too many things on the stage at ounce it makes it hard for one thing to stand out when everything else is fighting for attention too.
Like a pen full of puppies, they're all jumping out at you, yelping your ears, but you only want that one special puppy you can bond with. And it's usually the puppy that came first, the shy one.
This forum is such a ghost town
Yeah? What're people going to talk about? There's no release dates so there is no hype for episode 3. There's no point in talking about what could happen in ep 3, because we've done that already.
I got some nice leaks SPOILERS YOU WERE WARNED
SIKE get trolled twice
Have we finally gone insane?
Gone bored? Definitely
Gone mad? We're getting there
Gone insane? If ep 3 doesn't come out in a month I might become one yes ?
I’ll have to disagree with you on one thing: it seems like people have already gone mad with how some are discussing topics.
The Telltale server shut down for a quick second. I was about to have a heart attack.
Maybe you're right...but hey its been worse before this is almost fine.
You know I was giving a hint that this site is definitely going to shut down after The Final Season fully released.
when you forget that TWD even exists because you don't get Twitter notifications anymore and you check back on the forum all excited after months and absolutely nothing has happened
but then you realize you can now spend the next two months in total bliss again before realizing that this franchise is in fact a thing
however simultaneously you realize that two months from now nothing will have happened either
Might wanna see a shrink about that schizophrenia, dude.
Well look at the bright side....the game isn't over YET but we are ?
Ok guys it's december give release date plox thanks bye
So they resumed actual hands-on work on Episode 3 and 4 two weeks ago. If we're going by supposed indications that Episode 3 only needed bug work and some final touches, My optimistic guess would be by Friday we'll get an update.
I'm just curious: has any other entertainment medium had an overarching story that follows a child that has gone through as much or more devastation as Clementine? I know there have been a several stories of teens in some sort of captivity by an evil entity and they break out yadda, yadda, yadda. What I'm talking about is an individual child character dealing with survival, independence, physical to emotional pain, psychologically scarring events, and having to care for others for a period of several years. Outside of real life stories I heard about children in war torn countries, I haven't seen much in fiction. Just curious; wonder if someone might mention something I want to look into.
It's certainly the only game.
I believe it's the reason why this series in particular has such an emotional and mental impact on and probably most of us here.
It's incredibly masochistic.
Anybody else here miss the interesting conversations/arguments/threads we had before ? I hope episode 3 comes out soon so this forum can live again a little.
Also i really miss all those cool people who left or got banned from the forums and never came back.
Do you guys think that Skybound will release a trailer for episode 3 together with the release date?
Honestly, I don't think there will be any other trailers. The people who made the trailers and stuff like that were their own separate part of Telltale, and while I'm sure Skybound's marketing and PR team could make a trailer, I just don't see it happening. I feel like the release dates will just be announced on twitter, maybe some screenshots, but no trailer.
Monday, tomorrow, is the day we"ll get the release dates. I can feel it.
I can feel it too. If not tomorrow, then definitely this week. I saw a post on reddit where someone overheard Melissa talking to a fan about the release date, and she said it’s done, they are just waiting for when they want it to be released.
Oh seriously?! Do you perhaps have the link to that post?
Yea I can definitely see the reveal happen next week. I heard Skybound reveals news on monday or friday so its either tomorrow or friday when the news happens