XBox360 Season pass not working



  • THIS IS MICROSOFT'S FAULT, THIS HAPPENS WITH XBOX GAMES ALL THE TIME. What could telltale have figured out exactly?

    holyschwatz posted: »

    Exactly, we've given them 4 months since episode one, they should have had this figured out by now don't you think?

  • Welcome to the internet and the community of scumbags known as "gamers". There's nothing but bitching on every gaming site on the internet. I only came to this site to see if I wasn't the only person having issues downloading the next episode. I knew I'd see plenty of crying about it on the forums if I wasn't the only one having this problem. And sure enough this topic answered my question. I guess us normal patient human beings will just have to wait while these kids keep crying.

    You all are a sorry bunch of whiners with entitlement problems. Grow up and realize the world is an imperfect place and mistakes happen, Tellt

  • Because is a amercain company we won't here anything until 5pm guessing or like classic telltale we won't here anything at all for a couple of days

  • How is Telltale supposed to fix it if it's on Microsoft's end?

    Cjcfman posted: »

    Did anyone PAY Microsoft for this game? It doesn't matter if MS is to blame, the people who download the season pass formed a contract with Telltale. It's Telltale's responsibility follow through with their obligations

  • What, you mean a slight delay isn't ruining your life? Surely you jest!

    Seriously though, I'm annoyed that it's not working but good lord there are some diaper babies in here, you'd think it had been years.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Welcome to the internet and the community of scumbags known as "gamers". There's nothing but bitching on every gaming site on the internet. I

  • Regardless, microsoft should have figured this out then, either way getting mad at pissed off fans is incredibly stupid, especially when the complaint is reasonable. Some people wanted to play before going to work, some people stayed up all night in anticipation, and it feels like both telltale and microsoft dropped the ball with telltales lack of communication leading to an outrageously long delay, and microsoft fudging the bucket with this season pass BS

    THIS IS MICROSOFT'S FAULT, THIS HAPPENS WITH XBOX GAMES ALL THE TIME. What could telltale have figured out exactly?

  • Couldn't agree more with that statement. Exactly my experience :(

    holyschwatz posted: »

    I remember buying this game 4 months ago, all the excitement and anticipation thinking 'oh man in a couple weeks episode 2 will come out and i

  • I'm not pissed off at anybody with a reasonable complaint but they are few and far between here right now. The OP seems to think Telltale is on the long con for five fucking dollars, and everyone else is acting like the world is ending. I agree that Microsoft is fucking up but that's sort of off-topic in the Telltale forums; also you and I differ greatly on our opinion of an "outrageously long delay"

    holyschwatz posted: »

    Regardless, microsoft should have figured this out then, either way getting mad at pissed off fans is incredibly stupid, especially when the c

  • I got the first episode for free and the Season Pass at a discount during the Xbox Live Holiday Sale. The Season Pass is already a discount from paying for each episode individually so I find it funny that people think they're entitled to something more for paying less. Personally, I was very happy to only pay $10 for all 5 Episodes.

    It's also very funny that people are so upset over a delay on 90 minutes worth of content. If you think this is bad now, just wait for all the crying people will be posting once they find out how short the second episode is.

    What, you mean a slight delay isn't ruining your life? Surely you jest! Seriously though, I'm annoyed that it's not working but good lord there are some diaper babies in here, you'd think it had been years.

  • given the fact that the time period between episodes of the walking dead were between a month to 6 weeks i'd say 4 months is a ridiculous delay in comparison

    I'm not pissed off at anybody with a reasonable complaint but they are few and far between here right now. The OP seems to think Telltale is o

  • People in the PC support forums are getting feedback and responses from TellTale about their season passes not working. What about us!!!! The PC master race over there aren't special cos they're rich and can buy the best gaming PC's out there >:(

  • Still not ridiculous, and why do you automatically assume one game takes the same amount of time as another? That's not Telltale's fault, that you had expectations based on something pretty unrelated. Further they're a hell of a lot busier now than they were then.

    holyschwatz posted: »

    given the fact that the time period between episodes of the walking dead were between a month to 6 weeks i'd say 4 months is a ridiculous delay in comparison

  • Crybaby shit.

    Shady shit indeed dude!

  • I am extremely disappointed. I was hoping to download the episode whilst I was away from the house today and have it prepped and ready to go when I return home.
    This should be fixed as soon as possible.

  • edited February 2014

    This isn't TellTales fault. This is Microsoft's fault. Get mad at them.

    Same here, WHEN are you going to fix it

  • wow. telltale are really letting themselves down lately. first there were issues with walking dead season 2, and now this. I'm tempted to jump ship, but I was really looking forward to the GoT game when it comes out.... but I just can't trust them =/

  • How is it unrelated when it's the same exact genre of game, with the same exact art style/graphics, and made by the same people? please explain in as much detail as possible because i'm really interested in how you're gonna explain that?

    Still not ridiculous, and why do you automatically assume one game takes the same amount of time as another? That's not Telltale's fault, that

  • Getting mad at telltale is also incredibly stupid. Do you think they're reading all this crying or trying to fix this issue? I'm sure it's the latter.

    holyschwatz posted: »

    Regardless, microsoft should have figured this out then, either way getting mad at pissed off fans is incredibly stupid, especially when the c

  • This isn't Telltale's fault. For some reason Microsoft screwed up. TellTale doesn't control Xbox Live Market Place, Microsoft does. This has happened before in passed games and was fixed. Just like if the price is wrong at Walmart, it isn't the makers of the products fault.

  • I will def not be revisiting the Telltale forums for that debacle or my head will explode. I just love this idea that these people are entitled to something AT THIS SUPER SPECIFIC TIME because they're a "supporter". You bought something, stop acting like it was a humanitarian act, and accept that there's an issue and it will be resolved and everyone will get what they paid for eventually. Absolutely right on the season pass being cheaper, shit they'd be fair in giving it to you a bit later for giving you a discount, but that's not even what's happening, it's a freaking error.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    I got the first episode for free and the Season Pass at a discount during the Xbox Live Holiday Sale. The Season Pass is already a discount fr

  • Well I didnt get a season pass, Purchased the game now and ist downloading 642 mb so I'll see what it does ! :P

  • 4 month wait, now this. Good job I didn't bother with The Walking Dead season 2. From now on I'm just going to wait for all episodes to come out before bothering with future games, unless they seriously sort out their shit.

  • Worked fine for PSN. Like I said above, Telltale had no control over this, Microsoft did. It's a simple fix and doesn't need a patch or anything like some people have been suggesting.

    dasniper2 posted: »

    I wonder if the same thing happened on psn or if it was just an xbox issue...

  • I would definitely argue the genre is different, the source material is different, the input from the source will be different, the voice talent is different, the art style is VERY DIFFERENT (you're an idiot if you think this and TWD have the same art style, seriously). It might be made by Telltale but I doubt it's being worked on by the same people. Do you expect every game made by the same company as another to follow the same timeline? I doubt it strongly.

    holyschwatz posted: »

    How is it unrelated when it's the same exact genre of game, with the same exact art style/graphics, and made by the same people? please explain in as much detail as possible because i'm really interested in how you're gonna explain that?

  • And you're blaming the wrong group. Go yell at Microsoft.

    It's disrespectful and you sound like a schill. You also sound like you think season pass holders are too stupid to realize they're being out in an unfair position.

  • Telltalegames pressents A Wolf kinda Among Us

  • yea I called xbox and they said we will not give you your money back so I biched and they sent it to corpreat I told me to wait for email then they told me to talk to telltale what makes me mad is in the game it says play as avobole but then thay charge u agin telltale was not clear when we got the pass and in the game it should say not till all is avaloble so the next week or so we all have to call and conplain cous its a scam and some one needs to give us are 4.99 back in board lands 2 when the new stuff came out u could get it the same day it was released for free with pass and that's what I thought this was like but no its a scam its like we are being punshed for getting the pass it did not say well if u by the pass u hafe to wait for the rest of the game to be done to play any other episode with out paying a gin I beet the same thing will happen with walking dead seson 2 wich I also I got the pass for I really feel like thay riped me off both telltale and xbox Ps sorry about my crapy speeling

  • Storm there twitter, then they will fix it.

  • Again this isn't Telltales fault. This isn't the first time Microsoft has fucked up season passes. It worked fine on PSN. TellTale isn't trying to get extra money out of you.

    yea I called xbox and they said we will not give you your money back so I biched and they sent it to corpreat I told me to wait for email then

  • I called xbox and they said sorry but no refound I thinks its crap 2 we are bing punshed for per paying and I did for walking dead 2 also so I relly fell like I got riped off

    iamhere posted: »

    agreed we allready paid our money for the full session. So with them allready haveing my money i expect to be able to download day one its released its the same as preordering you pay to have it on day one.

  • This is Microsofts fault, not TellTales. They don't control Microsofts store.

    hickory7293 posted: »

    wow. telltale are really letting themselves down lately. first there were issues with walking dead season 2, and now this. I'm tempted to jump ship, but I was really looking forward to the GoT game when it comes out.... but I just can't trust them =/

  • Yeah, I watched the damn episode 2 trailer over and over again in excitement for the past few days, just for this to happen to me, to all of us. Damn it Microsoft and/or Telltale...

  • To be honest, I don't even care about this game at all. I am an Achievement hunter. I got the 1st episode for free and enjoyed it so I bought the Season Pass for the few hours of entertainment & easy Achievements. I do think this game is the best work by Telltale so far though. I was bored to sleep by The Walking Dead & pissed off that no matter what choices I made, the ending was the same, just like Mass Effect 3. I almost can't call these Point & Click Adventures games at all since you barely interact with them. It's mostly dialogue and decision making. I have no problem waiting a bit before I can "play" the next episode of this "game".

    Oh boy am I about to get a ton of dislikes from butthurt fanboys for saying all that.

    I will def not be revisiting the Telltale forums for that debacle or my head will explode. I just love this idea that these people are entitle

  • if we all bich they will it is not clear and is mis leading so telltale or xbox beter fix it I wont get crap from ether one agin if they don't

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    There are no refunds on Xbox Live, so good luck with that.

  • If it is known that MS fucks up season passes shouldn't Telltale have done their due diligence and made sure everything was properly working?

    Shanty140 posted: »

    Again this isn't Telltales fault. This isn't the first time Microsoft has fucked up season passes. It worked fine on PSN. TellTale isn't trying to get extra money out of you.

  • I agree I was going to get tells of border land but not if this is what I have to exspect from this company something beter be done about this

    hickory7293 posted: »

    wow. telltale are really letting themselves down lately. first there were issues with walking dead season 2, and now this. I'm tempted to jump ship, but I was really looking forward to the GoT game when it comes out.... but I just can't trust them =/

  • edited February 2014

    You Dam Dirty Apes!

  • Everybody, try and take a deep breath. There are often a few teething problems when performing a digital release, and this kind of thing has happened to me many times before on xbox (and not just with telltale games). While I have no solid proof of what caused this delay, I find it difficult to blame telltale. After all, if it was a problem with the season pass in general then people on other platforms would be having similar issues.
    I know it sucks that we can't play the game right away and, believe me, I'm as frustrated as you are. We just need to try and following the familiar "waiting for the next episode" strategy. Sit back, be patient, and try to avoid spoilers.
    If you're looking at this thread it's probably because you've played episode 1, loved it and really want to play episode 2. You already know that it's going to be worth the wait, just try and wait a little longer.

  • Where's the logic in that? Telltale can't fix Microsoft's mistake. As this is not something that has happened before with a Telltale game on Microsoft what were they supposed to do exactly? You seem to just want a reason to blame Telltale and I don't understand it.

    Cjcfman posted: »

    If it is known that MS fucks up season passes shouldn't Telltale have done their due diligence and made sure everything was properly working?

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