The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited February 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    Now that it's all coming together, it's starting to look really cool. Wondering what texture you'll use for Monster Max. :D

    Gator skin and leather, of course! Norringon's going to be snakeskin.
  • edited February 2011
    Horrible crossover, but I couldn't resist the temptation.


    Color scheme is Sollux Captor from Homestuck, by Andrew Hussie.
    Uhhhh, I'm obsessed.
  • edited February 2011
    Where'd my 3-D glasses go?
  • edited February 2011
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Horrible crossover, but I couldn't resist the temptation.

    Color scheme is Sollux Captor from Homestuck, by Andrew Hussie.
    Uhhhh, I'm obsessed.

    That looks like that energy being from Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis...

    Anyway, here's Max as a Chain Chomp (or you could call it a Lagomorphic Chomp)...
  • edited February 2011
    This thread is awesome, just gotta say.

    Hey, guys, I'm sorta new, although I recognize some of you from DA. I just wanted to post something I've been working on to say hi.

  • edited February 2011
    skullbank wrote: »
    This thread is awesome, just gotta say.

    Hey, guys, I'm sorta new, although I recognize some of you from DA. I just wanted to post something I've been working on to say hi.


    Welcome! You've got some great art there!
  • edited February 2011
    Wow, lots of posts to catch up on x___x

    @crfh: Hahaha, "dat ass" indeed, Max's expression makes me laugh XD

    @1nky: Still as awesome as the others, I'm really loving the dialogue.

    @divisionten: Wow, that's quite an interesting idea, I want to see it finished :D

    @tark: Wow, really nice, you've made quite a first impression. Love the colors, and I feel that you made Sam look more adorable than usual XD

    @Maxilyah: Can he watch 3D movies without glasses with those eyes? XD Looks pretty cool.

    @Pheep: Ahaha, you're right, Max and Chain Chomps truly are kinda similar.

    @skullbank: I think Sam's head needs to be fixed a bit, but otherwise it's amazing and I love the coloring.

    I'll be honest with you, I envy each and every one of you guys for multiple reasons =P

    Well, now it's my turn to post a quick little something I made for Chinese new year.
    Year of the rabbit>Year of the tiger

    Quick sketch made for the Chinese New Year, with gratuitious kanji for what should be really obvious reasons. Yes, I'm late, big deal >__>

    It's the first time I ever draw a tiger, well in this case it's meant to be a rug but still.

    I'll leave whether Max is just standing over a rug to simbolize how his year is better than the tiger's or if he made the rug himself up to your imagination >.>
  • edited February 2011
    Shyguy wrote: »
    Welcome! You've got some great art there!

    Thanks! :D
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    @skullbank: I think Sam's head needs to be fixed a bit, but otherwise it's amazing and I love the coloring.

    Hmm... I guess Sam's head did get weird when I colored it. Maybe I'll look over the original drawing and do some tweaking.
  • edited February 2011
    What's wrong with his head?
  • edited February 2011
    Well, for starters IMO the snout is too long and the nose feels like it should be in a different place, but again, IMO.
  • edited February 2011
    It's probably because Sam's snout was stylized differently in the original drawing, but I didn't carry it across in the coloring very well. Eh... I'll figure out his face eventually.
  • edited February 2011
    Nose needs to be a little bigger, I think. The snout is a little concave on top but not by much.

    But this can be counted as style, no?
  • edited February 2011
    It could, but that doesn't change that the nose feels like its position is quite a bit off to me.

    Skullbank, hope you don't mind if I edit it quickly in Photoshop to show what I mean, I only mean this as a little constructive critic ^^;


    How I think the nose should look like
  • edited February 2011
    Hey guess who I'm drawing :D No really! Guess!
  • edited February 2011
    Sam? Max? Papierwaite? Norrington? Sal? Stinky (any)? Skunkape? Sybil? Abe? Bosco? Dr. Momma Bosco? Flint Paper? Superball? Jurgen? Hugh Bliss? Harry Moleman? The Soda Poppers? Jimmy Two Teeth?

    Did I miss anyone kinda important?
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    A Maimtron? Santa?
  • edited February 2011
    Sam Jr.? Timmy Two-Teeth? Mary Two-Teeth? Sammun-Mak? Sameth? Maximus? The old-timey mole people? Santa's/Nicholas St. Kringle's elves? Skun-ka'pe's mooks? "Gordon"/the Alien Brain? Hmmrhmm ...

    *expands horizons a bit*

    The Rubber-Pants Commandos? Fritz Nunkie?

    Mac Salmon?!!

    *will return with responses to art later so as not to break up the flow of this too greviously >_>*
  • edited February 2011
    Lorne **the friend for life**?
  • edited February 2011
    Kid number 15 in the Sam and Max episode 'The Second Show Ever?'

    You're killing us, dude. KILLING us.
  • edited February 2011
    Pedro? The C.O.P.S.? The Geek? Grandma Ruth? Trixie the Giraffe Necked Girl? Bruno the Sasquatch? Ratzo and his gang of cephalopods? Pedro? Conroy Bumpus? The Pirates from On the Road? The manatees? Sally the Dog? The Enigmatic MooHoo man? Misu Mina? Junior? King RootenTooten the Clumsy? Carol? Pedro? Sam's cousin? Sybil's hot sister? Papierwaite's Discreet Tailor? Agent Butterfly? Max's favorite female celebrity?


    @divisionten; Fixed! So there! XD
  • edited February 2011
    The Geek? Grandma Ruth? Tricie the Giraffe Necked Girl? Bruno the Sasquatch? Ratzo and his gang of cephalopods? Conroy Bumpus? The Pirates from On the Road? The manatees? Sally the Dog? The Enigmatic MooHoo man? Misu Mina? Junior? King RootenTooten the Clumsy? Carol? Pedro? Sam's cousin? Sybil's hot sister? Papierwaite's Discreet Tailor? Agent Butterfly? Max's favorite female celebrity?


    You forgot Pedro. And Pedro.
  • edited February 2011
    skullbank wrote: »
    This thread is awesome, just gotta say.

    Hey, guys, I'm sorta new, although I recognize some of you from DA. I just wanted to post something I've been working on to say hi.

    Omigosh, that's gotta be one of the sweetest and coziest images I've seen in a long while (as sweet & cozy as Sam and Max can get, anyway...) Sam really should give his little buddy more piggybacks. =3 Swell job on the shading, too. :D
  • edited February 2011
    lorne **the friend for life**?

    Oh god
  • edited February 2011
    Shyguy wrote: »
    Oh god

    Oh yes! WE NEED MORE LORNE!!!
  • edited February 2011
    I am currently working on a piece which will most likely go completely ignored on this forum but be added to everyone's favorites on DeviantArt.
  • edited February 2011
    @ Shyguy: i love how you coloured it!!
  • edited February 2011
    skullbank, fantastic picture BTW. :)

    omg either Mac Salmon or Lorne, oh pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease~!! XD
  • edited February 2011
    I was actually not expecting nearly this much Lorne <music>the friend for life</music> love. I might actually have to draw something involving him now. Maybe a scene inside his funhouse?

    After I finish the other monstrosity, of course. Just added the clones' gold lame shorts. I feel so unclean.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't know if you can consider this as a fanart, but here's the MySims (PC) version of Sam mysimsphotonycity192484.jpg
  • edited February 2011
    *I* think it counts...
  • edited February 2011
    Hahaha it's something a lot more predictable than all that guys :D

    Seriously tho... Mack Salmon. That's my next one. It's a promise!
  • edited February 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Hahaha it's something a lot more predictable than all that guys :D

    Seriously tho... Mack Salmon. That's my next one. It's a promise!

    Yes! Brilliant!

    OK, predicable? I'd hafta say Noir Sam then. *shot*
  • edited February 2011
    Urf, I guess I'd better post these here.

    Read the descriptions on the page, it'll make more sense if you do.
  • edited February 2011
    Narrator? Director? Mr Featherly? The Commissioner? Bosco's father? Bessie? Brady? Mara? Chuckles (secret agent/Mafia)? Chuckles (doll)? Charlie? Dis-Orient Express conductor? Nefertiti's asp? Torture-me-elmo? One of the Toy Mafia we see in the casino's customer area? Mr Spatula? Anubis? One of the babies on Easter Island? One of the carvings on Easter Island? Shambling Corporate Presence? DeSoto? A Sam clone? A Max spore? Lincoln statue head? Lincoln zombie? A random zombie? Frankie the rat? One of the other rats betting on the gladiator fights? Hubert the European tourist? The rat queen? The giant invertebrate in one of the 305 endings? Mike Stemmle? Chuck Jordan? Steve Purcell?

    I'm done (I think).
  • edited February 2011
    Shame on me for not commenting on anyone's pictures for so long!

    crfh - Pretty sure I've already told you on DA, but I LOVE your pictures! :D

    skullbones - Love it, it's so cute! :3 Max looks almost non-threatening...almost :P

    1nky - Can't wait for the next comic page, they keep making my day :D

    divisionten - That's coming along really nicely, can't wait to see the final version!

    tark - That's really good! You use colours really well, now you've posted you're first pic, I must urge you to do MOAR! :D
  • edited February 2011
    Thx rubygloomel! :D

    Hey guys a question, are you going to "reset" this thread? At my forum when a thread reaches 100 pages we lock it and start another to avoid tech problems, do you guys do the same over here?
  • edited February 2011
    Well, the thinking thread has had over 400+ pages and there hasn't been a problem yet, so I don't see a necessity.
  • edited February 2011
    True but this thread is pretty graphic-heavy
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah, I am that predictable :D

    But it's not a Noir Sam. It's a NOIR SLAM.


    This is Purcell's fault for posting that comic where Sam gets angry because they shot Max :P

    This was done in a bit of a different style and inking. It's more angular, less round and soft. Finished it yesterday actually, but I ALWAYS leave the stupid background, simple as it is, for last.

    Next: the Salmon.
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