TWD The Final Season Ep 1 Waiting Thread - Releases Aug 14th, Switch EU Aug 28th



  • ˢᵘᵇᵗᶫʸ ʷᶦˢʰᵉˢ ᵖᵒᵖᵗᵃʳᵗˢ ᵃ ᶫᵃᵗᵉ ʰᵃᵖᵖʸ ᵇᶦʳᵗʰᵈᵃʸ ᶦᶰ ᵃ ᵗᵒᵗᵃᶫᶫʸ ᶰᵒᵗ ᵃᶰ ᵃᵗᵗᵉᵐᵖᵗ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᶜᵉᶦᵛᵉ ʳʰʸˢ ˢᵒᶜᵏ

    It's not!

  • Now that's a good picture...

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The trailer will be released on Thursday.

  • No offense, but I kinda feel like that'd be some bullshit if so.

    I think the adult faction is the Mccaroll Ranch group. Clementine nicked AJ from there because they wouldn’t allow her to have him so steali

  • edited August 2018

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, still was kinda right.

    Mee thinks it's the 'pc surprise' releasing later this week.

  • Well tbf I always say this but watch the trailer anyways... but this time I am going to have to stay away for my own s4 experience's sake.

    You my friend have the strongest of wills... how can you know theirs a trailer, and not watch it?

  • Assuming Clementine found AJ straight away after leaving Richmond, the Mccarroll ranch group would be following Clem for FOUR years. Also you'd think destroying Richmond because of AJ would be a bit of a stretch if my previous statement already wasn't. Gotta say, they are some determined fuckers.

    I think the adult faction is the Mccaroll Ranch group. Clementine nicked AJ from there because they wouldn’t allow her to have him so steali

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I would just like to remind everyone to not discuss spoilers obtained from the game files.

    3.4 Links or references to any kind of community-made patches/game modifications for Telltale's games (including unofficial foreign language subtitles) cannot be posted here. Additionally, please refrain from discussing content found within game files that could potentially be relevant for future episodes.

  • Let's change the topic from who is writing the episodes and focus more on the content instead, please. Thanks.

  • That is my fault Sorry...

    Let's change the topic from who is writing the episodes and focus more on the content instead, please. Thanks.

  • New Blog Post on how the Story Builder's visuals and animation came to be:

    Behind The Walking Dead Story Builder: Coming Full Circle with [animator] Daniel Kanemoto

  • Exclamation point! I LOVED that first trailer, I probably rewatched it on my 360 as often as I replayed the first season!

    AChicken posted: »

    New Blog Post on how the Story Builder's visuals and animation came to be: Behind The Walking Dead Story Builder: Coming Full Circle with [animator] Daniel Kanemoto

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2018

    Just a public reminder, please be respectful of personal boundaries towards staff members. Please keep discussion focused on the content and not any personal comments/attacks towards particular writers.

  • I don't have a problem with only 4 episodes, the only thing that matters is the longevity, a lot of 5 episode telltale games have a significantly different playthrough time. I'm hoping for at least 2 hour long episodes, 3 h would be the dream.

  • Jurassic Park the game and being a fan of that franchise, is actually what introduced me to Telltale as a whole and I don't consider myself someone who's been playing their games for nearly the longest. Probably would have eventually came around with other Telltale titles but it was JP first that caught my attention to TTG. I always wondered if JP was considered successful would they had followed up with a Telltale Lost World game version.

    "Who the hell likes Jurassic Park: The Game anyway? Other than old Telltale guys?"

  • I played the demo and really enjoyed it. Visually the game looks great and it feels pretty good to control. Can't wait for the episode to come out next week!

  • edited August 2018

    Hey, I found leaked episode slides for the final season. Is it against the rules if I make a thread discussing them tagged as spoilers?

    Edit: Nevermind, saw on a different thread it was against the rules. Just wanted to make sure.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I would just like to remind everyone to not discuss spoilers obtained from the game files.

  • edited August 2018

    Oh, so even the choices are leaked. Well I hope those of you who blamed Telltale for not releasing the demo on PC are happy now. Do you feel not shafted now, lol?

  • edited August 2018

    Wait what are you serious? All the choices for episode 1 got leaked?

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Oh, so even the choices are leaked. Well I hope those of you who blamed Telltale for not releasing the demo on PC are happy now. Do you feel not shafted now, lol?

  • I"ll never understand why some people already wants to look through the files to get themselves and others spoiled.

  • Yep, better stay away from the Internet if you don`t want anything spoiled for you this week.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wait what are you serious? All the choices for episode 1 got leaked?

  • Lol fuck guess I'm gonna make myself scarce till the episode is out.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Yep, better stay away from the Internet if you don`t want anything spoiled for you this week.

  • edited August 2018

    Yeah just want to warn anyone who may be a Reddit user... the leaks are getting bad there so watch out. Their is already key decisions leaked.

  • MRW the choices have apparently been leaked:

  • It's just kinda the in-thing to do. They dig for every scrap of information they can on an upcoming product, both to attempt to satiate their desire for it now and for the sake of it.

    I"ll never understand why some people already wants to look through the files to get themselves and others spoiled.

  • Is it just me or the hype level indeed reached the level of intensity like during pre Season 2 times? I mean, even ANF, before it turned out to be total pile of rotten garbage, hadn’t been as anticipated as TFS now.

    Hopefully, the outcome will be different this time. So brace yourself, less than week to go.

  • I wouldn't know from personal experience, but I rather doubt that.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Is it just me or the hype level indeed reached the level of intensity like during pre Season 2 times? I mean, even ANF, before it turned ou

  • Level of hype for ANF was pretty big tbh. People were really excited about the way different endings would be handled (lol). Now the hype might be higher for this season because it`s not just the new story people are excited about. The new type of gameplay brings people in, they see that the game actually changed and it is not just more of the same Telltale formula they were getting for the last 6 years on all of their games. So yeah, there is your reason.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Is it just me or the hype level indeed reached the level of intensity like during pre Season 2 times? I mean, even ANF, before it turned ou

  • Yeah, Twitter and Reddit are full of them so be careful people.

    It's not that hard to find them in the files tbh, but i'm surprised Telltale kept them in there for the full episode given that they know people scout for this stuff everytime there is a PC release. Because they don't need to include some of the stuff that's in there because it's not part of the actual demo itself.

  • Personally, I'm less worried about the game than I rightly was about ANF, but that's mainly because of how open TTs been about it during this lead up. We got more information from Amazons store description than we did from TT back then, aside from that there was the teaser trailer at E3, which looked promising, months of as little information as possible, the "big reveal" at that Spike show, where we got to see no character we even knew, and then "this is Javiers story, Clems a supporting character but keep buying until the end, it's great!" during the first post release AMA. That was after nearly all the promotional images they released prominently featured her front and center, as though it was actually the continuation they advertised it as.

    By contrast, we've already seen much more of the game now, have a solid idea of what to expect, and the communication between TT and fans, specifically on the forums, has been much improved. They've done a pretty good job overall with how they've handled everything, the whole "shoulda bought a plane and admission ticket to see the exclusive footage!" debacle aside.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Is it just me or the hype level indeed reached the level of intensity like during pre Season 2 times? I mean, even ANF, before it turned ou

  • Can I post some screenshots I took from the Demo of The Final Season? If it is considered spoilers I will put just the link to where you can see the pictures. :smile:

  • Ok. Need screenshots ?

  • The funny thing is tried looking at recent Reddit pages for the game and saw nothing.

    Yeah, Twitter and Reddit are full of them so be careful people. It's not that hard to find them in the files tbh, but i'm surprised Tellt

  • Whether you can, I'm not sure. Yes, they are considered a spoilers since they originated from the episode that isn't officially yet released. Not everyone watched 15 minutes gameplay or played demo themselves because they don't want to spoil their fun yet.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Can I post some screenshots I took from the Demo of The Final Season? If it is considered spoilers I will put just the link to where you can see the pictures.

  • One of them was deleted referencing a certain "major spoiler" in the episode.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The funny thing is tried looking at recent Reddit pages for the game and saw nothing.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    You can but i feel it would be better co create a separate thread so anyone who doesn’t want to play it doesn’t get spoilt by accident, also other people could add their own screenshots to the thread.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Can I post some screenshots I took from the Demo of The Final Season? If it is considered spoilers I will put just the link to where you can see the pictures.

  • Okay, thank you for the answer :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    You can but i feel it would be better co create a separate thread so anyone who doesn’t want to play it doesn’t get spoilt by accident, also other people could add their own screenshots to the thread.

  • Yeahh. I want link

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Can I post some screenshots I took from the Demo of The Final Season? If it is considered spoilers I will put just the link to where you can see the pictures.

  • Jurassic Park caught my attention too and brought me to Telltale. Besides the QTEs and the glitches, I also think it's quite good and enjoyable (very funny too). It's a shame it'll probably never get a sequel, but I'm glad I get to enjoy it.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Jurassic Park the game and being a fan of that franchise, is actually what introduced me to Telltale as a whole and I don't consider myself

  • On another note, the countdown for TFS on PS4 is updated. Looks like it will be playable on Monday night at 11:00 pm CT. And it will download the game for you around Saturday so it is ready to go at 11.

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff


    (Later this month for Europe.)

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