TWD The Final Season Ep 1 Waiting Thread - Releases Aug 14th, Switch EU Aug 28th



  • I found the title of the article a bit misleading. The media is full of swearing anyway and more intelligent people would probably retain more words. Also less intelligent people may have a smaller vocabulary of non swearing words, however in this case it wouldn't mean that they speak or express themselves with words less than a more intelligent person. In other words I disagree to an extent

    @mister_sij and @Saltyliquorice This actually helps explain the dip in intelligence facing modern society.

  • It's actually a gif. For some reason, it doesn't play when you click on it. Check it out in motion on the main page. Seeing it in motion, I can see S2 in her a lot more.

    clears throat ANYWAY.... Anyone know where this is from? Not sure if it's a still from the 15 min of gameplay Found it on this tumblr

  • OMG I didn't realize it was a gif! Thanks for the correction

    Still not sure where they could have gotten it from haha

    eRock92 posted: »

    It's actually a gif. For some reason, it doesn't play when you click on it. Check it out in motion on the main page. Seeing it in motion, I can see S2 in her a lot more.

  • 3 more weeks until episode 1! Hype!

  • I'm so desperate for the game and the wait is driving me nuts.

    I've literally filled out an entire planner of random art projects to do to keep me occupied lol

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    3 more weeks until episode 1! Hype!

  • edited July 2018

    OMG I didn't realize it was a gif! Thanks for the correction

    Still not sure where they could have gotten it from haha

    I might just be the texture/grain or whatever, but she kinda looks like a monster/creep here.

    clears throat ANYWAY.... Anyone know where this is from? Not sure if it's a still from the 15 min of gameplay Found it on this tumblr

  • I really hope that reaction is from her hearing Marlon say some pseudo-philosophical blabbering. It would be the perfect reaction.

    OMG I didn't realize it was a gif! Thanks for the correction Still not sure where they could have gotten it from haha

  • I can't wait to meet the supporting cast of characters and see their personalities, motivations, and pasts. Telltale already seems to have done a great job with AJ and I'm really looking forward to meeting the new characters.

  • Me too! I'm so excited to see their interactions with Clem and learn more about them! :smiley:

    I can't wait to meet the supporting cast of characters and see their personalities, motivations, and pasts. Telltale already seems to have done a great job with AJ and I'm really looking forward to meeting the new characters.

  • That would be interesting!

    max_pain943 posted: »


  • From the Q&A with Kent Mudle, him answering a question if TFS will be like ANF and have a newcomer focus to it:

    I think anyone can enjoy TFS. We do a catch up at the start, and the premise of Clementine and AJ's current situation is carefully made clear to the player. There is absolutely a richness that comes from having played the past seasons, with lots of little and large nods to past events, but whether you've played every Walking Dead game or this is your first, we think you'll have a great time with TFS regardless.

    While it certainly doesn't sound like it has the same level of focus on newcomers like ANF did, which was predominantly about attracting new people to the series (hence the little time spent as Clem, very miniscule references to her past, and most of the attention being on Javi and his family), they're still trying to make this for anyone to play, regardless of whether they played the previous seasons. This doesn't have me completely worried about TFS, but I am now skeptical, considering the wording of this statement.

  • You stole the name of my future YouTube channel :lol: :joy:

    Me too! I'm so excited to see their interactions with Clem and learn more about them!

  • That eyeroll and smile as she shakes her head. I'm going to be honest, it's kind of adorable.

    OMG I didn't realize it was a gif! Thanks for the correction Still not sure where they could have gotten it from haha

  • edited July 2018

    I have yet seen a sequel game that the devs say "Exclusively past players" its just bad marketing and reduces sales. Recommending towards newcomers is just PR 101.

    From the Q&A with Kent Mudle, him answering a question if TFS will be like ANF and have a newcomer focus to it: I think anyone can

  • Yeah because it worked so well with ANF. They really brought in a lot of people who didn't play the previous seasons with it.

    I have yet seen a sequel game that the devs say "Exclusively past players" its just bad marketing and reduces sales. Recommending towards newcomers is just PR 101.

  • edited July 2018

    Yeah, I don't think it'll be super newcomer friendly, but it's pretty strange that someone could still pick this up -- willingly even -- and get by fine. It's The Final Season, why would someone start at the end?

    Really, it's probably going to be A-OK. I think what this means is that it'll still be a largely new and stand-alone story, and despite a few ties to previous events, things can still be easily digestible by new people.
    I'm sure people will understand Clem+AJ's relationship, or how the school kids have been surviving on their own for a while, but they won't get the full picture or full emotional effect. Returning characters would for sure require an explanation from an outside source (i.e. player), since I highly doubt they'd do a full run through of that in-game, thank goodness.

    From the Q&A with Kent Mudle, him answering a question if TFS will be like ANF and have a newcomer focus to it: I think anyone can

  • It's The Final Season, why would someone start at the end?

    Exactly, the title of the game alone is enough to draw newcomers away.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah, I don't think it'll be super newcomer friendly, but it's pretty strange that someone could still pick this up -- willingly even -- and

  • edited July 2018

    Never said it was a good decision just saying expecting that sort of answer wouldn't look good towards everyone.

    Yeah because it worked so well with ANF. They really brought in a lot of people who didn't play the previous seasons with it.

  • ...why would someone start at the end?

    In a day and age where people can jump into any entertainment series and then just binge what they missed to catch up, why not start where everyone is at? People do it all the time. As someone else said, the whole anyone-can-jump-in mantra is just PR. They know if you get hooked into the middle or end of the series, you'll go back, catch up, and invest in the story.

    The special thing with TTG is the story branching (yes... I know it has weak spots; just go with it for right now). You can jump in the final season, enjoy it, go back to where it all began, play through even the low points of the series because you know it'll get better, notice that you have a different Clem going into the TFS that when you originally played, and play the final season again. now that I think about it, I think this explains why the Collection is free with TFS pre-orders.

    Don't get me wrong, it seems silly to me, and I kind of agree with you all. But I think with the way entertainment has changed since my 90's Saturday morning cartoons to today, it might still be able to work.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah, I don't think it'll be super newcomer friendly, but it's pretty strange that someone could still pick this up -- willingly even -- and

  • It's The Final Season, why would someone start at the end?

    Because they were satisfied watching let's plays of the other games and decided to finally jump in and experience this one while it's in progress.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah, I don't think it'll be super newcomer friendly, but it's pretty strange that someone could still pick this up -- willingly even -- and

  • You do realize they were just talking general, right?
    Also, The Last of Us was a thing.

    Yeah because it worked so well with ANF. They really brought in a lot of people who didn't play the previous seasons with it.

  • I am pretty sure they will always say that to a new season anyways

    Yeah because it worked so well with ANF. They really brought in a lot of people who didn't play the previous seasons with it.

  • edited July 2018

    Here is some information about the confirmed Voice Actors for the boarding school kids
    Marlon's VA is Ray Chase, who previously played Noctis in Final Fantasy XV (his section of the video starts at 0:41)

    Louis' VA is Sterling Sulieman, who previously played Nate St. Germain/Lyndon James on Pretty Little Liars and Grant on Station 19 (shown below)

    Violet's VA is Gideon Adlon, who previously played Sam in the movie Blockers

    Tenn's VA is Zaire Hampton, who is so young OMG

  • edited July 2018

    Whoops! xD @dylanwoods777

    You stole the name of my future YouTube channel

  • But even then, they have good knowledge of the events that have previously transpired. The newcomers we are referring to, and the ones Telltale had in mind, are people that have little to no knowledge of the events of previous games, meaning any reference too on the nose would be a spoiler for them.

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's The Final Season, why would someone start at the end? Because they were satisfied watching let's plays of the other games and decided to finally jump in and experience this one while it's in progress.

  • Also, The Last of Us was a thing.

    What does TLOU have to do with anything? That's an original and separate game, players didn't have anything before that since that was the first game.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You do realize they were just talking general, right? Also, The Last of Us was a thing.

  • It's a zombie game starring a bearded man with brown hair and a teenager with attitude that takes place in the gritty country. One that apparently won awards and eventually gained noteriety for having a LGBT protagonist.
    Sound familiar?

    Also, The Last of Us was a thing. What does TLOU have to do with anything? That's an original and separate game, players didn't have anything before that since that was the first game.

  • The Last of Us was in development WAY before The Walking Dead, starting in 2009 after releasing Uncharted 2.

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's a zombie game starring a bearded man with brown hair and a teenager with attitude that takes place in the gritty country. One that apparently won awards and eventually gained noteriety for having a LGBT protagonist. Sound familiar?

  • There was a slightly longer response, but my connection fucked me over, so I'll summarize briefly: Post-TLoU world. Similar Games. Days Gone.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The Last of Us was in development WAY before The Walking Dead, starting in 2009 after releasing Uncharted 2.

  • edited July 2018

    When will we get an official trailer and a promotional picture? @mostlypoptarts

  • We will probably get the trailer the week before release.

    When will we get an official trailer and a promotional picture? @mostlypoptarts

  • Bet it is a week before myself.

    When will we get an official trailer and a promotional picture? @mostlypoptarts

  • For what it's worth, Telltale said that Seasons 2 of Batman and Minecraft were also "newcomer friendly" but both Seasons still very heavily relied on past events of previous Seasons; Batman especially in particular.

    I think it's just a general marketing phrase which causes people to feel on edge after New Frontier, even though Telltale's other "newcomer friendly" sequels didn't completely ignore Season 1 of their respective series. So, I wouldn't panic yet. :p

    From the Q&A with Kent Mudle, him answering a question if TFS will be like ANF and have a newcomer focus to it: I think anyone can

  • TWDG subreddit is posting that there are leaks.... I haven't seen any myself but I'm considering going offline until after I play the premiere. Everyone beware of potential spoilers.

  • I (think) they are referring to a gif of a scene posted on Telltale's official social media that was not yet shown in a trailer/gameplay preview/etc, where Clem rolls her eyes and walks off.

    I've seen people speculating this means there was a leak, but it wasn't (if that is what you are referring to anyways)...

    TWDG subreddit is posting that there are leaks.... I haven't seen any myself but I'm considering going offline until after I play the premiere. Everyone beware of potential spoilers.

  • I followed up and went to see for myself and the discussion itself is called "leaks leaks and more leaks" . I didn't check out the contents of the discussion in case it contains spoilers but it has a decent amount of activity and comments on it. Apologies if my explanation doesn't help much

    I (think) they are referring to a gif of a scene posted on Telltale's official social media that was not yet shown in a trailer/gameplay pre

  • I am considering doing the same...... we are only 19 days away so being spoiled at this point would be terrible...

    TWDG subreddit is posting that there are leaks.... I haven't seen any myself but I'm considering going offline until after I play the premiere. Everyone beware of potential spoilers.

  • It was probably in regards to that gif. Tbh I didn't look into it too much because I don't want to be spoiled. Just wanted to warn everyone to be extra careful with potential spoilers during the next 2 weeks :)

    I (think) they are referring to a gif of a scene posted on Telltale's official social media that was not yet shown in a trailer/gameplay pre

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2018

    I went there just now. All it was was a meme/reaction face. People in the comments were equally confused as you are, asking where the leaks were.

    I looked around in a few other threads and it was just people speculating that "leaks were coming" because the gif itself was a supposed leak, which it actually isn't.

    I followed up and went to see for myself and the discussion itself is called "leaks leaks and more leaks" . I didn't check out the contents

  • Oh right well that is a relief.... Thanks Sniper :smile:

    I went there just now. All it was was a meme/reaction face. People in the comments were equally confused as you are, asking where the leaks

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