Batman General Discussion Thread



  • edited October 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Ones left to get:

    Nine Lives
    The Man Who Laughs
    Justice League: Tower of Babel
    Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth
    Batman and the Monster Men
    A Lonely Place of Dying
    Strange Apparitions
    Year 100
    A Death in the Family
    Black and White
    The Dark Knight Strikes Again
    All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder
    Gotham by Gaslight
    Blind Justice
    Dark Victory
    Red Rain
    Son of the Demon
    The Cult
    Year Two
    Gates of Gotham
    Broken City
    Under the Hood
    The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul

    Do you already got the Batman & Dracula trilogy and Arkham Asylum & Arkham City (Yes they made comics of them)
  • edited October 2012
    Ordered them. Haven’t arrived yet.
  • edited October 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Ordered them. Haven’t arrived yet.

    Oh Ok also you forgot Batman reborn The House of Hush.
  • edited October 2012
    I’m mostly attracted to Nine Lives because of it’s film-noirish style.
  • edited October 2012
    I have read Batman through the looking glass and all i can say is i don't think it's really good. The artwork is just horrible and Batman looks like complete crap at points...But i will admit the artwork is so bad that it looks funny most of the time. I could hardly even keep up with the plot and all around i would not say it's that good. I would give it a 3/10.
  • edited October 2012
    Falanca wrote: »
    I thought the reason of her absence in TDK was her pregnancy. I mean, she still plays in some TV shows and all that...

    I wish that if she was pregnant, and she was in The Dark Knight, she could have still been a character to kill off, which would make Harvey Dent even crazier when he became Two-Face.
  • edited November 2012
    I reread Batman Year One and i still think it's pretty good.
  • edited November 2012
    I can now cross Dark Knight Returns off of my list. Still have a long way to go, though.
  • edited November 2012
    I wonder who they're going to get to play Batman in the JLA movie.
  • edited November 2012
    I wonder who they're going to get to play Batman in the JLA movie.

    I'd still vote for
    Joseph Gordon-Levitt
    , and have him never appear outside the Batman persona. I think it's pretty normal in Justice League media to have him always be Batman, no mention of his alter ego within the Justice League story, and it'd be smart to kind of hint at being in the Dark Knight continuity without actually confirming or denying it. I'd similarly have Superman always be Superman within the story, with no reference to Clark Kent either.
  • edited November 2012
    Nice thought, but they've pretty much confirmed that JLA will be the first appearance for the "rebooted" Batman. Personally, Batman doesn't need his origin told again. Everyone knows it by now. However, I do agree, we shouldn't see Batman's secret identity in the JLA movie. Or Superman's. Or really any of them.
  • edited November 2012
  • edited November 2012
    I wish there was a Justice League movie that followed on from the TV series. JLD was good though.
  • edited November 2012
    Reminds me: Whatever happened to the old DCAU? All those shows were great, and the ones they make these days suck ass!
  • edited November 2012
    So anyone think Beware The Batman will be good? I know the question has already been asked but that was a while ago.
  • edited November 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Reminds me: Whatever happened to the old DCAU? All those shows were great, and the ones they make these days suck ass!
    They were dropped in favour of making The Batman, I believe. And now we get Animated Movies that are supposedly set in a different continuity but can actually fit into the old DCAU as long as you're willing to overlook the slightly different tones of the films (and the odd supporting character death). Well, maybe not Under the Red Hood. Or The Dark Knight Returns. They're pretty solidly NOT going to mesh.

    I'm not sure if the CGI Green Lantern show can fit in with the DCAU as well, though I'm willing to bet there isn't anything specifically denying it, given how it takes place in space and all.
  • edited November 2012
    I wish they would do animated shows about lesser known superheros, like Green Arrow, or Flash, or Jonah Hex. And besides, a Wonder Woman show is long past overdue.
  • edited November 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Reminds me: Whatever happened to the old DCAU? All those shows were great, and the ones they make these days suck ass!

    I hear really good things about Young Justice. And personally, I think that the Batman of Shanghai shorts warrant a full series.

    But as it is, technically speaking JLU was the last of the DCAU.
  • edited November 2012
    They should make Final Crisis as an animated movie. Mainly cos I wana see it and they would cut it down to what people watching for first time would understand.
  • edited November 2012
    I think it's somewhat troubling that we've gotten no hints that Rocksteady is even working on anything right now. Not even non-Batman projects.
  • edited November 2012
    I assume everybody else is greatly mourning the loss of Hostess
  • edited November 2012
    I'm gonna miss those things. I guess if a nuclear holocaust DOES happen, we won't have golden, delicious snack cakes to keep us company now.

    In other news, Arkham City Armored Edition for the Wii U was received favorably by IGN, with one small caveat. The reviewer said that it was at its best when the game was played on the game-pad and avoiding the motion-controls. To be honest, that'd be part of the fun to me. Also, the gamepad displays in HD, so it'd have BETTER resolution than my actual TV.
  • edited November 2012
    I've been keeping an eye open on these WiiU ports. So far, Arkham City's port is pretty much the same game, with little graphical differences and the stuff added that makes use of the tablet is every bit as gimmicky as you'd guess.

    It got favourable reviews because the core game is still awesome, but the port is largely pointless.
  • edited November 2012
    I've been keeping an eye open on these WiiU ports. So far, Arkham City's port is pretty much the same game, with little graphical differences and the stuff added that makes use of the tablet is every bit as gimmicky as you'd guess.

    It got favourable reviews because the core game is still awesome, but the port is largely pointless.

    Except for everyone that's never played it?
  • edited November 2012
    I heard every port has a poor framerate.
  • edited November 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Except for everyone that's never played it?
    If you were going to, chances are you'd have done it by now, but yes. Pointless unless you've never played it.
  • edited November 2012
    And this would be All ports over all consoles have framerate issues or issues of some kind. Games always, ALWAYS function best on the console they were originally developed for. Why? Because most of the time, ports aren't handled by the original development team, but a different team. Most of the time without caring if they actually take full advantage of the new system it's being ported to.
  • edited November 2012
    You know what I miss? Batman Beyond. They had such a great following with the show, too. Then they just had to switch over to comics...
  • edited November 2012
    I miss Justice League. Even for a cartoon, the last episode had me in tears.
  • edited November 2012
    The Hobbit will play the full length trailer for Man of Steel.
  • edited November 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    The Hobbit will play the full length trailer for Man of Steel.

    Well, that's kinda off topic, but it is about freakin time.
  • edited November 2012
    Well, that's kinda off topic, but it is about freakin time.

    Its sorta on topic there's no DC thread and it would get lost in whatevers thread and its not enough to warrant a new thread.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Zeruis wrote: »
    You know what I miss? Batman Beyond. They had such a great following with the show, too. Then they just had to switch over to comics...
    I miss Justice League. Even for a cartoon, the last episode had me in tears.
    I just miss the 90's-2000's DC Animated Universe in general. They were all really good, and they all managed to keep continuity between each other pretty well. I even liked the Batman Beyond spin-off The Zeta Project (it's a shame that one was cancelled so early in it's run, especially when it was left on such a cliffhanger).
  • edited November 2012
    Dark Knight Rises spoilers at this link:
    There's a rumor going around that they're going to do what I was hoping they'd do with regards to Batman in the Justice League universe, or at least something close to it.

    Also, Batman Vs Sherlock Holmes rap battle:
  • edited November 2012
    I goddamn hope not. No offense to you LuigiHann, nor is any intended to mr. Gordon-Levitt, but I do NOT want him as Batman on the big screen. They can't portray him as Bruce Wayne because people will see him as "Robin" from Dark Knight Rises. Nor do I ever see a Nolan-verse Batman EVER working with a group. It wouldn't work for the same reason Robin wouldn't work in that universe. I hope to god this is just a rumor.
  • edited November 2012
    I dunno. In my head, it works.
    I thought the reveal of his name at the end was a bit too cheeky, but other than that I thought he was a strong character with a lot of the same demons as Bruce, and I think he'd work well in a Justice League context as an always-on Batman, without his other identity being shown or even mentioned. Heck, with the mask always on, it won't matter too much who's playing him, but I like the idea of casting JGL as a hint of ambiguous continuity that nerds like me can have fun debating about.

    And while I've always felt that there's no place for other superheroes in the Nolan-verse, I still feel like, in a Justice League universe where heroes have popped up independently, it'd be interesting to see a Nolan-esque Batman represented. The most interesting Batman-Superman stories are based on the conflict that comes with the loner Batman working in a group.
  • edited November 2012
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    And while I've always felt that there's no place for other superheroes in the Nolan-verse, I still feel like, in a Justice League universe where heroes have popped up independently, it'd be interesting to see a Nolan-esque Batman represented. The most interesting Batman-Superman stories are based on the conflict that comes with the loner Batman working in a group.

    I think the Nolan-verse should stay separated. It really doesn't seem like a place where superpowers would exist. Nolan spent so much work grounding the Batman films in some kind of reality that I think it would just come crumbling down if you put a flying alien or a magic ring into it.

    That said,
    I like Joseph Gordon Levitt enough that I'd watch him in anything.
  • edited November 2012
    I think the Nolan-verse should stay separated. It really doesn't seem like a place where superpowers would exist. Nolan spent so much work grounding the Batman films in some kind of reality that I think it would just come crumbling down if you put a flying alien or a magic ring into it.

    I really do understand that. I remember an interview where Nolan said that it's important that the concept of a superhero didn't exist in Bruce's world, because if it did, it would totally change what it meant when he decided to become Batman. That's why they changed it so he was seeing an opera with his parents instead of seeing Zorro, so it'd be clear that there was no precedent for what he was doing.

    So what I'm talking about is, Justice League is a new universe, starting with this Man of Steel movie. That makes sense. But I feel like, even within this new universe where superpowers are real, it'd be interesting if Batman was still the first such masked vigilante, and in that scenario it would make sense for him to very much resemble the Batman from Nolan's world. So the Nolanverse would be unaffected by this Justice League universe, but the JL universe could "import" a copy of the Nolanverse Batman, if that makes sense.

    Although, when it comes down to it, The Dark Knight Rises was over-the-top enough that I don't particularly feel like superheroes would be out of place anymore.
  • edited November 2012
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I really do understand that. I remember an interview where Nolan said that it's important that the concept of a superhero didn't exist in Bruce's world, because if it did, it would totally change what it meant when he decided to become Batman. That's why they changed it so he was seeing an opera with his parents instead of seeing Zorro, so it'd be clear that there was no precedent for what he was doing.

    So what I'm talking about is, Justice League is a new universe, starting with this Man of Steel movie. That makes sense. But I feel like, even within this new universe where superpowers are real, it'd be interesting if Batman was still the first such masked vigilante, and in that scenario it would make sense for him to very much resemble the Batman from Nolan's world. So the Nolanverse would be unaffected by this Justice League universe, but the JL universe could "import" a copy of the Nolanverse Batman, if that makes sense.

    Although, when it comes down to it, The Dark Knight Rises was over-the-top enough that I don't particularly feel like superheroes would be out of place anymore.

    I agree entirely. Having things start with Batman and escalate once Clark comes to Earth would make sense and still feel grounded.'s exactly what Marvel did. They started with a grounded superhero then brought in more outlandish ones gradually.
  • edited November 2012
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I really do understand that. I remember an interview where Nolan said that it's important that the concept of a superhero didn't exist in Bruce's world, because if it did, it would totally change what it meant when he decided to become Batman. That's why they changed it so he was seeing an opera with his parents instead of seeing Zorro, so it'd be clear that there was no precedent for what he was doing.

    So what I'm talking about is, Justice League is a new universe, starting with this Man of Steel movie. That makes sense. But I feel like, even within this new universe where superpowers are real, it'd be interesting if Batman was still the first such masked vigilante, and in that scenario it would make sense for him to very much resemble the Batman from Nolan's world. So the Nolanverse would be unaffected by this Justice League universe, but the JL universe could "import" a copy of the Nolanverse Batman, if that makes sense.

    Oh I definitely agree with that. Batman should be Batman and the juxtaposition of a relatively normal, human superhero amongst all the superpowered gods is what makes Batman interesting in the Justice League. I'm just saying it shouldn't literally be the Batman from the Nolan movies, casting-wise.

    It's sort of like when Val Kilmer took over the Bats role in Batman Forever. I know, technically, it's supposed to be the same universe as the first two films, but the casting change allows you to think of it as a whole new animal so you can forgive the fact that Gotham has now become ridiculous and neon-covered and Harvey Dent now looks like (half of) Tommy Lee Jones. At least you could forgive it from a continuity standpoint - taste is a whole separate issue. It felt like a new iteration so it could play by new rules. That's why I think the JL Bats should be someone new. It could still be a Nolan-esque Batman, but if it's played by a different person it won't reflect back on Nolan's trilogy.
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