I am! I’m just waiting on those release dates. I don’t care that it will come out in January, but I would like to know when it will come out in January. Are you excited?
I am very excited, I am just eager to see the conclusion to Clementine's Story. The wait is a bit frustrating, but it will all be worth it so I am willing to wait even longer
I am! I’m just waiting on those release dates. I don’t care that it will come out in January, but I would like to know when it will come out in January. Are you excited?
Lol, Ian has been trying to achieve them Russo bros level of trolling. The trailer is pretty obvious at this point, and in 2 separate comments he’s alluded to Saturday. One when he asked when the end of the week was, and the next being if soon constitutes a 24 hour period. I’m not even mad.
I saw that he retweeted something about that several hours ago and immediately figured something TWD related would drop. Now he has pretty much confirmed it, time to get hyped.
God, I feel so nervous, but also excited, I don't think I've ever felt this way over a trailer before. I just need something TWD related, I'll take anything. Trailer, screen shots, release date, something, anything.
God, I feel so nervous, but also excited, I don't think I've ever felt this way over a trailer before. I just need something TWD related, I'll take anything. Trailer, screen shots, release date, something, anything.
All good! It happens to us all, you aren't alone
You excited for Episode 3?
I am! I’m just waiting on those release dates. I don’t care that it will come out in January, but I would like to know when it will come out in January. Are you excited?
Is this TWDG or TES?
What's up with the western music??
Did he do an alternative one as well?
It’s TWDG, and nope, he didn’t make an alternative one sadly @DabigRG
Well, that's puff pieve.
An Instagram page called TWDG True Facts posted “sad facts tomorrow
Im going to trust this instead
Another 12 MB update for TFS on Steam.

When you call yourself "True Facts", you're trying too hard to convince people you're not full of shit.
Anything new in the update?
There have been no changes on the Steam database so a small update like that are most likely something to do with Steam itself rather than TFS.
I am very excited, I am just eager to see the conclusion to Clementine's Story. The wait is a bit frustrating, but it will all be worth it so I am willing to wait even longer
So should we expect the forums to be more active when Skybound release the trailer or are they gonna stay dead ?
Lol, Ian has been trying to achieve them Russo bros level of trolling. The trailer is pretty obvious at this point, and in 2 separate comments he’s alluded to Saturday. One when he asked when the end of the week was, and the next being if soon constitutes a 24 hour period. I’m not even mad.
I just don't get it, why would Skybound compose a tweet with a Clementine fruit? It just doesn't make any sense to me. Slime Rancher DLC maybe?
I saw that he retweeted something about that several hours ago and immediately figured something TWD related would drop. Now he has pretty much confirmed it, time to get hyped.
Trailer soon?
God, I feel so nervous, but also excited, I don't think I've ever felt this way over a trailer before. I just need something TWD related, I'll take anything. Trailer, screen shots, release date, something, anything.
Couldn’t have said it better
We got the trailer!
I’m crying
Episode 3 on 1/15
What a beautiful trailer
Only 1 Ep 3 scene but at least we got the date
Start the countdown yall
15th of January, we finally have a date...
Damn, it had to be when the spring semster begins. Oh well, I’m glad we finally have a release date.
"I guess the world got pretty hard since I left it."
Just one day before my birthday
Proof that Lee is an allegory of God
I don't know why, but on the Skybound Website, episode 3 is called Carry the Children.
Ayy, we got a release date! I know it might disappoint several folks here that it's not releasing this year, but I'm just glad it's coming at all.
Now I wonder when will the game be available for purchase on Steam again.
It's beautiful...
Great to hear from you again, Lee.
I love AJ goin Cowboy Bebop and Lily's reaction.
Damn the second I heard Lee's voice I actually teared up
Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in