"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • The waiting game sucks. Let's play hungry hungry hippos!

    Arthas-Sama posted: »

    Instead of playing TWD S02E01 we are playing the waiting game.

  • I wish I would have understood that I wasn't getting a steam key.....this is redick no server connection as well.

  • Doesn't connect to servers for me. When was the last time Telltale was able to actually launch a game successfully day 1? Sam & Max 3?

  • You must not have a whole lot to do, huh?
    "entitled, entitled, you're entitled, I'm so right and sarcastic and witty, and everyone's acting super entitled"

    Whoa, Kenny fans acting like they're super entitled? Why I never! Shouldn't people at least wait until the actual day that the game was promised to them has passed before they start complaining about being screwed out of their money?

  • 3.5 hours later and still no fix. Just give us the Steam keys TellTale and 95% of your problems will disappear into thin air.

  • What's disrespectful? Having a technical difficulty that's affecting a small group?

    Is it also disrespectful when there's a wreck on the freeway and it has to be closed for a few hours? DAMN THOSE DISRESPECTFUL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, NOT IMMEDIATELY OPENING UP THE FREEWAY! I PAID FOR IT WITH MY TAXES ARRGHARARHA

    Zixxack posted: »

    I've never commented on this forum and rarely do on any forum, I just felt I needed to add my voice to this problem which apparently only a small percentage has. I feel this is incredibly disrespectful of their paying customers.

  • Come on, Telltale. Give them Steam keys if you can't fix it anytime soon.

    The Steam version works just fine.

  • No, I'd actually be getting what I paid for.

    SunderPrime posted: »

    Is it technically pirating though, since you have already paid for a copy/to play the game?


  • edited December 2013

    What I really want to know is why do you keep doing this? You see your comments aren't actually adding anything but yet you feel the need to pester and bother people like you are helping anyone feel ANY better about the situation. I'm not sure why the mods haven't stopped you from posting.

    What's disrespectful? Having a technical difficulty that's affecting a small group? Is it also disrespectful when there's a wreck on the f

  • edited December 2013

    It's a shame that this continues to be a problem on release day for the folks who preordered the game from TTG.

    Like cartman says when preordering a game you pretty much get a big d!ck in the mouth.

    I've been burned not once but twice from the TTG preorder release day goat screw. They should pay for shipping for the collector DVD for this cluster F....... It's the least the company could do for this injustice.

  • edited December 2013

    Yeap. Like getting a retail DVD and forcing you to install it on Steam cause it's not available anywhere else. Yeah. They sure are putting that on the box. With such small print that you can barely see it because everybody accepts it as standard. Or the Humble Bundle that no longer bothers to indicate each time that they unlock it on Steam (and a few times they even said explicitly that it's not available on steam).

    I'm taking the sick leave tomorrow cause of cold and fever but you're the one obviously delirious here.

    Steam is the industry standard if you're buying a game from Steam directly. Anywhere else, they explicitly say when they ARE giving you a Steam key. I can't recall ever seeing the opposite.

  • It's disrespectful when they could have easily given us Steam keys along with the purchase and this whole thing could have been avoided. That's without getting into the "DRM only effects paying customers" argument.

    What's disrespectful? Having a technical difficulty that's affecting a small group? Is it also disrespectful when there's a wreck on the f

  • Oh, wow, that's weird. When mine worked I presumed everyone elses did too.

    Kyhas posted: »

    Im still locked out as well, since launch no luck.

  • Yeah I just got the same mssg as well #SMH :'(

    Dharan posted: »

    GREAT, now I'm getting a "You don't own the game" error, are you kidding me? I'm beyond pissed right now

  • Man they said I don't own the game!!!!!!!

  • After they've finished their upcoming games Telltale should make a pirate game, sadly not Tales of Monkey Island :( thanks to Disney, and then make the bloody thing work on launch!!!

  • Again with the "entitled". I hate this fad.

    Whoa, Kenny fans acting like they're super entitled? Why I never! Shouldn't people at least wait until the actual day that the game was promised to them has passed before they start complaining about being screwed out of their money?

  • edited December 2013

    That's what I mean. Technically, TECHNICALLY, he/she wouldn't be stealing/pirating (not getting into any debates on whether or not the word "stealing" applies to internet piracy, you know) because they would not be depriving TTG of any revenue.

    So how would it be piracy?

    (This is an honest question. I'm not advocating or suggesting piracy in any way, I'm asking about the technicality.)

    No, I'd actually be getting what I paid for.

  • My profile says I'm coming up to seven years of registration on the site, after buying the first season of Sam and Max on pre-order. I've ordered and pre-ordered many Telltale games direct from the developers.

    I know it's first day jitters, but this kind of thing has happened many times before - pretty much entirely through the first season of TWD, for example. You have a pretty good idea of the kind of numbers you know you have to provide for, bearing in mind you know how many you've sold through pre-order, so it really is disappointing that this kind of thing still happens in 2013: you're not the tiny outfit you were seven years ago, and this is no longer a niche release.

    I'm still looking forward to playing, but I might not pre-order again.

  • I finaly have it and now this.

  • GREAT, now I'm getting a "You don't own the game" error, are you kidding me?

    I'm beyond pissed right now :(

  • Great news to all 20.7k of you! I managed to connect once; it told me I did not own the game. WTF.

  • Doesn't still work.. I'm disappointed, I want to play today..

  • ncbncb
    edited December 2013

    Newsflash dickhead! When they have a pile up on the motorway the put up alternative roots AND tell you about them miles before hand! We've had sweet FA from TTG.

    Then again you're the type of person that would let TTG take a dump on your doorstep and thank them for the privilege to clean it up after them.

    What's disrespectful? Having a technical difficulty that's affecting a small group? Is it also disrespectful when there's a wreck on the f

  • cries CLEMENTINE WHY?! falls to knees dramatically WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? D'X

  • I don't own the game apparently.... GO FUCK YOURSELF TT!!!! ¬_¬ next time I'm going to steam

  • Joined Dec 11, 2013

    Yeah. You weren't here for the last few releases.

    What's disrespectful? Having a technical difficulty that's affecting a small group? Is it also disrespectful when there's a wreck on the f

  • Yes, they could have also given everyone a new car, but I'm not sure why they'd give something to people that they never promised to give them and which would only have cost them money.

    vandigeth posted: »

    It's disrespectful when they could have easily given us Steam keys along with the purchase and this whole thing could have been avoided. That's without getting into the "DRM only effects paying customers" argument.

  • Yes, they could have also given everyone a new car, but I'm not sure why they'd give something to people that they never promised to give them and which would only have cost them money.

    vandigeth posted: »

    It's disrespectful when they could have easily given us Steam keys along with the purchase and this whole thing could have been avoided. That's without getting into the "DRM only effects paying customers" argument.

  • I bought it from GMG and it's working fine.

    SunderPrime posted: »

    Is this affecting everyone who bought via GMG & TTG.com?

  • Small percentage? LOL this again really? How blind are you exactly? Can you count how many people are on this forum and the posts alone about this? There are more people than just on this forum complaning about it I can assure you. Stop making excuses for them this whole thing has happened the exact same way the LAST TWO TIMES a game was released. Why do you defend such retardation?

    Well, you've also been drooling over any little hint that Kenny might come back, so I thought it was safe to assume that you were a fan? My a

  • Yes. I got it once, now I'm back to the old beloved: "Can't connect to TellTale Servers." Lovely.

    Danio658 posted: »

    'You don't own the game'... what the hell?!

  • same happening here... how should I not have a game when I f*cking startet it from its .exe a few seconds ago?!
    Dear logic, come out and play

    But let's see the bright side of this: the log-in screen changed to something else. So at least we're not forced to look at the same thing anymore

  • I don't know what that means. I guess they're making progress since they are communicating. My guess is to uninstall and install again. They could have possibly made a patch. Doubt it, but you never know

    Danio658 posted: »

    'You don't own the game'... what the hell?!

  • Aw man, the one time I decide to pre-order/buy directly from Telltale, I get this issue. Steam users aren't getting this issue, kinda apprehensive about buying from Telltale now. I was hoping to play this tonight since I may not have chance for quite a while. It's annoying (mostly because there doesn't even seem to be any acknowledgement of the issue), but there's not much I can do but wait, I guess.

    (Also, while I understand the moderation/removal of piracy discussion, there is nothing wrong with legally buying the broken game and then temporarily downloading a version that actually works. The fact that anyone would need to do that is a bad sign, though.)

  • [removed]

    What I really want to know is why do you keep doing this? You see your comments aren't actually adding anything but yet you feel the need to p

  • edited December 2013

    "You dont own this game". Guess what I pre ordered weeks ago!

    Now we have reached a point, where it is just ridiculous.
    God damn it. This is the worst customer service i have ever experienced.
    Fuck this shit, I'm out. Going for a refund. Either money or Steam key. This shit is ridiculous.

  • agreed

    Gnoraks posted: »

    "You dont own this game". Guess what I pre ordered weeks ago! Now we have reached a point, where it is just ridiculous. God damn it. This

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