Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • if it goes to the CEO he will have to pay ALL of the workers.

    Do any of the former devs get money from buying games? I'm considering a few on the Switch, but if it just goes to the CEO, it's not worth it.

  • i mean,they are going to get paid anyway,cus he's saving money by not Finishing TFS himself

  • What sort of inept and out of touch manager at telltale chose to backseat popular and successful series like the wolf among us for minecraft though. Fucking minecraft.

    Because Minecraft was, other than TWD S1, the only successful series Telltale had released since 2012. Everything else may have been critical successes, but were not profitable, and yes, that includes The Wolf Among Us. Minecraft Season 1 actually turned a profit for the company, hence why they made an adventure pack for it with 3 more episodes and a second season, which ended up performing very poorly. Honestly, while forum members didn't like it, going with Minecraft was probably one of the company's smartest moves.

    GBDillon posted: »

    What sort of inept and out of touch manager at telltale chose to backseat popular and successful series like the wolf among us for minecraft

  • No, TFS has not been cancelled. However, at its current state, Telltale itself is unable to finish the game and is looking to another company to finish it. They seem to be deep into talks with potential partners, but at the time, no confirmation has been given in regards to its fate.


  • Did you even read the kotaku article that was posted earlier? This new company is planning to pay the employees that were let go and hire original walking dead devs on a 2 month contract to help them finish TFS. If that isn't good news to you then I don't know what the fuck is.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    What good news? The ONLY good news this week that I recall was that TFS is likely going to be finished in some way, that's it! Workers st

  • Batman first season was good, but the second season raised the bar to a point I didn't expect. And the finale was their most ambitious episode. Still is. The games we didn't need were Michonne, ANF, 400 Days, GoT, Guardians and Minecraft. And I'm speaking as a mild fan of the last 2 mentioned.

    Telltale's problem is that they went for whatever ended up being popular within that time period, assuming what they did with TWD, being very popular and seeing what it did for their company, would work out the same for them with these other titles. GoT has a cult following with reactions found at every turn on YT. Batman came out right in the middle of the whole BvS DCEU mess. Guardians on the whole MCU hype train. And Minecraft being good at what it does, especially with the kids. They made a narrative out of whatever was popular, but the narrative wasn't always matching in quality.

    In hindsight, Telltale's vision was never supposed to work for as long as it did. Especially recently. 2 games every year totally based on branching narratives. Especially when games like this were always underdogs. It seemed inevitable.

  • It was a cash grab and guess what. Unlike Guardians of the Galaxy it actually worked....

    What sort of inept and out of touch manager at telltale chose to backseat popular and successful series like the wolf among us for minecraft

  • now we are playing the WAITING GAME. (again)

  • Oh yeah sorry I did read that article :P

    Did you even read the kotaku article that was posted earlier? This new company is planning to pay the employees that were let go and hire or

  • You guys need to chill out. TTG is dead and we're all sad about it, but it doesn't mean the game is cancelled. Kotaku, Kirkman, the latest statement from TTG on twitter account and Valve said they're working to find a way to release the last 2 episodes.
    So let's be calm and cool!

  • edited October 2018

    All you guys still hopeful for a thorough completion of Clementine's story better hope it doesn't fall into Kirkman's hands. If he is the one that has to finish it all you will end up getting is Clem as a background character at Alexandria or Hilltop.

    The best you could probably hope for in a Kirkman scenario is Clem being an 'Annie' type character.


    A character that is basically just kept around to fill up the population base for the community but has no real importance to any storyline

  • I suspected as much. Keep Kirkman's paws as far away from Clem as possible.

    sony12 posted: »

    All you guys still hopeful for a thorough completion of Clementine's story better hope it doesn't fall into Kirkman's hands. If he is the on

  • i am hoping for something good,thats all.

  • If they can't finish Clem's story in game,i was thinking about an interactive comic book or something,not actually putting her in the comics with Rick and Carl and all the other characters.

    sony12 posted: »

    All you guys still hopeful for a thorough completion of Clementine's story better hope it doesn't fall into Kirkman's hands. If he is the on

  • Sorry but a comic book strictly dedicated to Clem is not going to happen no matter how you look at it. She's not marketable enough for that.

    iFoRias posted: »

    If they can't finish Clem's story in game,i was thinking about an interactive comic book or something,not actually putting her in the comics with Rick and Carl and all the other characters.

  • edited October 2018

    "Page has been deleted" Well she lasted long didn't she :D

    Who was Annie supposed to be anyway?

    sony12 posted: »

    All you guys still hopeful for a thorough completion of Clementine's story better hope it doesn't fall into Kirkman's hands. If he is the on

  • Not marketable enough? I beg to differ...

    sony12 posted: »

    Sorry but a comic book strictly dedicated to Clem is not going to happen no matter how you look at it. She's not marketable enough for that.

  • Who is going to buy a comic strictly dedicated to Clementine? Most comic readers don't play the game and the Walking Dead games have been declining in sales so much to where it is not even financially viable to keep them going. And only a small portion of the fans of Clem that are still left would probably buy the comic anyways since many of them are not comic readers.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Not marketable enough? I beg to differ...

  • Bet they'll read the comic if it's released though. I didn't read comics until I played TWAU, now I'm a fan, whoulda thought...

    sony12 posted: »

    Who is going to buy a comic strictly dedicated to Clementine? Most comic readers don't play the game and the Walking Dead games have been de

  • Oh it's still there. The link just wasn't working. Just google Annie walking dead comic and you will get to her page.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    "Page has been deleted" Well she lasted long didn't she Who was Annie supposed to be anyway?

  • This news is good for gamers, but I don't "really" think it is really great news for the layoff employees. I imagine that they would want to purse a more stable job and would they really want to come back after everything they went through? I know I wouldn't want to do it unless it was my only job offer.

    Did you even read the kotaku article that was posted earlier? This new company is planning to pay the employees that were let go and hire or

  • So she's a character in Road to Survival who made it into the comics and the TV show... Big deal?

    sony12 posted: »

    Oh it's still there. The link just wasn't working. Just google Annie walking dead comic and you will get to her page.

  • I mean, hundreds of people were screwed over. There's no way all of them will find jobs immediately, and they need stability asap. I don't think they'd have any trouble getting a few of those people to come back temporarily, imo. It gives them stability while they continue to look for something permanent.

    This news is good for gamers, but I don't "really" think it is really great news for the layoff employees. I imagine that they would want t

  • Good people... Hmmm.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Apparently not everyone has been fired (yet). https://twitter.com/anameformyself/status/1047975335235481600

  • Well, that´s cryptic

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Apparently not everyone has been fired (yet). https://twitter.com/anameformyself/status/1047975335235481600

  • so some people are left in TT For some reason,now lets wait for updates

  • No you aren't looking at the right one. Click on the link that says Annie walking dead comic. You're just looking at the picture on the google page.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So she's a character in Road to Survival who made it into the comics and the TV show... Big deal?

  • Honestly, she didn't even need to elaborate. The harsh reality of it is the next team will eventually be done as well. Shit really does take a turn for the worse when you have to lay off even a portion of your remaining skeleton crew.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Apparently not everyone has been fired (yet). https://twitter.com/anameformyself/status/1047975335235481600

  • I think none of us held any illusions about the situation being nothing but FUBAR

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    Honestly, she didn't even need to elaborate. The harsh reality of it is the next team will eventually be done as well. Shit really does take a turn for the worse when you have to lay off even a portion of your remaining skeleton crew.

  • The waiting game.
    This is even worse than the initial news, because it leaves us with false hope in our hearts. Egad.

  • its more of just looking at the reality of the situation. Telltale's a dead company trying to pitch their half finished game to another company to complete and rehire their staff for 2 episodes. I don't see that having much success even if you have financial supporters backing them.

    Those 25 had literally nothing to do with TFS. Telltale was approached by multiple partners who are interested in helping finish the season

  • They would be working at a different company, different work conditions so it's most likely going to be better for them working there than at telltale. and they are working on something they are already familiar with so it wont be anything new for them, and at the end of the day, they are getting paid, i would take that any day of the week. they can finish TFS and then go off to work at a different company if they please or maybe this new company will hire them full time. either way they will still be doing better than they were at telltale. I can understand not wanting to go back to telltales HQ after what happened but this sounds like a better life to me and I'm sure most of them want to see their hard work be put out to the public and I'm sure they want to see Clem's story end just as much as we do. Sounds good to me. That's why I called it good news.

    This news is good for gamers, but I don't "really" think it is really great news for the layoff employees. I imagine that they would want t

  • I honestly would be very surprised if anything comes of this. Little would be in it for a company to finish off a game that wasn't selling to begin with. And on top of that they would have to pay the employees they brought in to finish the game.

    A much more likely situation is that they would hire on some of Telltale's former employees and they would begin working on their games.

  • "With all due respect: fuck off."

    Personal attacks are not necessary; let's please avoid those.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    With all due respect: fuck off.

  • yeah, i was here years ago as the boombox cheetos guy, but left as it got so bad with the kenny and jane thing. nice to meet ya buddy

    Ryousan posted: »

    Is this guy some sort of resident troll or something ._. ?

  • Yeah I undertand what you mean.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Don't get me wrong I do like good ol' split screen multiplayer and online multiplayer if it's done right (like Factions in TLOU) but all games multiplayer only? Nah, fuck that haha

  • Alright, we must be getting the last two episodes. Roberts statement at the panel, Pete’s comment to Variety, I’m confident.

    bloop posted: »

    From this article: https://variety.com/2018/gaming/news/telltale-games-robert-kirkman-1202969797/

  • Agree.

    Alright, we must be getting the last two episodes. Roberts statement at the panel, Pete’s comment to Variety, I’m confident.

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