XBox360 Season pass not working



  • Even if this sucks, getting PSN hacked and getting users private info exposed is worse. Also, I've gotten free live for less :)

    darham175 posted: »

    When Sony got taken offline by hackers they gave everyone a FREE month of PSN +, When this is over Microsoft will give us the most metal thing of all...NOTHING.

  • edited February 2014

    If it takes 4 months to do a 2 hour game do you think a 4 month game could be done in 2 hours?

    Two hours? I heard it last 45 minutes.

  • Oh boo :( how long have we been waiting like 5 months? for 45 minutes of gameplay? That sounds fair.

    Two hours? I heard it last 45 minutes.

  • Who is gonna join me? We should make massive refund wave that both TTG and Microsoft realize that this is serius problem.

    SiriusChico posted: »

    That´s it this is ridiculous. They have last hour and then I´m going to ask for refund for whole season.

  • Already got mine refunded. Go for it. It's not like it would even be as much fun to play it at this point.

    SiriusChico posted: »

    Who is gonna join me? We should make massive refund wave that both TTG and Microsoft realize that this is serius problem.

  • edited February 2014

    Aghh I got some mean Jeniffer. She refused to refund a season pass.
    "I do apologize but currently I can not provide a refund for the season pass, as there is a license for the season pass that is attached to your gamer tag and console, so if I were to refund the charge you would still have the license and season pass basically for free, as we can not pull the license away from you"

    Already got mine refunded. Go for it. It's not like it would even be as much fun to play it at this point.

  • Damn bad compare.
    Is there any official statement from ttg when their Problem will be fixed?

    darham175 posted: »

    When Sony got taken offline by hackers they gave everyone a FREE month of PSN +, When this is over Microsoft will give us the most metal thing of all...NOTHING.

  • Well , in-game it says season pass owned. So everything is registred fine. The link just should not lead to The marketplace. And thats definately not MS' fault.

    worlock1 posted: »

    Actually on the download menu, episode 2 did show the option to download and not purchase. The issue now is that for some reason its going straight to the purchase screen. Could it just not be registering the season pass?

  • After the put the season pass on sale before a single piece of dlc was released I should have expected this. Telltales already got out money so why should they give a ****?

  • on the phone with a microsoft rep right now, MS has emailed all reps that at 4:30 MST they will be releasing an update on the situation with TWAU season pass catastrophe. As I'm on the phone they are unwilling to refund me or compensate me in any terms...waiting to speak to a supervisor now while terrible techno blasts in my ear.

  • Maybe TellTale bit off more than they could chew.

  • Give them hell!! Hell! Do you hear me?!

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    on the phone with a microsoft rep right now, MS has emailed all reps that at 4:30 MST they will be releasing an update on the situation with T

  • Oh my god, thank you for the update!

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    on the phone with a microsoft rep right now, MS has emailed all reps that at 4:30 MST they will be releasing an update on the situation with T

  • I just got off of Xbox chat where I had my season pass refunded. It took less then three minutes. The way Telltale games has handled this situation has been complete and utter horseshit, and I just don't feel comfortable giving my money to a company so seemingly unconcerned with their fan base. I'll most likely do what I did for Walking Dead, wait till the full game is released and get it through Gamefly.

  • Which number are u guys using I'm not even getting through

  • We shouldn't have to put up with this! When Borderlands and GOT is released we should all show TellTale a thing or two and NOT buy the season pass!

  • Which section of chat did you go? Billing?

    Daveinbk posted: »

    I just got off of Xbox chat where I had my season pass refunded. It took less then three minutes. The way Telltale games has handled this situ

  • And then there is Melissa, a senior Supervisor of Customer Service who after me explaining the situation to her, not only denied the 4:30 update, but then hung up on me when I asked for compensation and called her out on deflecting my desire to be treated with respect. Really Microsoft? In 24 hours you went from having unbelievable customer service to piss poor.

  • I really hope this "update" isn't just fucking "We are aware and are working on fixing it. Check again in 60 minutes."

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    on the phone with a microsoft rep right now, MS has emailed all reps that at 4:30 MST they will be releasing an update on the situation with T

  • And did use some smooth moves or you was like: Hey I want my money back?
    Mine assistent refuse to give refund.

    Daveinbk posted: »

    I just got off of Xbox chat where I had my season pass refunded. It took less then three minutes. The way Telltale games has handled this situ

  • Users who buy a season pass early should be rewarded, but the TWAU I feel we've been completely taken for a ride:

    October 2013: Full price paid for Episode 1 and Season Pass
    --- Wait Patiently for Episode 2 Release
    December 2013 : Episode 1 becomes free to play and Season Pass is heavily discounted
    --- Continue waiting for Episode 2 Release (Patience running thin)
    February 2014: Unable to Download Episode 2 on Release

    The episodic structure has clearly supported Telltale to date, with the sales of the season pass helping funding the rest of the game, but I for one won't be purchasing another season pass. I'll just wait until the full game is out and buy it cheap in the inevitable sale.

  • it's in the terms and conditions of the 'stand alone' episode download. or any dlc for that matter.

    so basically unless xbox are feeling like changing them or just being really kind and sympathetic..

    imho no one will get a refund for ep2.

    SiriusChico posted: »

    And did use some smooth moves or you was like: Hey I want my money back? Mine assistent refuse to give refund.

  • Melisa is bitch. It seems to me that it heavily depens on who you get. But Microsoft propably now put hold on all season pass refunds.

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    And then there is Melissa, a senior Supervisor of Customer Service who after me explaining the situation to her, not only denied the 4:30 upda

  • Wow. There's some moronic comments on here. I thought this was an MS issue? So why the hate for telltale?

  • if you read on the next page they denied it when i talked to the supervisor and she hung up on me after i demanded to be treated with respect after she started treating me as a number and not a customer. i told her i paid for services to be rendered which hadn't and then she went on to tell me that this sort of thing has never happened. i called her out on it mentioning gears of war 3 and the COD expansion that just came out. when she told me that she had a job to do and hung up on me.

    JovialTrash posted: »

    Oh my god, thank you for the update!

  • Both parties are blaming each other, and refuse to clarify anything. So people choose to hate the one they already hate most.

    Wow. There's some moronic comments on here. I thought this was an MS issue? So why the hate for telltale?

  • “Some Xbox Live members may be experiencing temporary service issues with downloading season two of ‘The Wolf Among Us,’” A Microsoft representative told Game Informer via email. “Our engineering teams are working to fix the problem. In the meantime, our apologies for the interruption.”

    Sounds like MS is taking the blame in that quote.

    Mukora posted: »

    Both parties are blaming each other, and refuse to clarify anything. So people choose to hate the one they already hate most.

  • edited February 2014

    I went to xbox 360 support and clicked "Service". Originally they had offered to refund me the $4.99 if I wanted to repurchase ep. 2, but I foolishly chose to wait thinking it would only be a few hours. When I signed back into chat 6 hours later hoping to take them up on their offer, they would no longer do it. Absolutely ridiculous. For the full refund I just told them they had failed to deliver the product I had purchased and I wanted a refund asap. There doesn't seem to be much uniformity with how they're dealing with this.

    SiriusChico posted: »

    And did use some smooth moves or you was like: Hey I want my money back? Mine assistent refuse to give refund.

  • edited February 2014

    Because behaviour of TTG is really suspicious. They said that this affect multiple titles on xbox, which was a lie. They said that problem is on microsoft side. Microsoft said it was problems with uploads of episodes for season pass holder. And finally even if TTG is really inocent (which i highly doubt it) it is their game, they have got our money and they choose to make a season pass option. And only think which they do is to say: Microsoft is to blame, they are working on it. No sorry, no regrets, no answers. It like they saing: "fuck you gamer we dont care what you think."

    Wow. There's some moronic comments on here. I thought this was an MS issue? So why the hate for telltale?

  • every telltale game reduced months after launch and first episode offered free around the time the second ep is out/coming soon.

    this is done to boost sales after they start dropping off once the initial rush is over to get them. (imho)

    also some of these discounts are not telltales doing (outside of their own shop/site) xbox is always doing some reduced offer i assume psn/plus does it as well not seen many psn users complaining of getting the game free either..

    we are rewarded with the initiall discounted price of not buying seperate, also just wait and see the opposite happen, season pass owners get thegame first then the 'seperate purchasers' have to wait... oh wait it already happened...;)

    Users who buy a season pass early should be rewarded, but the TWAU I feel we've been completely taken for a ride: October 2013: Full price

  • sigh
    I am slowly but surely starting to lose interest in playing the game, tbh. Maybe it ain't worth the hassle
    rolls around listlessly

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

  • edited February 2014

    Microsoft and TellTale would get no hate whatsoever if they told us their exact problems. It's most likely that the issue is so bad they don't want to tell us.

  • I'm pretty sure a lot of people hate microsoft just as much as telltale at the moment.

    Personally, I think it's telltale's game and therefor their job to make sure it's working properly for all of their customers. If it isn't, they need to be the ones to fix it. If it's something they can't fix then they need to be on Microsoft's butt to fix it in a timely manner.

    Mukora posted: »

    Both parties are blaming each other, and refuse to clarify anything. So people choose to hate the one they already hate most.

  • gears of war 3 (epic) i have seen this happen.
    the walking dead season 1 (telltale)
    halo 4 (xbox/343)

    SiriusChico posted: »

    Because behaviour of TTG is really suspicious. They said that this affect multiple titles on xbox, which was a lie. They said that problem is

  • non disclosure agreements.

    Arrowify posted: »

    Microsoft and TellTale would get no hate whatsoever if they told us their exact problems. It's most likely that the issue is so bad they don't want to tell us.

  • The least they should do for making those of us WHO ARE SO DEVOTED TO THEIR CONTENT THAT SOME OF US PAYED IN FULL FOR ALL THE EPISODES is giving those of us who waited a free episode of TWG season 2, or an episode of our choosing.

  • i have honestly lost almost all interest in playing TWAU after this B.S. from telltale and microsoft. i was teetering with an interest level and then after my terrible experience with being hung up on by a supervisor at MS (Melissa - a Supervisor for Customer Service, i got her by calling the customer service #, pressing 2 for 360, then 2 again for games, and then getting transferred to a supervisor...she had a southern accent), i have nearly lost all desire. bad form TTG and bad form MS. TTG, even if the problem lies on MS end, it's still your game and you should at least apologize to your loyal (perhaps once loyal) customer base. shame on you both.

  • Oh right.

    non disclosure agreements.

  • As regards the latest update. All the updates are in the Central time zone which means we have around a half hour to 45 minutes to wait possibly.

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