Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man.


    Louche posted: »

    I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man. Carley is cute, but could have been more consistently w

  • I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man.

    Savage. Agreed with all those opinions actually.

    Louche posted: »

    I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man. Carley is cute, but could have been more consistently w

  • edited March 2017

    More unpopular opinions coming up (probably said all these before but i'll say them again anyway)

    Season 3 should have Clementine being adopted by Shel and had Becca back in the game as Clementine's best friend or worst enemy depending on players choices. Makes even more sense to me because scumbag Clementine is basically Becca's identical twin and nice gal Clementine is more or less the anti Becca. I don't care how much people hate Becca I just know that shit would have worked. Their chemistry would have been off the charts.

    Becca was a great character and had the most potential maybe more than any character in the game. Should have been in season 2 more and also in season 3, possibly being groomed as the next big villain.

    Arvo back in the game in season 3 to settle his unfinished business with Clementine (was neutral on the idea before season 3 came out but I think it could spice it up now)

    AJ should die to add more drama to the story and Clementine's character.

    Luke shoulda faked his death after the shootout to escape the fast declining group.

    Man sometimes even I get amazed by how brilliant my own ideas are.

  • edited March 2017

    Becca was a great character and had the most potential maybe more than any character in the game. Should have been in season 2 more and also in season 3, possibly being groomed as the next big villain.

    This is what I was originally planning to do in my personal changes and rewrites.

    Arvo back in the game in season 3 to settle his unfinished business with Clementine (was neutral on the idea before season 3 came out but I think it could spice it up now)

    Ironically, I was/am almost the opposite.

    wdfan posted: »

    More unpopular opinions coming up (probably said all these before but i'll say them again anyway) Season 3 should have Clementine being a

  • edited March 2017

    Ironically, I was/am almost the opposite.

    Why? Clementine needs an evenly matched rival now, especially since they have made her tougher and what not.

    This is what I was originally planning to do in my personal changes and rewrites.

    Seeing some of my posts in those threads lol, even back then I was a big Becca fan.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Becca was a great character and had the most potential maybe more than any character in the game. Should have been in season 2 more and also

  • Seeing some of my posts in those threads lol, even back then I was a big Becca fan.

    Oh, its you! Didn't recognize you there. Anyway, looking back on my post you commented on, I realized you were definitely right about it being too much.

    Why? Clementine needs an evenly matched rival now, especially since they have made her tougher and what not.

    More like I was up for him returning as an ascended threat, uneasy ally, or maybe just a wild card that's both, but lost interest around the time the Amazon entry was posted.
    Granted, I always got the idea that Ava could be that, but we'll see.

    wdfan posted: »

    Ironically, I was/am almost the opposite. Why? Clementine needs an evenly matched rival now, especially since they have made her tou

  • Anyway, looking back on my post you commented on, I realized you were definitely right about it being too much.

    Was a decent idea actually, would have shocked a lot of the fanbase. I don't know if Carver would have went that far though.

    Granted, I always got the idea that Ava could be that, but we'll see.

    Oh yeah, forgot about her. Yeah I guess so.

    Oh, its you! Didn't recognize you there.

    Yup, looking back some of my shit was pretty interesting. I still like the idea of Clementine having a break down over someone's death, which obviously reduces her competence temporarily and Jane's reaction to it. We never really got that (Luke could have, possibly should have been that). Season 2 would have had to be a little longer to pull that off as well though.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Seeing some of my posts in those threads lol, even back then I was a big Becca fan. Oh, its you! Didn't recognize you there. Anyway,

  • edited July 2017

    Huh. I think I made it clear that I was trying to look at his Episode 2 appearance from the point of view of those who were actually exposed to it at the time. Basically, people were quick to side with him for a number of petty reasons.

    EDIT: Also, Happy Birthday to Me!

    Louche posted: »

    and I was still disappointed proceeds to list a bunch of reasons not to be disappointed u wot m8

  • edited March 2017

    I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man.

    Umm... what do you mean by that?

    It was probably Carley's attitude that I didn't like. She was given much more attention than Doug.

    I agree about Ben. He wasn't a bad kid. Everyone can fuck things up in an apocalypse. I am glad he stood up to Kenny.

    I felt really sorry for Lilly, too. I couldn't just kill her father right in front of her, even though he was a dick.

    Louche posted: »

    I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man. Carley is cute, but could have been more consistently w

  • Wasn't Bonnie trying to get with the old head in 400 Days? She's an equal opportunity ho, bro.

    Louche posted: »

    I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man. Carley is cute, but could have been more consistently w

  • Soo... is my avatar picture the problem here?

    I haven't played 400 days, but I will check it out because I am curious.
    Just because I have Bonnie as my avatar doesn't mean she is my favourite character.

    Wasn't Bonnie trying to get with the old head in 400 Days? She's an equal opportunity ho, bro.

  • I don't really care, I'm just messing around he was talking about Bonnie. I try not to miss those opportunities.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Soo... is my avatar picture the problem here? I haven't played 400 days, but I will check it out because I am curious. Just because I have Bonnie as my avatar doesn't mean she is my favourite character.

  • edited March 2017


    I don't really care, I'm just messing around he was talking about Bonnie. I try not to miss those opportunities.

  • She was given much more attention than Doug.

    Yeah, it was a combination of having ties to revealing Lee's backstory(opposite of Larry), being a badass reporter, and the obvious desire for her to be his love interest.

    It didn't help that one of Doug's scenes (and possible introduction) was cut from the game and he isn't even shown until the military shows up and Kenny does roll call afterwards. I think they probably could've bit the bullet and just cut/downplay Glenn in favor of given Doug some non-determinant screentime, since the scene would more or less fit him just as well.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I'm not surprised someone with Bonnie as an avatar would pick a strong black man. Umm... what do you mean by that? It was probabl

  • How so?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not quite sure why he calls Molly that aside from the occasional "tomboy=lesbian" misconception, but Jane definitely resembles a stereotypical dike with "feminist" overtones.

  • Well....

    • Her appearance consists of short spiky hair, small/squinted eyes, a [amber] leather jacket, tight fighting jeans(with a holster?), and boots, which makes her look a caricature
    • Essentially castrating Troy(which is weird for number of reasons, but treating men like farm animals or neutering the more violent/offensive ones is still something of a stereotype)
    • Is portrayed as outdoing pretty much every male character in everything besides raw strength, which includes being more skilled, being more logical in her methods compared to their more emotional ways, being yet another example of Luke not being able to do anything noteworthy on his own, and just being smarter in general(not that that's hard :lol:).
    • Lambasting the much more feminine Rebecca,(Ooh...Karma is a bitch sometimes) Sarita,(when honestly, Sarita is probably the "strongest" feminine character, but Jane at least has the excuse of not knowing her for long) and Sarah
    • Taking the initiative on the "love'em and leave'em" strat' with Luke, with all of the blame for Rebecca's near miscarriage (and by ignored extension, Sarah's canon death) falling on him; its essentially a one night stand, since Luke specifically says that she made him that offer and then she left him high and dry when the opportunity presented itself, something that is typically associated with dicks and womanizers.
    • Encouraging Clementine to leave the group because "you don't owe them anything"
    • Sharing Carver's beliefs and...let's say tastes
    • Writing off Kenny as someone who only loves people who does what he says
    • Tries to get Clementine to just drive off in the truck so she can "know what its like to live her own life"(I know what she was trying to get at, but the line is still a bit cringeworthy and overdramatic.)
    • The whole "strong independent freedom-fighting woman fights back against the abusive/oppressive redneck man" undertones of her fight with Kenny, during which she can knee him btw
    • The inferable undertones of her [admittedly restrained] breakdown if Clementine shoots Kenny and leaves her
    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    How so?

  • edited March 2017

    AJ is just a poorly written plot device that was forced unto the player. And his parents where irrelevant and unlikeable.

  • And his parents where irrelevant and unlikeable.


    Chris_93 posted: »

    AJ is just a poorly written plot device that was forced unto the player. And his parents where irrelevant and unlikeable.

  • There should have been an option to tell the group about Lee's past when Doug is saved, too. You know, most of the players choose her because she is hot and has a gun. While I am here like "Hey! Doug is awesome! He is smart, resourceful and a great help to the group!" Lee knows how to use a gun, Kenny and Lilly as well. Doug's abilities are a valuable asset!

    I agree that they should have cut some of Glenn's screentime. He was going to leave anyway. That always happens to comic-adapted characters. (Eventhough It would have been great if he tagged along with the group).
    What was the scene they cut from the game? I know that there was a deleted sequence where Doug attracts walkers away with Kenny's truck while Lee knocks down a pole on his brother. (Is that it?)

    DabigRG posted: »

    She was given much more attention than Doug. Yeah, it was a combination of having ties to revealing Lee's backstory(opposite of Larr

  • There should have been an option to tell the group about Lee's past when Doug is saved, too. You know, most of the players choose her because she is hot and has a gun. While I am here like "Hey! Doug is awesome! He is smart, resourceful and a great help to the group!" Lee knows how to use a gun, Kenny and Lilly as well. Doug's abilities are a valuable asset!

    Yeah, unfortunately Carley is just more [superficially] appealing than Doug and had almost everything in her favor, even showing up on the episode's title card and having saving her technically be the good choice.
    I do like that they give her and Doug differing traits to make them foils, though.

    What was the scene they cut from the game? I know that there was a deleted sequence where Doug attracts walkers away with Kenny's truck while Lee knocks down a pole on his brother. (Is that it?)

    Yes. Though I clearly forgot some details, as I was under the impression that Doug would do that as a distraction for Carley to get everyone inside.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    There should have been an option to tell the group about Lee's past when Doug is saved, too. You know, most of the players choose her becaus

  • edited March 2017

    It makes you wonder why she is on the cover when she cannot always be saved...

    Telltale scrapped very good sequences/ideas! Like the one in Starved For Help Mr. Parker becomes food for the cannibals, we had the choice to leave Ben or take him, Ben could use a rifle, Mark was going to stay alive, but left behind during the escape in Long Road Ahead and so much more!
    Dang it, Telltale! Probably our choices would have mattered, but they want to make us feel bad for most of them, I guess...

    DabigRG posted: »

    There should have been an option to tell the group about Lee's past when Doug is saved, too. You know, most of the players choose her becaus

  • It makes you wonder why she is on the cover when she cannot always be saved...

    Because she's more plot important. Also, sex sells?

    Telltale scrapped very good sequences/ideas! Like the one in Starved For Help Mr. Parker becomes food for the cannibals, we had the choice to leave Ben or take him, Ben could use a rifle, Mark was going to stay alive, but left behind during the escape in Long Road Ahead and so much more!
    Dang it, Telltale! Probably our choices would have mattered, but they want to make us feel bad for most of them, I guess...

    Yeah, I do kinda wonder why they cut most of that stuff, though the leave Ben part is a little weird considering his huge role.
    With that said, the choices in the game proper are still some of the best ones

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    It makes you wonder why she is on the cover when she cannot always be saved... Telltale scrapped very good sequences/ideas! Like the one

  • With that said, the choices in the game are still some of the best ones.


    DabigRG posted: »

    It makes you wonder why she is on the cover when she cannot always be saved... Because she's more plot important. Also, sex sells?

  • I liked Ben very much as a character, he was good written, he shows what we would be like in the same place of him. He could be dumb, but all he wanted to do was to help the group, he was a good boy, his death saddened me.

  • Agreed.

    I liked Ben very much as a character, he was good written, he shows what we would be like in the same place of him. He could be dumb, but all he wanted to do was to help the group, he was a good boy, his death saddened me.

  • Yeah I dont know why in the world Alvin and Rebecca weren't written better. Even if they saved Clems life just once, Clem would actually have a reason to like them and care for their baby.

    The only thing they ever did was determinately give Clem a juicebox

    Chris_93 posted: »

    AJ is just a poorly written plot device that was forced unto the player. And his parents where irrelevant and unlikeable.

  • The only thing they ever did was determinately give Clem a juicebox

    And bandages.

    Yeah I dont know why in the world Alvin and Rebecca weren't written better. Even if they saved Clems life just once, Clem would actually hav

  • I agree with you.

    I liked Ben very much as a character, he was good written, he shows what we would be like in the same place of him. He could be dumb, but all he wanted to do was to help the group, he was a good boy, his death saddened me.

  • edited March 2017

    *AJ should die to rid us of the stupid dead weight. Fixed it for you. He's a classic escort type mission getting in the way of the main characters badassery. "I could totally murder every mofo in here inside of 3o secs but since i've been given this dumb baby/chick with the broken ankle/Sarah, I have to sneak around for 3 hours with a dull box cutter. If I get caught, instant death because reasons.

    wdfan posted: »

    More unpopular opinions coming up (probably said all these before but i'll say them again anyway) Season 3 should have Clementine being a

  • YES! Just the word I was looking for. An escort mission waiting to happen. Feed the baby Mario chicklets or he's gonna cry and alert the zombies!!

    Chris_93 posted: »

    AJ is just a poorly written plot device that was forced unto the player. And his parents where irrelevant and unlikeable.

  • Brenda St. John and Larry should have worked out their differences and started a relationship, which would in turn allow us to take Maybelle and produce milk and bread to keep the Motor Inn strong for years! 10's of years! 100's of years! A googleplex of years!

  • Now that's a ship I'd support for the right reasons.

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    Brenda St. John and Larry should have worked out their differences and started a relationship, which would in turn allow us to take Maybelle

  • since i've been given this dumb baby/chick with the broken ankle/Sarah, I have to sneak around for 3 hours with a cull box cutter

    Okay, this part right is a bit confusing. Are you referencing Jane or are you suggesting a scenario where you're raising AJ alongside Sarah?

    Though with that said, my first thought was my rewrites for Amid the Ruins and a bit of No Going Back.

    Demonics posted: »

    *AJ should die to rid us of the stupid dead weight. Fixed it for you. He's a classic escort type mission getting in the way of the main char

  • Lilly and Jane always seemed extremely similar to me. Tough females who lose their last loved one and shut out the world and begin to make terrible choices.

    Kenny even said that Jane seemed like another Lilly situation. When he killed Jane, it somehow felt like justice and an end to the Lilly betrayal arc.

  • True, though I also feel like the Lilly comparison was a bit forced for the sake of pitting her against Kenny for nostalgia-sake.

    With that said, I did initially think Jane was a buffed up Lilly at first.

    Lilly and Jane always seemed extremely similar to me. Tough females who lose their last loved one and shut out the world and begin to make t

  • Writing off Kenny as someone who only loves people who does what he says

    now you did play season 1, right?

    Castrating Troy

    didn't he force himself on her?

    there's no implications with Kenny, she just doesn't like him and wants Clem for herself. Now if she was a lesbian, she wouldn't have made it with Luke at all.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well.... * Her appearance consists of short spiky hair, small/squinted eyes, a [amber] leather jacket, tight fighting jeans(with a hol

  • edited March 2017

    I did notice something odd. It was only listing ep 2 on the search page

    Zambie88 posted: »

    i purchased the walking dead a new frontier and i am being prompted to purchase episode 2 even though i bought the season pass i checked the

  • edited June 2017

    now you did play season 1, right?

    Yes, I did and Katjaa was more than capable of speaking against Kenny when he was in the wrong at times and he does still [determinately eventually] go along to help save Clementine. And he and Clementine had very little interaction to begin with before Season 2, so it's unlikely that he ever specifically expected her to do things for him beforehand.

    didn't he force himself on her?

    That was apparently the original plan back when he was a more serious/threatening character, but in the game proper, it's much more likely that she was using him the entire time given their respective IQs and Threat levels.

    there's no implications with Kenny, she just doesn't like him and wants Clem for herself.

    I know, but it was still worth rubbing my eyes when I noticed that parallel--the "feminist" vs. the abusive redneck, I mean.

    Louche posted: »

    Writing off Kenny as someone who only loves people who does what he says now you did play season 1, right? Castrating Troy

  • Kenny should have died for Sarita's development, I'm saying this as someone who loves Kenny. It would have been shocking then. The moment Sarita showed up I remember people saying she was gonna die for Kenny's sake, so it wasn't surprising at all when it happened. Then she could have taken his place as Clem's "guardian " I think she would be a far better role model to Clem, than someone like Jane as well.

    Also it always bothered me how they made her help Clem and Sarah in the herd, and then she just leaves. Sarita obviously cared about them enough to break her cover to help them, so leaving them alone especially when Sarah is upset and freaking out made no sense to me. I know they did it to make Sarita go get bitten, but writing wise, it felt ooc for her to help two kids and then just to leave them.

  • edited March 2017


    Kenny should have died for Sarita's development, I'm saying this as someone who loves Kenny. It would have been shocking then. The moment Sa

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