So MKirkbride made a reddit post and basically explained how AJ helped Clem get out of the barn and survive and shit here's the link for those who are interested (Warning : the whole post just feels like a big fanfiction).
Also, he just makes a fire in the barn...? The wooden barn, filled with hay and tons of other flammable material. And he makes this fire fast enough to stop the bleeding in time? I actually like the wheelbarrow idea, but a lot of this could have been said in game when you're talking to Clem, she could have said something like "It was smart of you to put me in that wheelbarrow" like even then Id be satisfied because theres at least some kind of in-game explanation. I could really go without that cringe fan fiction reddit post to "fix" a plot hole.
So MKirkbride made a reddit post and basically explained how AJ helped Clem get out of the barn and survive and shit here's the link for tho… morese who are interested (Warning : the whole post just feels like a big fanfiction).
So yeah this is nice and all but i wish they actually explained that in the fucking game,the same thing happened with Kent's posts about Lilly.
Yeah no kidding remember when everyone got hyped about all the different endings and achievements @RobertHirschko1 What about Clementine returning home?
That was a thing that was supposed to happen?
@Bow mechanism. Walker fights. New-camera. Story generator. Previously. Collectibles. Cool art design after an episode. Insane set piece with the ranch.
The Collectibles and the art designs were definitely good.
@Firewallcano It was a dumb, sappy and rushed episode but fuck it I enjoyed it the walking dead is so miserable sometimes it was nice for everything to just work out
@Poogers555 I think my main issue is just it feels like its missing that "this is the end" feeling. The Clem fake out was also predictable after they just wouldnt cut off her leg or even say anything about maybe cutting it off. (And if you tell AJ to leave you behind its beyond obvious he cut her leg off)
Yeah, that's definitely a factor.
I mean, that had bits of that with the walkback, the ghost writing, and the obligatory "Thank you Clementine," but those were pretty brief and few for the most part.
Just overall I dont think the ending should have been 100% the happy ending. Feels like we didnt need to work for it, its just given to us. For example Id be way more satisfying if after I turned off the game with the "best ending" where Clem lives, I would feel accomplished as hell if it was a completely determinant ending and seeing that not everyone managed to get this ending. Im all for this happy ending, I mean hell I even like it and I like that Clem lives a happy life now, but I really feel there should have been more endings. It for one adds replay value and two like I keep saying, makes the ending more satisfying especially if you were to get the ending where the main cast all live.
This too.
@Archielan Overall, the problems of this episode were in terms of story and narrative with wasted potential on some characters and the structure of the whole thing felt shallow and uneventful.
That's been a problem since Suffer the Children or to an extent, even since In Harm's Way.
@Poogers555 Like I wasnt a fan of how if Louis or Violet die, they die, no sad goodbye to them, they just die fast as hell because they need to make Clem get bit fast as hell too, which is a bit disappointing that when the two most developed characters die they dont get a good "goodbye scene" that would work because we are attached to them)
That's more or less the case with Tenn as well, but having seen a playthrough where Violet dies instead, I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah.
What fucking clunker of a "choice."
@RobertHirschko1 I wish she was not the villain because I liked her in the first season.
Yeah, I did too.
And, you know, I figured they'd bring her back in something of a manner initially, given how she left and how a number of people felt about her snap. But Cheese and Rice, to say they reworked her character in such a shamelessly moiled manner and THEN some is clear.
@wdfan Tenn's death - really disappointed with what they did to this character in the final episode. I can't remember him ever being deluded about what Walkers were and how dangerous they were, unlike the crackpot James. Then suddenly he's entertaining some lunatic telling him to walk in a heard and get bitten? Lmao. It's a shame because he was one of my favourite characters up to that point.
He wasn't.
Oh and it's even worse for those who favored Violet.
@Poogers555 I personally wasnt feeling the Minnie thing at all. Like I guess shes just absolutely insane now and wants to just kill Tenn. Didnt like how dumb Tenn was either, time and time again he keeps doing the same thing, you can even tell him Minnie is just going to kill him and he goes "I know."
Yeah, I ...didn't really understand that sequence either.
Like, what was he trying to accomplish once the walkers decided they didn't like her either?
More so, a big problem with the season overall was how 90% of the cast wasnt developed. Only real developed characters are AJ, and then Louis and Violet.
And Ruby.
@Poogers555 Idk, about what I said about AJ putting the collectibles down.
When I originally said that, I had a prediction AJ would do it because Clem would be dead, and after we place them we then end the game. And thats semi right. My main issue is just Clem isnt dead.
Yeah, that was my thought as well.
Granted, I'm fine with it being there either way, but it should've been especially impactful for those of us who'd see her die.
Like she should have been in the room with AJ, and each time we place something down or look at something, she also makes a comment. Seems weird as shit to have it so AJ is alone doing this instead of with Clem seeing as she isnt dead.
Yeah, actually.
Doesn't she even say she was tired and getting ready turn in anyway?
They added in so many extra stuff in this game. So many features and cool artistic things. But the writers couldn't pull their weight and bother to brush up on dialogue sloppiness and dialogue choices.
Oh really?
Yeah no kidding remember when everyone got hyped about all the different endings and achievements
@RobertHirschko1 What … moreabout Clementine returning home?
That was a thing that was supposed to happen?
@Bow mechanism. Walker fights. New-camera. Story generator. Previously. Collectibles. Cool art design after an episode. Insane set piece with the ranch.
The Collectibles and the art designs were definitely good.
@CarverDidNothingWrong The voice actors did a fantastic job in this last episode tho.
Eh, maybe for what time they had anyway.
@Firewallcano It was a dumb, sappy and rushed episode but fuck it I enjoyed it the walking dead is so miserable sometimes it was nice for everything to just work out
I guess that's a way to look at it.
@RobertHirschko1So in other words: gracias that it is over (for good)?
Eh, more or less.
@Poogers555 I think my main issue is … [view original content]
I dont see why people are so upset about the ending. I feel like maybe with telltale closing down (no more great games like TWD or Tales) they didn't want to totally depress the fans, and also completely copy the s1 finale. Even though Clem doesnt die it was still a great moment when you take over as A.J. I feel like he earned his main character status if you have him kill Lilly.
Also correct me if i'm wrong but i think that choice they had in the storybuilder of "saying Goodbye to AJ or Spitting in David's face" didnt mattered at all in this episode.
Also correct me if i'm wrong but i think that choice they had in the storybuilder of "saying Goodbye to AJ or Spitting in David's face" didnt mattered at all in this episode.
Also correct me if i'm wrong but i think that choice they had in the storybuilder of "saying Goodbye to AJ or Spitting in David's face" didnt mattered at all in this episode.
pretty sure the "Save Carley or Doug" and "leave Lilly on the side of the road or take her with you" choices mattered a little bit in episode 2 when you meet Lilly again.
@iFoRias Also correct me if i'm wrong but i think that choice they had in the storybuilder of "saying Goodbye to AJ or Spitting in David's face" didnt mattered at all in this episode.
pretty sure the "Save Carley or Doug" and "leave Lilly on the side of the road or take her with you" choices mattered a little bit in episode 2 when you meet Lilly again.
It didnt which is annoying because Kent Mundle said they didnt put the Wellington ending in because they only had enough budget for those scenes that "needed" to be in the builder, when that choice was completely pointless as expected, meaning they could have done the Wellington ending and skipped the dumb ass "Spit at David" shit.
Also correct me if i'm wrong but i think that choice they had in the storybuilder of "saying Goodbye to AJ or Spitting in David's face" didnt mattered at all in this episode.
pretty sure the "Save Carley or Doug" and "leave Lilly on the side of the road or take her with you" choices mattered a little bit in episode 2 when you meet Lilly again.
It didnt which is annoying because Kent Mundle said they didnt put the Wellington ending in because they only had enough budget for those sc… moreenes that "needed" to be in the builder, when that choice was completely pointless as expected, meaning they could have done the Wellington ending and skipped the dumb ass "Spit at David" shit.
" rushed af "[spoilers redacted]" fake out thing"
That honestly kind of pissed me off. I would've respected the writing a lot more i… moref they had the guts to follow through on that.
On that note, this comment feels like the fitting end to my saga of moderating the Telltale forums.
Peace Out
Sorry for the second comment, but is anyone confused as to HOW Clementine survived that bite? She was pale and I'm not sure if the fever set in yet which may have been her saving grace, but really? Did ANY of the bite survivors in the entire Walking Dead franchise start to weaken before having their limb cut off?
I just do not see how she could have possibly pulled through. It felt like complete fan service.
Otherwise, it was a good episode and I'm glad enough of the group survived so they could maintain Ericson Academy.
Sorry for the second comment, but is anyone confused as to HOW Clementine survived that bite? She was pale and I'm not sure if the fever set… more in yet which may have been her saving grace, but really? Did ANY of the bite survivors in the entire Walking Dead franchise start to weaken before having their limb cut off?
I just do not see how she could have possibly pulled through. It felt like complete fan service.
Otherwise, it was a good episode and I'm glad enough of the group survived so they could maintain Ericson Academy.
It was a dumb, sappy and rushed episode but fuck it I enjoyed it the walking dead is so miserable sometimes it was nice for everything to just work out
Idk that left me feeling pretty satisfied. Were there a heck-ton of problems with this season? Yes. Did the ending make little sense? Yes. Did the voice-acting, music and art-design carry the episode? Yes. But it did feel like a suitable end. I'd probably feel a lot better about it if the people who Clementine settles down with were more fleshed out and less like 'stereotypical gimmick child portrayed in the media' though.
Fuck man… I feel so underwhelmed... On one hand I am very happy we got an ending at all but on the other side I can't help but feel like the… more ending was very unsatisfying.
The fact they didn't have the guts to continue with the "Clem is dead" story bothers me, but as poogs said, if they decided to kill her it just feels… wrong. Things that lead to Clem being bit are quite stupid so her death would feel very undeserved.
I'm a bit conflicted but I don't think it was a good episode, certainly considered it is a farewell to a great series, it just lacks something and it makes you feel that in the end, it all didn't matter.
The ending we got in this Episode should be called the "Clem Lives" ending.
It's a damn shame there wasn't any other endings, because the… morere SHOULD have been determinant endings, including AJ Dies/Lives, Clem Dies/Lives and they both live or die.
Imagine AJ running in and saving both Louis/Violet and Tenn and sacrificing himself in return if you trusted him in the cave and you brought him up as empathetic and non-violent.
Clem Lives and Dies endings would play out the same as they do now. If she lives, she ends up on the crutches because AJ cut off her leg (due to her trust of AJ). If she doesn't (because she didn't trust AJ to make his own decisions), she either dies or gets left behind and we get an aftermath of the characters reacting to that.
If they would both live (which would be arguably the best ending) obviously AJ wouldn't be able to sacrifice himself, so if you brought him up as more survival based, he'd shoot Tenn. Eith… [view original content]
I’d like to know why not a lot of people HERE, who actually visit the forums of a game they apparently love hated the episode, yet people who don’t visit the forums and only comment on YouTube, Twitter and all that absolutely loved it? I mean I loved the episode and honestly can’t understand why the ppl from this forum of all places are the only ones who disliked it.
Not every story needs to have a bitter ending to be good, you know? Subverting expectations is always a good thing, and having one happy ending gives us all the opportunity to create our own head canons for what happens after without having a set story already laid out for us
Yup, I dont know why they didnt do multiple endings. Like for one its waaay more satisfying if say we got this ending, then you go online an… mored see you got the best possible ending based on your choices. That makes the "Happy ending" feel so satisfying because it feels like you earned it. You earned Clem and AJ's happy life, but instead we are just given it.
Few things:
Minnie tanking two/three walker bites, an arrow to the chest, other injuries, fatigue, and a horde of zombies was fucking st… moreupid. And she was able to fight, sing, and talk while in a horde of zombies without getting eaten. This is some Shonen-Anime level of plot armor.
I was more pissed than sad when Clem died because it was exactly like Lee's death, facial emotes and everything. I wish she was determinant or they just killed her. The cop-out felt cheap. Roughly the same amount of time passed when Lee got his arm bit and could have gotten it chopped off and when Clem got bit and her leg chopped, and she only loses a foot. Which as AJ said they could probably get her a prosthetic. That's my head cannon for the future at least.
It honestly feels like the only choice which matters was trust AJ or not because it leads to one of the 3 most favouritized characters dying.
But yeah I agree with everything which has been said. Obviously I liked it to an extent, but they really shouldn't of chickend out kill Clem like that and if they didn't want to go through with Clem dying then fair enough but they shouldn't of just bullshitted around it and have a "massive" plot twist because that was my biggest issue with the episode and how poorly it was handled. I didn't get emotional at her "death" scene either which I was expecting to it felt so rushed.
Lilly was only in the start for 2 seconds, in away yeah I'm glad she felt ashamed and I'm glad they didn't continue to use her as antagonist for those of us who didn't kill her but still didn't feel like an amazing send off either.
I mean I get why Clem was shit up by Mccarol Ranch due to her having to kill innocent people. But I really didn't care about the Eddie cameo in it.
I will give them prompt for this: they was able to make me feel creeped out during the Mccarol Ranch (for only a second), during the whole scene with Minnie on the bridge and watching Minnie's and Tenn's death scenes.
I know this sounds too harsh and I'm being ungrateful which I'm really not, I'm glad they have finished the game instead of having half a refund and it doesn't matter if none of my expectations was met but I wasn't amazed by the second half of the game.
It honestly feels like the only choice which matters was trust AJ or not because it leads to one of the 3 most favouritized characters dying… more.
But yeah I agree with everything which has been said. Obviously I liked it to an extent, but they really shouldn't of chickend out kill Clem like that and if they didn't want to go through with Clem dying then fair enough but they shouldn't of just bullshitted around it and have a "massive" plot twist because that was my biggest issue with the episode and how poorly it was handled. I didn't get emotional at her "death" scene either which I was expecting to it felt so rushed.
Lilly was only in the start for 2 seconds, in away yeah I'm glad she felt ashamed and I'm glad they didn't continue to use her as antagonist for those of us who didn't kill her but still didn't feel like an amazing send off either.
I mean I get why Clem was shit up by Mccarol Ranch due to her having to kill innocent people.… [view original content]
Sorry for the second comment, but is anyone confused as to HOW Clementine survived that bite? She was pale and I'm not sure if the fever set… more in yet which may have been her saving grace, but really? Did ANY of the bite survivors in the entire Walking Dead franchise start to weaken before having their limb cut off?
I just do not see how she could have possibly pulled through. It felt like complete fan service.
Otherwise, it was a good episode and I'm glad enough of the group survived so they could maintain Ericson Academy.
I was never annoyed at that bit, there are a lot of explanations but I was annoyed with how it wasn't answered. It's insane that this goes through the final rewrite and Additional Writing. But the bigger problem is how Clem survived from getting cut. The answer given for how she got out was good (I love how it relates to Episode 2, but gosh this would be so much more heartwarming if it was said in-game) but I doubt the answer for how her leg getting chopped off, the axe having walker blood, and the walker flu having already taken over her whole body (redditors are saying the fever from her wound was made her look how she did, and that's annoying, if this happened in the tv show it would've been absolutely bashed for not making sense at all) will be very good.
yikes that was cringe
Also, he just makes a fire in the barn...? The wooden barn, filled with hay and tons of other flammable materia… morel. And he makes this fire fast enough to stop the bleeding in time? I actually like the wheelbarrow idea, but a lot of this could have been said in game when you're talking to Clem, she could have said something like "It was smart of you to put me in that wheelbarrow" like even then Id be satisfied because theres at least some kind of in-game explanation. I could really go without that cringe fan fiction reddit post to "fix" a plot hole.
Can't believe I was so hyped for this. Can't believe after EP1 Done Running, i thought this was going to end up being a successor to Season 1. It's not even a successor to Season 2.
They really could have gone all out, but they didn't. And that's all there is to it.
The only thing I can really muster is that it was "whatever".
All I could feel was a general numbness and being mildly confused about a series finale that in no real sense felt like an actual series finale. No way anyone can say they felt content when the credits rolled. Sometimes bad endings can feel satisfying, but even with what we got there is no satisfaction or resolution attached to the fact that it's actually over. A mix of apathy and disappointment. I know what a an amazing series finale looks and feels like. This just isn't it.
S4EP4 is nowhere near REMOTELY similar to the endings to Season 1 and Season Two. Nowhere near the same impact, nowhere near the same quality of writing and pacing, nowhere near damn near everything.
After everything they went through, TT (RIP) still was only able to conjure something that was only marginally better than ANF. Disappointing.
Disappointed and numb because there was so much potential on making this a very grand finale. This shit could have been amazing and blew our minds. The truth is no one's going to talk about this ending in any significant way years from now. There's a reason S1's ending is in the constant conversation for most impactful video game endings ever. Like someone else noted, just felt nothing happened in the final time that we were given. It's the end, but it doesn't really feel like it. Feels like we lost something that we weren't aware was lost. Like if you were writing a note down and subsequently lost the paper.
It's like we were given an ending but not properly given one. Some sort of phantom ending.
So the entire series to me is forever going to be in this weird stage of limbo, a narrative purgatory due to how insufficient it was delivered.
No one can say this was amazingly written and paced.
As stated in my own thread too, no choices mattered. Pretty much everything (not all) they told us was a lie.
The only silver lining in this episode is I suppose the rollercoaster of emotions. But feeling emotional doesn't equal to good writing that leaves you feeling satisfied. It just means the devs used constant cheap tricks and nostalgic manipulation to make you feel "emotional" which is not hard to do at all. The fakeout is so egregious. But nothing made me actually cry, because there was nothing truly powerful in this episode.
The whole 2nd half of this game is just weird as hell. The first half of this game was fine, and it really had me going.
But it's like the axe scene in the barn ruined the entire episode, because from then on it was just weird pacing and weird beats, cheap emotional manipulation, and a big plot hole staring at us in the face. Telltale didn't know what to hell to do the last hour.
Actually the only scene that touched me was the Ranch and specifically the interaction between Clem and baby AJ . That was the only powerfully earnest portion in the game. I could feel the terror and trauma AJ was going through, and Clem's somber and dulled reaction to it all. It summed up their relationship so perfectly, and encapsulated what TFS was really about in terms of its themes.
I guess all in all I'm slightly glad Clementine's personal character arc is atleast officially complete, and I guess it's a good thing her story will no longer be dragged out and ruined further by lazy writers.
A marginally decent, ultimately dull ending, to what was an amazing series. Damn. This series deserved better, Clementine deserved better. This doesn't feel complete the same way Season 1 was.
A season ending, a series ending, should finalizes whether the whole thing was good or not and was it worth going through and is it worth it going through. And I'm stumped what this ending speaks for both this season and the series.
So MKirkbride made a reddit post and basically explained how AJ helped Clem get out of the barn and survive and shit here's the link for those who are interested (Warning : the whole post just feels like a big fanfiction).
So yeah this is nice and all but i wish they actually explained that in the fucking game,the same thing happened with Kent's posts about Lilly.
yikes that was cringe
Also, he just makes a fire in the barn...? The wooden barn, filled with hay and tons of other flammable material. And he makes this fire fast enough to stop the bleeding in time? I actually like the wheelbarrow idea, but a lot of this could have been said in game when you're talking to Clem, she could have said something like "It was smart of you to put me in that wheelbarrow" like even then Id be satisfied because theres at least some kind of in-game explanation. I could really go without that cringe fan fiction reddit post to "fix" a plot hole.
Oh really?
That was a thing that was supposed to happen?
The Collectibles and the art designs were definitely good.
Eh, maybe for what time they had anyway.
I guess that's a way to look at it.
Eh, more or less.
Yeah, that's definitely a factor.
I mean, that had bits of that with the walkback, the ghost writing, and the obligatory "Thank you Clementine," but those were pretty brief and few for the most part.
This too.
That's been a problem since Suffer the Children or to an extent, even since In Harm's Way.
That's more or less the case with Tenn as well, but having seen a playthrough where Violet dies instead, I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah.
What fucking clunker of a "choice."
Yeah, I did too.
And, you know, I figured they'd bring her back in something of a manner initially, given how she left and how a number of people felt about her snap. But Cheese and Rice, to say they reworked her character in such a shamelessly moiled manner and THEN some is clear.
He wasn't.
Oh and it's even worse for those who favored Violet.
Yeah, I ...didn't really understand that sequence either.
Like, what was he trying to accomplish once the walkers decided they didn't like her either?
And Ruby.
Yeah, that was my thought as well.
Granted, I'm fine with it being there either way, but it should've been especially impactful for those of us who'd see her die.
Yeah, actually.
Doesn't she even say she was tired and getting ready turn in anyway?
The night is over now, lool.
How does Tenn live?
I dont see why people are so upset about the ending. I feel like maybe with telltale closing down (no more great games like TWD or Tales) they didn't want to totally depress the fans, and also completely copy the s1 finale. Even though Clem doesnt die it was still a great moment when you take over as A.J. I feel like he earned his main character status if you have him kill Lilly.
Clementine disapproves of AJ making swift decisions and evidently does not use his gun to save Louis or Violet.
Also correct me if i'm wrong but i think that choice they had in the storybuilder of "saying Goodbye to AJ or Spitting in David's face" didnt mattered at all in this episode.
You are correct.
Did actually any choice from the story generator mattered at all? Excluding the ones that changed Clem's appearance I mean
pretty sure the "Save Carley or Doug" and "leave Lilly on the side of the road or take her with you" choices mattered a little bit in episode 2 when you meet Lilly again.
No, we got kicked in the face.
By breathing sweetness.
D'oh--Pffft, that's another thing I forgot about.
Yes, for one-second.
It didnt which is annoying because Kent Mundle said they didnt put the Wellington ending in because they only had enough budget for those scenes that "needed" to be in the builder, when that choice was completely pointless as expected, meaning they could have done the Wellington ending and skipped the dumb ass "Spit at David" shit.
Oh, right. I forgot about those. Still, those choices didn't really do much aside from changing few lines a bit.
What about the Jane ending?
Wait, really? If you're serious, it's been a pleasure having you. You were always a great moderator and I loved your comments. Farewell.
Sorry for the second comment, but is anyone confused as to HOW Clementine survived that bite? She was pale and I'm not sure if the fever set in yet which may have been her saving grace, but really? Did ANY of the bite survivors in the entire Walking Dead franchise start to weaken before having their limb cut off?
I just do not see how she could have possibly pulled through. It felt like complete fan service.
Otherwise, it was a good episode and I'm glad enough of the group survived so they could maintain Ericson Academy.
Why are you apologising, friend?
I thought posting more than one comment consecutively was frowned upon. I could be wrong, I don't really visit these forums anymore.
Those haters can shove it where the sun does not shine.
Melissa and Tayla especially. So well-done.
Well said. As lighthearted as it became, it was nice for things to go our way.
Idk that left me feeling pretty satisfied. Were there a heck-ton of problems with this season? Yes. Did the ending make little sense? Yes. Did the voice-acting, music and art-design carry the episode? Yes. But it did feel like a suitable end. I'd probably feel a lot better about it if the people who Clementine settles down with were more fleshed out and less like 'stereotypical gimmick child portrayed in the media' though.
Both die ending should instead be where AJ lets Clem bite him. But honestly, I'm fine without muliple endings.
I’d like to know why not a lot of people HERE, who actually visit the forums of a game they apparently love hated the episode, yet people who don’t visit the forums and only comment on YouTube, Twitter and all that absolutely loved it? I mean I loved the episode and honestly can’t understand why the ppl from this forum of all places are the only ones who disliked it.
Not every story needs to have a bitter ending to be good, you know? Subverting expectations is always a good thing, and having one happy ending gives us all the opportunity to create our own head canons for what happens after without having a set story already laid out for us
There shouldn't be a 'both lives' or 'both dies' it should only end with either Clem or AJ alive. Because that's what this season is about, right?
Minnie is Abel Mach II
It honestly feels like the only choice which matters was trust AJ or not because it leads to one of the 3 most favouritized characters dying.
But yeah I agree with everything which has been said. Obviously I liked it to an extent, but they really shouldn't of chickend out kill Clem like that and if they didn't want to go through with Clem dying then fair enough but they shouldn't of just bullshitted around it and have a "massive" plot twist because that was my biggest issue with the episode and how poorly it was handled. I didn't get emotional at her "death" scene either which I was expecting to it felt so rushed.
Lilly was only in the start for 2 seconds, in away yeah I'm glad she felt ashamed and I'm glad they didn't continue to use her as antagonist for those of us who didn't kill her but still didn't feel like an amazing send off either.
I mean I get why Clem was shit up by Mccarol Ranch due to her having to kill innocent people. But I really didn't care about the Eddie cameo in it.
I will give them prompt for this: they was able to make me feel creeped out during the Mccarol Ranch (for only a second), during the whole scene with Minnie on the bridge and watching Minnie's and Tenn's death scenes.
I know this sounds too harsh and I'm being ungrateful which I'm really not, I'm glad they have finished the game instead of having half a refund and it doesn't matter if none of my expectations was met but I wasn't amazed by the second half of the game.
dammit he deleted my job thing again smh @Blind Sniper i hate you.
You are not ungrateful for providing an opinion, so do not worry. ?
I didn't know I was the only moderator here!
P.S. Luv u 2 babe

You don't trust AJ with making the hard calls that will lead to Louis or Violet dying instead of Tenn.
Brilliant! ?
Probably one of the bigger complaints, they showed Clem was clearly starting to turn yet then suddenly it was ok when her leg got chomped.
I was never annoyed at that bit, there are a lot of explanations but I was annoyed with how it wasn't answered. It's insane that this goes through the final rewrite and Additional Writing. But the bigger problem is how Clem survived from getting cut. The answer given for how she got out was good (I love how it relates to Episode 2, but gosh this would be so much more heartwarming if it was said in-game) but I doubt the answer for how her leg getting chopped off, the axe having walker blood, and the walker flu having already taken over her whole body (redditors are saying the fever from her wound was made her look how she did, and that's annoying, if this happened in the tv show it would've been absolutely bashed for not making sense at all) will be very good.
Can't believe I was so hyped for this. Can't believe after EP1 Done Running, i thought this was going to end up being a successor to Season 1. It's not even a successor to Season 2.
They really could have gone all out, but they didn't. And that's all there is to it.
The only thing I can really muster is that it was "whatever".
All I could feel was a general numbness and being mildly confused about a series finale that in no real sense felt like an actual series finale. No way anyone can say they felt content when the credits rolled. Sometimes bad endings can feel satisfying, but even with what we got there is no satisfaction or resolution attached to the fact that it's actually over. A mix of apathy and disappointment. I know what a an amazing series finale looks and feels like. This just isn't it.
S4EP4 is nowhere near REMOTELY similar to the endings to Season 1 and Season Two. Nowhere near the same impact, nowhere near the same quality of writing and pacing, nowhere near damn near everything.
After everything they went through, TT (RIP) still was only able to conjure something that was only marginally better than ANF. Disappointing.
Disappointed and numb because there was so much potential on making this a very grand finale. This shit could have been amazing and blew our minds. The truth is no one's going to talk about this ending in any significant way years from now. There's a reason S1's ending is in the constant conversation for most impactful video game endings ever. Like someone else noted, just felt nothing happened in the final time that we were given. It's the end, but it doesn't really feel like it. Feels like we lost something that we weren't aware was lost. Like if you were writing a note down and subsequently lost the paper.
It's like we were given an ending but not properly given one. Some sort of phantom ending.
So the entire series to me is forever going to be in this weird stage of limbo, a narrative purgatory due to how insufficient it was delivered.
No one can say this was amazingly written and paced.
As stated in my own thread too, no choices mattered. Pretty much everything (not all) they told us was a lie.
The only silver lining in this episode is I suppose the rollercoaster of emotions. But feeling emotional doesn't equal to good writing that leaves you feeling satisfied. It just means the devs used constant cheap tricks and nostalgic manipulation to make you feel "emotional" which is not hard to do at all. The fakeout is so egregious. But nothing made me actually cry, because there was nothing truly powerful in this episode.
The whole 2nd half of this game is just weird as hell. The first half of this game was fine, and it really had me going.
But it's like the axe scene in the barn ruined the entire episode, because from then on it was just weird pacing and weird beats, cheap emotional manipulation, and a big plot hole staring at us in the face. Telltale didn't know what to hell to do the last hour.
Actually the only scene that touched me was the Ranch and specifically the interaction between Clem and baby AJ . That was the only powerfully earnest portion in the game. I could feel the terror and trauma AJ was going through, and Clem's somber and dulled reaction to it all. It summed up their relationship so perfectly, and encapsulated what TFS was really about in terms of its themes.
I guess all in all I'm slightly glad Clementine's personal character arc is atleast officially complete, and I guess it's a good thing her story will no longer be dragged out and ruined further by lazy writers.
A marginally decent, ultimately dull ending, to what was an amazing series. Damn. This series deserved better, Clementine deserved better. This doesn't feel complete the same way Season 1 was.
A season ending, a series ending, should finalizes whether the whole thing was good or not and was it worth going through and is it worth it going through. And I'm stumped what this ending speaks for both this season and the series.