Here it is Again! Episode 3 World Premire: THE WAIT!!!

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Well... The Biggest Wait has arrived! The day all people in Europe Go crazy on one thread! Just for america to wake up and then Finally Release the game on time.
Let's Hope that no problems happen at Telltale HQ(somewhere!), Let's just hope. I will probbally make a revew on this fourm a couple of days after to let people Finish the game as it take around 30-35 mins for me!


  • edited February 2007
    What time is it in Europe? I'm on Telltale Standard Time and it's closer to 0000 than 0100, February 8th.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Yeah right now in California it's 12:45 am (aka 0045) on the 8th. Most Telltale employees are asleep, and will wake up in about 7-8 hours or so and get working on launching the episode.
  • edited February 2007
    It's 10:00 AM on feb 8th in the netherlands now.
  • edited February 2007
    08:58 in the UK right now, just arrived at work, hopefully it will only be 1-2 hours after I get home from work before I can play, which means I should be finished by about midnight.
  • edited February 2007
    It's the 9th here in less than 2 hours. But, If I'm playing the game sometime over the weekend I'll be a happy lad....
  • edited February 2007
    yup after refreshing my inbox 3 times i've decided to go do something slightly more productive instead=p
  • edited February 2007
    Like going to work? I think I should do that about now...

    Luckily the download will be available when I get home tonight... right? RIIIGHT??
  • edited February 2007
    10:45 Here in Germany. I already set my email programm to a 10 min polling intervall so that I don't miss the long awaited email from TTG :).

    So, how long is the window for the Season-1 buyers to download Ep3? I hope it's not to short so you miss it..

  • edited February 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Yeah right now in California it's 12:45 am (aka 0045) on the 8th. Most Telltale employees are asleep, and will wake up in about 7-8 hours or so and get working on launching the episode.

    I vote to move California to somewhere near Australia.

    Any objections?
  • edited February 2007
    Ditto on moving California closer to Australia. Or better yet, just move the Telltale Team and servers to Australia.

    I'm hoping it's released sometime before I wake up in the morning tomorrow so I can leave the download on, goto work and start playing when I finish at 3 in the arvo.
  • edited February 2007
    My sleep schedule's screwy, so I can't be here for the whole countdown this time :(
  • edited February 2007
    i love this i have to post it again to rattle a few brains (its fun untill everyone figures it out :))

  • edited February 2007
    I say synchronise California with Australian time.. 9:45pm on the 8th here..I'm going to episode 3 tomorrow..
  • edited February 2007
    2 to 10 No win Aus this is painful :(
  • edited February 2007
    Time here in Finland is 13:37. So I think games in over 13 hours late! Is it so hard for Americans to understand that not everybody lives that side of globe..
  • edited February 2007
    Bera wrote: »
    Time here in Finland is 13:37. So I think games in over 13 hours late! Is it so hard for Americans to understand that not everybody lives that side of globe..

    Relax, they just give a date and it will be released sometime on that date, not at the first minute of that day. It'll be here late afternoon Eurotime, probably, if there aren't any last minute bugs.
  • edited February 2007
    Anyone feel like teaching me to theme firefox while we wait?
  • edited February 2007
    NHJ BV wrote: »
    It'll be here late afternoon Eurotime, probably, if there aren't any last minute bugs.
    Hmm.. Last minute bugs. Nope. Game has been available to US&Canadian (gametap) members for two weeks so I think it is ready.

    If someone download illegaly this game from net. It has been available 2 weeks.

    If someone pay and is gametap (US or Canadian) member. It has been available 2 weeks.

    If someone lives outside US and Canada and want to pay for this. Wait wait wait...

  • edited February 2007
    Well, it's now 9.17pm in the grand land of Australia.. still no download link...

    I think I'll go beat my head against a wall.... when i wake from my stupor, I might find a d/l link :p
  • edited February 2007
    Guys, guys... chill!

    I'm sure you all have lives to attend to. :)
  • edited February 2007
    Just a reminder to those who are waiting... once we start sending e-mails (we have NOT started sending yet), it will take a little while for everyone to receive theirs, due to the fact that our mail server can only send mail so fast. Just because you see someone here reporting getting their e-mail, you shouldn't start emailing support to say you didn't get one.

    Also, in the meantime, please do not e-mail support asking when the game will be out.
    (Nobody's done it yet, but I want to head that one off early)
  • edited February 2007
    Anyone feel like teaching me to theme firefox while we wait?

    Rather off-topic, anyhow: do you mean how to download and apply a theme or how to create your own theme?

    In the first case: click "Tools" in the menu bar, then choose "Add-ons", select "Themes", and then click the "Get Themes" link in the bottom right. You'll be directed to the mozilla web page in which to search for a theme that suits you, browse them and click the green "install now" button on the page to install.

    In the second case:

    Enjoy ;)
  • edited February 2007
    It's only been a few minutes till midnight in germany, when episode 2 was released.
    So I will be checking my e-mails tonight
  • edited February 2007
    Bera wrote: »
    Hmm.. Last minute bugs. Nope. Game has been available to US&Canadian (gametap) members for two weeks so I think it is ready.

    Well, there was one for Episode 2, despite that one's release on Gametap two weeks earlier as well.
  • edited February 2007
    Aaaahhrrrgggrr it's 14.58 in Germany. I'm running around like a squirrel on crack, jumping up and down, hitting my head against the wall and on my keyboard waiting for THIS game!!
    :D :D

    Damnit, i'm Sam&Max addicted!!Maybe they should start a new program at the Betty-Ford-Clinics called"ASMA" (Anonymous-Sam-and-Max-Addicts)!:D
    There you would have to play "Kings Quest" as long as you are cured!hehehe

    Hopefully the game will be available before I ruin my left mouse button by clicking the receive button in OUTLOOK!:D
  • edited February 2007
    There's something i quite don't understand:

    They release the game on gametap two weeks in advance - buhhh! How much is the game ready then? Are gametap users kind of a external beta tester circle? And if so if problems show up, do fixes make their way into the ttg release?

    If that's not the case and the game is ready already on gametap i quite don't understand all the hassle because don't they have almost two weeks for packaging the game for ttg and updating the web services?

    Just wondering...
  • edited February 2007
    Gametap i think are Sponsering Sam and Max, giving them a Exclusive period of the game is their 'reward'
  • edited February 2007
    I know but that doesn't answer my question.
  • edited February 2007
    well.... That's the answer!
  • edited February 2007
    I think you didn't understand what i was asking for.
  • edited February 2007
    You're right, the game itself is done weeks before the Telltale launch, but that's time probably spent making the other Sam & Max games on schedule. Launching the game is also probably a lot more than just a matter of packaging and updating the web page. So far they've managed to make it happen within the time interval they said it would.

    Also, yes, I think that bugs which appear in the Gametap version may be fixed by the time the Telltale version rolls around. I think a bug involving an inescapable closeup of Max's face on Myra's set at the end of Situation: Comedy is one such example. (At least, I couldn't get it to happen again in Telltale's.) I wouldn't call Gametap's version "beta," though.
  • edited February 2007
    Greeting from Brazil to all!
    As the game is ready, how about doing some automated thing next time? Something like IF TODAY > FEB 8th 0:00 THEN SEND E-MAILS!!! Show this to a programmer and he will know what to do ;-)
    Don't we fans deserve it? I wish I wus in US so I could play it first on Gametap - even tried with US relaying server to "pretend" to gametap I wus in US but at the credit card time they cought me :-/
    Can't wait to get my hands on ep3...
  • edited February 2007
    fandangobr wrote: »
    Greeting from Brazil to all!
    As the game is ready, how about doing some automated thing next time? Something like IF TODAY > FEB 8th 0:00 THEN SEND E-MAILS!!! Show this to a programmer and he will know what to do ;-)
    Don't we fans deserve it? I wish I wus in US so I could play it first on Gametap - even tried with US relaying server to "pretend" to gametap I wus in US but at the credit card time they cought me :-/
    Can't wait to get my hands on ep3...

    aww so close but foiled at the last minute=p
  • edited February 2007
    One big reason we don't automatically release the game right at midnight (even in our time zone) is that if there turns out to be a problem, everybody's asleep and there's nobody to answer support issues. Instead we wait and supervise the release process to make sure nothing goes wrong (at least, on our end).
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Bera wrote: »
    Is it so hard for Americans to understand that not everybody lives that side of globe..

    Is it so hard for people on the other side of the globe to understand that we can't control time zones? :p

    Also - episode 3 launch today! Woo! *dances*
  • edited February 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    One big reason we don't automatically release the game right at midnight (even in our time zone) is that if there turns out to be a problem, everybody's asleep and there's nobody to answer support issues. Instead we wait and supervise the release process to make sure nothing goes wrong (at least, on our end).
    Wery good point but that dont explain why you don't tell when game exactly is launched. Currently three timezones are living 9th day...
  • edited February 2007
    Bera wrote: »
    Wery good point but that dont explain why you don't tell when game exactly is launched. Currently three timezones are living 9th day...

    It'll be launched sometime during business hours (9-5) in our timezone (GMT -8).
  • edited February 2007
    Don't get me wrong i'm not moaning about the release time, i'm just wondering why it might be stress as packaging the game for sure isn't done by the game designers and so there should be time enough to set everything up correctly and just press the release-button once the time is right?

    So do we get the same versions as gametap users or are issues that might show up fixed in between a gametap and a telltale release?

    Hmmm packaging, testing, insulting your colleagues for their faults that actually you did, doing some web-fuzz, offering some content, communicating to those creepy users, setting up the webservices...this for sure isn't all done on just one day! :O)
  • edited February 2007
    It's not actually as simple as just pressing the button. There are several scripts on our side that need to be supervised, and we have to coordinate the launch with Digital River as well.

    As for the Gametap release versus our version, we fix issues if we find them in the two weeks, but the release on Gametap is considered final code. It's not beta in any way.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    i'm just wondering why it might be stress as packaging the game for sure isn't done by the game designers and so there should be time enough to set everything up correctly and just press the release-button once the time is right?

    If only it were that easy. :D

    There are a lot of reasons that I'm not going to bore you with. You're just going to have to trust us - it takes a lot of work for us to make sure the launch goes right. It's not just a matter of someone pushing a button, and we're not sitting around twiddling our thumbs just to annoy the people who are waiting for the game.

    (I know you guys are excited and that's great, we want you to be excited! But if I sound a little annoyed, it's because it can be stressful, when we're already working really hard to get the game out for you guys, to have people shouting "Why didn't you do it already? It can't be that hard!" ;))
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