In other words, she sits on the forums all day and makes tea for everyone
j/k, im sure your job is just as valuable as the PR/Marketing team at my workplace, what with their funky hairdos, pointlessly large budgets to spend on Apple Macs and endless breaking of our Business Intelligence server with excessive queries.
Hahaha, sorry, I must have missed it while looking at the credits and going "Heehee, I know those people kinda sorta" and feeling important from corresponding with game-makey peoples :P (j/k)
I think it's quite nice that TTG have somone like Emily. It's always nice to feel that the company is actually caring for the customers, and seeing how often she's in the forums and gives away information, this is really nice!
The whole TT team seems pretty spiffy. I see Dave, Emily, Jake, Tabacco, and others on these forums interacting all the time. It is very nice to know that either they:
A)Care a lot about their customers
B)Have a lot of free time, and figure they might as well waste it making it seem like they care about us
Regardless, I feel the love... and am currently downloading. Make certain you enter the correct password, otherwise no downloads show.
...gnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Still nothing! Even with the work-around .
So, in what order are the email sent out? And are the emails somehow connected to your "past purchases"? Maybe you should send out/activate the download in order of timezone so everyone has his or her Sam and Max Epsisde for a nice game in the evenig
True dat, Derwin. (If you'll excuse my ebonics :P) If I were on the Telltale crew, I'd have given up on the forums long ago after the 10 millionth person asking why Max sounds different in Situation: Comedy :P
True dat, Derwin. (If you'll excuse my ebonics :P) If I were on the Telltale crew, I'd have given up on the forums long ago after the 10 millionth person asking why Max sounds different in Situation: Comedy :P
Max sounds different in Situation comedy!?!
Didn't notice that. But since you mentioned it... why is that so ?
Dam, looks like its not in my account yet, Noooooooooooo I've been looking forward to this all day, ahhhh the suspense is killing me now
Hope its up soon otherwise I'm going to go mad
Just a reminder... if you're not able to download yet, PLEASE don't e-mail support asking what time it will be available. We can't tell you, and those emails just take our time away from actually getting the game out.
I don't think I can see it yet, and I'm too lazy to dig through umpteen support pages full of passwords that I'll probably have to dig out of my email account somewhere. I'll wait for the email, the evening is still young
My name is so in the credits!
I do PR and marketing.
j/k, im sure your job is just as valuable as the PR/Marketing team at my workplace, what with their funky hairdos, pointlessly large budgets to spend on Apple Macs and endless breaking of our Business Intelligence server with excessive queries.
Almost guaranteed to result in something really funky looking.
Hahaha, sorry, I must have missed it while looking at the credits and going "Heehee, I know those people kinda sorta" and feeling important from corresponding with game-makey peoples :P (j/k)
So, let's all give a big hand for Emily
Yes, but GOOD funky haircuts require a big budget.
Aww, thanks.
A)Care a lot about their customers
B)Have a lot of free time, and figure they might as well waste it making it seem like they care about us
Regardless, I feel the love... and am currently downloading. Make certain you enter the correct password, otherwise no downloads show.
So, in what order are the email sent out? And are the emails somehow connected to your "past purchases"? Maybe you should send out/activate the download in order of timezone
(Yeah, just kidding...)
Good funky?
Dang hippies... Get a haircut!
Max sounds different in Situation comedy!?!
Didn't notice that. But since you mentioned it... why is that so
Hope its up soon otherwise I'm going to go mad
21:27 (9:27 pm) here in germany. telltale, that´s definetely a time a can live with!!
T H A N K S ! ! !
hmpfh, is it even smaller than the other ones? hope it´s not shorter...
But damn... I just desided to go to bed early today, and not care about Sam & Max until tomorrow...
But now it will get tought.
See ya later...weeeeeee :O)
...not me :mad: