TWD The Final Season Ep 1 Waiting Thread - Releases Aug 14th, Switch EU Aug 28th



  • I live in the US and there's still nothing. How did Delt find it?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    According to Delt, he can see the demo, but I cannot, so it might only be available on the US PS Store now.

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    bloop posted: »

    I live in the US and there's still nothing. How did Delt find it?

  • Thanks, I appreciate it.

    This link might help out:

  • So the surprise is the demo then?

  • It’s not out in Europe well i couldn’t find it

    This link might help out:

  • Probably a problem with PS coz its on Xbox in Europe

    It’s not out in Europe well i couldn’t find it

  • Yeah i own a PS4 i try to wait

    Probably a problem with PS coz its on Xbox in Europe

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff


    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    So the surprise is the demo then?

  • Poptarts fam, is the demo going to release on Steam as well?


  • Is it coming in Europe on ps4


  • Is in Ps4 store?

  • edited July 2018

    It should've been out by now if it was gonna release on steam too... Maybe after it fully releases. :|

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Poptarts fam, is the demo going to release on Steam as well?

  • It'll probably release on the PS Store for everyone at 4-5 PM est. So give or take 3-4 hours

  • According to the tweet, it's PS4 and Xbox One only.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Poptarts fam, is the demo going to release on Steam as well?

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Yeah, it should be out there already but seems like there's a delay (clearly!). We're working to get it up on the store!

    Is it coming in Europe on ps4

  • edited August 2018

    I have made peace with this is wrong and I think the demo could have brought back a lot of jaded PC owners...but I am sure Telltale knows better.


  • Thanks

    Yeah, it should be out there already but seems like there's a delay (clearly!). We're working to get it up on the store!

  • I am currently downloading the demo right now. What is it like? Does the game run well? What does the Graphic Black art style look like on your system? I watched the gameplay footage but I find videos or clips to be less enjoyable than the actual personal experience. I loved the game clips but is it good when you are actually controlling Clementine and roaming the environment?

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    SIEE Update: The demo should be available to customers by midnight PT / 8 am London (on Aug 1st), but could be available as early as 4 pm PT / midnight London.

    I'm sorry about the delay. Hold tight! Hoping the store sorts itself out sooner rather than later.

  • Okay, i must say it: UI in this game is really terrible... Best UI was in ANF. I mean... time bar in choices is unreadable, QTE UI is horrible (this buttons animation...!)...

    LiTeRaLlY uNpLaYaBlE (for me)

    And yes, I pay a lot of attention to such things.
    Telltale could leave the interface from ANF.

  • Thanks

    SIEE Update: The demo should be available to customers by midnight PT / 8 am London (on Aug 1st), but could be available as early as 4 pm PT

  • Nice! Thank you for replying! <3


  • edited July 2018

    If it is released for PC there will be leaks through the game files. You want to be spoiled by leaks or you want to go into the episode blind? I think that is the right choice on Telltale`s end.

    I have made peace with this is wrong and I think the demo could have brought back a lot of jaded PC owners...but I am sure Telltale knows better.

  • As a PC player of these games, I'm perfectly ok with console players getting a demo of the fifteen minutes TTG has already shown. I really don't see the big deal. It's fine. We're getting the full game in just a couple weeks. I fail to see how giving a limited group a demo of what's already been released a PR blunder, but it's whatever. I'm just a guy with an opinion...

  • I doubt u can leak anything, since the demo is almost 3gb and not 15 gb as the full game is.
    It isn't really the right choice, since they kind of already have separated all the content.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    If it is released for PC there will be leaks through the game files. You want to be spoiled by leaks or you want to go into the episode blind? I think that is the right choice on Telltale`s end.

  • I don’t know you but I played and read everything with no problems at all

    Linkyop posted: »

    Okay, i must say it: UI in this game is really terrible... Best UI was in ANF. I mean... time bar in choices is unreadable, QTE UI is horrib

  • It is still possible, Telltale leaves audio in their games the most and audio files dont take up that much space, so it is possible there could be some audio in the demo for scenes we havent seen yet

    I doubt u can leak anything, since the demo is almost 3gb and not 15 gb as the full game is. It isn't really the right choice, since they kind of already have separated all the content.

  • Again, I am doubtful, but ok.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It is still possible, Telltale leaves audio in their games the most and audio files dont take up that much space, so it is possible there could be some audio in the demo for scenes we havent seen yet

  • The leftovers of audio files and character or location models can be there and they are there for sure. I get it that you are doubtful, but stuff like that happens and happened before with bigger companies, so if you don`t want to be spoiled, that is the best approach and I am thankful Telltale did it.

    I doubt u can leak anything, since the demo is almost 3gb and not 15 gb as the full game is. It isn't really the right choice, since they kind of already have separated all the content.

  • I just do not think it is a reason to shaft PC players.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    The leftovers of audio files and character or location models can be there and they are there for sure. I get it that you are doubtful, but

  • This did occur a number of times in season 2 (if i recall correctly, Kenny's reappearance was discovered by searching through the season 2 episode 1 files)

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    The leftovers of audio files and character or location models can be there and they are there for sure. I get it that you are doubtful, but

  • It would have been nice to play on PC.....

  • edited July 2018

    Some people would also like to play the demo themselves firsthand rather than just watching/hearing others play the game. To the point of 'limited' people that 'limited' group is basically the majority of the players who can play the game with PC exclusively being left out.

    eRock92 posted: »

    As a PC player of these games, I'm perfectly ok with console players getting a demo of the fifteen minutes TTG has already shown. I really

  • I think it looked great. Loved the colors, loved the artwork, loved the S1 reference, pretty amazing in my humble opinion

    The demo has such a shitty menu. It’s just the old Netflix-esque menu their past 5 games had... truly hope it’s not the final menu design - especially since they kept saying the menu would be something unique and something we’d be happy with.

  • Oh a demo....OK

  • edited July 2018

    The Walking Dead: The Final Season demo is available on PlayStation 4 in Europe now.

  • Wow I just played the demo and i cant wait to play the first episode complete , you got these telltale

  • I could be wrong, but haven't all the leaks from TWD/Telltale been a result of Telltale themselves rather then dataminers or hackers?

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    The leftovers of audio files and character or location models can be there and they are there for sure. I get it that you are doubtful, but

  • To be fair PC isn't a priority platform for Telltale.

    I just do not think it is a reason to shaft PC players.

  • edited August 2018

    That’s strange, Telltale has said that their PC games sell more then their Xbox games. But that was back in 2015/16 I think.

    Ex: PS4>PC>XBOX

    Chibikid posted: »

    To be fair PC isn't a priority platform for Telltale.

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