The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited March 2011
    I've been waiting ages to make this Beyond the Alley of the Dolls icon, and now that we've got the concept art for Lady Liberty, I finally did!


    Oh, and also, those ponies are brilliant. Please, please tell me you're planning on making a Sal pony. You couldn't possibly turn down the chance to be the first person to turn an anthropomorphic cockroach into a pony, could you?
  • FlyFly
    edited March 2011
    I drew a desktop for myself in Illustrator!


    Since it's pretty enormous, I'm only going to link to the full size version.
  • edited March 2011
    What an epic wallpaper. So clean and cute.
  • edited March 2011
    lombre wrote: »
    Oh, and also, those ponies are brilliant. Please, please tell me you're planning on making a Sal pony. You couldn't possibly turn down the chance to be the first person to turn an anthropomorphic cockroach into a pony, could you?

    Hahaha, alright, I'll put Sal on the list. So far, my next ones will be: Narrator, Sybil, Lincoln, and Sal. Anyone else want to suggest a character to be ponified?
  • edited March 2011
    Cheri wrote: »
    Hahaha, alright, I'll put Sal on the list. So far, my next ones will be: Narrator, Sybil, Lincoln, and Sal. Anyone else want to suggest a character to be ponified?

    Um... maybe Bosco or Sammun-Mak? :D Lol IDK i dont have any better ideas. XD
  • edited March 2011
    Cheri wrote: »
    Hahaha, alright, I'll put Sal on the list. So far, my next ones will be: Narrator, Sybil, Lincoln, and Sal. Anyone else want to suggest a character to be ponified?

    Dude, I wanna see a pony-Doctor Norrington sticking out of Pony Papierwaite's pony-chest! Why hasn't that happened yet? Also, Capricorn-type Stinky family ponies.

    Also, a sketchdump!


    Equal helpings of Why-did-I-dream-about-Joel-Dreskin, soft and marketable, old timey and GUESS WHO THESE EIGHT MYSTERY CHARACTERS ARE?! I gave up gratuitous internet time for Lent, so I'm only coming on here to submit fanart of my own; forgive me if I don't respond to your comments until Easter. Nonetheless, hope you enjoy!
  • edited March 2011

  • FlyFly
    edited March 2011
    YESSSS. NARRATOR-PONY. BE STILL MY HEART. I love how he actually looks like the narrator.

    (btw, are you rabbity_thing on F!S? I'm fireholly.)
  • edited March 2011
    Heh, "Ponyfies everything". I love it. Awesome job on the Narrator.
  • edited March 2011

    The result of me watching South Park and Thinking about Sam and Max at the same time.
  • edited March 2011
    Fly wrote: »
    I drew a desktop for myself in Illustrator!


    Since it's pretty enormous, I'm only going to link to the full size version.

    Hello, new desktop background!

    That is probably one of the more adorable versions of Max I've seen. As in only mildly unnerving. Nice and clean, too.

    @queen - I saw this on devArt - I know the myriad of characters to the lower right are personifications of the toys of power, but which is which? I see the Mind Reading Cards, the Telephone, the 3D Goggles, but I can't put a name to anyone else...

    Also, Sammun-Mak vs Pedobear? Yes.

    @Cheri - It JUST. DOESN'T. STOP.

    Yes, I am getting a kick out of this, but it all feels so very, very wrong. D:

    @StrongBrush - Got ninja'd. Ahem.

    Who would be more merciful, you think? Max, or Cartman?

    Aside from some proportion-issues, you're getting better. It's goodto see. :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    I realized that BTTF/JP-era updates to the Telltale Tool meant that we could properly have the green haze in the episode 304 clone chamber, as seen in the original concept art, so I opened up the environment, added it in, and took a screenshot to use as a wallpaper on my iPhone. Now you guys can have it too.

    If that looks too dark, try this one.

    (And before you ask, no, the game won't be patched or updated or anything to look like that! I was just screwing around while on a break from working on JP and thought I'd share.)
  • edited March 2011
    @1nky and Sunny: thanks, guys! :D Missed Moment of Awesome, anyone? *saddest face*
    Strongbrush: hahaha, this one made me laugh
    Fly: woot, new wallpaper :D
    Cheri: There can never be enough ponies. My kid saw them and she demands MORE!
    Queen: haha, funny things!
    Jake: SWEET! The green really adds to the atmosphere.
  • edited March 2011
    Jake wrote: »

    Jake, you are totally awesome.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2011
    someone needs to make sure jen kollic sees that.

    I wanted to say that!!!

    /edit: Moderators really should be able to write in all caps. :D

    Jake wrote: »
    And before you ask, no, the game won't be patched or updated or anything to look like that! I was just screwing around while on a break from working on JP and thought I'd share.)

    No, of course not. That would be a conspiracy theory. What you posted is of course art for the immediate Season 4, to be released in August.
  • edited March 2011

    If there was to be a musical number in Season 3, it should've been this song with these two.

    Hence, I'mm gonna remake this crappy little number in the future.
  • edited March 2011

    If there was to be a musical number in Season 3, it should've been this song with these two.

    Hence, I'mm gonna remake this crappy little number in the future.

    Haven't got time to listen to the song, but looking forward to the finished product. :)

    I was depressed as hell the other day and wound up churning this out.


    Angst? In my SaM fandom?

    (Page 14 will be up on Saturday.)
  • edited March 2011
    1nky wrote: »

    @StrongBrush - Got ninja'd. Ahem.

    Who would be more merciful, you think? Max, or Cartman?

    Aside from some proportion-issues, you're getting better. It's goodto see. :)

    I think that would depend on whether you would prefer having your kneecaps torn out or bashed in repeatedly. Either way, you'll want to protect your kneecaps.

    Thanks for the feedback, By the way.
  • edited March 2011
    I am always amazed by the brilliant work on show here. Please keep it up!

    @Cheri: I'd like to see Grandpa Stinky, Papierwaite (with Dr Norrington) and Harry Moleman, please. The Superball one is my favourite one so far. Captures his essence so well.
  • edited March 2011
    A quick drawing for St. Patrick's Day... and decided to skip the shading on this one...
  • edited March 2011
    We take a break from ponies to give you more Fallout crossover.

  • edited March 2011
    Is Max biting Sams tail or is it some sort of giant hemoroid?
  • edited March 2011
    Is Max biting Sams tail or is it some sort of giant hemoroid?

    Never thought of Sam having a tail...

    and the hemorrhoid bit... I don't wanna think about that...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    pheeph wrote: »
    Never thought of Sam having a tail...

    and the hemorrhoid bit... I don't wanna think about that...
  • edited March 2011
    Was that link for answering the tail thing? I really don't think that blog post means much, he just drew clothes over a dog. Even when he's drawn naked (the Valentine's drawing right below that post for example) we've never even seen Sam's tail if he even has one.

    @Pheep: Ouch, painful XD

    @Cheri: You always make Papierwaite look awesome.
  • edited March 2011
    @cheri-holy crap, that is beautiful! I love it. :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Was that link for answering the tail thing? I really don't think that blog post means much, he just drew clothes over a dog. Even when he's drawn naked (the Valentine's drawing right below that post for example) we've never even seen Sam's tail if he even has one.

    I know. It was an amusing to see the tail popping out in that drawing is all.
  • edited March 2011
    I though Max was having a mouthful of butt cheek. Which is disturbing enough as it is XD

    Cheri: Badass :D

    Hey guys, pheep and I are all lonely and stuff in the fanart contest folder. :(
  • edited March 2011
    Well, you guys should know just how busy college is =(
  • edited March 2011
    @pheeph - I actually didn't notice where Max was biting until later. I'm going to join the "there's a tail there" crowd. XD

    @Cheri - Lovely colouring and composition. I like how there's some sudden bright patches of colour here and there, like the green and red. And I've always liked Fallout!Papierwaite outfit, actually... pretty badass. :B

    @crfh - What SunnyGuy said - plus the comic. I should probably get started, anyway - it'd be nice to have a basic plan of the picture. ^^;
  • edited March 2011
    While this doesn't quite count as fanart, I hope that everyone here can appreciate my sense of humor.

  • edited March 2011
    While this doesn't quite count as fanart, I hope that everyone here can appreciate my sense of humor.



    It took me a second to get over the fact that I'd never even noticed that before. And then I fell out of my chair from giggling like an insane person.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm skitting laughing over that now! :D 'This wizard...
  • edited March 2011
    That wizard! XD

    Back when I was attempting to make some comic for the halloween contest, I made and -very basically inked some panels. Here was an establishing shot of Sam and Max taking a stroll after the DeSoto dies on them on some lonely road.

  • edited March 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    That wizard! XD

    Back when I was attempting to make some comic for the halloween contest, I made and -very basically inked some panels. Here was an establishing shot of Sam and Max taking a stroll after the DeSoto dies on them on some lonely road.

    A comic from you would've been awesome. (They actually both look kind of adorable, there.)

    I'm delirious. It's 6am. I'm supposed to 'wake up' in an hour. And I'm pretty sure lights are moving out of the corner of my eye. Miracles, man. Miracles.

    ...Oh yeah, and Page 14 - in which someone else begins acting curiously out of character :


    I should probably make comic pages before evening passes.

    EDIT : Tweaked a little.
  • edited March 2011
    Oh 1nky... you shouldn't be up so late! 4am is my max.. and that's on a non-school night even!!

    But... damn. There's no denying the work of this. Hell, seeing Sam go apeship (LOL) on that guy is awesome.

    ... oh man, Sam & Max documentary want. XD
  • edited March 2011
    ahahahah oh god I love your comics :D
  • edited March 2011
    @ 1nky: Your comics never cease to amaze me.
  • edited March 2011
    @1nky Still love your comics! The only thing I'd say is Max looks a little off in the last panel, at first I thought he was standing backwards? But maybe I'm just being weird :P His left shoulder maybe?
  • edited March 2011
    Chubbs McGruff. OH NO HE DIDN'T
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