XBox360 Season pass not working



  • They just sent me a messedge saying they are resolving. source(TelltaleMike)

  • The very long wait for Smoke & Mirrors and now this... Kind of saw it coming

  • So is it ALL xbox users that are having this problem? Is ANYONE on xbox able to play this game yet?

    Seriously pissed. 24 hours until its fixed. JOKE. I also don't like their lack of communication apart from retweeting microsoft tweets.

  • edited February 2014

    In my opinion, episodic games should never go on sale until all episodes are out, and the season pass should NEVER go on sale.

    Games always go down in price after a while. Most consumers expect to pay less if they choose to wait for a deal. This is a rather common prac

  • Thanks for the update puzzlebox, ^-^ I guess it'll be another 10 minutes - been telling myself that every 10 minutes xd

  • My thread got closed, so I'll post it here instead..

    Flag Edit Unfollow

    So, after talking to an Xbox Adviser for almost 2 hours they got in touch with telltale.. and they had this to say: 'as the Season Passes that you purchased are just new, then they suggest the users to wait for 24 more hours as they have just uploaded the rest of the contents for the Season Pass. That's the reson why you keep getting that error message. They further advise you NOT to purchase the content AGAIN. The one time purchase is good and will be available soon.They also added in their update to both Xbox and the other console brand that if ever other customers are going to have difficulty accessing the Season Passes after 24 full hours, they need to go to this site: '

    Doe's anyone else think this is unacceptable?! I know it's only 24 hours.. but we've been waiting to play episode 2 for a long time!

  • I'll repost my reply in that thread:

    That's unacceptable. But it does not surprise me, Telltale seems to like to punish their early adopters. I mean, I buy the season pass because I want the episodes as soon as possible, and to support Telltale.

    What do they do? Within 2 months they make episode one free (on Xbox) and discount the season pass. Even before the second episode is released. It's a big slap in the face for people who bought the season pass on release day. And yes, it's common stuff gets discounted, but not like this.

    And now apparently they decide that the season pass owners will get the new episodes last.

    Seriously? To quote AVGN: "What were they thinking?!"

    This is not how you treat your customers. I'm really flabbergasted if they really thought this was a good idea.

    Rhi4nnon posted: »

    My thread got closed, so I'll post it here instead.. Flag Edit Unfollow So, after talking to an Xbox Adviser for almost 2 hours they got

  • edited February 2014

    J'ai contacté microsoft, ils m'ont proposé de me rembourser les 4.99€ pour acheter l'épisode, par contre ça peut prendre 1 mois... j'ai quand même sauvegardé ma discussion au cas où...
    lien pour le chat

    Vous chattez maintenant avec 'Chantale'.
    Chantale: at 20:43:51
    Bonjour, merci d'avoir contacté le service clientèle Xbox. Je m'appelle
    Chantale. En quoi puis-je vous aider ?
    Jérôme: at 20:44:02
    Jérôme: at 20:44:25
    Comme beaucoup j'ai un souci avec le season pass du jeu The wolf among us
    Chantale: at 20:44:29
    Vous avez un souci avec l'extention
    Jérôme: at 20:44:38
    yep :)
    Chantale: at 20:44:49
    Et le map c'est bien cela ?
    Chantale: at 20:44:53
    2 **
    Jérôme: at 20:45:09
    le map?
    Chantale: at 20:45:27
    je vous prie de m'indiquer le souci exacte SVP
    Jérôme: at 20:46:04
    je ne peux pas télécharger l'épisode 2 de The wolf among us avec le season
    Chantale: at 20:46:56
    qu'est ce que vous recevez Comme souci avec le telechargement de l'episode
    SVP ?
    Jérôme: at 20:48:10
    Je peux acheter l'épisode séparément pour 5€ mais je ne peux pas le
    télécharger via le season pass que j'ai déjà payé
    Chantale: at 20:48:53
    Oui je vois en faite c'est un souci sur le serveur Du jeu
    Chantale: at 20:49:18
    en ce cas vous pouvez acheté l'episode qui vous manque et par la suite je
    peux vous faire le remboursement
    Jérôme: at 20:49:39
    Ah! ça m'intéresse :)
    Chantale: at 20:49:55
    parfait alors je vous prie de l'acheter par carte bancaire
    Chantale: at 20:50:05
    et je vous ayttends si vous allez l'acheter maintenant
    Jérôme: at 20:50:16
    Donc je télécharge la version payante à 4,99 € et vous me rembourser cette
    somme c'est bien ça?
    Chantale: at 20:50:25
    Chantale: at 20:50:38
    Est ce que vous avez la possibilité de la faire maintenant ?
    Jérôme: at 20:50:43
    ok je m'y mets :)
    Jérôme: at 20:51:02
    Combien de temps prend le remboursement?
    Chantale: at 20:51:08
    Ok je patiente
    Chantale: at 20:51:20
    entre 72h et 30 jours
    Jérôme: at 20:51:41
    Jérôme: at 20:51:51
    Téléchargement en cours
    Chantale: at 20:52:03
    Ok parfait un instant SVP
    Chantale: at 20:53:56
    Vous avez acheté avec quel compte ?
    Jérôme: at 20:54:11

    Chantale: at 20:55:32
    Vous avez confirmé le paiment ?
    Jérôme: at 20:55:41
    Oui oui
    Jérôme: at 20:56:07
    il y a un problème?
    Chantale: at 20:56:27
    Je suis entrain de reactualiser votre compte afin de lancer la demande :)
    Chantale: at 20:59:45
    Merci pour votre patience.
    Chantale: at 20:59:57
    Alors jérome c'est fait et le remboursement est en cours
    Jérôme: at 21:00:10
    Chantale: at 21:00:12
    je vous prie de consulter votre compte bancaire dans 10 jours

    EDIT : Finalement le remboursement a déjà été effectué sur mon compte microsoft!

    GreenTee posted: »

    It's everyone around the world it seems, I'm in France and I'm having the same problem...

  • Wait, you got a refund on the season pass?? I think I'll do that

    Straphreal posted: »

    So, I've just finished talking with an Xbox Live support, if anyone's wondering this is what I was told: you: at 20:17:40 One more questio

  • Mais pour ce soir, je vais pas vraiment avoir le temps d'en profiter....

    GreenTee posted: »

    It's everyone around the world it seems, I'm in France and I'm having the same problem...

  • Telltale lost me as a customer with this. Terribly optimized game that somehow screwed up the season pass even more.

  • "TelltaleMike" sent me a messedge saying they are aware of the problem and Microsoft is fixing it;)

  • If this is true, then TTG should be ashamed of themselves. Truly. This is disgraceful. I wonder if after winning GOTY they expanded and hired people because they decided to make more games more frequently (which you should do). This is only speculation but, if true, they hired some incompetent people or have very poor organizational skills.

    Whatever the circumstance, TTG should hold themselves accountable and realize the utter FAIL they have on their hands right now. It's time to own up and compensate season pass holders.

    Rhi4nnon posted: »

    My thread got closed, so I'll post it here instead.. Flag Edit Unfollow So, after talking to an Xbox Adviser for almost 2 hours they got

  • edited February 2014

    So Microsoft is fixing their(TTG) problems?

    "TelltaleMike" sent me a messedge saying they are aware of the problem and Microsoft is fixing it;)

  • Plenty of games have season passes on xbox that allow users to download the content the day it releases. Heck, even TTG have done it before.

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Responding here in the thread in case some people didn't see the OP edit.

    There appears to be an Xbox issue affecting multiple titles with DLC right now, including The Wolf Among Us. Microsoft is actively working to resolve the issue. Please see the support thread here for more info.

    We all want to get you guys playing the episode as soon as possible. I'll update here as soon as we have more news.

  • TelltaleMike Telltale Staff
    Flag Hide thread
    I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. We are aware of the issue on XBOX Live Marketplace affecting Season Pass owners of The Wolf Among Us where the user is still prompted to purchase Episode 2 even though they own the Season Pass. There appears to be an issue on XBOX Live affecting multiple titles with DLC offerings and Microsoft is actively working to resolve the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and are hopeful it will be resolved soon.

    Reply 1 0
    New Comment Posted today at 11:36am
    (This is what they sent me)

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    So Microsoft is fixing their(TTG) problems?

  • I don't need a compensation, I just want Telltale to acknowledge the problem, apologize and make sure this doesn't happen again (as there are still 3 episodes for TWAU and 4 episodes for TWD to be released).

    Just telling us that Microsoft is working on the (their) problem isn't doing it for me.

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    If this is true, then TTG should be ashamed of themselves. Truly. This is disgraceful. I wonder if after winning GOTY they expanded and hired

  • This is what telltale messedge me "TelltaleMike Telltale Staff
    Flag Hide thread
    I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. We are aware of the issue on XBOX Live Marketplace affecting Season Pass owners of The Wolf Among Us where the user is still prompted to purchase Episode 2 even though they own the Season Pass. There appears to be an issue on XBOX Live affecting multiple titles with DLC offerings and Microsoft is actively working to resolve the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and are hopeful it will be resolved soon." So yea...

  • edited February 2014

    I'm back from a chat with the xbox support. The person was very nice, advised me to pay for the episode, after which she refunded me. So if you can, I'd advise to contact support.

    This is still bullshit though.

  • I tried both, via the marketplace and via the in-game store and both want me to pay for episode 2. Even though I bought the season pass before!

    ironside67 posted: »

    this what i have just been told by ms support.The very reason why the season pass is being offered is of course to let the players save on buy

  • edited February 2014

    No kidding? Wait until the whole game is released? WAIT UNTIL SUMMER WHEN TELLTALE PROMISED THAT WE COULD PLAY?

    ms told me we have to wait for the full game to be releced

  • So telltale is saying it's xbox's fault, and Xbox is saying it's Telltales fault. Seems legit

  • edited February 2014

    I buy and play lots of games, as i am sure we all do. I really don't remember ever ever ever having something come up with season pass not being able to download content all of day one, maybe I've just been lucky i buy 99% of all dlc so this is a hard one to swallow. I love adventure games and have been a TTG supporter for years( TTG if your listening please release the back to the future, Monkey Island and please bring back the Wallace and gromit stuff for 360) And it's a real shame people who are early adopters are getting screwed and people who have purchased the pass as well. I just don't think it's right for early adopters to get the shaft but there loyalty and support just feels like it's overlooked. In short I am quite pissed!

  • Microsoft is working with TellTalegames to find out what the problem is, so clam down and wait and instead of bitching and such how about you all go play another game for 24-48 hours cause that is what I'm going to be doing. I'm going to play Fable Anniversary today and tomorrow but I'll be checking to see if I can download episode 2 with the season pass.

    I have heard that some PSN season pass owners are having the same trouble too though i could be wrong, cause I don't play online games over a hackable network like Playstation (used too not anymore)

  • Hahaha all i did was give a link to the the telltale contact page that has your guys phone number on it. And you deleted the post. Telltale Mike i presume? Derpanged has a right to call you guys, the United States has federal and state consumer laws that protects this.

  • TTG doesn't own the Monkey Island IP. LucasArts does. They'd have to contract TTG like they did for last MI game. That said, I'd love a new MI (or a remake of 3), but I don't see it happening. MI is pretty niche and Disney (who now owns LucasArts and thus the MI IP) cares more about catering to the mainstream (what will sell the most).

    I buy and play lots of games, as i am sure we all do. I really don't remember ever ever ever having something come up with season pass not bei

  • B.....S Nuf said

  •    Rarely, if ever, do I feel the need to hop on a forum and badmouth a particular product, but I've reached a tipping point. When you pre-order/reserve a product, you are making an investment in good faith that FIRST AND FOREMOST you will receive said product, and in a timely manner. While I'm confident I will *eventually* be able to access it, that doesn't shake the fact that it’s not here for us who paid for this specific privilege. Hell, in my mind season pass holders should have early access. 
        You know, when my pizza is late, there are reparations. When Amazon doesn't have something arrive on time, there are reparations. When GTA Online sucked one large donkey schlong for the first month, even Rockstar gave us crappy in game money. But not all videogame companies do. I'm tired of getting taken advantage of for having faith in certain developers or hardware providers that fail to follow through on agreements and then being told you just have to sit and wait. 
         I've had too many bad experiences lately with games that have large pre-order sales. Games are released half-cocked, because developers know they can repair it later and this has become the norm. DON'T RELEASE THINGS UNTIL THEY WORK. least in a semi decent fashion (access would be nice). I was the main guy in my community of friends shouting from the rooftops about how great TTG is. I’ll have serious reservations about complimenting these guys anymore, because I’ve lost faith in their ability to follow through. 
    C’mon TellTale, win me back… 
  • I asked some of my friends if their season pas on the PSN is working they said it wasn't, and no they aren't joining up to the site either

    B.....S Nuf said

  • thanks for the info green tee! i went ahead and chatted with support and they told me to do the same and refunded me! downloadinf the episode now!

    But seriously its messed up on ether end wether its xbox/MS or telltalegames. Since i buy a lot of games from them this is the first time i had a issue like this.

    GreenTee posted: »

    I'm back from a chat with the xbox support. The person was very nice, advised me to pay for the episode, after which she refunded me. So if you can, I'd advise to contact support. This is still bullshit though.

  • ^This! @puzzlebox @telltalemike please understand where we are coming from. Win us back.

    perturbed1 posted: »

    Rarely, if ever, do I feel the need to hop on a forum and badmouth a particular product, but I've reached a tipping point. When you pre-order/

  • Refunds, or some other form of compensation. Four days while being a pain in the ass, isn't the biggest insult. It's the four months packed on top of giving Episode One away for free while discounting the season pass.

    This wouldn't be the first time they've compensated buyers either, happened back when they delayed Jurassic Park Episode One by seven months the night of release.

  • same here it was my sons birthday today and he was going to play this , this has really upset him :(

  • [removed]

  • I don't mind the delays between release dates (from 1 to 2 for example) but I wanted to play it right away so I could get it out of the way before the internet goes all "Snape kills Dumbledore" with plot details. Games like this are best played knowing absolutely nothing about the plot of the latest episode so that none of your decisions are influenced by what is going to happen later.

  • I attempted to get a refund from Xbox support and got nothing but empty empathy.

  • edited February 2014

    Looking for help on twitter earlier with this problem and I MASSIVELY spoilt episode 2 for myself. EPIC FAIL FFS!!!!!!!

    darham175 posted: »

    I don't mind the delays between release dates (from 1 to 2 for example) but I wanted to play it right away so I could get it out of the way be

  • If there is a game (for anything) I REALLY want to play I ignore everything I can about it to minimize that. I've even had people who didn't care about a game look up stuff for me if I was having an issue with something.

    aaroncarney posted: »

    Looking for help on twitter earlier with this problem and I MASSIVELY spoilt episode 2 for myself. EPIC FAIL FFS!!!!!!!

This discussion has been closed.