The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited March 2011
    That :D
  • edited March 2011
    I knew I kept forgetting something >__>
  • edited March 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    The fact that not only have you made both look crazily badass, but have added a nice, juicy backstory to Noir Max as to why he's got a tie wrapped around his ear, is bloody amazing.

    Anyway, you seem to be getting the general gist of shading - it looks just fine to me. Just a note that shading and lighting often make a picture's atmosphere, so maybe use more shadows, especially considering the subject matter. All and all, great job! :)

    Thank you! Like I mentioned, it didn't take me long to come up with the backstory, but I've since then fleshed it out. Keep saying I'll sketch up a Noir Max transformation comic one of these days, but I've never gotten around to it.

    Thanks for the advice, too! I kept feeling like the impact value wasn't quite as strong as it could have been, and I think you hit the nail on the head as to why. I shall definitely keep working on it! :D
  • edited March 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    @Bocci - Whoa, you do street art? It'd be nice to see some of that in my area. :P Great job.

    Page 11 - may be some mistakes, considering I'm half-asleep:


    how did you get that image from?
  • edited March 2011
    pepsiboy3 wrote: »
    how did you get that image from?

    What are you trying to say.
  • edited March 2011
    pepsiboy3 wrote: »
    how did you get that image from?

    I drew it. (?)

    Anyway, sorry for the delay, guys. I needed a break, and I wasn't feeling good physically or emotionally. Is there a set amount of days that you guys would like me to produce comic pages? One every 3 days, or something? It helps if I have a rhythm.

    Anyway, Page 12. This one gave me hell. :

  • edited March 2011
    How do you get the humour down so well, 1nky? No, matter how many times I watch, play or read Sam & Max, I can never get the humour to the same caliber. This is just how good it is. Almost as if it was written by Purcell himself. :)
  • edited March 2011
    @Inky: Still awesome as always! I'm interested to know, how long does it take for you to draw a page on average?
  • edited March 2011
    Haha, awesome page :D

    You take your time, but if you say it helps you then yeah, one every 3 days sounds good.
  • edited March 2011
    Hey just take your time with em'! No point putting stress on something you wanna do for fun :D
    Awesome page as always.
  • edited March 2011
    I love this comic :D
    just take your time to finish it :D
  • edited March 2011
    Ah I couldn't help my self ^^;
  • edited March 2011
    I haven't seen this mentioned here, so in case some of you guys don't go to General Chat, there's a thread for a Telltale deck of cards fan project. If any of you want to get in on it, there's still a few cards and tons of characters still available. In particular, there's something of a demand for either SillyStell (my choice) or Hayley the Hedgie (also a great choice) to do the Sam card.

    And since it technically is Sam and Max fanart, here's my contribution to the project.

  • edited March 2011


    Happy Birthday Sam you handsome dog~! :D <333
  • edited March 2011
    @ 1nky, SillyStell & Haley -love love LOVE! :D

    And lol, naw, that's such a cute birthday scene! :3
  • edited March 2011
    Hayley: MEGALOVE.

    1nky: that page gave you Hell? It didn't show :D
  • edited March 2011
    If any of you want to get in on it, there's still a few cards and tons of characters still available. In particular, there's something of a demand for either SillyStell (my choice) or Hayley the Hedgie (also a great choice) to do the Sam card.

    Ah I'd love to do it but I've been hard at work with college work and University interviews. I'll put it on a sticky note and if I gots me some free time during the weekend I'll try my best to russel one up :D
  • edited March 2011
    *looks at Hayley's pic* *looks at sketch* *throws away sketch*

    Man your drawing is just awesome.

    @Guru: That card is just perfect for them XD

    @Stell: Hahaha, much better than any of my attempts XD
  • edited March 2011
    Today being Sam's birthday, how could I not draw something despite my memory span of a goldfish?
    :D <3
  • edited March 2011
    @1nky - and again, awesome comic!
  • edited March 2011
    @ SillyStell - there's a good doggy~ :D <333333

    @ GuruGuru214 - I love that card. The 8bit theme is perfect for them!

    @ greenheadphones - once again you've rekindled my love of your OC with this sweet picture. So cute. <3
  • edited March 2011
    Greenheadphones: AaaaaW :D
  • edited March 2011

    With all the love going on for quadruped Sam, I figured it was about time to give the treatment to Max.

    I drew this with pencil, and I didn't feel like inking it yet, so here you go. My bare-bones work.
  • edited March 2011
    Totally shouldn't have done this, but I did, so here it is XP

  • edited March 2011
    Thanks guysssss <3
    and wow, the concept of Sam and Max as real animals really caught on..
    @crfh: SO PRECIOUS! oh gawwwww<3
  • edited March 2011
    How do you get the humour down so well, 1nky? No, matter how many times I watch, play or read Sam & Max, I can never get the humour to the same caliber. This is just how good it is. Almost as if it was written by Purcell himself. :)

    Thank you for the compliment - but I really just improvise the dialogue on the spot. ^^; That's actually partly what tends to make it work, but sometimes because of that, my characterization goes off track a bit. (Sam was actually a bit meaner than usual in my previous pages, for example.)
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    @Inky: Still awesome as always! I'm interested to know, how long does it take for you to draw a page on average?

    Hm... depends on how much I get into it. If I drew non-stop, it would probably take about 5-10 hours a page, depending on its content, drawing and re-drawing poses, erasing, thinking up the dialogue, etc. But because I procrastinate a lot...
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Ah I couldn't help my self ^^;

    Nice style going on there. The realism makes me kinda sorta wanna hug him real tight. :D


    Happy Birthday Sam you handsome dog~! :D <333

    That's an adorable picture! Love how he's got a Snuckey's shirt. :) Hrm - wonder how old he is in-universe?
    Today being Sam's birthday, how could I not draw something despite my memory span of a goldfish?
    :D <3

    I usually don't like OCs - but yours is one of the few that kinda works. o_o Her situations with Sam do make me feel kinda fuzzy inside, and this is no exception. :D

    With all the love going on for quadruped Sam, I figured it was about time to give the treatment to Max.

    I drew this with pencil, and I didn't feel like inking it yet, so here you go. My bare-bones work.

    Neither of them look impressed with their situation. At all. :P

    I suggest working on Sam's back legs - dog legs don't quite work like that.

    Aside, keep it up! I'd like to see it finished. :)

    EDIT : Ah, ninja post!
    crfh wrote: »
    Totally shouldn't have done this, but I did, so here it is XP

    That is adorable! I love how Max is wearing birthday hats on both ears! (And the contents of the cake, too. XD)
  • edited March 2011
    Description first...
    So it was Sam's birthday *checks clock* yesterday. Other people were making some really awesome drawings so I wanted to get in on the fun. Unfortunately I didn't have the time or materials (read: tablet) to do this properly so have a quick sketch done with a touchpad of what my idea was instead.

    ...I'll do it properly someday, I swear D:


    Yeah, it's late and kinda crappy (but come on it's midnight here D: ).

    No idea why he's wearing a striped shirt, I just felt like drawing him in one.
  • edited March 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Totally shouldn't have done this, but I did, so here it is XP


    wow. really i mean wow, that is actually fantastic, seriously right of the comics; fantastic, just amazing work!
  • edited March 2011
    well, it's not gonna hold a candle to crfh's masterpiece
    but heres a little doodle i made for GDC 2011, the one on the left is my own creation, king pollo diablo, what i've always imagined "EL POLLO DIABLO (curse of monkey island)" to look like.
    haha i was gonna draw sam but he's too hard to draw with that suit and hat, so i switched him out halfway through.

  • edited March 2011
    Thanks guys! I love this thread to death XD

    Hahaha, el Pollo Diablo. I've seen restaurants named like that :D

    I'll have another piece tomorrow, probably.
  • edited March 2011
    haha i think you mean El Pollo Loco, mate; can't wait! everything up on here's gold.
    i'm finnin to make a comic where sam and max are in the time travelling elevator from Chariots Of The Dogs, and then crush the delorean by landing on it. like a little time travel accident.

    here's what i mean when i say EL POLLO DIABLO!!
  • edited March 2011
    No, I live in Mexico, and I have seen restaurants named literally El Pollo Diablo. :D

    That sounds like an awesome comic.
  • edited March 2011
    haha aaah okay; ya learn somethin new each day, yeah man; i'll try to do it some justice
  • edited March 2011
    Good Kick... but probably still considered "No Good"... the rabbit doesn't count...
  • edited March 2011
    pheeph wrote: »
    Good Kick... but probably still considered "No Good"... the rabbit doesn't count...

    i'd say you'd really SCORED with that one. *puts glasses on* YEAAAAAAH!
  • edited March 2011
    pwblaine wrote: »
    i'd say you'd really SCORED with that one. *puts glasses on* YEAAAAAAH!

    No, that's not how you do it. You're supposed to put the glasses on before you say the punchline. For example:

    Looks like Max got... *puts sunglasses on* ... kicked off the team.


    This message has been brought to you by the Captain Obvious Foundation for Proper Internet Meme Usage.
  • edited March 2011
    haha sorry it's been awhile since i've watched miami, still, great comic
  • edited March 2011

    when i finished this 1 panel i thought to myself... wait where the hell are marty and the doc!
  • edited March 2011
    Hahaha, I hope Einstein wasn't inside D:
  • edited March 2011
    The guys, working hard at it.

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