The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited April 2011
    Now, that's more like it. :D

    Wait, Max has wings and a horn? Doesn't that make him... like, ruler of Ponyville, or something? President of Ponyville? (Knows only a vague amount of MLP info)

    Oh, hey, look, a WIP.

  • edited April 2011
    1nky wrote: »

    Oh, hey, look, a WIP.


    It's beautiful.
  • edited April 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    Now, that's more like it. :D

    Wait, Max has wings and a horn? Doesn't that make him... like, ruler of Ponyville, or something? President of Ponyville? (Knows only a vague amount of MLP info)

    I don't know, but he should be.
  • edited April 2011
    Cheri wrote: »
    Sorry gang, I've been stressed with moving and my tablet being all wonky with Windows 7 and such I let some silly things get to me and overreacted. I won't leave, I promise.

    Oh, and, in light of the situation.


    FFFFFF--- so flippin' cute!! Is it odd/bad/weird that I really REALLY wanna ride Pony!Max? o_o
  • edited April 2011
    1nky wrote: »
    Wait, Max has wings and a horn? Doesn't that make him... like, ruler of Ponyville, or something? President of Ponyville? (Knows only a vague amount of MLP info)

    Well, it's more like PonyMax magic'd himself some wings because he felt like it. But the fact that he has that kind of magic available to him probably means he could rule all of Equestria. Y'know, if Princess Celestia were to have an *ahem* accident.
  • edited April 2011
    Sup guys I'm new and I like drawing things. Here's some sketch I did:

    I'm not very good at introductions, oi...
  • edited April 2011
    Oh haaaay gurl. Nice to see you posting.
  • edited April 2011
    I think these pictures are really nice. :) I would love to see more!~
  • edited April 2011
    Oh god what is this thing

    Imagine that thing running around your neighborhood
  • edited April 2011
    yes and ha he an okay guy don't make him both his perorations are blind and ugly but they both sound okay
  • edited April 2011
    Lovenu wrote: »
    Oh god what is this thing

    Imagine that thing running around your neighborhood

    That thing come by my house, I kill it.
  • edited April 2011
    Lovenu wrote: »
    Oh god what is this thing

    Imagine that thing running around your neighborhood

    I'd barter for him to spare my life in exchange for bunny-ear headgear. And still be maimed.

    This is perhaps the most plausible human Max I have ever seen.

    I like those sketches, actually. Little off with proportions, but I like the sketchiness of the lines. And eee, Quad!Sam and Max. :D
  • FlyFly
    edited April 2011

    Here is the backstory you need to know to understand the poor quality - I am a student. I love all my lectures. Except for my Marketing lecture. It is the worst. I draw Sam and Max stuff in my notebook during my Marketing lectures to distract myself from the desire to drill my own pencil through my eye socket and lobotomise myself to end the pain.


    If you don't know who Nathan Barley is, you shouldn't ask.


    This is two crude panels from a particularly excruciating lecture (and the only ones worth looking at). Transcription for those who can't read my horrible handwriting -

    "You know, Max, this IS definitely the most convenient way to dispose of our enormous stockpile of pumpkins from Halloweens past."

    "And stuff we don't feel like eating!" [If I drew this again, I would make this line into something funny.]

    "By the way, you're not still writing that journal, are you? We both know you can't write."

    "The courts are relaxing that order, so long as I don't hold any more readings in schools!"

    "Shut up and get more eggplants. I think I see a blank spot of sidewalk winking back at me."
  • edited April 2011
    Hey, did anyone happen to see that Max drawing I posted? I'd like some feedback on it, if anyone doesn't mind... ^^;
  • edited April 2011
    It looks great Gohaku. I love that dancing sequence! It's a shame they don't make videos like that nowadays.

    If you want to improve it you might want to get rid of the antialiasing of the lines before bucket-filling the flats. Just a suggestion :3

    Cheri: my God that's a lovely Max.

    Lovenu: Nice introduction!

    Fly: well at least your horrible marketing class is good for something :D

    1nky: Super-nice shading!
  • edited April 2011
    Usually my sketchdumps are all disjointed and random. With luck, there's one sketch or two that will be worthy to level up to full drawing status. None of these actually do, but I thought the sketchdump had some interesting ideas nonetheless. Anyway: Max sketchdump.

  • edited April 2011
    awesome works guys :D
  • edited April 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    It looks great Gohaku. I love that dancing sequence! It's a shame they don't make videos like that nowadays.

    If you want to improve it you might want to get rid of the antialiasing of the lines before bucket-filling the flats. Just a suggestion :3

    Yay, feedback! :D
    Thanks crfh, I'm kinda new to the drawing realm in art :p I'll look up how to do that for future reference. "Antialiasing of the lines"... Sounds fancy! @___@

    Awesome sketch dump!!! Those expressions are so....adorable. (try and take away my manly-card if you dare!) I have a fluffy little soft spot for Max, even though Sam is the most awesome :3
    Vyse220 wrote: »
    awesome works guys :D
  • edited April 2011
    Hahah, maybe I'll make a ustream when I color that t-shirt... :D
  • FlyFly
    edited April 2011
    Gohaku wrote: »
    "Antialiasing of the lines"... Sounds fancy! @___@

    It's really pretty straightforward. Antialiasing (in this context) is basically the blending of the line with the white paper, giving it a soft edge. If you open MS Paint and draw something with the pencil tool, you'll notice there's no blending - it's 'aliased'. This means it's easier to colour with the bucket, but it also means the lines don't look as nice.

    A good technique when colouring in aliased art is to create a new layer above the lineart, and set it to the Multiply blend mode. Then, colour in using the brush tool. You'll notice it will sit 'behind' the lineart.

    EDIT: Since this wasn't very clear, here's some examples from this thread. The lines in this are aliased - the lines in this are antialiased. See the subtle difference?
  • edited April 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    Hahah, maybe I'll make a ustream when I color that t-shirt... :D

    Oh my goodness, if you did, I would so watch that! :D
  • edited April 2011
    Fly wrote: »
    It's really pretty straightforward. Antialiasing (in this context) is basically the blending of the line with the white paper, giving it a soft edge. If you open MS Paint and draw something with the pencil tool, you'll notice there's no blending - it's 'aliased'. This means it's easier to colour with the bucket, but it also means the lines don't look as nice.

    A good technique when colouring in aliased art is to create a new layer above the lineart, and set it to the Multiply blend mode. Then, colour in using the brush tool. You'll notice it will sit 'behind' the lineart.

    EDIT: Since this wasn't very clear, here's some examples from this thread. The lines in this are aliased - the lines in this are antialiased. See the subtle difference?

    Hey thanks for that, Fly! Hmm, I understand better now... but how can I fix this issue with hand-drawn art that's scanned in to be edited in GIMP? (I know this isn't an art class, but I figured; 'why not ask?') You seem to know a thing or two.
    Thanks again!
  • edited April 2011
    You avoid the issue by converting your lineart image to pure black and white. Do it using a treshold of 128 or so. Then you can convert to color again, and all the antialiasing will be gone.
  • edited April 2011
    Well, apparently there's some weird arts going on. 8D Here, have some wacky Parappa the Rapper/Sam crossover.


    It's pretty freakin' huge so my bad.
  • edited April 2011
    crfh wrote: »
    You avoid the issue by converting your lineart image to pure black and white. Do it using a treshold of 128 or so. Then you can convert to color again, and all the antialiasing will be gone.

    Thanks crfh! Hmm, I'll give that a shot on the next 'deviation' I work on :)

    Wow, you're all so helpful! Thanks you guys!
  • edited April 2011
    Oh god Parappa Sam... That is too perfect...

    I can hear him now, rapping in that emotionless, super chill voice of his like he did in Night of the Raving Dead

    Max can be Parappa's naked friend lmao
  • edited April 2011
    Maybe not fanart, but I didn't really feel like making a new thread over an image.
    My friend works at a print shop, and I got him to make this for me.

    Sorry for the bad photo, my camera is lousy.
  • edited April 2011
    Do want.
  • edited April 2011
    I... want... that... shirt. ... Seriously.
  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
    I'd drool over that shirt the whole effing day.

    Anyway: another sketchdump. Or sketchdumb. Max's right :P


    The "Everything You Love" one goes for 1nky, whom I promised a super-angsty something-or-other if the Sam Goes Doggy comic was finished. It's still to be, but I have hope so here it is :D
  • edited April 2011
    Kid Max is such a little meanie.
    Great sketches.
  • edited April 2011
    I really love these sketches. And *lol* I cracked up about the part with the president. XD Really awesome.
  • edited April 2011
    Hey, guys! I've been gone from the forums for a while, but I just wanted to drop by real quick to say that the art in this thread is as amazing as always and you guys are awesome for keeping it alive!

    Huh, I'm sure I have something I can leave while I'm here...okay, how about a sketch dump?


    Uh...2-5 are crossovers with a couple video games (cookie for anyone who can tell what they are). It's a long story.
  • edited April 2011
    Is 4 Banjo and Kazooie.
  • edited April 2011
    Is 4 Banjo and Kazooie.

    Got it in one. ;)
  • FlyFly
    edited April 2011
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Hey thanks for that, Fly! Hmm, I understand better now... but how can I fix this issue with hand-drawn art that's scanned in to be edited in GIMP? (I know this isn't an art class, but I figured; 'why not ask?') You seem to know a thing or two.
    Thanks again!

    You can do what crfh said, but it might be better not to. Antialiasing makes things a little bit more fiddly to colour, but it does make them look better. Personally, in most cases, I'd accept that there was going to be antialiasing and learn to colour with the painbrush instead of with the bucket.

    Oh yeah - a way of cleaning up lineart for digital colouring without losing the smooth edges (although one you'll have to practice at) is to convert the image to greyscale, and then use the Levels tool to darken the lines and lighten the paper. I did this in a few seconds based on a page of doodles (and I mean doodles): Before and After. On their own, the Before image does look softer and nicer, but the After image is suitable for digital colouring using the paintbrush tool and a Multiply layer.
  • edited April 2011
    Fly wrote: »
    You can do what crfh said, but it might be better not to. Antialiasing makes things a little bit more fiddly to colour, but it does make them look better. Personally, in most cases, I'd accept that there was going to be antialiasing and learn to colour with the painbrush instead of with the bucket.

    Oh yeah - a way of cleaning up lineart for digital colouring without losing the smooth edges (although one you'll have to practice at) is to convert the image to greyscale, and then use the Levels tool to darken the lines and lighten the paper. I did this in a few seconds based on a page of doodles (and I mean doodles): Before and After. On their own, the Before image does look softer and nicer, but the After image is suitable for digital colouring using the paintbrush tool and a Multiply layer.

    Interesting! Hmm, I'v been using the filters, artistic, then softglow and cartoony to build up the contrasts, then I'd go in and erase any leftover smudges. But that sounds good too.
    Thanks so much again!
  • edited April 2011
    As Sausy said, I'm pretty sure that #4 is Banjo and Kazooie. xD I'm pretty sure that #5 is Sonic, right? Maybe I'm wrong D:

    I just wish I could figure out #2.. is it.. man I can't figure it out. xD
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