Countdown to Ep 4 - "Beyond the Alley of the Dolls"

Hideli-hodeli, Sam & Max-arinos!
Mike Stemmle here, writer and co-designer on Episode 304 of Sam & Max, a.k.a. "Beyond the Alley of the Dolls."
As this penultimate episode in our senses-shattering series careens its way through the approval process, getting ever nearer to your grubby little hands, mice, and joysticks, now seems like a good time to open up the thread for "insider" questions of various sorts.
Allow me to prime the pump with some tantalizing tidbits of info:
- The identity of this episode's villain is a big mystery.
- A character who hasn't been seen this season will return.
- Horrible things will be done to the Delorean. I mean the DeSoto. Dang, that's gonna cause problems, isn't it?
- Mr. Norrington will reveal himself.
- Stinky's "Mr. S" will make himself known.
- Grandpa Stinky will experience a great deal of joy.
- This episode features an exceptionally lame gag that I've been waiting nearly two freaking decades to make.
Oh, and we get to read everyone's mind.
Mike "Roger Ebert Rocks" Stemmle
Mike Stemmle here, writer and co-designer on Episode 304 of Sam & Max, a.k.a. "Beyond the Alley of the Dolls."
As this penultimate episode in our senses-shattering series careens its way through the approval process, getting ever nearer to your grubby little hands, mice, and joysticks, now seems like a good time to open up the thread for "insider" questions of various sorts.
Allow me to prime the pump with some tantalizing tidbits of info:
- The identity of this episode's villain is a big mystery.
- A character who hasn't been seen this season will return.
- Horrible things will be done to the Delorean. I mean the DeSoto. Dang, that's gonna cause problems, isn't it?
- Mr. Norrington will reveal himself.
- Stinky's "Mr. S" will make himself known.
- Grandpa Stinky will experience a great deal of joy.
- This episode features an exceptionally lame gag that I've been waiting nearly two freaking decades to make.
Oh, and we get to read everyone's mind.
Mike "Roger Ebert Rocks" Stemmle
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Max: You said it, Sam. Everyone knows there's no air up here.
Don't really know what to ask for (if last month taught me anything, it's that I love surprises), but I just wanted to let you know that last month was pretty much my favorite Sam & Max episode so far (out of all the seasons, maybe even all Telltale games!). Can't wait for this one.
And I'm still saying Dr. Norrington is Mack Salmon.
That's not true actually. The Narrator is voiced by Andrew Chaikin (who you might know as Monkey Island's Bugeye, among a lot of other Telltale characters) and Dr. Norrington is voiced by Chuck Kourouklis (who previously voiced the Ferryman in Rise of the Pirate God). Two different actors and, I think, two different characters.
Do you know we are going to ask which gag was like, 5 minutes after finish the chapter, right?
And, please, no the DeSoto! (In fact, I wanna know what will happen to it, because I'm a bad person.)
(Ok, not really)
1. Will this episode feature a unique puzzle-solving segment like the Crime-tron part in The Penal Zone or the interrogation section of They Stole Max's Brain?
2. Is this returning character from Season 1, or 2? Please tell me it's not Baby Hoffa.
Yes, I am weird like that...
Just about to post the exact same thing. Ah well, have to find something else to fill the void. Too bad I can't think of a question to ask. Nevermind, I'll just sit and ponder and wait patiently. Also, by my reckoning, I think it'll be out in about 3 weeks judging by the time between the countdown threads of episode 2 & 3 going up and the release of the respective episodes.
Good to have you back here Mike "Ever-Transforming To Best Fit The Situation Middle Name" Stemmle!
Are we going to get to use an as of yet unrevealed toy of power in this episode to cut through the cake of mysteries presented to us?
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure those Sam's are pretty villainous.
And something happening bad to the Desoto? Aren't the COPS already in there?
The villain is gonna be the same as DOCTOR (Mr????) Norrington, I think.
Returning character hmmm... - I'll put my money on THE SODA POPPERS no wait that's not right - I'll go for... I HAVE NO CLUE!!!
Mr S is gonna be Sal (I'll eat my hat if he's not)
Oh and Mind Reading will be awesome I loved it briefly in the first episode.
1. Will we visit some brand new locations in this episode?
2. Is the main villian the one controlling the Sam clones or (as I've speculated), are they actually on Sam and Max's side?
3. Will we finally see Yog-Soggoth summoned?
4. Is Dr. Norrington Stinky's cell phone?
5. Will Superball or Mama Bosco return?
EDIT: Oh and I'd like to know what you meant last episode when you said: And one guy you think is a villain really isn't (or IS HE???)
Will the series main villain be revealed in the next episode or the final episode and is it Dr. Norrington?
That's a mystery. THE mystery. Why Sam? What's so special about him? And why the form-fitting shorts?
Will he feature in this episode? And, if so, to what degree?
You will have most of the psychic powers for most of the episode (though the emphasis will be placed on mind-reading, since that's the one we're adding).
Next episode, I dunno. I heard that's mostly gonna be Sam and Max sitting around playing board games...
Flint makes an appearance. He's still working HIS case.
That was Sal. He was in the villain's line-up, but obviously turned out to be less "evil" and more "lovably lunky" (or IS HE???).
Mike "Not good with the enigmaticness" Stemmle
It was in the original draft, but didn't make the final cut. Be patient, though...
Thanks for the reply.
Oh yea, and will the office be back in this ep?Or in the final ep?
Oh and I'm in denial about Sal being evil even though I believe he's Stinky's boyfriend and that she stole the power cores for him. Don't break my heart, Sal!!!!
Do you think it will be out on the 20th or 27th?
I've started putting peanut butter in my Quik at home (Quik being a treat I reserve for hamburger night). My wife is absolutely repulsed by it, but I think it's darned tasty.
Aw, that's like asking me to choose between my children. No wait, it's not at ALL like asking me to choose between my children. Still, they all have their charms.
Today, I'm really proud of LSJUMBLE, a Would Builder game for the Mac that earned me my first dollar as a game developer. Unfortunately, I can't find a playable copy anywhere. Le sigh.
Mike "Spiraling Down the Memory Hole" Stemmle
hmmmm...Sam is telling something about a dream he often had and being nearly naked in a crowd is a typical dream scenario (even though i've never experienced it
And the way you are always adding "OR IS HE?" in terms of Sal being not evil let me think he really isn't that good guy everybody thinks he is. Maybe HE is Dr. Norrington? I think we will get some unexpected twists along the way till the end.
Parents always favour their firstborns
This. I don't know about the rest of you but I've been curious to see what Sam's role in the prophecy is (remember he had his own tablet in the Mole's chamber). Sure he may not destroy the universe or wrestle crocodlies but still a destiny is a destiny and I have a hunch it's just as important as Max's. And also no one would make Sam clones without a good/evil reason so there's definatly something going on.
Also I can't wait to see more Superball: he hasn't guarded a door in so long...poor guy must be going through withdrawal.
If anything near to put Chocolate Flavored Milk with Milk Caramel, I think I'll pass
That's a lie!