The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited February 2011

    Sorry, I think my heart stopped for a moment.
  • edited February 2011
    I love how simple yet effective that background is. As usual you make him look quite badass. Btw, if you're doing a Mac Salmon pic how about having him team up with Mr. Spatula or something XD

    @Cheri: I saw your drawings on DA. I've never played FONV, but they still made me laugh XD
  • edited February 2011
    NOIR SLAM stole my heart. As with all of your other works... *faints*
  • edited February 2011
    All the ladies love Noir Sam! included
  • edited February 2011
    Many thanks, guys. Hot devil, isn't he? :D
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    I... that... crfh, there are no words for Noir Slam. Well, there's one word: YOWZA.
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    It could, but that doesn't change that the nose feels like its position is quite a bit off to me.

    Skullbank, hope you don't mind if I edit it quickly in Photoshop to show what I mean, I only mean this as a little constructive critic ^^;

    No, that's cool, SunnyGuy. And actually... yes, that makes sense! I did some reconsidering on the face (new image is here, I don't want to keep reposting it). Changing the snout shape helped me make sense of the shading on Sam's face, I think.
  • edited February 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Yeah, I am that predictable :D

    But it's not a Noir Sam. It's a NOIR SLAM.


    This is Purcell's fault for posting that comic where Sam gets angry because they shot Max :P

    This was done in a bit of a different style and inking. It's more angular, less round and soft. Finished it yesterday actually, but I ALWAYS leave the stupid background, simple as it is, for last.

    Next: the Salmon.

    Pardon my long delay of commenting on this work of art. All I seem to be able to convey is a "Aaauuuurrrffddghhgfgdhjshlfdksl." I hope that's indicative enough of my appreciation of this picture. :P Awesome job!
    skullbank wrote: »

    No, that's cool, SunnyGuy. And actually... yes, that makes sense! I did some reconsidering on the face (new image is here, I don't want to keep reposting it). Changing the snout shape helped me make sense of the shading on Sam's face, I think.

    That is much better. Amazing on how much the picture itself changed because of that detail. It was still an amazing picture to start with, but you
    improved on it, and now it's just wonderful. :D Fantastic job!

    (Urk - about the comic, you guys. I had a small break, due to a little burnout, plus lack of knowledge on how to introduce Quad!Sam. It'll be up later today (or earlier tomorrow, don't know how the Sourthern Hemisphere times count) and I'll get back into the 'Page every other day' rhythm. Thanks for your patience!)
  • edited February 2011
    Thx skullbank and 1nky :D Can't wait to see the new installment!
  • edited February 2011
    Hey so yeah I kinda didn't really draw anything so this is kinda cheap... but I found I had a few hours of nothing (finally) but couldn't think of anything to really draw. I got the idea to try a fix up a screenshot of Hit the Road. Kinda like if they did a HD remake of Hit the Road like they did for Monkey Island. Welp... sharing is caring.

  • edited February 2011
    That just makes me want a good special edition of HtR a lot more D:
    skullbank wrote: »
    No, that's cool, SunnyGuy. And actually... yes, that makes sense! I did some reconsidering on the face (new image is here, I don't want to keep reposting it). Changing the snout shape helped me make sense of the shading on Sam's face, I think.

    Wow, that does look quite a bit better :)
    1nky wrote: »
    (Urk - about the comic, you guys. I had a small break, due to a little burnout, plus lack of knowledge on how to introduce Quad!Sam. It'll be up later today (or earlier tomorrow, don't know how the Sourthern Hemisphere times count) and I'll get back into the 'Page every other day' rhythm. Thanks for your patience!)

    Oh you take as much time as you need ;)
  • edited February 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Yeah, I am that predictable :D

    But it's not a Noir Sam. It's a NOIR SLAM.


    This is Purcell's fault for posting that comic where Sam gets angry because they shot Max :P

    This was done in a bit of a different style and inking. It's more angular, less round and soft. Finished it yesterday actually, but I ALWAYS leave the stupid background, simple as it is, for last.

    Next: the Salmon.

    I commented on this as Cheruphim on Deviantart, and I can't say how much I love this. The picture's shading is beautiful, I absolutely love it. And the cross-hatching, homg the crosshatching. My favorite *snerk* is actually how much justice you did to Sam's gun, the .44 Magnum. GORGEOUS. Only thing I'd have to say is that I noticed the gun's barrel is a little crooked as it tips toward to the end of it. Otherwise, beautiful.

    And as many have said. Heck yes. Noir Slam is hawt.
  • edited February 2011
    Noir Sam: Making Various females fur-curious since 2010.
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Hey so yeah I kinda didn't really draw anything so this is kinda cheap... but I found I had a few hours of nothing (finally) but couldn't think of anything to really draw. I got the idea to try a fix up a screenshot of Hit the Road. Kinda like if they did a HD remake of Hit the Road like they did for Monkey Island. Welp... sharing is caring.


    This is why Hit the Road needs a SE.
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks, Cherubim! I love the Big Kill, I gotta practice more :D

    SillyStell: lovely!
  • edited February 2011
    I can envisage sam and max hiding behind a dumpster behind their office and lorne "the friiiend for liiiife!" Prowling around the corner
  • edited February 2011
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Hey so yeah I kinda didn't really draw anything so this is kinda cheap... but I found I had a few hours of nothing (finally) but couldn't think of anything to really draw. I got the idea to try a fix up a screenshot of Hit the Road. Kinda like if they did a HD remake of Hit the Road like they did for Monkey Island. Welp... sharing is caring.


    My low res avatar approves of this, did you use a graphics tablet? I was thinking on getting one and learning to draw but I'm not sure if starting off digitally is the way to go :o
  • edited February 2011
    I did use a tablet but I recomend doing some sketching with penciel and paper, it's your best friend if you wanna be an artist. Digital art is a great medium but I think if you understand traditional works then not only will you get more variety in your work but a better understanding of it.
  • edited February 2011
    There is NO substitute for pencil and paper. None.
  • edited February 2011
    So very true :D
  • edited February 2011
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Hey so yeah I kinda didn't really draw anything so this is kinda cheap... but I found I had a few hours of nothing (finally) but couldn't think of anything to really draw. I got the idea to try a fix up a screenshot of Hit the Road. Kinda like if they did a HD remake of Hit the Road like they did for Monkey Island. Welp... sharing is caring.


    Aaaaaaaaand... this is my new wallpaper!
  • edited February 2011
    noir sam: Making various females fur-curious since 2010.

    oh god this is so true xD
  • edited February 2011
    Personality goes a long way
  • edited February 2011
    Page 7 - Sorry it's so late...

    Nothing really interesting going on here, except someone here doesn't look quite right.

  • edited February 2011
    Need... more...

    1nky your art is just so damn good.
  • edited February 2011
    He looks so fluffy! I love him!

    And Max, he's more braindead than ever XD
  • edited February 2011

    This probably needs some appropiate background. Done in SAI, just to test the software. Highly recommended! :D
  • edited February 2011
    Love how he came out. Would SAI be better than Photoshop?
    1nky wrote: »
    Page 7 - Sorry it's so late...

    Nothing really interesting going on here, except someone here doesn't look quite right.

    "What is that, John?"
    "It's a wall of text!"
    "Warn the others!"

    I really, really like your dialogue XD Sam looks adorable, I love how he pretty much just appeared there.
  • edited February 2011
    ok, this is not art, it was a boring day and I come with this
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Would SAI be better than Photoshop?

    Complementary in the best sense of the word.
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    Having tested it, I'd say: SUPERIOR for inking, not much good for anything else.
  • edited February 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    Page 7 - Sorry it's so late...

    Nothing really interesting going on here, except someone here doesn't look quite right.


    I love the crosshatching of the page, reading the wall of text, and Max's general reaction to everything. Also, props for throwing in the Captain Underpants allusion!
  • edited February 2011
    @1nky: Un-anthropomorphic Sam is so fuzzy and adorable.
    "It's a wall of text! Warn the others!"

    @crfh: That's some really nice line quality, me likey.

    So, to contrast my last piece, I decided to go for a completely different mood with this one.

  • edited February 2011
    OMG 1nky I'm loving the way you're drawing Max. He looks SO good! The style is a good cross between Purcell's vision and the animated version. ...still strikingly unique.
    I'll have to reference you, if you don't mind!
    Also; Have you posted these on dA yet??
  • edited February 2011
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Hey so yeah I kinda didn't really draw anything so this is kinda cheap... but I found I had a few hours of nothing (finally) but couldn't think of anything to really draw. I got the idea to try a fix up a screenshot of Hit the Road. Kinda like if they did a HD remake of Hit the Road like they did for Monkey Island. Welp... sharing is caring.


    We need more like this! Would like to see other scene from the game done this way!
  • edited February 2011
    @skullbanker- I love your take on Max! Really nice!

    @pheelp-I remember these, I see a lot of your art in the S&M club on Deviantart. ^^ Keep it coming!

    @1nky-it's such a pretty comic! I especially love your line work! And un-anthropomorphic Sam=Omigod. That's about as pretty cool as the realistic take on the two that was posted here a long time ago.

    @crfl- Wow, that line art's pretty sweet! Is that Mr. Spatula?
  • edited February 2011
    Mac Salmon actually, which IIRC was meant to be Mr. Spatula in the beginning but they changed it anyways. I don't remember where I heard it so I might as well be making it up though. I like my theory that Mr. Spatula II was actually Mac Salmon in "disguise" waiting for the right time to strike and that's why he suddenly turned out to be evil anyways.
  • edited February 2011
    I should stop doing crossovers. Here's one with Homestuck. Max in God-Tier with the title Heir of Mind. Which won't make sense to anyone who doesn't read Homestuck. Oh well, then it's just Max in a weird windsock hoodie get-up.

  • edited February 2011
    Poor Sam and Max... not only they were captured by Mack Salmon and about to be turned into fish. They're also... merely background here! :(

    Mack Salmon is my favorite S&M villain. In the cartoons he's supposed to be some sort of mad science type mastermind, ala the James Bond villain called Ernst Stavro Blofeld. In the comics he's some sort of kingpin. I rather like a combination of the two: a crime kingpin who uses science for fun, profit... and revenge.

    Mr. Watson here is one my favorite henchmen ever. He's taller than Sam, elegant, and tremendously, unashamedly ugly. I also like the fact that he doesn't seem intimidated by Max at his most scary. Also, he's called "Mr. Watson" instead of "Fugly Face" or something.

    I really didn't pay a lot of attention to the inking of anybody here except Salmon. Done in SAI.

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