This looks really sick, I like how they're teasing the watcher. Wonder what their part in all of this will be. I seriously can't wait for pretty much everything in Phase 4.
So, uh
Scott Lang as a head in a jar. lol this series is going to go craaazy
And ooh! We're getting MCU Spider-Man in this series! (shown briefly before this)
Series starts on August 11th, that's a Wednesday. I wonder why the date change for this too...
I hope the episodes are at least 10 minutes long. Dunno why, I just feel like Disney would want to keep them small.
I’m so excited for this, I hope they get super weird.
Yeah, if I’m right they couldn’t get RDJ, Chris Evans and Tom Holland back for their roles. At least we get to have Chadwick Boseman back as Tchalla’ one last time.
Saw the latest Loki episode last night. Greatly enjoyed it.
I don't want this series to end, theres still so much I want to see from it! (I'm very interested in how it might end... I recall some shots of the trailer where Loki is in Asgard, and that still hasn't happened yet...)
I loved the part with the President Loki reveal. We all thought that would be our Loki doing that stuff based on trailers, but Oooh, sneaky sneaky Disney, it's actually a different Tom Hiddleston instead.
There were a few issues I had, mainly with how vague the End of Time was explained.
Mostly that -- if this is where every pruned variant appears, I'd expect there to be more people. Not just 5 Lokis and one Mobius. I get that budget and Covid protocol definitely limits that, but it kinda took me out of it at times, thinking about it.
Also, uh, & did we ever find out how the TVA fixed the Reset bomb branches from episode 2? I just realised we spent practically all of Episode 3 following Loki, then all of Episode 4 casting doubt upon Mobius.
Got some neat Easter eggs like the Thanos Copter, Frog Thor, President Loki, Yellow Jackets helmet, etc.
I noticed about two of those. But the non-comics easter egg -- the elusive Polybius arcade cabinet was also in the end of time. I found that really amusing.
I'd expect there to be more people. Not just 5 Lokis and one Mobius.
I assume most other people were either already devoured by Alioth or in hiding.
the non-comics easter egg
There’s also the battleship that pops up which was a reference to the Philadelphia Experiment and there’s a shot of a tank called a Chrysler TV-8 which was an experimental amphibious tank which was never produced.
I really like that they included weird real life stuff and not just comic book references.
Saw the latest Loki episode last night. Greatly enjoyed it.
I don't want this series to end, theres still so much I want to see from it! (I… more'm very interested in how it might end... I recall some shots of the trailer where Loki is in Asgard, and that still hasn't happened yet...)
I loved the part with the President Loki reveal. We all thought that would be our Loki doing that stuff based on trailers, but Oooh, sneaky sneaky Disney, it's actually a different Tom Hiddleston instead.
There were a few issues I had, mainly with how vague the End of Time was explained.
Mostly that -- if this is where every pruned variant appears, I'd expect there to be more people. Not just 5 Lokis and one Mobius. I get that budget and Covid protocol definitely limits that, but it kinda took me out of it at times, thinking about it.
Also, uh, & did we ever find out how the TVA fixed the Reset bomb branches from episode 2? I just realised we spent prac… [view original content]
I can’t believe this is the first crossover between the MCU and FoX-Men lol. At the very least this further cements the fact that Deadpool will be part of the MCU if it got the okay from Disney even with all the, albeit censored, swearing.
So... Essentially... Deadpool's first interaction with the MCU is in a promo for a Fox film.
(Honestly it's impressive the amount of star power Reynolds has to get this allowed, though the film still doesn't look all that great.)
Considering it's up against other mega hits of last year like The Queen's Gambit and Hamilton (wtf disney) I'm not sure how much of a chance it has.
(Not that I really care for the Emmys that much anymore...)
The Loki series is officially over! Not sure how to talk about the episode without going into spoilers but overall I thought it was great, however it does have a pretty slow start with tons of exposition. There’s some more great dialogue and tension between Loki and Sylvie, and the ending opens up a whole new world of possibilities for the MCU.
The season in general has been fantastic. By far the smoothest going MCU show yet with nary a drop in quality. Only real issue I had was the very mediocre fight choreography. Other than I thought it was pretty smooth sailing.
Keep in mind, there is a quick mid-credits scene (literally seconds) that hints on the future of the MCU.
Finally official confirmation of a second season! As long as they keep the quality going it can run for as long as it wants.
Kang the Conqueror has been unleashed by Sylvie! Looking forward to seeing what he’s up to in Ant Man 3.
Jonathan Majors was fantastic as this variant of Kang. Had that Jessie Eisenberg Alex Luther feel to him but it didn’t make me want to die. A good balance of being charismatic and unsettling.
I wonder where Renslayer went off to. She went off in search of free will. Maybe that free will has something to do with Kang.
The MCU multiverse is officially a go, with branches in the timeline popping off everywhere. Maybe this’ll be how mutants will be brought in.
With WandaVision ending with Wanda looking through timelines in search for her children, and this ending with the multiverse expanding, I’m interested to see how Multiverse of Madness will address all this.
Miss Minutes was terrifying in this lmao. She looked absolutely unhinged when she popped up.
My man Morbius had better get his jet ski in the next season.
Loved the show, but man... That Kang reveal was kinda obvious if you knew about things from the comics, still really neat. The actor for Kang did a really good job and I am looking forward to whatever other MCU projects he appears in.
Wandavision has been nominated for 23 Emmys. Usually falling under the Mini/Limited Series or Anthology categories.
Considering it's up a… moregainst other mega hits of last year like The Queen's Gambit and Hamilton (wtf disney) I'm not sure how much of a chance it has.
(Not that I really care for the Emmys that much anymore...)
I can’t believe this is the first crossover between the MCU and FoX-Men lol. At the very least this further cements the fact that Deadpool will be part of the MCU if it got the okay from Disney even with all the, albeit censored, swearing.
He’s by far the easiest of the mutant characters to incorporate into the MCU. They could just come up with some fourth wall breaking joke like he’s there because Disney bought Fox. The rest of the X-Men on the other hand will be trickier.
this further cements the fact that Deadpool will be part of the MCU if it got the okay from Disney even with all the, albeit censored, swearing.
Oh yeah, I wonder how they're gonna put Deadpool in there.
Yeah, part of me hopes it will win but it's likely not going to win.
Also, they nominated Don Cheadle for the emmys even though he was in FATWS for like 50 seconds. lol
Oh yeah, I get that but I'm mainly talking about how Deadpool is a characters who is kind of rated R if that makes sense. I know that Kevin Fieigie confirmed DP 3 will be rated R and will be in the MCU but I just wonder how that's gonna work when he crosses over and appears in other films since they're all PG-13.
He’s by far the easiest of the mutant characters to incorporate into the MCU. They could just come up with some fourth wall breaking joke like he’s there because Disney bought Fox. The rest of the X-Men on the other hand will be trickier.
I reckon it'll probably be a case of mcu characters being in his movie, whereas he wont be in other mcu movies outside of possible cameos. So he still feels connected.
I don't think anyone should expect him to be a main character in a new avengers film I have a very hard time seeing that happen.
Oh yeah, I get that but I'm mainly talking about how Deadpool is a characters who is kind of rated R if that makes sense. I know that Kevin … moreFieigie confirmed DP 3 will be rated R and will be in the MCU but I just wonder how that's gonna work when he crosses over and appears in other films since they're all PG-13.
I don’t expect to see him much outside of his own films with the exception of something like an Avengers movie. He’ll probably pop in every now and again to do some sort of gag then leave and keep everything PG13. However, that’s not to say that they couldn’t do something like a Spider-Man/Deadpool movie. They’d just have to keep the language and violence a bit more on the downlow. The comics have done that to pretty good success so I wouldn’t put it past them to try it in the movies.
Oh yeah, I get that but I'm mainly talking about how Deadpool is a characters who is kind of rated R if that makes sense. I know that Kevin … moreFieigie confirmed DP 3 will be rated R and will be in the MCU but I just wonder how that's gonna work when he crosses over and appears in other films since they're all PG-13.
Jameela Jamil confirms her involvement in the She-Hulk show
Kevin Feige confirms 10 episodes.
While Jamil doesn't confirm which character she's playing, it's widely believed to be Titania, one of the title hero's most formidable adversaries in the comic books. Born Mary MacPherran, the villain possesses superhuman strength, stamina and resistance to injury, which means she'll pose a serious threat to Tatiana Maslany's Jennifer Walters when they inevitably throw down.
Kevin Feige revealed that She-Hulk will be a half-hour legal comedy that runs for ten episodes,
I did NOT expect it to end like That! (Well, I expected some of that, but not… that! Consider me real hyped for whatever they do next, and however this affects the future of the MCU's roster!
Okay, first off, I was going to come in here and get all dissapointed about He Who Remains' acting direction -- at the time of his reveal, I felt really let down by his mystique and menace -- but after having a half-day to dwell on it, it sits better with me now. Kang, The Conqueror, The Guy at the End of Time, whatever, I found his flippant attitude to be so annoying, but then it hit me: he's just this one, "nice", bored, hubristic version of the character.
He's seen everything, plays around with timelines like it's one big game, and also basically spends all his time alone. It makes sense that he'd be so nonchalant about his power and his position in the room.
Now, about that ending tho… Well hoo boy this sets up a very interesting Season 2 (yay more Mobius!), kinda cuts short some fun plot threads from this last episode and also could have ramifications for the rest of the MCU! If this Guy is just one version of many others, keeping the truly evil ones at bay (along with the other, more civilised ones) then we're in for a fun trip. His next appearance is scheduled for Ant-Man 3 (or Loki S2?), and I can't wait to see Paul Rudd clown on him lmao
Did not expect that Sylvie betrayal. But I guess it’s a nice juxtaposition and plays into the themes of free will, determinism, destiny, and Glorious Purpose.
(fun fact, a recent episode of The Good Place I saw went over Determinism and how everything could be pre-planned. What a neat coincidence.)
Despite Loki’s death in Infinity War, and despite the fact that Variant Loki 2012 here was literally taken right after his near-win of the city, gets told his entire life story, plus everything that wa going to happen, gets his ego shattered in the process, and rebuilds himself as someone who does Chaos and Mischief, but understanding that the idea of Order under a tenuous presence is better than Chaos under an evil dictatorship. Despite everything going for him and everything everyone said, he still managed to change as a person. But for Sylvie, it’s the opposite. She thinks she knows how the Loki way works, and she plays right into the hands of fate.. Or whatever’s been determined, if anything. It’s an interesting plot dilemma.
Ahhh, just thinking about it like… wow. If this is indeed the moment where Kevin Feige rallies the troops of writers, directors, then dumps his toy box of Marvel on the floor, we could be in for a cool new multiverse phase or two of the MCU. This has got to be what kicks off Dr. Strange's Multiverse of Madness (and maybe the upcoming Spider-Man movie.)
Ah, woooo!! Explaining Marvel movies to my parents is going to get a lot harder now, but what this sets up could have some great crossover and sci-fi potential if it bleeds into the other Marvel content.
Black Widow
Seeing this in theatres was pretty fun. Can’t believe it’s been over a year since I was in one, and over a year and a half since I was in a big one.
The movie was very fun.
I liked the style of the opening credits (and I noticed there wasn’t a flashy CGI end-credit sequence like we always get. Maybe they blew it all on the opening?
David Harbour is clearly the stand-out comedic presence here. I’d love to see more of his character, somehow, later on.
The villain and plot was a nice adventure, taking place just before/during(?) Civil War. I don’t think it really justifies Marvel delivering on their promise of a Black Widow movie so late (and after it’s so redundant, with her already dead in the present), but they worked with what they had and it… uh, worked for the most part.
Here’s a fun drinking game: Take a shot every time someone says “Avenger”. That word stuck out a lot to me, feel like they referenced it wayyy too much for me to not bring this up. Ehh.
I’m a bit disappointed with the obvious Act 3 CGI Battle that every Marvel movie is entitled to have, but there was still some nice practical stuff (I just think all those explosions and some of the debris just didn’t look too good.)
I got spoiled before the film the partial identity of Taskmaster. A review I read mentioned ‘she’ and ‘her’, so I knew that they were female from the start. I didn’t expect the Daughter twist though. I thought it was going to be the mother.
I’m also a bit disappointed that Taskmaster got un-brainwashed. They’re such an interesting villain, and I’d love to see more mirror matches and fight choreography from them. The character was a really great way to use a bunch of callbacks to other characters and fight scenes from the MCU. I don’t think they showcased enough of the constant-switching fighting style to get an edge on the opponent. I wanted more of that Red Guardian/Taskmaster fight!!
It was super cool to see the first bits of a Disney Plus show make its way into the movies. Julia Louis Dryfus’ appearance was kept vague enough that newcomers don’t need to have seen her before, but the ones who have it’s a nice extra treat.
Some of the editing in the fight scenes could have done a bit… less with it. It felt a bit hard to keep track of the fight at times.
Solid 7.5/10 film for the MCU. It’s fun, it’s action-y.
Shang-Chi... "Only in Theatres".
I didn't expect Disney to just throw away their Premiere Access service like that. It's free 100% profits from people.
No idea why so many people claim movie theaters are dead when every year box office records are always broken. They are throwing it out because end of the day theaters sales per person is much larger than 30 bucks for an entire family, and then share it with your friends and extended family as well. I think I was just reading Black Widow only made 80 million at the box office which is really poor for a Marvel film. We don't know how much was made on Disney+ but if we ever get total rev I would not be surprised if the majority is Disney+ with a total revenue (still being large like most Marvel Movies) but noticeably smaller than the others due to how it is cheaper on Disney+, assuming you are someone who usually watches Marvel movies with friends and family (which I feel is most people.)
So money. Money is why they are getting rid of it. I mean sure they will bank either way, but they want even more bank!
Shang-Chi... "Only in Theatres".
I didn't expect Disney to just throw away their Premiere Access service like that. It's free 100% profits from people.
I rewatched Captain Marvel tonight, (since I wanted to rewatch Spiderman: Far From Home, but wanted to reacquaint myself with the Skrulls plot)
and I've got a newfound appreciation for it.
When the film first came out, yeah, I enjoyed it. But on a second run, ooh, that's when you can really pay attention and appreciate everything that isn't the story unfolding in front of you.
Stand-out awesome or entertaining moments had to be the Memory Recall sequence near the start, the fight with the Old Lady on the train, the various teases about Fury injuring his eye, and the whole power-up sequence at the end was glorious. Really shows how overpowered she is.
I took the 1990s espionage backdrop for granted the first time. This was fun. Loved the homage to old car chases with the train chase near the start too.
Totally forgot how much connective tissue this movie has. It's got Coulson, The Tesseract, the Rambeaus, Korath and Ronan from GOTG, and a post-credits scene following up on Endgame.
About Ronan, he uses a much lighter voice here than he does in GOTG. It's in the past, so yeah.
I had a few issues with the delivery of some lines from Brie Larson, but it was really only a handful. Couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or genuine in some of them.
So yeah, I think I took this film for granted at the start. It's a lot better than what I remembered from it.
Spider-Man: Far From Home!
Now I'm all caught up, again, for the next Spidey film!
[SPOILERS -- BEWARE -- It's been two years...]
Yeah, this movie is LOADS of fun. The coming-of-age tone of the film with silly High School antics is a great backdrop to Peter Parker's civilian life, especially centered around a summer vacation. And they really turned it up here compared to the original film. Tons of side characters get their own moments in this film whereas I don't remember as much input from them in Homecoming.
I forgot how much humour was packed into this one, but it's still such a treat.
What's really interesting to me is the twist and themes of the film, especially if what's rumored about Movie Number 3 is true.
So, we've got Mysterio playing everyone for a fool at the start, claiming he's from another universe, also giving Peter some companionship in Superheroism. ("It's nice to have someone to talk to, about superhero stuff.")
And by the end of the film, it seems to me, that Peter grows into his own and finally becomes the Avengers-Level Spider-Man Tony Stark always knew he could be.
However... there's this next film. It's not confirmed, but if the main plot indeed features the multiverse and mentorship from Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield... I wonder why.
In Far From Home, yeah, the multiverse is a sham and Mysterio's mentorship is equally so, but despite that Spidey still manages to do it on his own. Maybe it'll explore Uncle Ben and about focusing on the small-scale stuff, the Neighbourhood. And the mentorship will actually have meaning and won't be all for a secret ploy...
Again, not confirmed for No Way Home, but more and more Action Figure leaks have been happening, and it's looking to be true...
(Also, not too pleased we might be getting a new suit. The one at the end of FFH is sooo gooood. I'd hate to see it thrown away so fast.)
Surprisingly, to prepare for the What If show -- that's supposed to be about alt-history -- there's new Legends recap episodes that just dropped.
no spoilers -- just a freaking massive image on PC
I actually highly recommend watching this series if there's a new episode out relating to a current movie.
I wish I'd seen the Black Widow episode before the film, since it covers a lot of her backstory shown in previous films but also shows off the impressive "Dreykov & Dreykov's Daughter" namedrop, that was set up a long time ago in 2012's Avengers. Plus, they're pretty well made recaps.
I really enjoyed it! The visuals are really damn good, my biggest fear when this was first announced way back then was that it would end up looking like the current Marvel animated offerings which are really flat and bland but I’m very happy with the final product. The animation is also pretty top notch, nothing particularly off putting aside from a couple weird looking facial expressions which kind of reminded me of Telltale lol. The action scenes and set pieces are also really well done as well. Really over the top and really well animated, particularly a rad “one take” scene with Peggy fighting nazi’s in the air. I will say they definitely made Peggy a bit more super powered than Steve in this, but that’s probably because it’s a lot easier to pull this stuff off in an animation than in live action. I also like that it stays true to the original premise of the What If comics where things that seem really menial end up having giant consequences.
I do have two major problems with it. For one thing, the pacing is at absolute break neck speed. It really feels like they tried to squeeze in an entire movie into 30 minutes with the characters speaking through dialogue as quickly as they can in order to get to the next scene, which really effects some scenes that really should have had slower pacing. It really reminds me of the 90’s Spider-Man series where there were very few breaks between lines. The voice acting is also pretty iffy at times. Hayley Atwell does a good job voicing Peggy for the most part, though I feel a few of her lines come off a little over exaggerated. Sebastian Stan is noticeably the weakest of the cast unfortunately. He’s a great actor, but voice acting is something he really needs to work on. Hopefully his performance in the Marvel Zombies episode will be better. A smaller bit of criticism would be that despite the episode being pretty damn violent, like a lot of people die, there isn’t any blood. Not a dealbreaker but it’s a little jarring especially when people get shot on screen.
Overall, despite the issues I had I did enjoy it. It was fun, action packed, and gave me a buff Peggy Carter who’s like two feet taller than Steve so 10/10.
The animation is a pretty nice artstyle, and the character models look a lot like their movie counterparts.
The action is fun to watch, and that one "one take" scene was pretty impressive.
I agree that the pacing was super fast. Like they crammed a one hour movie into a 30 minute time slot. I was fine with the dialogue for the most part but a lot of scenes needed some time to breathe before and after their events.
We went from Howard getting the Tesseract to Red Skull getting the Tesseract in like the span of 15 minutes. I get how he came to acquire it, but it threw me for a loop for a sec.
Honestly I'm mostly impressed with the length of this episode (and probably future episodes). 30 minutes.
I did not expect Marvel Studios would give it that much time to tell a story, especially as their first experiment in complete animation. Seems like a lot of good animated shows these days have a shorter form of storytelling, so I expected that from this one.
I'll gladly take more though!
As for the performances, I found Carter and Howard to fit in well with what I remember from the films, but yeah Sebastian Stan seems to be over-emoting and it doesn't sound like how he did in The First Avenger or any of his recent experiences. I get it though, it's probably his first voice acting gig. He needs to strike that balance of believability.
This weeks episode of What If? follows the adventures of Star Lord, AKA T’Challa, legendary outlaw. I quite enjoyed it and thought it was pretty fun! It goes to some weird and wild places too and isn’t a movie recreation with different characters which I like. Though I will say I think I prefer last weeks episode a bit more.
Visually again it’s very good looking and the animation continues to be very good, however the lip syncing this week felt super off at times. At the very least the voice acting here is also much better than last weeks. Everyone did a great job with their part in particular with Chadwick Boseman, Michael Rooker and Karen Gillan. I’d say my favourite part of the episode is just how weird and different the fates and personalities of certain characters are in this universe, which was some of my favourite parts about the comics. The episode in general is fairly lighthearted and silly, but there are some really dark implications hinted throughout the episode. It’s a small grievance but I also find it a little strange that he still has his Wakandan accent despite being in space surrounded by aliens with American accents a majority of his life.
The episode still has some pacing issues similar to last weeks, but I’d say it’s a bit less severe. I really wish the episodes weren’t confined to being 30 minutes so that things could develop properly. The episode tries to go for something emotional, nothing cry worthy, but it ends up coming out as more clunky and awkward than anything.
Despite all that I still enjoyed the episode. It was fun, weird and of course, nice to hear Chadwick Boseman once again as T’Challa. The episode has a nice little memorial for him. Apparently he’ll also be voicing T’Challa in three other episodes this season, so this definitely isn’t the last we’ll hear of him for now.
Episode notes
It’s pretty damn funny that T’Challa managed to make a name for himself as Star Lord to the point of being a well regarded celebrity of sorts.
Seeing Thanos in this episode and the way he acts now felt like fuckin’ whiplash lmao. By far the wildest thing in the episode for me.
Not gonna lie, Nebula with the blonde hair was kinda doing it for me.
Drax’s role in this was really minor but his lip syncing was awful. It felt like they dubbed his lines over, it was super weird. Whoever did his voice was absolutely spot on though. A really great impression of Dave Bautista.
Geez, the world building in this was pretty dark. Korg, Cap and Thor are confirmed dead, and Ego begins his quest to takeover the galaxy by the end of the episode. I hope more episodes end with a similar note, where some thins seems alright, but there are things that turn out super messed up.
It looks really good and is by far the best trailer they’ve released for it since it actually tells you what it’s gonna be about lol. Really liking how much of an effect The Snap has had on the MCU, with WandaVision, TFATWS, Loki and now this. Funny that Ikaris is pretty much just Superman but with yellow laser eye beams. Hopefully they manage to pull everything off.
There were plenty of alterations to the usual canon, tons of callbacks, great moments occurred because of it, plus the voice acting had a lot more specific intention/direction behind it compared to last week's.
(Plus it had a bunch of MCU actors in it: Chadwick Boseman, Karen Gillan, Michael Rooker, Djimon Hounsou, Benicio Del Toro, Sean Gunn, Chris Sullivan, Josh Brolin, even a little cameo by Kurt Russell at the end.)
This episode was hilarious. The running gag of Korath's fanboyism of Star Lord, the justification of Thanos that "it wasn't genocide, it was efficient", the actual fully-voiced use of Howard the Duck... man this episode had a lot.
I loved how it seemed to touch upon themes from so many of the movies. The found-family aspect of the Guardians films, the aspects of slavery and hate from Black Panther, the style of heist movies that was featured a bit in Guardians 1... I also liked how they incorporated some of the music from Black Panther.
This episode took the plot and went craaaazy, rather than follow an alternate version of a movie's events. The pacing was a bit better in that respect, probably because they were less confined to specific scenes they had to cover. Still felt quite fast though. Needs to be 45mins at the least.
As Chadwick's final role, this is really bittersweet. I think he did a good job in this voice acting gig, and this version of T'Challa he represented was really interesting. He helped bring peace to multiple worlds, gained plenty of fame (and gave us that awesome Korath scene). And he even talked Thanos down from genocide... wow, is that really what it would have all taken in Infinity War? Just shove em both in a room and they'd figure it out?
This definitely has me hyped for future episode, if they try to make bonkers stories like this.
I also like how Twilight-Zone this series feels, with bookending narration from The Watcher.
As for other MCU news, apparently this past week, the first Spider-Man No Way Home trailer was being dubbed for international audiences, since some foreign Comic Con is happening soon...
That trailer will be in our eyeballs soon enough, and we'll see how true those rumors are...
The Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer has been leaked! So if you want to wait for the official release then be wary of the interwebs. I couldn’t help myself and watched it. It’s definitely legit and there’s some neat stuff going on there, though it’s filled with a lot of unfinished VFX.
Short summary of the trailer if you’re curious.
Peter is now on blast by the public after Mysterio framed him for the attack on London and revealed his secret identity. He goes to Doctor Strange and asks him if there’s any way that he could magic this all away and have everyone forget his secret identity. Things go awry and Peter is sent through the multiverse, with the trailer ending with Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock. You also get a glimpse of the Raimi Green Goblin’s pumpkin bombs.
We're hopefully getting it in the next week, maybe even 24hrs if this leak is as big as I've heard (and if the leak is from footage a couple weeks ago)!
I haven't seen anything about it, so props to the Sony and Marvel Assassins, (and Kevin Feige probably taking people out back 'for a talk') but I've seen A LOT of memes about someone F-ing up the release of this... (Like, seriously, Twitter is trending with "No Way Home Trailer Leaks" but all I can find are memes about it)
The Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer has been leaked! So if you want to wait for the official release then be wary of the interwebs. I couldn… more’t help myself and watched it. It’s definitely legit and there’s some neat stuff going on there, though it’s filled with a lot of unfinished VFX.
Short summary of the trailer if you’re curious.
We're hopefully getting it in the next week, maybe even 24hrs if this leak is as big as I've heard (and if the leak is from footage a couple… more weeks ago)!
I haven't seen anything about it, so props to the Sony and Marvel Assassins, (and Kevin Feige probably taking people out back 'for a talk') but I've seen A LOT of memes about someone F-ing up the release of this... (Like, seriously, Twitter is trending with "No Way Home Trailer Leaks" but all I can find are memes about it)
(Also, uhhhhh no RDJ?)
Oh my god. Finally!
This looks really sick, I like how they're teasing the watcher. Wonder what their part in all of this will be. I seriously can't wait for pretty much everything in Phase 4.
So, uh
Scott Lang as a head in a jar. lol this series is going to go craaazy
And ooh! We're getting MCU Spider-Man in this series! (shown briefly before this)
Series starts on August 11th, that's a Wednesday. I wonder why the date change for this too...
I hope the episodes are at least 10 minutes long. Dunno why, I just feel like Disney would want to keep them small.
Official Poster:
I’m so excited for this, I hope they get super weird.
Yeah, if I’m right they couldn’t get RDJ, Chris Evans and Tom Holland back for their roles. At least we get to have Chadwick Boseman back as Tchalla’ one last time.
Saw the latest Loki episode last night. Greatly enjoyed it.
I don't want this series to end, theres still so much I want to see from it! (I'm very interested in how it might end... I recall some shots of the trailer where Loki is in Asgard, and that still hasn't happened yet...)
I loved the part with the President Loki reveal. We all thought that would be our Loki doing that stuff based on trailers, but Oooh, sneaky sneaky Disney, it's actually a different Tom Hiddleston instead.
There were a few issues I had, mainly with how vague the End of Time was explained.
Mostly that -- if this is where every pruned variant appears, I'd expect there to be more people. Not just 5 Lokis and one Mobius. I get that budget and Covid protocol definitely limits that, but it kinda took me out of it at times, thinking about it.
Also, uh, & did we ever find out how the TVA fixed the Reset bomb branches from episode 2? I just realised we spent practically all of Episode 3 following Loki, then all of Episode 4 casting doubt upon Mobius.
I noticed about two of those. But the non-comics easter egg -- the elusive Polybius arcade cabinet was also in the end of time. I found that really amusing.
I assume most other people were either already devoured by Alioth or in hiding.
There’s also the battleship that pops up which was a reference to the Philadelphia Experiment and there’s a shot of a tank called a Chrysler TV-8 which was an experimental amphibious tank which was never produced.
I really like that they included weird real life stuff and not just comic book references.
So... Essentially... Deadpool's first interaction with the MCU is in a promo for a Fox film.
(Honestly it's impressive the amount of star power Reynolds has to get this allowed, though the film still doesn't look all that great.)
I can’t believe this is the first crossover between the MCU and FoX-Men lol. At the very least this further cements the fact that Deadpool will be part of the MCU if it got the okay from Disney even with all the, albeit censored, swearing.
Wandavision has been nominated for 23 Emmys. Usually falling under the Mini/Limited Series or Anthology categories.
Considering it's up against other mega hits of last year like The Queen's Gambit and Hamilton (wtf disney) I'm not sure how much of a chance it has.
(Not that I really care for the Emmys that much anymore...)
The Loki series is officially over! Not sure how to talk about the episode without going into spoilers but overall I thought it was great, however it does have a pretty slow start with tons of exposition. There’s some more great dialogue and tension between Loki and Sylvie, and the ending opens up a whole new world of possibilities for the MCU.
The season in general has been fantastic. By far the smoothest going MCU show yet with nary a drop in quality. Only real issue I had was the very mediocre fight choreography. Other than I thought it was pretty smooth sailing.
Keep in mind, there is a quick mid-credits scene (literally seconds) that hints on the future of the MCU.
Finally official confirmation of a second season! As long as they keep the quality going it can run for as long as it wants.
Kang the Conqueror has been unleashed by Sylvie! Looking forward to seeing what he’s up to in Ant Man 3.
Jonathan Majors was fantastic as this variant of Kang. Had that Jessie Eisenberg Alex Luther feel to him but it didn’t make me want to die. A good balance of being charismatic and unsettling.
I wonder where Renslayer went off to. She went off in search of free will. Maybe that free will has something to do with Kang.
The MCU multiverse is officially a go, with branches in the timeline popping off everywhere. Maybe this’ll be how mutants will be brought in.
With WandaVision ending with Wanda looking through timelines in search for her children, and this ending with the multiverse expanding, I’m interested to see how Multiverse of Madness will address all this.
Miss Minutes was terrifying in this lmao. She looked absolutely unhinged when she popped up.
My man Morbius had better get his jet ski in the next season.
Spoilers for Loki:
Loved the show, but man... That Kang reveal was kinda obvious if you knew about things from the comics, still really neat. The actor for Kang did a really good job and I am looking forward to whatever other MCU projects he appears in.
Yeah, part of me hopes it will win but it's likely not going to win.
Also, they nominated Don Cheadle for the emmys even though he was in FATWS for like 50 seconds. lol
Oh yeah, I wonder how they're gonna put Deadpool in there.
He’s by far the easiest of the mutant characters to incorporate into the MCU. They could just come up with some fourth wall breaking joke like he’s there because Disney bought Fox. The rest of the X-Men on the other hand will be trickier.
Literally nothing can stop the raw power of The Cheadle.
Oh yeah, I get that but I'm mainly talking about how Deadpool is a characters who is kind of rated R if that makes sense. I know that Kevin Fieigie confirmed DP 3 will be rated R and will be in the MCU but I just wonder how that's gonna work when he crosses over and appears in other films since they're all PG-13.
I reckon it'll probably be a case of mcu characters being in his movie, whereas he wont be in other mcu movies outside of possible cameos. So he still feels connected.
I don't think anyone should expect him to be a main character in a new avengers film I have a very hard time seeing that happen.
I don’t expect to see him much outside of his own films with the exception of something like an Avengers movie. He’ll probably pop in every now and again to do some sort of gag then leave and keep everything PG13. However, that’s not to say that they couldn’t do something like a Spider-Man/Deadpool movie. They’d just have to keep the language and violence a bit more on the downlow. The comics have done that to pretty good success so I wouldn’t put it past them to try it in the movies.
She-Hulk News:
Jameela Jamil confirms her involvement in the She-Hulk show
Kevin Feige confirms 10 episodes.
Loki Episode 6
Whoo, what a finale for Loki!
I did NOT expect it to end like That! (Well, I expected some of that, but not… that! Consider me real hyped for whatever they do next, and however this affects the future of the MCU's roster!
Okay, first off, I was going to come in here and get all dissapointed about He Who Remains' acting direction -- at the time of his reveal, I felt really let down by his mystique and menace -- but after having a half-day to dwell on it, it sits better with me now. Kang, The Conqueror, The Guy at the End of Time, whatever, I found his flippant attitude to be so annoying, but then it hit me: he's just this one, "nice", bored, hubristic version of the character.
He's seen everything, plays around with timelines like it's one big game, and also basically spends all his time alone. It makes sense that he'd be so nonchalant about his power and his position in the room.
Now, about that ending tho… Well hoo boy this sets up a very interesting Season 2 (yay more Mobius!), kinda cuts short some fun plot threads from this last episode
and also could have ramifications for the rest of the MCU! If this Guy is just one version of many others, keeping the truly evil ones at bay (along with the other, more civilised ones) then we're in for a fun trip. His next appearance is scheduled for Ant-Man 3 (or Loki S2?), and I can't wait to see Paul Rudd clown on him lmao
Did not expect that Sylvie betrayal. But I guess it’s a nice juxtaposition and plays into the themes of free will, determinism, destiny, and Glorious Purpose.
(fun fact, a recent episode of The Good Place I saw went over Determinism and how everything could be pre-planned. What a neat coincidence.)
Despite Loki’s death in Infinity War, and despite the fact that Variant Loki 2012 here was literally taken right after his near-win of the city, gets told his entire life story, plus everything that wa going to happen, gets his ego shattered in the process, and rebuilds himself as someone who does Chaos and Mischief, but understanding that the idea of Order under a tenuous presence is better than Chaos under an evil dictatorship. Despite everything going for him and everything everyone said, he still managed to change as a person. But for Sylvie, it’s the opposite. She thinks she knows how the Loki way works, and she plays right into the hands of fate.. Or whatever’s been determined, if anything. It’s an interesting plot dilemma.
Ahhh, just thinking about it like… wow. If this is indeed the moment where Kevin Feige rallies the troops of writers, directors, then dumps his toy box of Marvel on the floor, we could be in for a cool new multiverse phase or two of the MCU. This has got to be what kicks off Dr. Strange's Multiverse of Madness (and maybe the upcoming Spider-Man movie.)
Ah, woooo!! Explaining Marvel movies to my parents is going to get a lot harder now, but what this sets up could have some great crossover and sci-fi potential if it bleeds into the other Marvel content.
Black Widow
Seeing this in theatres was pretty fun. Can’t believe it’s been over a year since I was in one, and over a year and a half since I was in a big one.
The movie was very fun.
I liked the style of the opening credits (and I noticed there wasn’t a flashy CGI end-credit sequence like we always get. Maybe they blew it all on the opening?
David Harbour is clearly the stand-out comedic presence here. I’d love to see more of his character, somehow, later on.
The villain and plot was a nice adventure, taking place just before/during(?) Civil War. I don’t think it really justifies Marvel delivering on their promise of a Black Widow movie so late (and after it’s so redundant, with her already dead in the present), but they worked with what they had and it… uh, worked for the most part.
Here’s a fun drinking game: Take a shot every time someone says “Avenger”. That word stuck out a lot to me, feel like they referenced it wayyy too much for me to not bring this up. Ehh.
I’m a bit disappointed with the obvious Act 3 CGI Battle that every Marvel movie is entitled to have, but there was still some nice practical stuff (I just think all those explosions and some of the debris just didn’t look too good.)
I got spoiled before the film the partial identity of Taskmaster. A review I read mentioned ‘she’ and ‘her’, so I knew that they were female from the start. I didn’t expect the Daughter twist though. I thought it was going to be the mother.
I’m also a bit disappointed that Taskmaster got un-brainwashed. They’re such an interesting villain, and I’d love to see more mirror matches and fight choreography from them. The character was a really great way to use a bunch of callbacks to other characters and fight scenes from the MCU. I don’t think they showcased enough of the constant-switching fighting style to get an edge on the opponent. I wanted more of that Red Guardian/Taskmaster fight!!
It was super cool to see the first bits of a Disney Plus show make its way into the movies. Julia Louis Dryfus’ appearance was kept vague enough that newcomers don’t need to have seen her before, but the ones who have it’s a nice extra treat.
Some of the editing in the fight scenes could have done a bit… less with it. It felt a bit hard to keep track of the fight at times.
Solid 7.5/10 film for the MCU. It’s fun, it’s action-y.
Now where’s the No Way Home trailer, Sony??!
Assembled: The Making of Loki is now on Disney Plus if anyone's interested in seeing some behind-the-scenes stuff for the show.
Shang-Chi... "Only in Theatres".
I didn't expect Disney to just throw away their Premiere Access service like that. It's free 100% profits from people.
No idea why so many people claim movie theaters are dead when every year box office records are always broken. They are throwing it out because end of the day theaters sales per person is much larger than 30 bucks for an entire family, and then share it with your friends and extended family as well. I think I was just reading Black Widow only made 80 million at the box office which is really poor for a Marvel film. We don't know how much was made on Disney+ but if we ever get total rev I would not be surprised if the majority is Disney+ with a total revenue (still being large like most Marvel Movies) but noticeably smaller than the others due to how it is cheaper on Disney+, assuming you are someone who usually watches Marvel movies with friends and family (which I feel is most people.)
So money. Money is why they are getting rid of it. I mean sure they will bank either way, but they want even more bank!
Hawkeye will officially be premiering on November 24th on Disney Plus! So I guess this means Ms. Marvel has been pushed back a few months then.
I rewatched Captain Marvel tonight, (since I wanted to rewatch Spiderman: Far From Home, but wanted to reacquaint myself with the Skrulls plot)
and I've got a newfound appreciation for it.
When the film first came out, yeah, I enjoyed it. But on a second run, ooh, that's when you can really pay attention and appreciate everything that isn't the story unfolding in front of you.
So yeah, I think I took this film for granted at the start. It's a lot better than what I remembered from it.
Spider-Man: Far From Home!
Now I'm all caught up, again, for the next Spidey film!
[SPOILERS -- BEWARE -- It's been two years...]
Yeah, this movie is LOADS of fun. The coming-of-age tone of the film with silly High School antics is a great backdrop to Peter Parker's civilian life, especially centered around a summer vacation. And they really turned it up here compared to the original film. Tons of side characters get their own moments in this film whereas I don't remember as much input from them in Homecoming.
I forgot how much humour was packed into this one, but it's still such a treat.
What's really interesting to me is the twist and themes of the film, especially if what's rumored about Movie Number 3 is true.
So, we've got Mysterio playing everyone for a fool at the start, claiming he's from another universe, also giving Peter some companionship in Superheroism. ("It's nice to have someone to talk to, about superhero stuff.")
And by the end of the film, it seems to me, that Peter grows into his own and finally becomes the Avengers-Level Spider-Man Tony Stark always knew he could be.
However... there's this next film. It's not confirmed, but if the main plot indeed features the multiverse and mentorship from Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield... I wonder why.
In Far From Home, yeah, the multiverse is a sham and Mysterio's mentorship is equally so, but despite that Spidey still manages to do it on his own. Maybe it'll explore Uncle Ben and about focusing on the small-scale stuff, the Neighbourhood. And the mentorship will actually have meaning and won't be all for a secret ploy...
Again, not confirmed for No Way Home, but more and more Action Figure leaks have been happening, and it's looking to be true...
(Also, not too pleased we might be getting a new suit. The one at the end of FFH is sooo gooood. I'd hate to see it thrown away so fast.)
Surprisingly, to prepare for the What If show -- that's supposed to be about alt-history -- there's new Legends recap episodes that just dropped.
no spoilers -- just a freaking massive image on PC
I actually highly recommend watching this series if there's a new episode out relating to a current movie.
I wish I'd seen the Black Widow episode before the film, since it covers a lot of her backstory shown in previous films but also shows off the impressive "Dreykov & Dreykov's Daughter" namedrop, that was set up a long time ago in 2012's Avengers. Plus, they're pretty well made recaps.
So Loki definitely led to the creation of this next show.
Just look at all them branches! God, seeing this connective tissue appear so quickly is impressive.
I watched the first episode of What If?
I really enjoyed it! The visuals are really damn good, my biggest fear when this was first announced way back then was that it would end up looking like the current Marvel animated offerings which are really flat and bland but I’m very happy with the final product. The animation is also pretty top notch, nothing particularly off putting aside from a couple weird looking facial expressions which kind of reminded me of Telltale lol. The action scenes and set pieces are also really well done as well. Really over the top and really well animated, particularly a rad “one take” scene with Peggy fighting nazi’s in the air. I will say they definitely made Peggy a bit more super powered than Steve in this, but that’s probably because it’s a lot easier to pull this stuff off in an animation than in live action. I also like that it stays true to the original premise of the What If comics where things that seem really menial end up having giant consequences.
I do have two major problems with it. For one thing, the pacing is at absolute break neck speed. It really feels like they tried to squeeze in an entire movie into 30 minutes with the characters speaking through dialogue as quickly as they can in order to get to the next scene, which really effects some scenes that really should have had slower pacing. It really reminds me of the 90’s Spider-Man series where there were very few breaks between lines. The voice acting is also pretty iffy at times. Hayley Atwell does a good job voicing Peggy for the most part, though I feel a few of her lines come off a little over exaggerated. Sebastian Stan is noticeably the weakest of the cast unfortunately. He’s a great actor, but voice acting is something he really needs to work on. Hopefully his performance in the Marvel Zombies episode will be better. A smaller bit of criticism would be that despite the episode being pretty damn violent, like a lot of people die, there isn’t any blood. Not a dealbreaker but it’s a little jarring especially when people get shot on screen.
Overall, despite the issues I had I did enjoy it. It was fun, action packed, and gave me a buff Peggy Carter who’s like two feet taller than Steve so 10/10.
Great premiere episode for What If?!
The animation is a pretty nice artstyle, and the character models look a lot like their movie counterparts.
The action is fun to watch, and that one "one take" scene was pretty impressive.
I agree that the pacing was super fast. Like they crammed a one hour movie into a 30 minute time slot. I was fine with the dialogue for the most part but a lot of scenes needed some time to breathe before and after their events.
We went from Howard getting the Tesseract to Red Skull getting the Tesseract in like the span of 15 minutes. I get how he came to acquire it, but it threw me for a loop for a sec.
Honestly I'm mostly impressed with the length of this episode (and probably future episodes). 30 minutes.
I did not expect Marvel Studios would give it that much time to tell a story, especially as their first experiment in complete animation. Seems like a lot of good animated shows these days have a shorter form of storytelling, so I expected that from this one.
I'll gladly take more though!
As for the performances, I found Carter and Howard to fit in well with what I remember from the films, but yeah Sebastian Stan seems to be over-emoting and it doesn't sound like how he did in The First Avenger or any of his recent experiences. I get it though, it's probably his first voice acting gig. He needs to strike that balance of believability.
Extremely possible "What If..." spoilers. Do not open.
This is from a Hyundai ad -- they've been collaborating with Marvel to make short ads for their new SUV, based on all the Disney Plus shows.
This weeks episode of What If? follows the adventures of Star Lord, AKA T’Challa, legendary outlaw. I quite enjoyed it and thought it was pretty fun! It goes to some weird and wild places too and isn’t a movie recreation with different characters which I like. Though I will say I think I prefer last weeks episode a bit more.
Visually again it’s very good looking and the animation continues to be very good, however the lip syncing this week felt super off at times. At the very least the voice acting here is also much better than last weeks. Everyone did a great job with their part in particular with Chadwick Boseman, Michael Rooker and Karen Gillan. I’d say my favourite part of the episode is just how weird and different the fates and personalities of certain characters are in this universe, which was some of my favourite parts about the comics. The episode in general is fairly lighthearted and silly, but there are some really dark implications hinted throughout the episode. It’s a small grievance but I also find it a little strange that he still has his Wakandan accent despite being in space surrounded by aliens with American accents a majority of his life.
The episode still has some pacing issues similar to last weeks, but I’d say it’s a bit less severe. I really wish the episodes weren’t confined to being 30 minutes so that things could develop properly. The episode tries to go for something emotional, nothing cry worthy, but it ends up coming out as more clunky and awkward than anything.
Despite all that I still enjoyed the episode. It was fun, weird and of course, nice to hear Chadwick Boseman once again as T’Challa. The episode has a nice little memorial for him. Apparently he’ll also be voicing T’Challa in three other episodes this season, so this definitely isn’t the last we’ll hear of him for now.
Episode notes
It’s pretty damn funny that T’Challa managed to make a name for himself as Star Lord to the point of being a well regarded celebrity of sorts.
Seeing Thanos in this episode and the way he acts now felt like fuckin’ whiplash lmao. By far the wildest thing in the episode for me.
Not gonna lie, Nebula with the blonde hair was kinda doing it for me.
Drax’s role in this was really minor but his lip syncing was awful. It felt like they dubbed his lines over, it was super weird. Whoever did his voice was absolutely spot on though. A really great impression of Dave Bautista.
Geez, the world building in this was pretty dark. Korg, Cap and Thor are confirmed dead, and Ego begins his quest to takeover the galaxy by the end of the episode. I hope more episodes end with a similar note, where some thins seems alright, but there are things that turn out super messed up.
The final trailer for The Eternals is out!
It looks really good and is by far the best trailer they’ve released for it since it actually tells you what it’s gonna be about lol. Really liking how much of an effect The Snap has had on the MCU, with WandaVision, TFATWS, Loki and now this. Funny that Ikaris is pretty much just Superman but with yellow laser eye beams. Hopefully they manage to pull everything off.
I REALLY liked this week's What If episode.
There were plenty of alterations to the usual canon, tons of callbacks, great moments occurred because of it, plus the voice acting had a lot more specific intention/direction behind it compared to last week's.
(Plus it had a bunch of MCU actors in it: Chadwick Boseman, Karen Gillan, Michael Rooker, Djimon Hounsou, Benicio Del Toro, Sean Gunn, Chris Sullivan, Josh Brolin, even a little cameo by Kurt Russell at the end.)
This definitely has me hyped for future episode, if they try to make bonkers stories like this.
I also like how Twilight-Zone this series feels, with bookending narration from The Watcher.
As for other MCU news, apparently this past week, the first Spider-Man No Way Home trailer was being dubbed for international audiences, since some foreign Comic Con is happening soon...
That trailer will be in our eyeballs soon enough, and we'll see how true those rumors are...
The Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer has been leaked! So if you want to wait for the official release then be wary of the interwebs. I couldn’t help myself and watched it. It’s definitely legit and there’s some neat stuff going on there, though it’s filled with a lot of unfinished VFX.
Short summary of the trailer if you’re curious.
Peter is now on blast by the public after Mysterio framed him for the attack on London and revealed his secret identity. He goes to Doctor Strange and asks him if there’s any way that he could magic this all away and have everyone forget his secret identity. Things go awry and Peter is sent through the multiverse, with the trailer ending with Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock. You also get a glimpse of the Raimi Green Goblin’s pumpkin bombs.
We're hopefully getting it in the next week, maybe even 24hrs if this leak is as big as I've heard (and if the leak is from footage a couple weeks ago)!
I haven't seen anything about it, so props to the Sony and Marvel Assassins, (and Kevin Feige probably taking people out back 'for a talk') but I've seen A LOT of memes about someone F-ing up the release of this... (Like, seriously, Twitter is trending with "No Way Home Trailer Leaks" but all I can find are memes about it)
Would you like a link?
I'll uh... I'll take my chances and wait.
I've survived this long, I can survive another handful of hours... hopefully...

You have a much stronger will than I.