Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • I dislike Kate

  • Gabe is actually helpful and humorous.

  • Agreed.

    Gabe is actually helpful and humorous.

  • edited April 2017

    Let's see...

    Gabe's character makes sense even if players hate him for it. He's a teenager that Javi and Kate have sheltered forever, just had his little sister get murdered, and is caught between his uncle and his father. Meanwhile, he has an uncle who, depending on the circumstances, preaches certain things while practicing in another way.

    Clementine is starting to get on my nerves. I'm incredibly grateful that I don't have to play her again because I really thought they did it badly in season 2. But now I feel like she has no purpose in this season. Plus the angry fans who will accept nothing but Clementine being the main character are annoying. She's better as a secondary character, even if they're messing it up in this particular story. No matter what, I hope that this season is somehow her final stop. They clearly don't know what else to do with her and I can only foresee her dragging down future stories because Telltale keeps her around for the fans.

    Kate and Javier's relationship makes perfect sense and no matter how you play Javi, they clearly had a connection at some point. There are years of their relationship you don't get to play. Also, Kate is not a bitch for wanting to be away from David because David is a violent asshole who's too selfish to care a lick about his family. He suddenly and conveniently wants to claim them only when he sees that Javi is "taking his place".

    Ava is already a better character than all the Prescott crew combined. Not sure how unpopular that is, though.

  • YES! Thank you! The way I see Gabe is that he gets his temper from David, but gets his playful and humorous side from Javier.

    Gabe is actually helpful and humorous.

  • edited May 2017

    "Gabentine" should've stayed a joke or at least a "maybe one day" sort of spiel. It's starting to hold both characters back.

    Ava is one of the best supporting characters we've had.

  • Shit.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I hope Clementine is wrong about Eleanor and maybe vice versa.

  • I enjoyed S2 & S3 way more than I enjoyed S1.

    Don't get me wrong, S1 was good. But I really liked S2 and S3 more. I always want to replay every TWD episode, but I just didn't have the interest of doing so with S1, I have played both S2 and S3 more than I have S1.

  • S2 is better than S1

  • edited May 2017

    David is a manchild. The guy is never not butthurt about something.

    • S2 should have had one ending. Wellington.
    • Christa would be waiting at Wellington for us
    • S3 should have started straight at the end of S2
    • ANF would be S4
  • After Tripp, Badger, and Mariana, Clementine seems to be the ANF character I care for the least at the moment.

    • I feel like this is unpopular amongst Tumblr and to some extent on the forums - I really love Kate and I actually really enjoy the Javier x Kate romance. At first it didn't phase me, I was just going along with it because I could see where Kate was coming from when flirting with Javi and I wanted her to be happy but I actually ended up shipping it in episode 4.
    • I really don't care for the Kenny vs Jane topic. I don't hate either character but it's a topic which people constantly argue over and it feels like people are poking at a dead horse at this point.
    • Gabe and Eleanore are still part of my favorite characters even after episode 4. I can't bring myself to hate Eleanore and I also can see where Gabe is coming from with his constant outbursts.
  • Uhm, the majority of players shot him (and probably hate him), because he threatened "their" Clementine.
    I didn't kill him, I am not like that and I didn't care what Clementine thought. I want to keep as many people I can alive.
    Also, Conrad doesn't change his personality when saved. You seem to forget what he was like when we met him in the bar.

    It would be rare to say "I like Conrad." since a lot of people didn't give him a chance.
    Basically, Conrad=Doug, both amazing and underrated characters.

    Conrad is one of the worst character in the whole series. Seriously I think people have got lost in the fact hes determinant. The character

  • It wasn't exactly like that.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Conrad is the most extreme example of a determinant character just completely changing personality when saved. I did find it rather

  • I love Javi x Kate! ^_^

    lottii-lu posted: »

    * I feel like this is unpopular amongst Tumblr and to some extent on the forums - I really love Kate and I actually really enjoy the Javier

  • ANF

    • I think David is now literally Kenny 2.0 but much, much, MUCH worse. (I don't really know if that's unpopular, but still)
    • At some point of the game I forgot that Eleanor exists as a character.
    • Although I LOVE Jesus in the comics and one of my favorite characters, I don't understand his role in the game, other than being just a cameo.
  • edited May 2017

    I think David is now literally Kenny 2.0 but much, much, MUCH worse. (I don't really know if that's unpopular, but still)

    I don't see it.

    Although I LOVE Jesus in the comics and one of my favorite characters, I don't understand his role in the game, other than being just a cameo.

    To attract the comic fans as well.

    ANF * I think David is now literally Kenny 2.0 but much, much, MUCH worse. (I don't really know if that's unpopular, but still) * At s

  • edited May 2017

    EDIT: Double post, whoops.

  • edited May 2017

    I don't see it.

    Both have a bad temper, they get angry at you when you disagree with them, both think only about their families (sort of).
    At least Kenny has some kind of redemption arc, while David is just hard for me to understand.

    To attract the comic fans as well.

    Yeah, that too.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think David is now literally Kenny 2.0 but much, much, MUCH worse. (I don't really know if that's unpopular, but still) I don't se

  • they get angry at you when you disagree with them

    David had every right to be angry at you if you tried to leave Richmond with Kate.

    I don't see it. Both have a bad temper, they get angry at you when you disagree with them, both think only about their families (sor

  • David had every right to be angry at you if you tried to leave Richmond with Kate.

    And I have every right to be angry at him for wanting to ditch me in Episode 3.

    AronDracula posted: »

    they get angry at you when you disagree with them David had every right to be angry at you if you tried to leave Richmond with Kate.

  • Gabe is a very believable teenage characters. The majority of people complaining about him are probably just the same as he is and dont realize it.

    Clementine was a lousy choice for the playable character in S2.

    I supported Arvo having his ass beaten in before S2E5 was released and the entire time before he shot Clementine.

    Kenny is a bigot and entirely unreliable and effectively made S2 had no emotional impact at all if you despise him.

    I wanted to leave with Lilly, I didnt trust Kenny at all, nor did I want him to even be alive, his son was dying, Ben almost certainly betrayed us and denied it, while I would have regretted abandoning Katjaa, but I would rather that than condemning myself to death with Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

    S3 E1-3 were good compared to S2, E4 was god awful trash.

  • I know I'm ridiculously late in posting this, given the current ballgame, but I'll post it while it's on my mind:
    I didn't want Clementine teaching the Garcias [too m-]any survival techniques.

  • I would like to see the herd trick again. But I dont think we get to see that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know I'm ridiculously late in posting this, given the current ballgame, but I'll post it while it's on my mind: I didn't want Clementine teaching the Garcias [too m-]any survival techniques.

  • Kate is a very well-written character.

  • In my opinion, S2 and ANF are better and more entertaining to replay than S1.

  • What is he referencing anyway?

    Louche posted: »

    Luke stop whining, I'm getting sick of it

  • I'm enjoying playing as Javier.

  • I like most of the female cast this time around and feel they've been underutilized and/or mistreated.

  • I would like to see Clem and AJ leave Javi and his family after this season

  • I cannot wait until ep 5 is out so we can compare notes on missed opportunities this season...but yes I agree I think they were misused and that includes Clem.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I like most of the female cast this time around and feel they've been underutilized and/or mistreated.

  • I'm starting to feel like the opinion that I like ANF is an unpopular opinion.

    Because I love ANF and I thought it was much better than season 2. Not that I hate season 2, though.

  • The only thing which makes ANF better than Season 2 is the choices.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm starting to feel like the opinion that I like ANF is an unpopular opinion. Because I love ANF and I thought it was much better than season 2. Not that I hate season 2, though.

  • Yeah, seriously. Though Clementine isn't really included in my list.

    I cannot wait until ep 5 is out so we can compare notes on missed opportunities this season...but yes I agree I think they were misused and that includes Clem.

  • Predictability isn't necessarily a bad thing and the opposite is true as well. It's better a structured story that's told well than a directionless mess that is inconsistent.

  • I agree, but we don't really get further chances to take it in, you know?

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Kate is a very well-written character.

  • I was playing LA Noire and think Telltale could learn from it in terms of the depth and variety of different aspects in their character personality that can be explored in just their dialogue options alone. Their past games did this well and showing different layers to their character in Season 1 how Lee can be a caring and genuine person to being a more ruthless, angry and even threatening person. The Wolf Among Us and and even Season 2 have done this very well at times also. Javier's dialogue options don't show much overall versatility and the options themselves often aren't very different from eachother

  • Well, here's my question: Does making the character very flexible to the point of potentially being very different polarization-wise not diminish they're actual characterization in general?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I was playing LA Noire and think Telltale could learn from it in terms of the depth and variety of different aspects in their character pers

  • While in some cases you would be right, maybe giving a character certain beliefs and certain things would be understandable in rare cases. The problem with this is that most of the dialogue in ANF is almost identical just worded and expressed differently most of the time, like that whole mess of a scene with Eli.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, here's my question: Does making the character very flexible to the point of potentially being very different polarization-wise not diminish they're actual characterization in general?

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