Batman General Discussion Thread



  • edited August 2012
    Joker93 wrote: »
    He's an interesting character that challenges Batman in a dark way. Batman failed to save him from Joker,who beats him to death, &,After Arkham City's ending, Just his presence is a reminder of Batman's failures. It opens the doors to a great plot & i'll explain the rest later I'm late for a party!!!!

    1.Fixed again,2. Well i'll agree with you there about Red Hood.
  • edited August 2012
    thank you.
  • edited August 2012
    Joker93 wrote: »
    Thank you.

    No problem :)
  • edited August 2012
    No problem :)

    you didn't have to fix anything that time :)
  • edited August 2012
    Joker93 wrote: »
    You didn't have to fix anything that time :).

    I just figured i would.:D
  • edited August 2012
    Nowyou'rebeingasmarta** :p :D
  • edited August 2012
    Anways, the Redhood(& former Robin) would be a fun parallel to playing as Batman. He's had advanced training and, most likely, his own arsenal & variety of gadgets. Jason's morals of how to deal with criminals has strayed from the dark knights teachings.
    Back to symbolizing. the Redhood persona was once used by the Joker, as hinted in AC review tapes. "...and all it(the box) had in it was a crazy red dome & a cloak!", & I wouldn't be suprised if Jason's body was a vessel for Joker, like Tim was in Batman Beyond. I noticed some cadmus labs posters in HQR so I speculated. Again, those were just my thoughts. :D
  • edited August 2012
    I think leaving Azrael and Hush hanging would be a bit off though. We're talking two big stories here in the Batman lines. It would be a bit odd to skip onto Redhood when the Hush story leads right into it and he was already introduced. I wouldn't be surprised though, but I feel that if they want to bring Redhood in, they will have to deal with Hush first. It could even be the same game. There is ~10hrs to tell the story after all.

    If they are serious about
    the Joker being dead
    , then Azrael and Hush are very strong possibilities. We're talking about what are now, the two biggest stories(up to debate) that
    don't include the Joker as a major character
  • edited August 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    I think leaving Azrael and Hush hanging would be a bit off though. We're talking two big stories here in the Batman lines. It would be a bit odd to skip onto Redhood when the Hush story leads right into it and he was already introduced. I wouldn't be surprised though, but I feel that if they want to bring Redhood in, they will have to deal with Hush first. It could even be the same game. There is ~10hrs to tell the story after all.

    That's pretty much what I was going for in one of my previous posts. Maybe some introduction in the naxt game, like we got with HUSH & Azreal.:D
  • edited August 2012
    ...or they could do the cheap option, continuing the Titan storyline via Scarecrow as a priamry antagonist whilst simultaneously telling a prequel story of Batman's first conflict with Joker.
  • edited August 2012
    The thing is, we won't know what's going on until Rocksteady/WB actually officially announces something. Everything we've heard thus far is rumor.
  • edited August 2012
    The thing is, we won't know what's going on until Rocksteady/WB actually officially announces something. Everything we've heard thus far is rumor.

    as far as rumors go,we can't go off them. There were rumors of me,back in high school, that I wanted to marry & have sex with my best friend. Other parts of the rumor scared her & it ruined my freshmen year so lets keep in mind that, until we hear an official announcement, everything's speculation, NOT facts
  • edited August 2012
    Of course, we're probably waiting years if they do another sequel. That's if they go forward with the next game they're talking about. I'm not so sure it would be successful and I hope they have the same doubts. Dini did a fantastic job in Asylum of taking what everybody knew about Batman and expanding upon it. City had some loose ends and could've been done slightly better(compared to Asylum). Now someone is going to destroy this "world" trying to retcon it. These origin stories have been told and retold and while Dini just let them exist and didn't pigeon hole one story or another, alienating certain fans, this next instalment, will.

    A good game is a good game, but pleasing such a wide spectrum of fans, is very hard and I don't think they're going to respect that. I'm not even the least bit excited about the latest idea and honestly, I hope it's scrapped.
  • edited August 2012
    Maybe if go and try blowing up random walls in Arkham City we might find a secret room with plans for an Arkham World.
  • edited August 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    Of course, we're probably waiting years if they do another sequel. That's if they go forward with the next game they're talking about. I'm not so sure it would be successful and I hope they have the same doubts. Dini did a fantastic job in Asylum of taking what everybody knew about Batman and expanding upon it. City had some loose ends and could've been done slightly better(compared to Asylum). Now someone is going to destroy this "world" trying to retcon it. These origin stories have been told and retold and while Dini just let them exist and didn't pigeon hole one story or another, alienating certain fans, this next instalment, will.

    A good game is a good game, but pleasing such a wide spectrum of fans, is very hard and I don't think they're going to respect that. I'm not even the least bit excited about the latest idea and honestly, I hope it's scrapped.

    Even if these rumors are true, I've yet to see anything about a retcon.
  • edited August 2012
    It's pretty hard to make a prequel within the universe, especially one that's going to be ~10hrs long and not retcon anything while trying to tie everything in. The thing also is that everybody except the die-hard fans, love retconning. They think it's clever and it wraps the new property around the existing famous property. Sometimes it works, usually it doesn't. I just think they're playing with fire on this.

    Oh and I'm not talking about a dismissal retcon. That would just be crazy for them to do. I was more implying the "oh we forgot to mention" retconning that is quite common in comics.
  • edited August 2012
    One of the best Joker lines:

    Joker:Gotta give the boy points he came all the way from the dead to make the party happen!

    It shows even when the Joker is in risk of being killed he still can make jokes and it is followed up by a great part between Red Hood/Jason Todd and Batman about why Batman won't kill Joker.
  • edited August 2012
    Read the last post I made concerning what I was sold in the Whatever’s On Your Mind tread. Great deal I got!
  • edited August 2012
    You mean this post? Yeah, that's a pretty good deal!
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah, it was. I got a guy who’s working to get me the complete collection of The New Scooby-Doo Movies for under twelve bucks.

    Not that that has anything to do with Batman, though.


    At 0:22.
  • edited August 2012
    God, I remember the Batman meets Scooby movie. So goofy.
  • edited August 2012
    God, I remember the Batman meets Scooby movie. So goofy.

    the skeleton men:D
  • edited August 2012
    Also just another reason why i love The Batman is i like a few versions of the characters.

    I like Batman/Bruce Wayne and i love how it shows that it is hard for him to try to keep up both sides as Batman & Bruce Wayne.

    Alfred is good and i like how he has an arch enemy in Penguin because Alfred's grandfather served the Cobblepots and how he worries more about Bruce's life.

    Joker is his same crazy self and while Mark Hamill is not the one voicing him the voice they got for him is pretty good.

    Penguin is good and how he is more crazy about his plans to get his fortune back and after his first plan failed he went crazy about getting revenge on Batman,Alfred and Bruce Wayne. He breaks into Wayne manor captures Alfred and Batman after a fight and is about to unmask Batman until Alfred stops him.

    I like Vicki Vale's version in The Batman movie. She fits all aspects of Vicki. She's smart,cute,nice and more like Batman 1989's version rather than the horrible All star Batman & Robin version. I find it a shame that she only was in The Batman movie and not in The Batman series.
  • edited August 2012
    So, who here is excited for the CGI show Beware the Batman, which won't have Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, instead trading them for the likes of Anarky, Ra's al Ghul, Professor Pyg, Magpie, Mister Toad, King Kraken, Humpty Dumpty, and Axel Alex?

    Yeah, me neither.
  • edited August 2012
    I was until I found out WB is pulling heavy guns and other censorship on yet another animated Batman series.
  • edited August 2012
    Yes because that is what we all wanted. Who wants any of those crappy sidekicks like Robin or Nightwing or Batgirl. NO we want an outsider sidekick!. Why would we want any of those stupid and crappy villains like Penguin or Joker or Two Face. NO we want Professor Pyg & Mister Toad. Let's not stop there! Let's make Alfred an ex secret agent who loves guns!...Yeah it may be darker than Brave & The Bold but at least Brave & The Bold had Robin,Batgirl,Joker,Two Face, and Catwoman.
  • edited August 2012
    my very childhoods been raped
  • edited August 2012
    Oh for crying out loud.
  • edited August 2012
    Oh for crying out loud.

    what are you reponding to
  • edited August 2012
    I was until I found out WB is pulling heavy guns and other censorship on yet another animated Batman series.

    Well, they changed the firearms in response to the shooting. That I can understand.

    Oh, and on the topic of The Dark Knight Rises: SPOILERS!
    Okay, so I read an article after the movie that suggested that Bruce Wayne really was dead and that Nolan was just pulling one of his "what do you think is really going on" endings. This is a ridiculous idea. And it's ridiculous because of two things that they pointed out. The first thing is debunked because they mention the auto-pilot not working, but in the film, Lucius Fox is clearly told that the autopilot WAS fixed. The second was "We clearly see Batman in the cockpit as the timer is ticking down." Yes, we do. From the side once. And that was before the Bat went through a building over an ocean. The next time we see him is from the front and he's sitting in a seat. Now let me point something out. Generally speaking, when a pilot ejects from an aircraft, the seat goes with him. Batman went THROUGH A BUILDING. That's plenty of time to punch out and then watch as the entire city sees "Batman" sacrifice himself. Granted, I STILL think the better idea would've been to identify the truck, fly the Bat over it WITH THE EMP jammer that would've blocked the trigger, taken the bomb, flown it over the bay, dropped it, then leisurely went back to beat Bane around for a while. Simple, easy, and Bruce would've have had to fake his own death. Granted, it may not have been as strong an ending, but you get the picture.
  • edited August 2012
    So, who here is excited for the CGI show Beware the Batman, which won't have Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, instead trading them for the likes of Anarky, Ra's al Ghul, Professor Pyg, Magpie, Mister Toad, King Kraken, Humpty Dumpty, and Axel Alex?

    Ugh. Is that true? Blech.

    I've been re-watching the original animated series the last few days. After that, they really should have just stopped trying.
  • edited August 2012
    It is rather hard to top perfection.
  • edited September 2012
    I have started playing Lego Batman 2 and it's fun and there is even a reference to Arkham City

  • edited September 2012
    It was a nice touch, that scene. Also, true.
  • edited September 2012
    Wow it's kinda sad that Lego universe Gotham has more sense then the serious main Batman universe.
  • edited September 2012
    I dunno, it might have ended well if Hugo Strange hadn't been influencing the gang war to build up the reason to kill all of the criminals/whoever he deemed bad enough to put in the prison.
  • edited September 2012
    Yes but other than the helicopters shooting people in Arkham City. Arkham city would still be going crazy. Two-Face would have killed Catwoman if Strange had not thrown Batman in Arkham City. Joker would have killed loads of people in Gotham if Batman had not gotten the cure from Freeze.
  • edited September 2012
    I still have that job at Rocksteady, and I’m almost to the point where I can learn the title of the third game in the Arkham Trilogy. I will tell you this though:

    20 9
    19 9
    15 20 14
    12 14 4 15 5 7
    7 1 5
    17 16 5 18 12 21 5.
  • edited September 2012
    My god... that code is utterly undecipherable! Gah!

    (this is not a cue for Ryan to come in and tell me what it is, thus ruining the joke like he always does)
  • edited September 2012
    My god... that code is utterly undecipherable! Gah!

    The code is..

    (this is not a cue for Ryan to come in and tell me what it is, thus ruining the joke like he always does)

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