Why do I feel like the characters in the art are going to die? Tripp and Ava tied up doesn't look good. David on a noose doesn't look good. … moreGabe just look out of place to be honest. Also where is Joan, Lingard, Kate, Eleanor, AJ, Clint and everyone else?
I'm with ya, I'd take an official trailer and official screenshots from telltale themselves but no leaks from fans unless it is the same image telltale uploads.
I am excited to see how these two will interact now that they're on the same side—meaning, on the same side of the conflict within the New Frontier.
It is interesting that they placed them together out of all people.
Very tantalizing artwork...
As usual, not one character modeled on the promotional artwork looks like they give a single fuck.
Even Cl… moreem, girl wonderless, has an expression more akin to someone who just smelled a wet fart rather than someone who is experiencing something shocking and sinister happening.
And Jesus, why is Gabe's lower lip all puckered like he's imitating a fucking Bulldog?
I personally find it better than last time episode's 4 banner, where they just shopped Luke, Kenny, and Clem from previous episodes onto it.… more
Gabe seem's to be playing a huge part cos his face is slightly bigger than everybody else just like javi pleeeeaaaase can javi and Gabe save David on time.
Sequels don't actually mean a continuation
Explain this then, tough guy
You wanna fight against the dictionary? Fair … moreenou--wait, there is a new definition for 'kicked ass' in it now. And it uses your ass as an example. Because the dictionary just KICKED YOUR ASS
Why do I feel like the characters in the art are going to die? Tripp and Ava tied up doesn't look good. David on a noose doesn't look good. … moreGabe just look out of place to be honest. Also where is Joan, Lingard, Kate, Eleanor, AJ, Clint and everyone else?
Good on you sticking your neck out for everybody!
How'd it work out with Kate btw? She leave you hanging?
… more Just keep your head high, don't be so taut and you'll be fine.
If not, I've got some breaking noose for you!
Playing the air guitar ofc! Chasing the dream to be the first undead champion in the Annual AirMusic Muertos Championship.
I am just hoping that Eleanor doesn't die!
I personally find it better than last time episode's 4 banner, where they just shopped Luke, Kenny, and Clem from previous episodes onto it.
Me, personally. I love this poster.
Who else is on Team No Trailer
I'm on team no early leaks.
Hell...even some fanarts are better than this inconsistent shit. I miss Season 2 key arts.
I'm with ya, I'd take an official trailer and official screenshots from telltale themselves but no leaks from fans unless it is the same image telltale uploads.
I can't be the only one who noticed her fucking tits holy shit
Cucked by his own brother smh.
Ew literally everything bad about the plot is being pointed at
Clem's hips look abnormally wide.
The link doesn't work for me, pal.
I'd rather you not stir shit up with this, K?
To be fair it also contained 4 determinant flashbacks
Hopefully for certain people's sake, it's him trying to steal some of her cool and have a point.
Yeah, I noticed that too!
I wonder if the '#hangtight' in ttg's tweet is a reference to David in the poster??? Or maybe just a coincidence...
Oh, is that what they did? Guess that explains why Luke doesn't seem to be looking at Kenny like I thought.
I wish
Scoring a touchdown.
Beat me to it XD
They can only fit so many characters on the poster I guess.
I love you
My baby cousin said that Gabe looked like darth Vader XD make it happen telltale. Sarcasm.
This key art depresses me
That's no fair most people are on team no early leaks. We need an even amount of players if we want to start the game.
This key art made my eye sight worse.
I have no idea what to focus on, at all.
Let's just hope Android and iOS comes out on the day it's supposed too, let's not have a 3 day delay...Just saying.
My life is complete.
You're terrible and brilliant at the same time. XD
I know Leafy. Thanks to the other leaders of the New Frontier, David's been thrown through a loop.
Same here! Fingers Crossed!
I love it! I'm so damn excited! I swear I'll do everything I can to save you David!
When they release the keyart and you're just like
