The patches are stored in "WalkingDead101PatchFs" and the individual episodes folders.
I suggest you try what i suggested, because it's always better to let the game do the updating.
The patches could be downloaded manually, but that should be a last resort.
That's fair enough.
But now when I try to re-download from the Telltale store (from the My Games), the file/link is unavailable. The file it is trying to download is:
So it seems now I can't even download the setup file to attempt a fresh install
Just to test, I started a download of one of my other purchased games, and it started with no problems.
This is all done on the same computer that I am using to post this message, so my internet is working just fine.
That's fair enough.
But now when I try to re-download from the Telltale store (from the My Games), the file/link is unavailable. The file it is trying to download is:
So it seems now I can't even download the setup file to attempt a fresh install
Just to test, I started a download of one of my other purchased games, and it started with no problems.
This is all done on the same computer that I am using to post this message, so my internet is working just fine.
I can download the file.
To me it looks like you are having problems connecting to some of TTGs servers.
That would explain why neither the game nor the browser can download.
I would start with rebooting all your network hardware. If that doesn't help, we can try to find out more.
Just saw your edit. Most of the older games are downloading from other servers.
Phew, after alot rebooting, resetting and re-installing I finally got it working. I probably spent just as much time getting the DLC up and running than I did playing through it! Atleast it was worth it.
I sure hope that Season 2 wont rely so much on your existing game installation when it gets released.
Thanks for your help DjNDB!
Hi! i WAS WONDERING iF You Had SOmethinG MOre easier to get episodes 2 through 5. THE ALTERNATIVE THING IS WAY to complicated FOr ME. WAY tO TECHy. THE zIP YOU GAve LINsEY on another post, was SUch A biG helP. i gottEN 400 days really fast. heres the link so you Can See wHAt iM talking about. can YOU GIVE ME that FOr 2 throUGH 5?
Ps. sorry about my captions. my keyboard IS bROKEN AND DOES Captions ALOT Uncontrollably
Hi! i WAS WONDERING iF You Had SOmethinG MOre easier to get episodes 2 through 5. THE ALTERNATIVE THING IS WAY to complicated FOr ME. WAY tO TECHy. THE zIP YOU GAve LINsEY on another post, was SUch A biG helP. i gottEN 400 days really fast. heres the link so you Can See wHAt iM talking about. can YOU GIVE ME that FOr 2 throUGH 5?
Ps. sorry about my captions. my keyboard IS bROKEN AND DOES Captions ALOT Uncontrollably
This should do the trick. Just download the attached zip file and run
hi AGAin, I atUallY havE A neW pRobLEm. the WAlking dead game wont start, gets STuck on THE walking DEad LETters. WAS it because it download 400 daYS Again? WHAT CAN i do to unINStALl It aNd Then rEINStaLL withOUT 400 days? woUlD it woRk or woUlD iT stILL be THE same
hi AGAin, I atUallY havE A neW pRobLEm. the WAlking dead game wont start, gets STuck on THE walking DEad LETters. WAS it because it download 400 daYS Again? WHAT CAN i do to unINStALl It aNd Then rEINStaLL withOUT 400 days? woUlD it woRk or woUlD iT stILL be THE same
It might just be downloading updates, which it does silently.
If it doesn't continue after a few minutes, please follow the instructions to run the Support Tool and attach the resulting "" to your next reply in this thread.
Thanks, I know about that. The server has been on maintenance all day, and is supposed to be up again soon.
Meanwhile you can get the downloaders here.
After i download Python and try to open it gives me this message.
import json, urllib, re, urlparse, os, sys, hashlib
Returns MD5 hash of file named filename
def getMD5(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as file_to_md5:
md5_object = hashlib.md5()
buf =
while len(buf) > 0:
buf =
return md5_object.hexdigest()
Tracks and prints download progress
class Progress_tracker:
def percentage(self, percent):
if percent_int % 5 == 0:
step = percent_int/5
if step>self.last_step:
if percent_int==5:
print "% " + str(percent_int),
elif percent_int<100:
print percent_int,
print percent_int
def download_hook(numblocks, blocksize, filesize):
global download_hook_progress
blocks_total= filesize/blocksize
if blocks_total!=0:
for json_index in range(2,7):
# Name prefix
name_base = "WalkingDead10" + str(json_index)
json_found = False
# Try both file extensions
for json_name in [name_base + ".json", name_base + ".updated.json"]:
# check if file exists
if os.path.isfile(json_name):
json_found = True
print json_name + " not found"
if json_found:
# Create folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(name_base):
print "Creating folder: " + name_base
except os.error:
print "Creating folder " + name_base + "failed"
# Open and parse JSON file
file_obj = open(json_name)
print "Parsing: " + json_name
json_obj = json.load(file_obj)
length =len(json_obj["objects"])
for index in range(length):
url = json_obj["objects"][index]["url"]
expected_md5_value = json_obj["objects"][index]["md5"]
filesize = json_obj["objects"][index]["content-length"]
filesize_mb = str( round(filesize / float(1024*1024),2) )
filename = url.split('/')[-1]
filename_path = name_base+"/"+filename
retry_download = True
# Does file already exist?
if os.path.isfile(filename_path):
# Check MD5
print filename_path + " already exists."
print "Checking: " + filename_path + " ("+ filesize_mb +" MB)"
md5_value = getMD5(filename_path)
if md5_value==expected_md5_value:
print filename_path + " is valid"
print ""
retry_download = False
print filename_path + " is invalid. Redownloading."
print ""
while retry_download:
print "Downloading: " + filename_path + " ("+ filesize_mb +" MB)"
global progress_tracker
progress_tracker = Progress_tracker()
urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename_path, download_hook)
print "Checking: " + filename_path
md5_value = getMD5(filename_path)
if md5_value == expected_md5_value:
print filename_path + " is valid"
print ""
retry_download = False
print filename_path + " is invalid. Retrying download"
except IOError:
print "Connection failed for: " + url
except IOError:
print "Could not open file: " + json_name
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
print "Could not parse: " + json_name
And Then This:
Python 2.7.5 (v2.7.5:ab05e7dd2788, May 13 2013, 13:18:45)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
WARNING: The version of Tcl/Tk (8.5.9) in use may be unstable.
It shows the source code in You should now press F5 to run it.
It is way easier to use the automatic downloader though. Then all you have to do is double click to run it, and it will automatically make the backup copy and move the files.
After i download Python and try to open it gives me this message.
import json, urllib, re, urlparse, os, sys, hashl… moreib
Returns MD5 hash of file named filename
def getMD5(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as file_to_md5:
md5_object = hashlib.md5()
buf =
while len(buf) > 0:
buf =
return md5_object.hexdigest()
Tracks and prints download progress
class Progress_tracker:
def percentage(self, percent):
if percent_int % 5 == 0:
step = percent_int/5
if step>self.last_step:
if percent_int==5:
print "% " + str(percent_int),
… [view original content]
It shows the source code in You should now press F5 to run it.
It is way easier to use the automatic downloader tho… moreugh. Then all you have to do is double click to run it, and it will automatically make the backup copy and move the files.
This workaround only downloads Episode 2-5. You need to download the first episode from the "My Games" section of this site to run it.
The Walking Dead is not officially compatible with OS X 10.9 yet though, but TTG is working on it.
You might be able to get it to run by self signing the App.
Bought episode 1-5 and 400 days at the same time through telltale games (i have a macbook pro, currently running OS X). Was unable to "get" episodes in-game. I then stumbled upon this thread, and did the workaround for episode 2-5 - and it worked perfectly. So I was wondering if the same workaround is possible for 400 days?
If so, I guess I would create a "WalkingDead106" folder, but where to download the files to put inside? I don't see them in the intial thread post as i see ep. 2-5. How come?
Btw. I did try to "get" 400 days in-game, but it freezed at 99% as did all the other episodes.
...Anyhow, thanks a lot for at least making episode 2-5 playable.
I have added the links. The manual download has the risk of adding corrupt files to the game, because the files are not checked for errors then.
It's much better and easier to get them with the python downloader from the "Automatic Download" section. No more need to manually copy and move files and it includes an integrity check, just like the game does it.
I have managed to do everything but when trying to copy the folders to ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Data/ I am not able to find the TellTale Games in the application support folder! How do I find it?
You can navigate to the savegame folder by starting Finder, and selecting "Go/Go to Folder..." from the menu or pressing CMD-SHIFT-G, and pasting the path below into it.
~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/
I have managed to do everything but when trying to copy the folders to ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Data/ I am not able to find the TellTale Games in the application support folder! How do I find it?
Yes, finally got to copy the folders to the Data folder (where there where two folders: WalkingDead101PatchFs and WalkindDead102), placed the copied folders and I opened the Application. On the downloadable content it still says coming soon what do I do?
You can navigate to the savegame folder by starting Finder, and selecting "Go/Go to Folder..." from the menu or pressing CMD-SHIFT-G, and pasting the path below into it.
~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/
Yes, finally got to copy the folders to the Data folder (where there where two folders: WalkingDead101PatchFs and WalkindDead102), placed the copied folders and I opened the Application. On the downloadable content it still says coming soon what do I do?
You can navigate to the savegame folder by starting Finder, and selecting "Go/Go to Folder..." from the menu or pressing CMD-SHIFT-G, and pasting the path below into it.
~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/
Hey! managed to make it work. I copied the .json files to the Meta folder and everything showed up installed and working (for now I guess). Does it make sense?
If you want me to, I can send the .json text, it includes all links for WalkingDead2_patch.json, WalkingDead202.json, as well as WalkingDead203.json. I'm currently trying to download Episode 4 before release this way :P.
But now when I try to re-download from the Telltale store (from the My Games), the file/link is unavailable. The file it is trying to download is:
So it seems now I can't even download the setup file to attempt a fresh install
Just to test, I started a download of one of my other purchased games, and it started with no problems.
This is all done on the same computer that I am using to post this message, so my internet is working just fine.
I can download the file.
To me it looks like you are having problems connecting to some of TTGs servers.
That would explain why neither the game nor the browser can download.
I would start with rebooting all your network hardware. If that doesn't help, we can try to find out more.
Just saw your edit. Most of the older games are downloading from other servers.
I sure hope that Season 2 wont rely so much on your existing game installation when it gets released.
Thanks for your help DjNDB!
Ps. sorry about my captions. my keyboard IS bROKEN AND DOES Captions ALOT Uncontrollably
This should do the trick. Just download the attached zip file and run
It might just be downloading updates, which it does silently.
If it doesn't continue after a few minutes, please follow the instructions to run the Support Tool and attach the resulting "" to your next reply in this thread.
Just a heads up, the:
doesn't work any longer.
Thanks, I know about that. The server has been on maintenance all day, and is supposed to be up again soon.
Meanwhile you can get the downloaders here.
After i download Python and try to open it gives me this message.
import json, urllib, re, urlparse, os, sys, hashlib
Returns MD5 hash of file named filename
def getMD5(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as file_to_md5:
md5_object = hashlib.md5()
buf =
while len(buf) > 0:
buf =
return md5_object.hexdigest()
Tracks and prints download progress
class Progress_tracker:
def percentage(self, percent):
if percent_int % 5 == 0:
step = percent_int/5
if step>self.last_step:
if percent_int==5:
print "% " + str(percent_int),
elif percent_int<100:
print percent_int,
print percent_int
def download_hook(numblocks, blocksize, filesize):
global download_hook_progress
blocks_total= filesize/blocksize
if blocks_total!=0:
for json_index in range(2,7):
# Name prefix
name_base = "WalkingDead10" + str(json_index)
json_found = False
# Try both file extensions
for json_name in [name_base + ".json", name_base + ".updated.json"]:
# check if file exists
if os.path.isfile(json_name):
json_found = True
print json_name + " not found"
And Then This:
Python 2.7.5 (v2.7.5:ab05e7dd2788, May 13 2013, 13:18:45)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
Visit for current information.
Am I doing something wrong. i run Mac OS X Version 10.9
It shows the source code in You should now press F5 to run it.
It is way easier to use the automatic downloader though. Then all you have to do is double click to run it, and it will automatically make the backup copy and move the files.
When I push F5 on my computer it just adjusts display brightness. I got all files to download but don't get how to run them.
I have gotten it to extract but still can't open game
This workaround only downloads Episode 2-5. You need to download the first episode from the "My Games" section of this site to run it.
The Walking Dead is not officially compatible with OS X 10.9 yet though, but TTG is working on it.
You might be able to get it to run by self signing the App.
Hi there.
Bought episode 1-5 and 400 days at the same time through telltale games (i have a macbook pro, currently running OS X). Was unable to "get" episodes in-game. I then stumbled upon this thread, and did the workaround for episode 2-5 - and it worked perfectly. So I was wondering if the same workaround is possible for 400 days?
If so, I guess I would create a "WalkingDead106" folder, but where to download the files to put inside? I don't see them in the intial thread post as i see ep. 2-5. How come?
Btw. I did try to "get" 400 days in-game, but it freezed at 99% as did all the other episodes.
...Anyhow, thanks a lot for at least making episode 2-5 playable.
I have added the links. The manual download has the risk of adding corrupt files to the game, because the files are not checked for errors then.
It's much better and easier to get them with the python downloader from the "Automatic Download" section. No more need to manually copy and move files and it includes an integrity check, just like the game does it.
I have managed to do everything but when trying to copy the folders to ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Data/ I am not able to find the TellTale Games in the application support folder! How do I find it?
You can navigate to the savegame folder by starting Finder, and selecting "Go/Go to Folder..." from the menu or pressing CMD-SHIFT-G, and pasting the path below into it.
~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/
Yes, finally got to copy the folders to the Data folder (where there where two folders: WalkingDead101PatchFs and WalkindDead102), placed the copied folders and I opened the Application. On the downloadable content it still says coming soon
what do I do?
Yes, finally got to copy the folders to the Data folder (where there where two folders: WalkingDead101PatchFs and WalkindDead102), placed the copied folders and I opened the Application. On the downloadable content it still says coming soon
what do I do?
Hey! managed to make it work. I copied the .json files to the Meta folder and everything showed up installed and working (for now I guess). Does it make sense?
Couldn't you technically get the 400 days dlc for free by using the manual download links here? I bought it already, just a thought.
Is there going to be a way to manually download the episodes for Season 2?
If you want me to, I can send the .json text, it includes all links for WalkingDead2_patch.json, WalkingDead202.json, as well as WalkingDead203.json. I'm currently trying to download Episode 4 before release this way :P.