"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • Sigh I wish I'd gotten it on Steam, it was a bit more expensive but also more reliable I guess.

  • ...and that's enough of that.

    Let's at least TRY and keep it civil without resulting to insulting each other, shall we? :)

    Actually you're being a douche. People are frustrated, that's obvious but rather than let them vent; like they're entitled to do you felt the

  • That has to be the worst response I've ever seen to a problem like this. I was going to be patient and just wait ( count me as one of the " small percentage " who was just reading the forums instead of posting. ), but how could you take 2 and a half hours to give such a horrible response to a problem like this. A simple " we see the problem, and are trying to fix it " would have done the trick for me, but instead you insinuate not caring because we are only a small percentage. I've never been disappointed enough to post on a forum like this before, shameful.

  • edited December 2013

    Actually you're being a douche. People are frustrated, that's obvious but rather than let them vent; like they're entitled to do you felt the need to smart off. You have earned any negative comments that come your way due to your inability to be an adult and walk away.

    You're throwing a fit and cussing me out because you have to wait a few hours to play a video game. If that's what I'm being compared to, I'm definitely both wise and clever.

  • edited December 2013

    Please don't say things like that, you're gonna hurt people's feelings. You big meany, you.

    Nerdcast posted: »

    Shut up, you are just little !1

  • Seriously...I'm really not normally one to complain, I get it, games have connectivity issues when it comes to online aspects. But this is just another example of DRM failing. This is not a multiplayer game, there should be no real server problems and if there are, they should be pretty easy fixes. I knew I should have just paid full price on steam for this.

  • totally sucks .first time and last time I purchase direct from TT .Only reason I did was GMG gave it me for £12,and steam had it for £15..Wish I spent the extra 3 quid now :(

    Have they actually responded in any way to this issue yet does anyone know?


  • Small percentage...like the few survivors of a zombie-outbreak taking place in real life. O geez, trying hard not to lose my humour on this evening ;)

  • edited December 2013

    And three hours later... ain't nobody got time for that.
    Alt text

  • Yes, I think that easily predictable but likely unavoidable technical issues in the first few hours of a game launch are pretty acceptable. I'd imagine that nothing could have been done to avoid this (other than simply stripping off the DRM, which does stop a fair few folks without much technical know-how.)

    Undeadelvis posted: »

    You are what is called a fan boy i bet, you think this is acceptable?

  • Agreed.

    yossi22 posted: »

    I would be perfectly fine with a Steam key.

  • but but but....ok

    Please don't say things like that, you're gonna hurt people's feelings. You big meany, you.

  • I have a little occupation that will keep you occupied until the game is available:


  • Yes, I'm definitely the one having a problem acting like an adult. lol

    Actually you're being a douche. People are frustrated, that's obvious but rather than let them vent; like they're entitled to do you felt the

  • I'm not sure where the small percentage thing comes from since there is no "Next telltale message" thingy.

    Telltale, please communicate. Are you working on it? Any ETA?

    And guys, I don't think they can just go "oh ok, lets get steam keys". I'm guessing it'd take time and negotiations to do so. As long as it's not like a few days of inaccessability, i dont think it's big enough for a refund or anything like that.

  • You're either a fanboy or a Troll cant decide which


  • It actually does make sense, why would they send out e-mails saying the game is available for download if it's not working?

    Alento posted: »

    I'm actually curious, why haven't I (we?) got a mail, that says it's ready for download? Everything just makes less sense...

  • The funny thing is that the witcher tried DRM and it still got pirated the fuck out of, they took DRM away and the piracy level dropped massively, Also GOG which is DRM free is less pirated off of than Steam. So after all that Change this telltale or fuck you.

  • GFWL stepped up to the plate and admitted failure and that's MS, a much bigger company than TTG.

    Goodbite posted: »

    Giving us a Steam key is not possible for them. If they do so, it will be for them to accept the fact that this DRM is a failure. And this is not tolerable. Wait, unfortunately, is the only answer.

  • Maybe they could start by not pretending that it's only affecting a few people. Maybe they could stop constantly raving about their game on social media and make sure that everyone can play the game, ESPECIALLY the people who bought it directly through their store, so that they would get all of the profit.

    What else are they supposed to say? It's quite possible they don't know any more than that, and they're almost certainly doing everything the

  • edited December 2013

    I am Clementine 's disappointment.
    I am Clementine 's Complete Lack of Surprise
    I am Clementine 's Raging Bile Duct.
    I am Clementine 's Cold Sweat.
    I am Clementine 's Smirking Revenge.
    I am Clementine 's Broken Heart

  • I'm disappointed...

  • how to resolve this error as me also occurs

  • When it comes to people complaining about episode 2 of wolf among us I am with you. But when it's a game, THIS big, it's not acceptable that it's not ready.
    If it wasn't going to be ready, or if the servers weren't working properly, or they needed more time to get more servers running, then they should have put the game back a day.
    I would rather them say "it's going to be tomorrow now, sorry, but.... blah blah blah.... that's why, really sorry", than hear nothing except lies about a small percentage, appreciate patience, and keep trying.
    It's just unacceptable.
    At the end of the day it's a product. If you walked into a store for some food, and you paid for the food at the checkout, then they took it from you and held it in front of you saying "it's only you and a few others, keep reaching for it and you might get it. We will get it to you at some point, keep reaching", then would you be so happy to put down everyone else?
    Stop being such a douchebag. The devs are wrong on this one, just admit it.
    Sure, it's not the end of the world, but that doesn't make it right, so stop being a dick


  • This is me walking away.

    See how that's done, class?

    ...and that's enough of that. Let's at least TRY and keep it civil without resulting to insulting each other, shall we?

  • Oh, they're just pretending? Well shit. Please show me the statistics you've compiled regarding what percentage of players aren't able to log in, then.

    Maybe they could start by not pretending that it's only affecting a few people. Maybe they could stop constantly raving about their game on so

  • So you will take time to do that, but not to discuss what is actually happening?

    Your thread was closed because the discussion you wanted to start fits right at home in THIS thread.

  • How may hours i need to keep waiting? there is also something that its bothering me, i read that if our passwords have symbols (!#"$%&) the server would reject you? because i dont know if my pass is tooooooooooo long and inst working with the game log.

  • Well, I'm stopping internet until I can play and finish the game.
    Don't want to be spoiled.
    Cya guys.

  • I'm a grown-up who's actually worked in the video game industry and understands how launch problems happen. So I guess that'd be 'fanboy?'

    Undeadelvis posted: »

    You're either a fanboy or a Troll cant decide which

  • Okey, I just want to ask something..
    As I pre-ordered season 2 (which was a win apparently..) will that screw up my savings from season 1, bought from steam? :S

  • This a true but it was still on their games for a long time. And thanks god it was removed.
    I don't get why Telltale keep being such conservative with this DRM. Steam is by itself a DRM but an invisible one. And it also one of the best thing that happen to PC in a long time. This DRM is everything but usefull. I'm sure the game is already "on the internet by now..."

    GFWL stepped up to the plate and admitted failure and that's MS, a much bigger company than TTG.

  • Except it is ready. Other than a small percentage of people who got the game from one of the two major sources, tons of people have already played this game.

    Please, show me your statistics that prove that they're lying about the small percentage thing, though.

    w0bbl3r posted: »

    When it comes to people complaining about episode 2 of wolf among us I am with you. But when it's a game, THIS big, it's not acceptable that i

  • Well in this case it's a solution to YOUR problem.
    Oh well... if it goes on much longer I guess I'll have to go with that route too.

    Cracks are circumnavigating whatever copy-protection systems the developers put into the game. Your point is valid, but it doesn't stop us

  • Every single TT game fails at launching. Not one has gone off without a hitch in the last 5 years. Not one.

  • I don't know what's actually happening. I'm just a community moderator - a guy in England giving up his evening to try and help out the foru-COMMUNITY.

    Trust me - if I knew what was going on with the game, I'd be telling you.

    w0bbl3r posted: »

    So you will take time to do that, but not to discuss what is actually happening?

  • Doesn't even matter what I type in for my account information... Same error message...

    Seriously: All I wanted was to play this game this very evening as I won't be able to the next few days.
    And I don't want these problems on every release day now!

  • Hahha yeah.. true that thou..

    CasuallyD posted: »

    It actually does make sense, why would they send out e-mails saying the game is available for download if it's not working?

  • Yes. They said they're trying to fix it, but I don't think so.

    totally sucks .first time and last time I purchase direct from TT .Only reason I did was GMG gave it me for £12,and steam had it for £15..Wish

This discussion has been closed.