The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited February 2011
    Figured I'd post these in here, lots of good work in here everybody, here's my contribution...

    Sam & Max by boccideathball, on Flickr

    Sam & Max by boccideathball, on Flickr
  • edited February 2011
    @Bocci - Whoa, you do street art? It'd be nice to see some of that in my area. :P Great job.

    Page 11 - may be some mistakes, considering I'm half-asleep:

  • edited February 2011
    @1nky Your comic is brilliant, I love it!

    @Hayley the Hedgie I love your Papierwaite pictures, they are really awesome!

    I'm going to post my pictures soon btw (honestly Jeeno! I haven't forgotten!), so prepare for some not so awesome drawings from me soon!
  • edited February 2011
    Nintomster wrote: »
    I'm going to post my pictures soon btw (honestly Jeeno! I haven't forgotten!), so prepare for some not so awesome drawings from me soon!

    Haha! I was wondering. :rolleyes:
  • edited February 2011
    @ 1nky. Cool comic, but I have to wonder. Why is Max wearing pajamas if he doesn't usually wear clothes anyway? Nitpicking aside, nice job.
  • edited February 2011
    Did he not wear pajamas in the cartoon series somewhere? In "Christmas, Bloody Christmas"?
    Anyway, at long last, I've uploaded my pictures! To my DeviantArt page!
  • edited February 2011
    He's got pajamas in the dress-up game of Hit the Road. Soooo cute :D Hilarious as always, 1nky!

    Whoa, nice wall. I want one.
  • edited February 2011
    @StrongBrush1 : I was watching the cartoon series for slight reference to their bedroom, and low and behold - Max with jammies. Doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things, but he looked too cute for me to pass up drawing him in them.
  • edited February 2011
    @Bocci: Wow, really nice. If I ever saw something like that while walking down the street it'd certainly brighten my day.

    @1nky: Why doesn't it surprise me that Sam snores loudly? XD ...I am and yet I'm not looking forward to the possibility of the next comic being Max finding Sam sleeping naked on the garden >.>;
  • edited February 2011
    @1nky: Okay, page 11 really made me giggle. Especially "free night passes." And I'm lovin' the jammies.
  • edited February 2011
    @ 1nky. Cool comic, but I have to wonder. Why is Max wearing pajamas if he doesn't usually wear clothes anyway? Nitpicking aside, nice job.

    Because he's adorable in pajamas, that's why.

    1nky: Another excellent job. I can't wait to see the next installment! :D
  • edited February 2011
    1nky - his jammies are so cute~ <3
  • edited February 2011
    Or maybe he's not wearing jammies but rather he got attacked by an octopus!
  • edited February 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Or maybe he's not wearing jammies but rather he got attacked by an octopus!

    LOL, will Yog Soggoth ever feck off and leave the poor lagomorph alone?? :L
  • edited February 2011
    "We return victorious! Proud with the scars of BATTLE!"

    (If he were attacked by an octopus, I'd be concerned about how his skin would be sagging like that. :P)

    Thanks, guys! And Skullbank - about colouring the comic - it'd probably be a death sentence for me. XD I might consider it when the comic is actually finished.

    @SunnyGuy - He's been naked for four pages straight, and nobody's really minded, so... (I jest).
  • edited February 2011
    "Have you ever danced with the Yog Soggoth in the pale moonlight in three inches of water with an exposed electrical socket dangerously nearby?"
  • edited February 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    "Have you ever danced with the Yog Soggoth in the pale moonlight in three inches of water with an exposed electrical socket dangerously nearby?"

    No. I've never danced with the Devil period. Unless you count my ex-girlfriend.

  • edited February 2011
    @ 1nky & SunnyGuy - thanks, I've always wanted to do an ode to the characters that influenced my taste in comics and it makes me smile every time I pass that wall in my city. Your comic panel is great! Reminds me of what made Hit The Road such a classic.
  • edited February 2011
    All right, finally went back and properly colored a sketch I posted here a while ago which included my version of Noir Sam and Noir Max. This is also my first time attempting to shade, so advice is highly appreciated :D

  • edited February 2011
    I like this. VERRRRRRRRRRA MUCH.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't understand why max has a tie around his ear xd
  • edited February 2011
    That is really good. The tie on Max's ear is a great touch!
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    Thanks, guys! Glad you like it!
    Vyse220 wrote: »
    I don't understand why max has a tie around his ear xd

    In my headcanon of Past!SamandMax, Sam's electromagnetic powers were extracted for the Big Bad's nefarious designs and since the brain uses electricity to send signals though (biology jargon blah blah), Sam more or less "shorted out".

    Max's first order of business: going sorta crazy, as entailed by any good Noir transformation. Second order of business: Saving his partner. Sam usually did most of the problem solving, so Max put on Sam's tie hoping it would help him think like Sam. He always thought the tie made Sam look too choke-able, so he just wrapped it around his ear.

    And that's the story!
  • edited February 2011

    Check this out. I made these Sam and Max Minifigures a while back, but up until a while ago they weren't exactly read for primetime.

    With help from brickarms and some clay, I was able to finish the figures and give them their signature look and weapons.

    These took me a while, so I hope you like them.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    ...adorable paws!!

  • edited February 2011
    @ StrongBrush1 -sweet job with the customised LEGO! Nice! :'D

    @ Vainamoinen - AHHHHHH~!!!! <3333 Gah, this just cheered me up loads! Excellent work, it's actually really cute! :D
  • edited February 2011
    @Vainamoinen: Sweet! Now I have a cover for my totally ilegal and bootleg Season 4 Soundtrack :D
  • edited February 2011
    @Omega:Haha, I love your idea.

    @Strongbrush: Eh, Sam jut feels off with a human-like face, it's ok otherwise.

    @Vainamoinen: Pretty good, nice touch on Max's head XD
  • edited February 2011
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    @Strongbrush: Eh, Sam jut feels off with a human-like face, it's ok otherwise.
    Yeah, I'll try to fix that later.
  • edited February 2011
    @ Vainamoinen That's all kinds of awesome! I especially like the manhole cover :P Do you have that posted up on DA anywhere? :)
  • edited February 2011
    I'm getting sad about not getting any Sam and Max so have a horrible pencil sketch of Sam and Max being awesome and licensable and soft and calvinhobbenesque.

  • edited February 2011
    @Vainamoinen: Ahhh, the soft, warm colors are so gorgeous *_* Beautiful work.

    @SunnyGuy: Thanks! It took me almost a full minute to come up with :p

    @crfh: D'awww. There's never enough softandmarketable!Sam & Max in the world.
  • edited February 2011
    @Vainamoinen - That looks beautiful, very warm, with subtle, muted colors. Top notch.
  • edited February 2011
    Attempt at dog Sam #3


    @crfh: Aww, that's adorable XD
  • edited February 2011
    Uhh, God - have not been feeling well lately, guys. Page will be up later today.
    Omegabegin wrote: »
    All right, finally went back and properly colored a sketch I posted here a while ago which included my version of Noir Sam and Noir Max. This is also my first time attempting to shade, so advice is highly appreciated :D

    The fact that not only have you made both look crazily badass, but have added a nice, juicy backstory to Noir Max as to why he's got a tie wrapped around his ear, is bloody amazing.

    Anyway, you seem to be getting the general gist of shading - it looks just fine to me. Just a note that shading and lighting often make a picture's atmosphere, so maybe use more shadows, especially considering the subject matter. All and all, great job! :)
    Cheri wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm still doing these things. And as usual, they never make sense.

    And as usual, don't let that stop you from posting these up.

    (By the way, I had an idea for a Homestuck crossover. I blame you entirely.)

    Check this out. I made these Sam and Max Minifigures a while back, but up until a while ago they weren't exactly read for primetime.

    With help from brickarms and some clay, I was able to finish the figures and give them their signature look and weapons.

    These took me a while, so I hope you like them.

    It looks like a lot of effort went into this, and the fact you could find a Noir suit torso for Sam is awesome. I agree with SunnyGuy's opinion on Sam's face, though - aside, these look good. :)
    ...adorable paws!!

    I am so damn happy you went ahead and coloured this awesome, awesome sketch. The colouring almost looks chalky, which really adds to the picture - I really like their poses, here, though the plausibility of Max playing the violin always struck me as odd. That hasn't stopped me from completely adoring this piece, however. :D Awesome job!
    crfh wrote: »
    I'm getting sad about not getting any Sam and Max so have a horrible pencil sketch of Sam and Max being awesome and licensable and soft and calvinhobbenesque.

    Ink it, ink it, ink it, ink it.

    Still, something like that picture's gotta cheer you up. ;) Now I'm picturing the whole sledding scenario, with Sam bailing every time Max goes down a dangerous-looking hill.

    They're so adorable! Great work.
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Attempt at dog Sam #3

    Make sure the fur's angling closer to his body. Aside, it's an improvement, and now I want to hug him and get subsequently mauled in the process. Keep it up!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    I am so damn happy you went ahead and coloured this awesome, awesome sketch. The colouring almost looks chalky, which really adds to the picture - I really like their poses, here, though the plausibility of Max playing the violin always struck me as odd. That hasn't stopped me from completely adoring this piece, however. :D Awesome job!

    As you might have seen, this wasn't exactly the same sketch. I liked my first sketch most; having the two figures sit together more closely, there was much more opportunity for interesting use of negative space. But as Sam needed much space for his saxophone, it didn't work out. I've since done about half a dozen sketches to rectify this, and I've drawn Sam playing the saxophone lying down two or three times.

    I've been thinking a lot about what instruments to give the two. Actually, Max is not really the character to play any instrument; Steve has, however, drawn him with a bagpipe in the comics, with drums on the first and with a xylophone on the second soundtrack. So I essentially chose the instrument that added most to the tranquil feeling I wanted to achieve.

    Not content with the coloring, though. This was planned a little different. I'll do even better next time. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    Make sure the fur's angling closer to his body. Aside, it's an improvement, and now I want to hug him and get subsequently mauled in the process. Keep it up!

    *takes out notebook and writes that down* Anything else?
  • edited March 2011
    Thanks guys :D

    Sunny: it's a cartoon so it's not really a big deal, but if you want a suggestion, Sam's hind legs.


    The "knees" on dog's hind legs are backwards. Well I don't know if they could be called a knee, or it's more like they have huge feet (LOL) that are directly attached to the thight, and usually positioned before the body.
  • edited March 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    The "knees" on dog's hind legs are backwards. Well I don't know if they could be called a knee, or it's more like they have huge feet (LOL) that are directly attached to the thight, and usually positioned before the body.

    For some more visual reference:


    The legs of a dog are like the legs of a human, except that they're standing on their toes, basically. The knee isn't backwards, it's just close to the torso. What seems like a backwards "knee" is actually the heel of the back foot.
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