"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • Same here. This was the first and last time supporting telltale with buying the game directly in their shop. Next time on steam...

  • It will actually be quite amusing when no one preorders the Game of Thrones and Borderlands series by Telltale.

  • "a small percentage"
    WE ARE THE 1% !!!

  • The horrible thing is I don't want it to be fixed I just want it to go to the point where they HAVE to give out steam keys because I don't want to go through this shit anymore it's just made this night which could've been good go to complete shit.

  • I'm actually curious, why haven't I (we?) got a mail, that says it's ready for download? Everything just makes less sense...

  • I know for sure I won't be buying another game from you guys, not when there's already a damned working crack for pirates when actual customers gets nothing.

    next time I'll be enjoying your games for free. You've brough this upon yourselves

  • Telltale, just issue steam keys for everyone and be done with it. Your DRM is a bust and you are killing your chances of people supporting you directing in the future. Every hour wasted is a few more costumers lost.

  • Yes, I'm sure they're not working on the problem at all. They're just sitting on big thrones made of money, tenting their fingers and laughing maniacally at your pain. Obviously.

    I doubt they give a shit anymore. They already took our money.

  • They should give a crap bad news travels fast especially on youtube, imagine if totalbiscuit reported on this bad treatment thousands of people would hear about it and then some

  • AMEN

    AlexMA posted: »

    Telltale, just issue steam keys for everyone and be done with it. Your DRM is a bust and you are killing your chances of people supporting you directing in the future. Every hour wasted is a few more costumers lost.

  • The largest tragedy and the biggest price paid - having to wait a few hours to play a video game.

    It's pretty much like 9/11 but with Zombies.

    Gargette posted: »

    It's a single player point and click adventure game... why am I failing to get in to my game? Seriously, the gaming industry is fucked sometim

  • I doubt they give a shit anymore. They already took our money.


  • Part of the small % here

  • I give up for tonight..

    AnnaV posted: »

    Telltale is responding with "a small percentage" of users. But there are more than 400 comments in a short time only in this thread with almos

  • I remember folks saying the same thing during Season 1, and yet look at where we are today.

    Guzzedup posted: »

    It will actually be quite amusing when no one preorders the Game of Thrones and Borderlands series by Telltale.

  • they've closed a thread i started, saying that i could "continue my discussion" here. But i started that thread not to discuss this issue, just to make it clear how disrespectful this is and to clarify also that PRE-ORDER has a meaning that for sure it's not "don't play the game first!".

  • ^Wow I'm part of a small percentage ! It's a feature not a bug.....

    Come on Telltale the whole scenario is ridiculous!

  • So... I'm not entitled to a product I bought with my own money? I'm not entitled to be treated like other users (steam mostly) and get the game on time when the devs said it would be out?

    Going by what others have said regarding how TTG handled the first season and 400 days, it seems this isn't new and that they SHOULD have learned from their past mistake. They didn't. While some posts are overly harsh, the feeling outrage is justified imo.

    I'm sure they're working on some sort of fix for those who are affected, but seriously. The entitlement is just astounding. It hasn't even b

  • You're throwing a fit and cussing me out because you have to wait a few hours to play a video game. If that's what I'm being compared to, I'm definitely both wise and clever. :(

  • You mean someone buys a product and expects it to work as soon as they buy it?

    You don't say.

    Or people can just stop feeling entitled to play the very second that other people can play, take a break for a little bit, and come back when


    stitch123 posted: »


  • When the game is released I feel pretty damn entitled to play the game I payed for, it doesn't matter if it's a tiny indie crew or fucking EA.

    Or people can just stop feeling entitled to play the very second that other people can play, take a break for a little bit, and come back when


    stitch123 posted: »


  • Shut up, you are just little !1

    Tookseh posted: »

    Part of the small % here


    harness85 posted: »

    they've closed a thread i started, saying that i could "continue my discussion" here. But i started that thread not to discuss this issue, jus

  • Yeah, it doesn't seem to connect anything, like the server would be offline or so. My firewall was asking to let it through though, so there has to be at least some kind of connection attempt I guess.

    1doomsday1 posted: »

    Just pointing out the server is there and running because of the way it fails to connect so fast. Did Telltale not code in a timeout for trying to connect? At the minute it seems like if it can't connect on the first attempt it just gives up

  • [removed]

    Yes, I'm sure they're not working on the problem at all. They're just sitting on big thrones made of money, tenting their fingers and laughing maniacally at your pain. Obviously.

  • THIS WAS IT!!!!!
    All the other methods and even the registry with /p didnt worked.
    Followed the steps above without the /p and it happened exactly as described...
    a message about dont own the game. CLick buy and was sent to Website, logged out and then in. Switched back to TWD2 and "Connecting" showed.
    Many Thanks to him!!

    It worked for me removing the " /p> " at the end of the command line Then I logged, but it said I don't own the game: I had to click "Buy" and then sign in again from TT website. Than everything went fine.

  • You are what is called a fan boy i bet, you think this is acceptable?

    You're throwing a fit and cussing me out because you have to wait a few hours to play a video game. If that's what I'm being compared to, I'm definitely both wise and clever.

  • You didn't play first season? Play it before playing second season.

    Severely disappointed in this. . . seriously. . . Bought my first ever TellTale Game and this is what happens? I can't even play it? Nice.

  • Entitled is the new key-word for people without any arguments. I paid money to play the game. I can't play the game. Last time I checked in the dictionary such things were under the word 'scam'.

    Apparently Telltale cannot properly code the DRM so that paying customers can play and prevent pirates from playing. If you can't do that third time in a row maybe it's time to stop forcing yourself?

    Or people can just stop feeling entitled to play the very second that other people can play, take a break for a little bit, and come back when

  • Your thread was closed because the discussion you wanted to start fits right at home in THIS thread.

    harness85 posted: »

    they've closed a thread i started, saying that i could "continue my discussion" here. But i started that thread not to discuss this issue, jus

  • Severely disappointed in this. . . seriously. . .

    Bought my first ever TellTale Game and this is what happens? I can't even play it?


  • What else are they supposed to say? It's quite possible they don't know any more than that, and they're almost certainly doing everything they can on their side to fix the issue.

    So yes. You're throwing a fit because you can't play a game, and doing your best to make it look like a moral stand rather than a baby who's chucking toys out of their crib because Mommy and Daddy won't give you the toy you want.

    No, I'm not throwing a fit because I have to wait to play a game. I'm pissed because the people who supported Telltale directly are being left in the dark apart from "Keep trying, We're aware of it". It's insulting.

  • Just remove the DRM. It took less than an hour for the pirates to circumvent it anyway, so why hurt the people who actually paid for the game? Especially since you're selling the game directly from your own website.
    You lose money on upkeeping a useless DRM which doesn't even slow down the pirates (let alone prevent people from using a pirated version) and you're pissing off your own customers. That doesn't sound like a very good business plan in the long run. Please just resolve the issue, remove the DRM completely or give us complimentary Steam keys, and take this matter more seriously in the future.

  • Totally agree

    Zojokkeli posted: »

    Just remove the DRM. It took less than an hour for the pirates to circumvent it anyway, so why hurt the people who actually paid for the game?

  • Thank the gods for useless DRM!

  • edited December 2013

    Giving us a Steam key is not possible for them. If they do so, it will be for them to accept the fact that this DRM is a failure. And this is not tolerable.

    Wait, unfortunately, is the only answer.

  • No, I'm not throwing a fit because I have to wait to play a game. I'm pissed because the people who supported Telltale directly are being left in the dark apart from "Keep trying, We're aware of it". It's insulting.

    You're throwing a fit and cussing me out because you have to wait a few hours to play a video game. If that's what I'm being compared to, I'm definitely both wise and clever.

This discussion has been closed.