Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • edited October 2018

    It looks like Overkill is pulling another cash grab like they’ve done countless other times with their shitty Payday 2 ports and that god awful RAID: WW2 game. Overkill’s TWD takes so many assets and animations from Payday 2 it legit looks like a fucking DLC, lets not forget the engine they’re using is many years old now as well. Overkill really hasn’t done anything that great since the original release of Payday 2 back in 2013.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Still looks fun tho

  • I'm a singleplayer so I don't really care about Overkills TWD.

  • If someone didn't see clip yet

    Thank to Reddit user u/RiceSpice1 for asking this question

  • “I have said too much”
    What was there to say too much about if it was purely speculation and hope? ? episode 3 and 4 confirmed

    Delinx posted: »

    If someone didn't see clip yet https://twitter.com/DomTheBombLive/status/1047925158202286080 Thank to Reddit user u/RiceSpice1 for asking this question

  • Never mind that we didn’t get any update on TFS on this panel. Kirkman, the God himself, on his panel said to one fan with funny hat that there are several people ALREADY working on it and then added that he already said to much. I’m suprised that nobody’s talking about it. Its great news.

    In few days, all of this will become a memory, Clem’s story will be concluded and we will be hardened from these literally dark ages of telltale.

  • I knew it....I had little to no hope anyway for it to be mentioned.

  • It`s okay that they did not talk about TFS much, it is still too early for that. However it is NOT okay that they used Telltale Walking Dead as their thumbnail for this panel talking about "the future of the walking dead games". It was clearly done to draw much more attention to Overkill game panel than it would have originally received.
    And yeah, off-topic about Overkill. Game received a lot of negativity and it had nothing to do with the panel today. Many people believed that we would get an open-world survival game like Dying Light for example, and the developers did not deny that. In fact we did not know at all what this game is going to be, we just had very atmospheric trailers (they were really good). But then they released the gameplay and all we got was Left 4 Dead. I am not saying it is bad, but a lot of people hoped for a different experience and were just dissapointed .

  • The more good news we get, the more people get laid off.

    EbiManami posted: »


  • Man, that audience sucks. They give of less emotions than a herd of walkers.

    Delinx posted: »

    If someone didn't see clip yet https://twitter.com/DomTheBombLive/status/1047925158202286080 Thank to Reddit user u/RiceSpice1 for asking this question

  • What the hell, who even is left at this point?

    EbiManami posted: »


  • A curiosity question: as a singleplayer myself, what was your reaction to EA saying that singleplayer games are a thing of the past and multiplayer is the only way forward?

    NexusFire posted: »

    I'm a singleplayer so I don't really care about Overkills TWD.

  • So let me get this straight:

    The panel briefly touches on TFS being finished by someone (as per Kirkman's words on how the story will be finished) Obviously not the great news we wanted but it is something.

    And now... The last 25 people left at TellTale have been laid off. Well fuck me sideways and send me to hell, this is the worst news I've had since last week :'(

  • They didn't talk about TFS? Literally not surprised at all. Here's what I believe happened, they were trying to look for a picture to advertise the panel so someone went on google and typed in "walking dead game" and found a S1 pic and just put it on there. They didn't know jack shit about Telltale but it was walking dead and it was a game so it was good enough for them. These negotiations take time and I honestly wasn't expecting anything. Here's a useful life tip guys, don't get your hopes up too high for something, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

  • Ok it sounds like not every single one of them was, just the Minecraft crew. Someone who it looks like still works at the company responded and said she didn’t know her fate yet.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So let me get this straight: The panel briefly touches on TFS being finished by someone (as per Kirkman's words on how the story will be

  • Worst news? It's something. I wasn't expecting them to even address it. Think of the good news we've gotten this week.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So let me get this straight: The panel briefly touches on TFS being finished by someone (as per Kirkman's words on how the story will be

  • Dafuq?

    EbiManami posted: »


  • What good news? The ONLY good news this week that I recall was that TFS is likely going to be finished in some way, that's it!

    Workers still have no severance pay, no healthcare and no jobs. Future projects are still in the dark as to what will happen to them, and with the 'skeleton crew' being laid off... I'm sorry but I think this is heading faster towards the end than I thought it would.

    Worst news? It's something. I wasn't expecting them to even address it. Think of the good news we've gotten this week.

  • edited October 2018

    Well how the hell are they gonna meet contractual obligations now their entire skeleton crew is gone. This shit sucks. I need a break from telltale in general. Just gonna stick to twitter from now on.

  • Eh? Who the hell could that be???

    Ok it sounds like not every single one of them was, just the Minecraft crew. Someone who it looks like still works at the company responded and said she didn’t know her fate yet.

  • edited October 2018

    BULLSHIT. Seriously though.. I think that God of War, Detroit: Become Human, Spiderman and probably Red Dead Redemption 2 say everything.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    A curiosity question: as a singleplayer myself, what was your reaction to EA saying that singleplayer games are a thing of the past and multiplayer is the only way forward?

  • Guess we will get ep 3 when half life 3 comes out....nice

  • I think people don't like it cause the game looks pretty generic. It looks like a mobile game.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Overkill’s TWD seems to be their main priority as of now, and honestly, I don’t blame them. Besides, I think the game looks great and fun. I

  • edited October 2018

    Nooo :'(

    EbiManami posted: »


  • I agree completely! It feels weird to say but I'm old school in my gaming habits: I love my singleplayer titles the most, and a nice little multiplayer on the side is good too. But making everything online only and multiplayer only? HELL NO!

    NexusFire posted: »

    BULLSHIT. Seriously though.. I think that God of War, Detroit: Become Human, Spiderman and probably Red Dead Redemption 2 say everything.

  • Someone who responded to her Twitter, I’ll upload a screenshot in a second.

  • edited October 2018

    That's it. Telltale is officially dead. There was just no way for the studio to survive that and they will sure as shit not survive now.

    The least they can do now is to make sure TFS goes to a studio that can actually finish it and -most importantly - put as many of the staff as possible on a contract so they get to finish it while getting payed.

    This whole situation is just handled so poorly especially in regards to the devs. In what world do these people deserve this kind of treatment?

    To quote Emily:
    Studios or companies don't make games. People do.

  • edited October 2018


  • Interesting. Sounds like if TFS isn't finished as a game Kirkman is planning on completing the story in comic form.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    https://twitter.com/domthebomblive/status/1047925158202286080 Kirkman’s comment on TFS

  • ...

    GSSalvador posted: »

    That's it. Telltale is officially dead. There was just no way for the studio to survive that and they will sure as shit not survive now.

  • Telltale is not dead until the CEO says its dead ;)

  • They're basically the Titanic right now.

    LeeFox25 posted: »

    Telltale is not dead until the CEO says its dead

  • Well i still keeping my hope up for TFS

  • Nothing is gone until Telltale is closing/The CEO said its gone
    So keep your hope up

  • edited October 2018

    Its not over yet. So keep calm and carry on

  • I've all but given up on TFS since Telltale just released the remaining 25 employees from the company.

  • Who cares about TTG closing?They pretty much closed weeks ago! It was clear as day they would not be ones who would finish the game, it's in hands of some other company.

  • edited October 2018

    I appreciate a old school gamer since I am one myself. I think that I haven't played any multiplayer game since 2014 :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I agree completely! It feels weird to say but I'm old school in my gaming habits: I love my singleplayer titles the most, and a nice little multiplayer on the side is good too. But making everything online only and multiplayer only? HELL NO!

  • It was clear as day that Telltale would not be the ones finishing the TFS.

    Chibikid posted: »

    I've all but given up on TFS since Telltale just released the remaining 25 employees from the company.

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