The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited February 2011
    I have never seen Homestuck but that's lovely, Cheri! :D
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks for the comments, guys. Any feedback - including anything I could improve on, or any mistakes I've made - is very much appreciated. :)
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Hey so yeah I kinda didn't really draw anything so this is kinda cheap... but I found I had a few hours of nothing (finally) but couldn't think of anything to really draw. I got the idea to try a fix up a screenshot of Hit the Road. Kinda like if they did a HD remake of Hit the Road like they did for Monkey Island. Welp... sharing is caring.

    Forgot to comment on this, sorry... I imagine this would make some old-time fans flip out... then become dejected soon after. ("It's not a screenshot?!") If you had a lot of time on your hands, I'd totally want to see this animated. (But we all have lives, here... :P) Great job!
    crfh wrote: »
    This probably needs some appropiate background. Done in SAI, just to test the software. Highly recommended! :D

    SAI's awesome for inking - the lines just come out so straight... That being said, I really love your progress so far. The detail's amazing, from his eye, to the shadowing on his scales... Eeee. :D
    skullbank wrote: »

    So, to contrast my last piece, I decided to go for a completely different mood with this one.

    I like what you've done with the colour scheme! And a very well-drawn Max. Wonder what he's so afraid of, though?
    pheeph wrote: »
    here's some old Sam and Max-related pics I had circa 2006... this was way before my drawing style improved...

    Heyyy - I've seen these before. Thought your style looked familiar. :P Keep it up!
    Gohaku wrote: »
    OMG 1nky I'm loving the way you're drawing Max. He looks SO good! The style is a good cross between Purcell's vision and the animated version. ...still strikingly unique.
    I'll have to reference you, if you don't mind!
    Also; Have you posted these on dA yet??

    Thank you very much - don't know what to say about that. :)

    And, no - not really. I've been trying to avoid posting fanwork for fear of my watchers only watching me due to fandom reasons. I'm a tad finicky that way. But if you really want, I'll post 'em, ten-by-ten. We still have a ways to go. ;)
    Cheri wrote: »
    I should stop doing crossovers. Here's one with Homestuck. Max in God-Tier with the title Heir of Mind. Which won't make sense to anyone who doesn't read Homestuck. Oh well, then it's just Max in a weird windsock hoodie get-up.

    Max really shouldn't be allowed to wear clothing. He just winds up looking way too adorable. :/ Great job! (Never heard of Homestuck. Any good?)
    crfh wrote: »
    Poor Sam and Max... not only they were captured by Mack Salmon and about to be turned into fish. They're also... merely background here! :(

    Mack Salmon is my favorite S&M villain. In the cartoons he's supposed to be some sort of mad science type mastermind, ala the James Bond villain called Ernst Stavro Blofeld. In the comics he's some sort of kingpin. I rather like a combination of the two: a crime kingpin who uses science for fun, profit... and revenge.

    Mr. Watson here is one my favorite henchmen ever. He's taller than Sam, elegant, and tremendously, unashamedly ugly. I also like the fact that he doesn't seem intimidated by Max at his most scary. Also, he's called "Mr. Watson" instead of "Fugly Face" or something.

    I really didn't pay a lot of attention to the inking of anybody here except Salmon. Done in SAI.

    Amendment - Max should totally be a piranha. Though a shark-tooth goldfish would be something to see...

    Oh Goooood - if you ever decide to go back and ink this piece in full, I would totally love you forever. Though it's still fantastic the way it is. :D Poor guys - hope they have fishbowls ready.
  • edited February 2011
    I think Max would love to be a piranha. And then his horrified expression wouldn't fit :D
  • edited February 2011
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Hey so yeah I kinda didn't really draw anything so this is kinda cheap... but I found I had a few hours of nothing (finally) but couldn't think of anything to really draw. I got the idea to try a fix up a screenshot of Hit the Road. Kinda like if they did a HD remake of Hit the Road like they did for Monkey Island. Welp... sharing is caring.

    WAO, this looks just great. do you have a bigger version to use as wallpaper? :D
  • edited February 2011
    Max would make a creepily adorable gold fish.
    ...I wanna see that now.
    1nky wrote: »
    I like what you've done with the colour scheme! And a very well-drawn Max. Wonder what he's so afraid of, though?

    Thanks! Max is afraid of himself. Yep.
  • edited February 2011
    Re-did Homestuck God-Tier Max with background, and then a Sam.

    Max, Heir of Mind, in the Land of Brains and Monochrome.

    Sam, Savior of Law, currently in fully prototyped Skaia, but his land is the Land of Temples and Scale.

    Bluh bluh Cheri's spouting stuff that doesn't make any sense again.
  • edited February 2011
    Cheri wrote: »
    Bluh bluh Cheri's spouting stuff that doesn't make any sense again.

    Maybe, but she's also posting awesome fanart so all is forgiven :D
  • edited February 2011
    (...I understand it. Doesn't it suck that the site's down?)

    ...In any case, so many things going on here I don't think I can comment on them all. Can I just say 'good job' and you artist types just all grab it? I'm sure there's enough letters there for everybody.
  • edited February 2011
    I love the crosshatching of the page, reading the wall of text, and Max's general reaction to everything. Also, props for throwing in the Captain Underpants allusion!

    I just realized that you got the reference. XD Tra-la-laaaaa!
    crfh wrote: »
    I think Max would love to be a piranha. And then his horrified expression wouldn't fit :D

    Oh, yeah. Didn't think of that. In that case, he'd be having a field day. :P
    Cheri wrote: »
    Re-did Homestuck God-Tier Max with background, and then a Sam.

    Max, Heir of Mind, in the Land of Brains and Monochrome.

    Sam, Savior of Law, currently in fully prototyped Skaia, but his land is the Land of Temples and Scale.

    Bluh bluh Cheri's spouting stuff that doesn't make any sense again.

    ...Sam looks totally awesome in that outfit. It's very becoming of him, for some reason. (I really like your digital art style, especially when you play around with Paint (or the pencil tool in Photoshop - I'm not sure. What's your tool?))

    I need to check out this 'Homestuck.' :/
  • edited February 2011
    I use the pencil tool in Photoshop. I don't know where I'd be without layers. And you should check out Homestuck! I'm essentially using the scratchy style Hussie uses when he does 'Hero Mode' illustrations for the comic.
  • edited February 2011
    I really enjoyed of watching those pretty cool pictures.
  • edited February 2011
    @1nky - please, keep that comic a'commin' it's just brilliant~ too much love~

    @crfh - GAH MACK SALMON! <3 @_@ Fantastic mate!!

    @SillyStell -flip, love your HD rendition. Awesome~

    @Cheri - can't get over the designs of their outfits, especially Max's. Love them~ <3
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah Sam looks awesome cute in that outfit Cheri :D

    Hayley: Thanks! Mack is awesome :D
  • edited February 2011
    Here's something I finished yesterday. It's a human take on Sam and max xD *yes I just went there. I did most of it in Paint Tool Sai, and the lettering, as well as the background, was done in Photoshop Elements 7. If only I could seriously make the quality better...

    I don't really get how to post pictures in the forum, so I'll post a link instead if it's okay. :3
  • edited February 2011
    Inking warmup exercise gone horribly, horribly wrong.


    Sam: Max, do you have uh, any tartar sauce around?
  • edited February 2011
    Hahaha, oh god XD

    You beat me to it, but it's so awesome I don't mind.
  • edited February 2011
    OMG, that's adorable! Max is kinda pretty as a fish. Does Sam want to eat himself?
  • edited February 2011
    Hilarious. 8D I love the Sam and Max take as fish!
  • edited February 2011
    Gnee! A follow-up!

    Kind of reminds me of that movie "Help, I'm a Fish!" I love how you incorporated Sam's tie and hat into his fins. Very well done! :D
  • edited February 2011
    "Comissioner, I'm a fish!"

  • edited February 2011
    Fights for the phone are going to be difficult in these new forms. Maybe the Commissioner will just reach them by conch shell. Which reminds me, I really want to post art with some of the Sam & Max guys as mermaids.
  • edited February 2011
    Page 8, finally. And Sam, spit that out. You don't know where it's been.

  • edited February 2011
    Max will say something completely unrelated to the fact Sam is the dog.
  • edited February 2011
    @crfh - I loved that you did a follow up!! Gah, they're adorable as fishes... fish! XD

    @1nky - I swear to God, this comic is addictive. You should post it to dA too, I'd say it's be a hit! :'D
  • edited February 2011
    @crfh - I loved that you did a follow up!! Gah, they're adorable as fishes... fish! XD

    @1nky - I swear to God, this comic is addictive. You should post it to dA too, I'd say it's be a hit! :'D

    I concur! :D

    Also it'd take forever to comment on everyone's picture, so I'll just say that I LOVE THEM ALL!!! :D
  • edited February 2011
    Hahaha I love Max's lines and the fact he's being dragged across the floor and his feet are scraping the wood XD
  • edited February 2011
    It's that time again. Pick one!

    * Packing a Rod (Somewhere)

    * Law Enforcement.

    * Clue or Lunch?

    * Corndog Tragedy.

    * Abduction Rejects!

    * 3 second rule

    * Supermegacoolsexy (the second session)
  • edited February 2011
    @1nky: Well, looks like Max had quite a day XD

    @crfh: Corndog tragedy! Corndog Tragedy!
    Shyguy wrote: »
    Max will say something completely unrelated to the fact Sam is the dog.

    My money is on Max calling him one of Sam's relatives.
  • edited February 2011
    Clue or Lunch?

    VOTE: GET!
  • edited February 2011
    The mind REELS!
    Haha fantastic new page dude :D
    I'm going for Corndog Tragedy!
  • edited February 2011
    Goddamit, I can't choose... :I

  • edited February 2011

  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011


    OH MY GOD. THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!! ;w; Your cell-shading is a beaut I swear. *goes to look it up on deviantart* This seriously made my day 8D
  • edited February 2011
    Valentine's Day gone horribly wrong...
  • edited February 2011
    I wanted to try SAI as a coloring tool.

    Look at it and weep. It's such a sad, sad day for Max.


    The worst thing is? That corndog was ran over by a circus midget in an unycicle.
  • edited February 2011
    Max has emotional breakdown. Corndog murdered. More at 11.
  • edited February 2011
    Page 9. Will talk later, when it's not 3am. :

  • edited February 2011
    Baaaw Sam is so cute in this comic :D
    Most awesome, can't wait to see what happens next.
  • edited February 2011

    @ pheeph - heh, nice one!

    @crfh - let's mourn the loss of Max's corndog, awwww~ :'C

    @1nky - you know, you're really giving me the urge to draw doggy Sam now...
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