"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • Small percentage? are you serious?

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Same problem here, "Small percentage" my ass

  • I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing a small percentage of users having difficulty in this thread.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Small percentage? You mean the majority who bought it direct?

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Has anyone tried contacting TT directly, or are they just posting on forums?

    And while I agree that day one issues are annoying, the people who are claiming they'll pirate games in the future are scum.

    Espano92 posted: »

    Don't expect so many constructive posts when the lack of support is so severe that it's just plain amazing.

  • Small percentage? Hahahaha!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • That doesn't answer the question why do you insist on using this DRM if it doesn't prevent piracy at all. The people who stole the game don't have to put up with such release third time in a row. The people who bought it on Steam for convenience and didn't support you directly can play the game.
    Paying customers who can - can't. The hundreds of pissed of people here and on facebook are surely not a "small percentage of users".

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • not yet :( i've awaited this day from mounths and now? how long i still have to await?

    XyzLewis posted: »

    not yet

  • Small percentage? You mean the percentage who didn't buy it on Steam?

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Let me know when you found a working exe.

  • Did he really write small percentage?

    AlexMA posted: »

    Small percentage my behind.

  • It took you two and a half hours to say that?

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Small percentage my behind.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Dude, i got banned when season 1 was released for saying EXACTLY the same thing. reason promoting piracy. ridiculous. Careful, TT customer service is known for their ignorance. I will never support these a-holes ever again. And Just to think I spent money and bought the game directly off of them just to be treated like a tool in the end. Hate them with passion...

    stitch123 posted: »

    I don't want to be rude, but fuck! Pirates can play it and we, paying customers not?

  • Pretty sure it's more than a "small" percentage...

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Just pinged the server the game tries to connect to and there's no lost packets so it's there. Also whois the server and seems belongs to Amazon.

  • There is no small percentage. I bought this game directly from your store and I can't even play it. I don't have time now because I have to work soon so playing it tonight is out of the question THANKS SO MUCH for taking my money and wasteing my fucking time.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • jesus, you had to go and say small percentage? wow.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • Please do not discuss cracks or piracy, and for the love of Zod do not share cracks. Doing so will result in an instant ban.

    I appreciate you're frustrated, but breaking the clearly stated rules of this site is NOT the way to go.

  • https://twitter.com/telltalegames

    And yet somehow they have been tweeting good reviews of the game without any problems. It appears their internet problems are selective.

    artnat posted: »

    The facts that we can't connect to them and they are not telling us anything are connected. Their Internet is down!

  • I knew it was a bad idea not to buy this game from Steam.

  • Hmm so if only a small %age then no problem giving us something to compo for this mess - except we all probably have the entire series and most others already too.

  • Even if it IS a small percentage, even that is no excuse at all. THIS small percentage of customers, who bought it here, THESE are the loyal people you should look after and should be most important. And not the least important dumbasses who dared to support you directly and trusted you.

    stitch123 posted: »

    Did he really write small percentage?

  • This is just fucking absurd. I am never ever buying straight from TellTale again. I'm going to repurchase it from Steam now and demand a refund for this shit later.

  • I wouldn't say they are scum because of that. In a age like this where piracy is really easy to do, it's important that developers makes it easy for paying customers to enjoy a game. In this case it's messed up at launch and the only people that can play the game are pirates. If it's easier to be a pirate then a loyal and honest customer, you do it the pirate way. Most people don't want to wait or hazzle through problems at the release when they can get and enjoy the game faster inn a different and free way. I myself don't pirate games and won't do it, but I can see why some people tend to go that direction on new games.

    Has anyone tried contacting TT directly, or are they just posting on forums? And while I agree that day one issues are annoying, the people who are claiming they'll pirate games in the future are scum.

  • Gratz.
    Didnt work for me though. I think this was just a coincidence.

    Sparky275 posted: »

    Works for me now! I alt+tabbed out, quit, restarted game and at first it said the usual "can't communicate", then nothing happened even after

  • Prove it.

    If there are about 200 users complaining, and several thousands, if not tens of thousands have bought the game (yes, some will just ignore the issues), then that's smallish to me.

    Unacceptably large, yes, i'm not debating that. But don't just call BS when you don't like what you hear. It'll all be sorted out soon. And hey, if you live in the UK, you won't be suffering from spoiler related nightmares tonight!


    Stark777 posted: »

    Same problem here, "Small percentage" my ass

  • Can't play game, Telltale has no shame. Sim City, Diablo 3, the list is long, has telltale not learned from recent history?
    I hope they enjoy my money for this game, because they're certainly not getting it when Game of Thrones comes out.

  • oh... that's really rude... to all that have pre-order it..

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • This is a joke, seriously. Just with the volume of people who preordered the game TTG should have prepared the servers for this kind of volume.

    Yet again, the people who paid for it can't play because absurd DRM stuff. I know steam is a DRM itself, but the game can be played there without this kind of problems.

    (Sorry for my lousy english)

  • They get review code, so they don't have this issue.

    yossi22 posted: »

    https://twitter.com/telltalegames And yet somehow they have been tweeting good reviews of the game without any problems. It appears their internet problems are selective.

  • I don't think Amazon is a mistake, cause Amazon is offering servers/bandwidth, many professional services are using it. Wondering though what still the problem with the authentification is though. -.-

    1doomsday1 posted: »

    Just pinged the server the game tries to connect to and there's no lost packets so it's there. Also whois the server and seems belongs to Amazon.

  • I just want all the devs to read these posts and then come out and give us a legitimate reason for the DRM, Even after seeing the people who pirated it before the ones who pay, I just want to see them struggle and give us the shittiest reason for it.

  • Frustrated is an understatement. Telltale needs to pull their heads out of their asses, stop posting about their game on twitter, and fix this shit. It's been two and a half hours, and all we've gotten is "We are aware of the problem, it's a small percentage, etc" It's insulting, and they are slapping us in the fucking face.

    Please do not discuss cracks or piracy, and for the love of Zod do not share cracks. Doing so will result in an instant ban. I appreciate you're frustrated, but breaking the clearly stated rules of this site is NOT the way to go.

  • Thank you for replying to us. But please, for this time I kindly invite you to not refer to us as a "small percentage". I think "my dearest customers who have payed for something you aren't able to get yet and will be greatly compensated for our error" would be a much wiser choice of words.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Our technical team is aware that a small percentage of users are having difficulty with authentication right now. We're working to open up mor

  • I'm stuck. My brother ordered it off GMG for me, so i didn't geta steam key. Now i'm stuck in the title screen.. my brothers disabled so i'm not going to hassle him with getting a refund for an xmas gift.

  • DRM prevented pirates from playing this game. For one hour. So, who cares that you, I and every person who bought game cannot play? It "works".

    I just want all the devs to read these posts and then come out and give us a legitimate reason for the DRM, Even after seeing the people who pirated it before the ones who pay, I just want to see them struggle and give us the shittiest reason for it.

  • The "small percentage" comment is damage controlling LOL

    Zaram posted: »

    jesus, you had to go and say small percentage? wow.

  • It is nice to gather with so many of the "tiny percentage." Like everyone else, I'm sticking with Steam from now on despite my preference for supporting Telltale with direct sales.

  • Give us refunds.

This discussion has been closed.