"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • "but but but its an online experience and an essential part of gameplay to see what %age of dudes did choice A or choice B"

    Blah blah.

    I just want all the devs to read these posts and then come out and give us a legitimate reason for the DRM, Even after seeing the people who pirated it before the ones who pay, I just want to see them struggle and give us the shittiest reason for it.

  • Your English is actually pretty good

    Arthas-Sama posted: »

    This is a joke, seriously. Just with the volume of people who preordered the game TTG should have prepared the servers for this kind of volume

  • It says 'Viewed by 14.3K users' above.
    Small percentage. Yeah right

    Gnoraks posted: »

    Even if it IS a small percentage, even that is no excuse at all. THIS small percentage of customers, who bought it here, THESE are the loyal p

  • I wish my first comment here would be "hey, really great game!". but now I'm very sad that I'm one of the little percentage :(

  • After waiting 2 and a half hours for my game to be "Released to me" via a broken DRM service, and finding out my friends have already completed the first part, i have made up my mind you have lost a customer which would have been more then happy to purchase future content and support one of the few studios that knows how to make a good story. Also i pretty sure you don't even care about this due to your lack of responses and twitter feeds about this situation. Regards.

  • edited December 2013

    I'll add to the chorus of unhappy people who've bought directly from Telltale and cannot play season 2.

    First impressions (which are everlasting) as a first time buyer from the Telltale store are terrible. I still haven't received the e-mail as stated I would informing me that the first episode was available; instead I have to check Steam and this forum to see if the episode has been released.

    Downloading and installing was painless although I'm very unhappy no Steam key is available. Once the very fast installation completes, I try to actually start the game and I'm met with the same response as the majority here: cannot connect to the server. Wonderful.

    No stickied response from Telltale on the forum or Twitter or Facebook (edit: I had to read the suppport section to find the occasional 'we are are sorry for the inconvenience' comment by Telltale staff). Steam players are having a grand time posting their thoughts everwhere on the internet yet we direct from Telltale buyers are stuck in authentication hell...I might end up foregoing this game until after Xmas to ensure that the servers aren't overloaded.

    First and last purchase from Telltale and the lack of reponse from the developers to issues whilst crowing about positive reviews is about right for the gaming industry.

  • edited December 2013

    Oh, so you steal my money and insult me, thanks!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Viewed by 14.3K users

    OliTheG posted: »

    Prove it. If there are about 200 users complaining, and several thousands, if not tens of thousands have bought the game (yes, some will ju

  • lol "It must not be a small percentage because like 20 people are crying about it in a thread."

  • So someone mentions piracy and they reply pretty much straight away, yet those of us that have been waiting and trying to get it to work for the first 1 and half hours get no reply, no explanation or anything. Sounds like poor customer service to me

  • How about giving this "small percentage" a steam key so we can go play the game? Then this won't be an issue anymore.

  • A nice compensation for the trouble would be a Steam key.

  • That's not 14K different people - it just means the threads been viewed 14,000 times by various people. If you look at the thread twice, that's two views.

    Pretty sure around 200 of those views are mine. :O

    artnat posted: »

    Viewed by 14.3K users

  • edited December 2013

    Just pointing out the server is there and running because of the way it fails to connect so fast. Did Telltale not code in a timeout for trying to connect? At the minute it seems like if it can't connect on the first attempt it just gives up

    Kamano posted: »

    I don't think Amazon is a mistake, cause Amazon is offering servers/bandwidth, many professional services are using it. Wondering though what still the problem with the authentification is though. -.-

  • Doesn't even matter if it is a "small percentage" or not.
    Answers like 'keep trying or try again later' just don't cut it imho

    lol "It must not be a small percentage because like 20 people are crying about it in a thread."

  • Still not working... Gotta sleep in half an hour...

  • I would be perfectly fine with a Steam key.

    Guzzedup posted: »

    Give us refunds.

  • yeah.. i gave you my f****g money for nothing :( give us a steam key!!!

    This is horrible I want either a refund or Steam key! My friends are playing it right now

  • same error here.
    Seems we'll have to wait...

    Yerolo posted: »

    It would be nice if they gave us all steam keys for compensation, but I cannot see that happening Unhappy to be getting this error, but I only paid $5 for this via GMG codes & credit....so that has eased the pain a little

  • edited December 2013

    I give up trying for today. :(
    Alt text

    See ya tommorow. -.-

  • Then why does it say "users" and not "Viewed 14.3 K times"?

    That's not 14K different people - it just means the threads been viewed 14,000 times by various people. If you look at the thread twice, that's two views. Pretty sure around 200 of those views are mine. :O

  • I'm sure they're working on some sort of fix for those who are affected, but seriously. The entitlement is just astounding. It hasn't even been three hours yet, and already it's a massive betrayal and hateful and cruel of TT and they're bad people and they ripped me off and blah blah blah.

    A fairly small video game company is having problems with servers in the first couple of hours after launch. I'm not sure how anyone is remotely surprised.

    McMurphy posted: »

    Doesn't even matter if it is a "small percentage" or not. Answers like 'keep trying or try again later' just don't cut it imho

  • A shame i already threw my money at them directly.
    I'd rather have given my money to Steam so they can throw some of it at TTG

  • Give everyone a refund and a free copy of all 5 episodes.

  • It would be nice if they gave us all steam keys for compensation, but I cannot see that happening

    Unhappy to be getting this error, but I only paid $5 for this via GMG codes & credit....so that has eased the pain a little

  • Paying customers can't play because of DRM. Pirates can play irrespective of DRM.
    It doesn't matter what percentage can't play. The DRM must go.

    McMurphy posted: »

    Doesn't even matter if it is a "small percentage" or not. Answers like 'keep trying or try again later' just don't cut it imho

  • This post made me actually chuckle a little bit.

  • Yeah.. actually, I'd rather have my money back, to buy the game on steam instead.. the Collectors DVD is just not worth it..

  • Would be kind to give us a free shipping for the dvd box...
    Only a compensation for all the troubles we are getting.

  • Next time i buy from steam, as usual.
    Noth worth the 7€ i saved...

    Gnoraks posted: »

    A shame i already threw my money at them directly. I'd rather have given my money to Steam so they can throw some of it at TTG

  • Please just go this isn't just about the game, its pretty obvious this will happen again and again as long as DRM is in place and that's why people are upset, you obviously don't know whats going on so please don't comment anymore on this thread

    I'm sure they're working on some sort of fix for those who are affected, but seriously. The entitlement is just astounding. It hasn't even b

  • It's a single player point and click adventure game... why am I failing to get in to my game? Seriously, the gaming industry is fucked sometimes. So scared they'll lose sales from pirates when us legitimate users are the ones literally and metaphorically paying the price.

    I had an evening free and I wanted The Walking Dead to entertain. Instead i'm just left here thinking why should I even bother at all.

  • Telltale is responding with "a small percentage" of users. But there are more than 400 comments in a short time only in this thread with almost 15k views. In the support forum is another thread with over 100 comments. These are not produced from a couple of people. We also have to think about the people who are not writing in this community...

    It would be intresting what Telltales definition of "a small percentage" is.

    The game is also not working for me. I tried several times with different Logins (name and mail), logged out from here, alt-tabbed, restarted... just nothing works. Sorry Telltale, but I think you underestimated your TWD fans who really want to play the game today!

  • Meh. I've lost all hype for this game. They can shove their drm where the sun don't shine. I'll try again when I'm bored.

  • Yeah. I'm grabbing the Steam key and I'm off the forums to play the game - only those couple of people posting here have problems, right? Small percentage.

    KaineDryke posted: »

    How about giving this "small percentage" a steam key so we can go play the game? Then this won't be an issue anymore.

  • Or people can just stop feeling entitled to play the very second that other people can play, take a break for a little bit, and come back when the problem is solved. You know rather than expecting it to be fixed within less than an hour or else Telltale is an evil megacorp that kicks puppies and stole your money.

    artnat posted: »

    Paying customers can't play because of DRM. Pirates can play irrespective of DRM. It doesn't matter what percentage can't play. The DRM must go.

  • So is this authentication a 'one-time' thing at the start, will we have ot authenticate on every launch ? If its every launch, we will have the exact same issue on launch day for the rest of the eps :(

    Im wishing I paid the extra bought the Steam version now

  • edited December 2013

    The whole point of pre-ordering is to play it ASAP. If I wanted to wait for it I'd have fucking waited till it was on sale. Fuck you.

    Or people can just stop feeling entitled to play the very second that other people can play, take a break for a little bit, and come back when

  • I understand what's going on fine. There's a problem with a server that's affecting a handful of people, and a whole lot of them feel entitled to play NOW NOW NOW and if mommy doesn't give them a toy ASAP, they're going to keep pitching a fit.

    Please just go this isn't just about the game, its pretty obvious this will happen again and again as long as DRM is in place and that's why people are upset, you obviously don't know whats going on so please don't comment anymore on this thread

This discussion has been closed.