Here it is Again! Episode 3 World Premire: THE WAIT!!!



  • edited February 2007
    May i ask how much time approximately is being spent on the coordination with Digital River?

    Well, i dunno if i trust you right now...maybe a bit more after some further episodes or maybe even less... ;O)

    I know it's not only pressing a button but between this and two weeks is quite some space.

    Wish you and so us good luck! And who said i'm excited? I don't have a webcam here or do i? *critically looking around*
  • edited February 2007
    Nope, sorry :)
  • edited February 2007
    doo do do do doo
  • edited February 2007
    Hm... looks like the people at Telltale went into work early today.

    Overtime for all!

    /will download the game in about 13 hours when I get home.
  • edited February 2007
    Sp0tted wrote: »
    Hm... looks like the people at Telltale went into work early today.

    Overtime for all!

    /will download the game in about 13 hours when I get home.

    I'm at work early every morning we have a launch :)
  • edited February 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    May i ask how much time approximately is being spent on the coordination with Digital River?

    Well, i dunno if i trust you right now...maybe a bit more after some further episodes or maybe even less... ;O)

    I know it's not only pressing a button but between this and two weeks is quite some space.

    Wish you and so us good luck! And who said i'm excited? I don't have a webcam here or do i? *critically looking around*

    Oh come on! Why don't you just stop telling people when and how to do their jobs? You're really the insisting kind of guy, aren't you? I'm desperately waiting for the game myself, but hey: it takes as long as it takes, and I don't think anybody is slowing down the release process on purpose! Hang on a bit!
  • edited February 2007
    Go Go Go :)
  • edited February 2007
    GozzoMan wrote: »

    Thanks GozzoMan, I didn't think anyone would actually answer me. I had a theme called Absract PC on FF1.5, but it doesn't work on FF2. I found that there is an updated version recently but it's not quite the same so I'm going to try and combine the two into my own uber-theme.

    It is a bit off topic, but I thought that was the point of this thread, something to do while waiting for Sam and Max! More interesting than writing a 10 page lab report anyway.
  • edited February 2007
    No, not really, i was just interested in this. If you aren't then i suspect that's okay too.
  • edited February 2007
    hi if they released it as soon as the 8th hit and there was loads of bugs we would all flip and be v annoyed so there just making sure we dont haved to suffer that

    btw woooooohooooo get to play sam and max tonight heheh

    also hello everyoneim new to posting on the forum
  • edited February 2007
    Well, my opinion is that they're probably hiding a cow. ;)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    They release the game on gametap two weeks in advance - buhhh! How much is the game ready then? Are gametap users kind of a external beta tester circle? And if so if problems show up, do fixes make their way into the ttg release?

    GameTap users get a fully tested, 100% complete "1.0" release, of course. Sometimes, though, once hundreds of people have banged on the game for a couple weeks, we discover things that we missed in our own test process and fix them before the second release on our site.

    The bigger issue which takes the most prep time, though, is that the games are packaged and distributed on our site in an entirely different way than they are on GameTap. Episodes need to be integrated with our shopping cart and activation/registration system, and get packaged up in installers, all of which needs its own separate round of testing independent of the GameTap release.

    I wish it was as simple as us flipping an "on" switch and the episode releases itself (hopefully someday it will be), but for now theres a lot of manual monkeying around behind the scenes required to launch a new game.
    Bera wrote: »
    I think games in over 13 hours late! Is it so hard for Americans to understand that not everybody lives that side of globe..

    Ouch. The reason we don't deploy the game at, say, midnight pacific time, is that at that time, most of our company (and all of the people who we contract to handle shopping checkout, payment processing, and game activation) is asleep in bed or at home - because where we live that's midnight! We prefer to launch the games when everyone involved in making them - and in providing tech support for them - is wide awake and at their desks. That would definitely not be the case in the middle of the night, so any of our users who ran into a problem with their newly downloaded game would be out of luck on getting help for at least eight hours.
    Spoon wrote: »
    Well, my opinion is that they're probably hiding a cow. ;)

    Also there's that issue.
  • edited February 2007
    It seems like an overcomplicated method. Why not just release it at one place at one time and charge a little extra?
  • edited February 2007
    Spoon wrote: »
    Well, my opinion is that they're probably hiding a cow. ;)
    That's always a safe bet in any case where people are keeping you waiting for something.

    But hey, I love you all at Telltale Games! I'm glad that I'll be playing the game this very week. But hey, if you want a tip... psst...
    just put the release date on your site as being a day later than the actual release date... that way, people won't have to be anxious on launch day, instead having a pleasant surprise when the game pops up a day early
  • edited February 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    But hey, if you want a tip... psst...
    just put the release date on your site as being a day later than the actual release date... that way, people won't have to be anxious on launch day, instead having a pleasant surprise when the game pops up a day early

    That would be very bad - it would work, and everyone would be happy for that one release, but on the next release, the grunting would start one day earlier... :D
  • edited February 2007
    matan wrote: »
    That would be very bad - it would work, and everyone would be happy for that one release, but on the next release, the grunting would start one day earlier... :D
    Argh, I hadn't thought about that... okay, then you could
    for the next release, put release as being one day later, and then for the 2nd 2 days, and for the 100th release 100 days later... although people might recognize the pattern, so it would be better to do one day for the first release, 5 days for the 2nd release, 34 days for the 3rd release, etcetera, and 1138 days for the 100th release.
    There, that should do it! You know, I really should consider becoming a business consultant.
  • edited February 2007
    I've no idea of gametap as i'm european so i wonder does gametap use automatic updates or do users have to redownload fixed versions (full version?, patches?) once they are ready. I suspect they also get these.

    And a last one: Do you have something like a bugfix-freeze, so that you say we normally wait one week in order to collect user feedback and only major issues get attention afterwards or do you try to fix things till the last day(s) before you get things rolling on the ttg side?

    Thanks for taking the time!
  • edited February 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    Argh, I hadn't thought about that... okay, then you could
    for the next release, put release as being one day later, and then for the 2nd 2 days, and for the 100th release 100 days later... although people might recognize the pattern, so it would be better to do one day for the first release, 5 days for the 2nd release, 34 days for the 3rd release, etcetera, and 1138 days for the 100th release.
    There, that should do it! You know, I really should consider becoming a business consultant.

    YES! Deffenetly! :eek:
  • edited February 2007
    Well I understand that release is done during US workin hours. However web pages don't contain this information. Right now about half of planet population is aldready living 9th day so I still think release is 'late'. And because there is lot of people waiting this I recomend applying more accurate release time to following releases... :)
  • edited February 2007
    Egads. I've already lived through eleven hours of February 8th, and I haven't had a chance to deal with mobs, moles or meatballs. In fact, I am so victimized by this concept of waiting that I bought Root Beer Tapper over XBLA. It's not even 3D, Telltale, you made me buy a non-3D game! Next time, I expect you to better meet my totally arbitrary and therefore all-important demands. I can't believe I have to wait. Geez, what am I in, the twentieth century? I want my gaming, and I want it now.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go elsewhere to mutter darkly and pout about how my life is so unfair.


  • edited February 2007
    Are we there yet?
  • edited February 2007
    Grmbl, I'll have to go to work tomorrow quite early (and I'll have a lot to do, so no going tired out to work) so I'll have to go to bed in some 5 or 6 hours.... puh-leeeeeeeeease hae it released by then :)

  • edited February 2007
    I almost bought the Texas Hold'Em yesterday but then noticed in the demo that you can bluff each opponent out pretty easily which makes it kind of boring after a few tries. The steering has some flaws and the game isn't placed in center in fullscreen mode and whilst beeing in windowed mode it's jerking. But beside of such issues the opponets are nice charcaters with funny dialogues during a game...uhhh and nice music too! :O)

    I somehow guess that parts of this engine are also in Sam&Max?
  • edited February 2007
    Waiting patiently between classes for episode 3's release.

  • edited February 2007
    Oh today is another release day? Goody.
  • edited February 2007
    I haven't finished the second episode yet! I will have 15 days of holidays to finish 2 episodes!
    Good holidays in perspective!
  • edited February 2007
    I like these threads :D

    ... And I dont mind waiting... in fact, i think it's fun.
  • edited February 2007
    I think TTG deserves a snow day today... is it snowing in the Bay area right now?

    Oh well, since it is not snowing, I guess I will come back in a few hours to see if I have a shiny email beckoning me to enlarge my... I mean download my Episode 3.
  • edited February 2007
    It's snowing here in the UK, if that's any help :)
  • edited February 2007
    It never snows in the bay area, unless there's some sort of really freaky weather anomaly. It's raining, though.
  • edited February 2007
    lol okay im here and waiting!
  • edited February 2007
    what are you doing looking out the window?

    Get back to work! It's been the 8th for 14 hours now!


  • edited February 2007
    Email: refresh, refresh, refresh
  • edited February 2007
    I think snow in the UK and rain in the Bay count.

    I just thought of something to do while waiting for aforementioned epic email... enter that TTG contest:
  • edited February 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    I think snow in the UK and rain in the Bay count.

    I just thought of something to do while waiting for aforementioned epic email... enter that TTG contest:

    i want a grickle book like a cheetah wants a root canal.
  • edited February 2007

    ill be here, watching all of season 6
  • edited February 2007
    I just watched the dancing sushi for the 10th time, please save me!
  • edited February 2007

    "it's wonderful to be wanted" :D
    - Liv Ullmann
  • edited February 2007

    ill be here, watching all of season 6

    wow, all sp episodes online! didn´t know that nice website...
  • edited February 2007
    Woo! Nice party going on here. :)


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