TWD The Final Season Ep 1 Waiting Thread - Releases Aug 14th, Switch EU Aug 28th



  • i hope the story builder is the same one that'll be included in the game. or at least have a chance to download it. it's a nice little recap. except how they left out the part where i let jane die then shot kenny in his stupid face.

  • Takin more after his uncle everytime we see him. Can't say I'm surprised though.

    Justin22 posted: »

    Crazy rumor going around saying kid in the back Gabe

  • Nice save.

    Probably the only time I'll ever throw Ben under the bus. Or RV.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited August 2018

    Ok, that was pretty damn funny.

    Veeeee posted: »

    I don’t watch let’s play videos that often but the segment of this video I have linked is one of the most entertaining things I have seen in

  • Looks like David’s face has been warped

    DabigRG posted: »

    Takin more after his uncle everytime we see him. Can't say I'm surprised though.

  • Uh, I think you mean Javier's? David looks more or less the same, minus the Bart Simpson look.

    Looks like David’s face has been warped

  • "There's a noticeable lack of dialogue prompts for this game."

    I noticed this too and its probably what worries me the most. In the demo a lot of it is scripted already instead of actually non-scripted talking. Another thing I noticed that kinda worries me about this is the HUB area, if you check in on Aj, you dont say anything to each other. Just look at each other. Cant talk to him in anyway. Then the second time you talk to him, they do talk, but it is a scripted scene.

    AChicken posted: »

    Alright! I played the demo, and it's gooood. There are easily about 20-30 minutes worth of content in that first scene alone! So, what'd I

  • edited August 2018

    if you check in on Aj, you dont say anything to each other. Just look at each other.

    Yeah, that was kind of weird. I expected some sort of conversation to pop up, but nope. Just [stare - grumblegrumble - walks away]
    There's also the fact that you can find beans but you can't use it. Can't give it to AJ either. It just gets sent to Clem's magic pockets (Hopefully for use later on, if they survived the car crash? :D )

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "There's a noticeable lack of dialogue prompts for this game." I noticed this too and its probably what worries me the most. In the demo

  • What is Clippy? I never heard of it.

    We're bringing back Clippy. You heard it here first!

  • Another thing I noticed that kinda worries me about this is the HUB area, if you check in on Aj, you dont say anything to each other. Just look at each other. Cant talk to him in anyway

    Oh for Pete's sake, really?
    I was worried about that.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "There's a noticeable lack of dialogue prompts for this game." I noticed this too and its probably what worries me the most. In the demo

  • Old desktop program, a paperclip with eyes.

    Escope12 posted: »

    What is Clippy? I never heard of it.

  • edited August 2018

    Who knows what they're doing with stuff you pick up. Telltale was saying there would be collectibles, like the whole Deer Skull being a hood orniment as it pops up saying that, just for Telltale to come and say "Actually you cant."

    AChicken posted: »

    if you check in on Aj, you dont say anything to each other. Just look at each other. Yeah, that was kind of weird. I expected some s

  • edited August 2018

    What is Clippy? I never heard of it.

    Clippy is an interactive user's guide that came pre-installed with Microsoft Office bundles from 1997-2003.

    Escope12 posted: »

    What is Clippy? I never heard of it.

  • That computer assistant program that people didn't like for whatever reason.

    Escope12 posted: »

    What is Clippy? I never heard of it.

  • edited August 2018

    Episode 2 is already in the works B)

  • Oh god...Telltale is KILLCRAZY!!!!

    Episode 2 is already in the works

  • Confirmation that Louis survives episode 1, guys.

    Episode 2 is already in the works

  • The fuck?

    Episode 2 is already in the works

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I doubt it’s nearly finished or even finished, they often test scenes while the episode is in production or with unfinished assets to make sure things work properly.

    Episode 2 is already in the works

  • Maybe it comes next month

    Episode 2 is already in the works

  • Most likely if they are trying to get all the episodes out by the end of the year.

    Maybe it comes next month

  • edited August 2018

    I mean, they have to pre-produce if they want to get all 4 episodes out this year. Episode 2 is most definetly nearly finished, if they want to release it in late-september or early-october due to them finally polishing their games, which takes up a lot of development time.

    Episode 3 and Episode 4 are probably currently in pre-production. Telltale can't produce an entire episode with the fidelity and polish of their recent episodes, especially TFS, in a month anymore.

    Obviously the developement cycle of episodic content is kind of a flowing procedure, where certain devs or dev teams move to the next episode the moment their work on the previous is done, while the previous episode is still being worked on. There is neither one team that does it all nor one team for each episode.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I doubt it’s nearly finished or even finished, they often test scenes while the episode is in production or with unfinished assets to make sure things work properly.

  • I guess my point is that it's very disappointing that so few choices we made throughout the series will impact the final chapter in any way.
    SIX choices...out of the dozens upon dozens of choices we made, SIX will impact the final season...I'm sorry, but that just sucks ass

    Well we already knew the Garcias wouldn't be appearing in this season, so I don't know what you were expecting regarding who we saved.

  • I noticed the guy that voices Louis wrote in his tweet that he WAS voicing a character in this game, as in he's not voicing him anymore, as in Louis probably ain't lasting very long ...

    Confirmation that Louis survives episode 1, guys.

  • Surely they won't kill him off for good in the first episode...

    Ah fuck man, don't tell me this shit! I haven't even played the game yet and I'm already emotionally wrecked D:

    Cdognkal2 posted: »

    I noticed the guy that voices Louis wrote in his tweet that he WAS voicing a character in this game, as in he's not voicing him anymore, as in Louis probably ain't lasting very long ...

  • ...

    Cdognkal2 posted: »

    I noticed the guy that voices Louis wrote in his tweet that he WAS voicing a character in this game, as in he's not voicing him anymore, as in Louis probably ain't lasting very long ...

  • I looks it up after reading that and his actual words were;

    "Did a voice in this bad boy. Can't wait to see it all play out. This looks amazing"

    Which doesn't really mean anything. Which I'm happy for...because the wasted character potential would greatly upset me.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • edited August 2018

    You’re relying a lot on the hope of the fact that your Clementine would have went to Richmond with Lee and heard/saw Ben admitting he was the traitor. Lee and the rest of the adults in Ep 5 know about this, but this was while Clem was captured by The Stranger. The only way that it could work is if they make it as if Clem heard it off of Christa during S2 which we haven’t heard in the game.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Can`t wait to tell Lilly that Ben was the traitor!

  • Actually, Clementine is still at the house when they return with the medicine. It's after Vernon & Molly leave and Lee tells her they won't be able to go look for her parents & falls asleep that she goes outside to meet The Stranger..

    You’re relying a lot on the hope of the fact that your Clementine would have went to Richmond with Lee and heard/saw Ben admitting he was th

  • Clem can go with the group to get the medicine, I think he's talking about the scene in the classroom when Ben comes clean to Kenny, which I believe she would be present for.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Actually, Clementine is still at the house when they return with the medicine. It's after Vernon & Molly leave and Lee tells her they won't be able to go look for her parents & falls asleep that she goes outside to meet The Stranger..

  • I know.
    Just pointing out the actual context of the other scenario.

    Clem can go with the group to get the medicine, I think he's talking about the scene in the classroom when Ben comes clean to Kenny, which I believe she would be present for.

  • Mega oof

    bloop posted: »

    tfw they mention your older bro in the story generator, but not you

  • Team Lily, always. Hell yeah!!


  • Oh my god 9 days to launch Episode 1, very curious who is that returning character.

  • Okay, so I read Telltale's post regarding save transfers, but can anyone confirm that if I transfer over A New Frontier data (not from the collection) it'll Also transfer over choices I made in previous seasons?

    The way the save transfer information was worded made it sound like Only my New Frontier choices would carry over (even though I played through previous seasons, always importing my save files)...

    I literally Just played through all three seasons, and I'd rather Not have to rush through them all again before The Final Season releases.. But if my choices in seasons 1 and 2 aren't going to count unless I play through the collection, then that's what I'll have to do!

  • It'll transfer over previous choices

    Okay, so I read Telltale's post regarding save transfers, but can anyone confirm that if I transfer over A New Frontier data (not from the c

  • I asked support about it. I'm not sure how it works, since it looked like if you did the storybuilder it would automatically overwrite any save you had uploaded to telltale.

    Okay, so I read Telltale's post regarding save transfers, but can anyone confirm that if I transfer over A New Frontier data (not from the c

  • ᵀʰᵉʸ'ʳᵉ ᶜʰᶦᶫᵈʳᵉᶰ ᵀᵉᶫᶫᵗᵃᶫᵉ

    Episode 2 is already in the works

  • MyClementine :-)

    They grow up so fast Т_Т

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