XBox360 Season pass not working



  • no its both ms is saying its telltale so they both need to get there heads out of there ass's and do some thing about it cous nether one is that clear about it

    Shanty140 posted: »

    This isn't TellTales fault. This is Microsoft's fault. Get mad at them.

  • And how are they supposed to know that before the game goes live? The problem only shows itself when it's released to the public. Microsoft isn't going to let an outside source into their Marketplace.

    Cjcfman posted: »

    If it is known that MS fucks up season passes shouldn't Telltale have done their due diligence and made sure everything was properly working?

  • ms told me we have to wait for the full game to be releced

    It is out but the season pass access isn't. You can purchase it even if you have a pass. But I refuse.

  • Learn English please.

    I agree I was going to get tells of border land but not if this is what I have to exspect from this company something beter be done about this

  • Y u no speak English?

    yea I called xbox and they said we will not give you your money back so I biched and they sent it to corpreat I told me to wait for email then

  • admittedly i was wrong about the art style, but i stand by my genre statement as it is the same when it comes to choice and consequence and combat flow. When i said made by the same people i did mean by Telltale, maybe not the exact same voice actors, ect. the fact is it's the same company. They set a standard for themselves when they started pumping out walking dead episodes every month/month and a half and as a customer i really don't have anything else to base the length of time it takes to makes these games so can you blame me for what seems to be reasonable expectations?

    I would definitely argue the genre is different, the source material is different, the input from the source will be different, the voice tale

  • Please explain how this is Telltales fault. They don't control Microsoft's marketplace. It worked fine for PSN.

    no its both ms is saying its telltale so they both need to get there heads out of there ass's and do some thing about it cous nether one is that clear about it

  • English, please.

    if we all bich they will it is not clear and is mis leading so telltale or xbox beter fix it I wont get crap from ether one agin if they don't

  • I can't blame you for having expectations but I can blame you for your righteous indignation when your expectations don't pan out.

    holyschwatz posted: »

    admittedly i was wrong about the art style, but i stand by my genre statement as it is the same when it comes to choice and consequence and co

  • fair enough, although righteous seems harsh

    I can't blame you for having expectations but I can blame you for your righteous indignation when your expectations don't pan out.

  • edited February 2014

    this is the only time playstation wins

  • I know, a few hours or 1 more day won't kill me, I get it. But it's annoying when the DLC is right there in your face and you can't play it unless you pay again. No response from TellTale/Microsoft isn't helping either.

    Everybody, try and take a deep breath. There are often a few teething problems when performing a digital release, and this kind of thing has h

  • well becous they are lieing to us in game the game says play as avoble well its avaloble but if u just dowloas like in most pass game you get charged twice it a scam and telltale and ms are fing us

    Big_Ordeal posted: »

    Where are you getting this whole "trying to charge is twice" thing from? No one is having a gun held to their head making them buy it, and no one from Telltale is releasing a "OUR SEAZUN PASS IS KANCELLED ONLY ON XBACKS FOR SUM RAISIN" press release.

  • Don't use such big words these kids can't understand. Their heads might explode. Although that might make the world a better place.

    I can't blame you for having expectations but I can blame you for your righteous indignation when your expectations don't pan out.

  • Your spelling isn't the issue, it's your giant wall of text with no punctuation. Well I guess spelling is kinda the issue, what the hell is "avobole"?

    yea I called xbox and they said we will not give you your money back so I biched and they sent it to corpreat I told me to wait for email then

  • no it is both there falts cous ms released it and telltale did not check and mke sure it is working right on top of that ms said to contact telltale

    Where's the logic in that? Telltale can't fix Microsoft's mistake. As this is not something that has happened before with a Telltale game on M

  • I can't stop laughing at this guy's posts. They're pure gold.

    Your spelling isn't the issue, it's your giant wall of text with no punctuation. Well I guess spelling is kinda the issue, what the hell is "avobole"?

  • Let me give you an example.

    Lets say you buy Superbowl tickets from ticketmaster. They never arrive in the mail. Who do you take action against? Ticketmaster or the mail? Whose fault is it?

    Ticketmaster= Telltale , and the Mail = Microsoft.

    It's Telltale's responsibility to get the product to you, it's still their fault even if their chosen carrier fucks it up

    Shanty140 posted: »

    And how are they supposed to know that before the game goes live? The problem only shows itself when it's released to the public. Microsoft isn't going to let an outside source into their Marketplace.

  • available

    Your spelling isn't the issue, it's your giant wall of text with no punctuation. Well I guess spelling is kinda the issue, what the hell is "avobole"?

  • It's working just fine on PS3, and this is a KNOWN Microsoft issue. Telltale cannot check on an issue that didn't exist until this morning. I don't really give a shit what Microsoft said, they just want to get rid of you, they're not going to give you a refund so what did you even call them for?

    no it is both there falts cous ms released it and telltale did not check and mke sure it is working right on top of that ms said to contact telltale

  • Did you have to google that to make sure it was spelled correctly?


  • Well that's one question answered. How exactly is it a scam? Did Telltale give you something in writing saying that you would have the DLC by 7:40 AM EST 2/5/2014? No? You'll get the fucking game, calm down.


  • Again, how are TellTale supposed to make sure it working right when they find out the same time the public does. This isn't a problem with any programming TellTale did. Do you get mad at a manufacture when product is the wrong price at a store? No, you get mad at the store.

    no it is both there falts cous ms released it and telltale did not check and mke sure it is working right on top of that ms said to contact telltale

  • no I mad I got charged twice for the game not that I have to wait but if what ms said is true we wont beable to play tell the hole seson is don

    Everybody, try and take a deep breath. There are often a few teething problems when performing a digital release, and this kind of thing has h

  • lol a ps4 looking beter and beter

    Gurushin posted: »

    this is the only time playstation wins

  • Yeah, it's definitely aggravating. I guess it's somewhere between 5-7am over in the US, so hopefully someone will get around to giving an official statement sooner or later.
    I'm just hoping that this is a learning experience, and that this kind of wrinkle will be ironed out before the next episode release.

    Forsythia posted: »

    I know, a few hours or 1 more day won't kill me, I get it. But it's annoying when the DLC is right there in your face and you can't play it unless you pay again. No response from TellTale/Microsoft isn't helping either.

  • You got charged twice because you were too stupid to wait for them to fix the problem and you bought the episode separately. That's nobody's fault but your own.

    no I mad I got charged twice for the game not that I have to wait but if what ms said is true we wont beable to play tell the hole seson is don

  • edited February 2014

    Actually that's your chosen carrier, you picked Microsoft. They didn't deliver your product. You bought it at Microsoft. Microsoft was selling TellTales product, and didn't give you it.

    And actually it's more like:

    Super Bowl = TellTale

    Ticket Master = Microsoft (The place you bought the ticket)

    Cjcfman posted: »

    Let me give you an example. Lets say you buy Superbowl tickets from ticketmaster. They never arrive in the mail. Who do you take action aga

  • I'm really sorry that you got charged twice, but they tend to warn you about where you purchase items from a season pass in the terms and conditions or before you hit download. What did microsoft say about not being able to play until the whole season is done? Could you please post a link? I can't seem to find it anywhere online.

    no I mad I got charged twice for the game not that I have to wait but if what ms said is true we wont beable to play tell the hole seson is don

  • Um, I fucking take issue with the postal service if Ticketmaster can prove they sent me the tickets. Derp.

    Cjcfman posted: »

    Let me give you an example. Lets say you buy Superbowl tickets from ticketmaster. They never arrive in the mail. Who do you take action aga

  • Microsoft, Telltale... I don't give a shit who's fault it is, I just want what I goddamn payed for.

  • You're talking about a physical object instead of digital content so that's just a terrible example no matter how you look at it.

    Cjcfman posted: »

    Let me give you an example. Lets say you buy Superbowl tickets from ticketmaster. They never arrive in the mail. Who do you take action aga

  • this is Telltales issue there are two versions of the game the marketplace version and the season pass version MS have said to me personally via support chat that only the marketplace version is available.

  • Joining this pissed off train.....

  • If you got charged twice it's because your limited literacy skills prevented you from reading the clear warning about not re-purchasing if you have the season pass. That's not Microsoft's responsibility.

    no I mad I got charged twice for the game not that I have to wait but if what ms said is true we wont beable to play tell the hole seson is don

  • Also, your last point is utter nonsense.

    no I mad I got charged twice for the game not that I have to wait but if what ms said is true we wont beable to play tell the hole seson is don

  • Grrrr i want to play this so badly!!!

  • join us we got a party on xbox live party lol

    mmartinezco posted: »

    Joining this pissed off train.....

  • SAME! AND I AM PISSED! Almost nearly bought the game twice!

This discussion has been closed.