More Walking Dead Interactive Fan-Fic:Humanity or Survival Ep. 6 Ch. 4 (Submissions open)



  • James: [“Weston stays with us, sorry Kim”]

    Brent: [“Weston he’s my friend”]

    Domingez posted: »

    The Walking Dead Episode 4: Lurking Every Corner Chapter 2: Trek of Hope “Who was shooting at us!” shouts Lewin in shock driving the vehi

  • james:**sorry kim Weston stays

    brent:Weston he's my friend

    Domingez posted: »

    The Walking Dead Episode 4: Lurking Every Corner Chapter 2: Trek of Hope “Who was shooting at us!” shouts Lewin in shock driving the vehi

  • [“Weston stays with us, sorry Kim”]

    [“Weston he’s my friend”]

    Domingez posted: »

    The Walking Dead Episode 4: Lurking Every Corner Chapter 2: Trek of Hope “Who was shooting at us!” shouts Lewin in shock driving the vehi

  • James: ["Weston stays with us, sorry Kim"]

    Brent: ["Weston he's my friend"]

    Domingez posted: »

    The Walking Dead Episode 4: Lurking Every Corner Chapter 2: Trek of Hope “Who was shooting at us!” shouts Lewin in shock driving the vehi

  • James: ["Weston stays with us, sorry Kim"]

    Brent: ["Weston he's my friend"]

    Domingez posted: »

    The Walking Dead Episode 4: Lurking Every Corner Chapter 2: Trek of Hope “Who was shooting at us!” shouts Lewin in shock driving the vehi

  • James: [“Weston stays with us, sorry Kim”]

    Brent: [“Weston he’s my friend”]

    I'm not convinced Mais death was his fault. The sniper seemed a bit too eager to shoot somebody and Weston tried his best to stop the situation from escalating

    Domingez posted: »

    The Walking Dead Episode 4: Lurking Every Corner Chapter 2: Trek of Hope “Who was shooting at us!” shouts Lewin in shock driving the vehi

  • James sighs deeply with his hands in his pockets.

    “Weston stays with us, I’m sorry Kim” he says slightly apologetically.

    “W-What how could?” Kimiko slightly chokes in shock.

    “I know he messed up back there...indirectly, but that doesn’t mean he has to be banished from the group” he follows up seriously.

    “So you’re banishing me?!” she shouts ironically.

    “No, I want you both to be honest, however seeing you in this state......I question myself on whether or not you even care about the rest of us, you only see your side of the story every time and then you just isolate yourself from everyone” James reasons with her in a soft tone.

    “If you think I don’t care about anyone else.......then made your decision” says Kimiko angrily disappointed.

    “You think your the only one that lost people?! we all lost loved ones I made a huge mistake that got my family killed, so what that means I’m going to be left behind too if I screw up?!” shouts John in rage.

    Everyones face’s lit with sorrow apart from Kimiko who maintains her eyes narrowed and only nods sideways occasionally.

    “I’m sorry Kimiko” sighs Weston.

    “Sorry won’t bring her back.....ugh.....I’m leaving” says Kimiko harshly as she starts shortly packing one of the backpacks.

    “Kimiko have you thought this through? we have to stay together to survive this, we need you as much as you need us” says James calmly.

    “I have, this nightmare will never end, no one is destine to survive” says Kimiko heavily and shortly as she parts her way.

    “Where are you gonna go?” continues James worriedly.

    “Nowhere, I’m.....I’m just going to keep moving until something changes” replies Kimiko indifferently.

    James just watched Kimiko walk away from the group, there was no way to convince her to stay apart from leaving Weston behind, she looked broken after losing her sisters.

    “We have to go.....sorry man that it had to end this way” says John compassionately.

    “Eh....she made her mind up anyway........yeah in a minute we should get going” sighs James.

    “Man, why everything has to be screwed up!” shouts Austin kicking a tire.

    “Ey don’t kick the car you might do something to it” remarks Lewin calmly.

    “Oh yeah, well fuck you” says Austin angrily.

    “Both of you back off” Weston interjects.

    Austin holds his anger and retreats by entering one of the vehicles. Lewin glances at Weston shrugs and enters the backseat.
    Weston turns around to Willy who’s holding his elbow and Brent with his hands in his pockets.

    “Thanks boys for backing me up” he says hesitantly.

    “We couldn’t leave you behind, we’re a team right?” smirks Brent.

    “You bet” nods Weston.

    “Why couldn’t you both stay? you both are too valuable in our group” mutters Willy sorrowfully.

    “Sometimes in get difficult......I wanted Kimiko to stay too, but...” sighs Weston.

    “Lets get going guys” John approaches them responding softly and sadly.

    “We got about a two hour drive before we enter Chicago” mutters Weston doubtfully.

    “We’ll manage somehow, eh.....we don’t even know where this safe zone is exactly” replies John calmly.

    “If there’s someone out there using a radio transmission, then it might be somewhere beside a radio tower or headquarters, I don’t know” says James firmly.

    “I’m guessing that there are a few radio headquarters in Chicago huh?” responds Weston thoughtfully.

    “I studied engineering at Chicago University, which is on the South Side near lake Michigan, I know that there’s a radio tower nearby can’t recall the name of it though” replies James confidently.

    “Too bad this goddamn map hasn’t got any of them marked” sighs Weston anxiously.

    “One thing’s sure it isn’t gonna be a walk in the park” mutters John with his arms folded.

    “Hey I know one radio station located in Chicago” smirks Lewin.

    “Will you mind telling us where and which one?” asks James sarcastically after a brief pause.

    “WVON Radio Tower it’s close to Oak Park” Lewin replies optimistically.

    “Right.......that’s about five maybe seven miles apart from the University” remarks Weston thoughtfully.

    “Great, knowing our luck there might be another radio headquarters somewhere” responds John cynically.

    “Does the safe zone have to be by a radio tower?” asks Willy innocently.

    “No, I guess not, we’re just considering that’s all” replies Weston firmly.

    “But it’s a likely bet” mumbles James.

    “We’ll discuss this again once we’re closer k?” says John toughly.

    “Yeah” mutters Weston as he folds a map.

    Willy and Brent joined John and Weston in the long pick up truck while James, Austin and Lewin departed in the station wagon. They drive past Kimiko who’s walking by the side of the road, James glances behind and watches Kimiko slowly fade away in his vision, he sighs hopelessly.

    “I know you cared about her” remarks Austin sullenly after a short moment.

    James startles with his eyebrows raised briefly.

    “I did, she forget it” he sighs.

    “We shouldn’t have left her” Austin follows up looking through his windshield lethargically watching dead corpses wonder around in the fields.

    “It was her choice” replies James slightly angry, but composed.

    “No point discussing it any more fellas, it happened, lets just move on” says Lewin with a thin smile.

    “Stop with your stupid emthusiasm” remarks Austin annoyingly.

    “Oh its better to be miserable hey, maybe we should just end it now would save us some sorrow” mutters Lewin.

    “Both of you shut up, I don’t want to hear another word from now on until the next stop!” says James loudly.

    “Look John, I’m glad you had my back back there, I was ready to leave but” says Weston warmly.

    “We’re friends, I wouldn’t leave you behind, Kimiko didn’t want to see things through I understood her anger and all, but eh I don’t know, I’m just happy you stayed” replies John calmly.

    “I also want to thank you kids” smiles Weston glancing behind.

    “No problemo” smirks Brent.

    Willy stayed silent feeling disappointed.

    “Er Willy you’re unhappy I’m here?” asks Weston hesitantly and softly.

    “’s just I hate leaving people.....I only wished that Kimiko would forgive you sooner or later” sighs Willy.

    “Well that ain’t gonna happen, time to forget about it.” responds Weston calmly.

    “We have no choice.....that sometimes happens” says Willy sorrowfully.

    “That’s right champ, wise words” mumbles John with a sullen face.

    About 2 hours later

    “The city looks like a horror movie from here” remarks Brent silently watching the tall buildings ahead.

    “With no one around” mutters John as he looks ahead at James’s car.

    “Only dead people” says Willy softly.

    “Lets hope downtown isn’t infested” says Weston nervously.

    John honks for James to pull over.

    “All of you wait here” says John shortly.

    “Okay so what’s the plan? we’re heading for the university which is closer or are we risking to check further south of the town?” asks James indifferently, straightening his back.

    “You said you know the university area pretty well, we should try there first” replies John decisively.

    “Good, I actually agree with that” responds James with a nod.

    “Great, lets do this” nods John.

    “Stay close” mutters James.

    They enter the city and drive past an intersection heading towards the university, groups of walkers were wondering around luckily scattered making it easy to get through.

    “Man I don’t like this, I don’t see any safe zone” says Austin nervously.

    “Calm down” replies James looking around.

    “It’s too quiet apart from walker moans here and there” mutters Lewin indifferently.

    James takes a left turn and instantly hits the brakes his eyes open wide in fear, Austin was glancing behind shortly before James stopped abruptly.

    “Christ they’re everywhere” shouts Austin in the backseat.

    “That’s one brobdingnagian herd” gasps Lewin in horror.

    “A fucking what? James do something” yells Austin.

    “Fuck, where do we go now?” mutters John loudly.

    “Jesus fucking Christ they’re gaining on behind us too” shouts Weston.

    “We’re trapped, it’s er.....hmm.....we either get our asses to one of those building or we fucking get down that subway.” gasps John anxiously.

    “The subway or the” James points nervously and puts the gear in reverse as a herd of walkers are closing in on them.

    [Drive into the alleyway and take the emergency stairwell up to the roof]

    [Head down to the subway]

  • [Drive into the alleyway and take the emergency stairwell up to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    James sighs deeply with his hands in his pockets. “Weston stays with us, I’m sorry Kim” he says slightly apologetically. “W-What how c

  • drive into the alleyway and take the emergency stairwell up to the roof

    Domingez posted: »

    James sighs deeply with his hands in his pockets. “Weston stays with us, I’m sorry Kim” he says slightly apologetically. “W-What how c

  • [Drive into the alleyway and take the emergency stairwell up to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    James sighs deeply with his hands in his pockets. “Weston stays with us, I’m sorry Kim” he says slightly apologetically. “W-What how c

  • [Drive into the alleyway and take the emergency stairwell up to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    James sighs deeply with his hands in his pockets. “Weston stays with us, I’m sorry Kim” he says slightly apologetically. “W-What how c

  • [Drive into the alleyway and take the emergency stairwell up to the roof]

    Domingez posted: »

    James sighs deeply with his hands in his pockets. “Weston stays with us, I’m sorry Kim” he says slightly apologetically. “W-What how c

  • “The subway could be full of walkers and it’s dark down there!” yells Austin hysterically.

    “Fuck......Fuck” whispers James as he rapidly turns left into the alleyway with John following up.

    “Everyone get as much as you can with you!” shouts James leaping out of the car.

    “Got it” mutters Lewin.

    “Willy, Brent get your backpacks and get your asses on top of the vehicle, Austin help get the ladder down quick!” gasps John sharply.

    “Y-Yeah on it” trembles Austin.

    “Shit we don’t have time......fuck we can’t carry all this!” shouts John frustrated on leaving most of the supplies.

    “Just take want you can, we might come back for this” gasps James urgently.

    “Damn behind you! get down!” yells Lewin as he lifts his double barrel shotgun.


    “Oh god......t-thanks” shivers Weston as two walkers crumbled beside him.

    “Come on get a move on!” urges John as he pulls James on top of the vehicle.

    Willy, Brent and Austin looked down at James, John, Lewin and Weston who are surrounded by lurkers.

    “Lewin you first you’re the lightest” gasps John boosting him up.

    A walker manages to crawl on top of the vehicle, however James reacts in time to stomp its head.

    “Now you James come on!” yells John.

    As James climbed the ladder it started wobbling and screeching.

    “Oh fuck......” he mutters in shock.

    “Quick James grab my hand!” shouts Austin reaching his hand out.

    In the nick of time James grasps Austin’s palm, while the ladder cracked and fall down to the alleyway.

    “We are screwed now friend” mumbles Weston standing on the car and leaning against the wall trying to keep far away from walkers reach.
    “Looks like a dead end that way, we have to find away back to the street.” gasps John thoughtfully.

    “The herd will be here soon, we can still get to that subway it’s our only hope.” replies Weston as he fires a few rounds.

    “Yeah.....better plan than nothing.....we can jump over these walkers and make a run for it” responds John aiding Weston in killing the dead all around them.

    “John!” gasps Willy nervously from the roof.

    “Keep going north.....we’ll meet up somewhere” shouts John unsure.

    “Don’t worry Willy.........we’ll find a way up......somehow” continues John doubtfully.

    “It’s now or never!” jumps Weston with John behind him as they escape into the dark subway with a few walkers pursuing them down.

    “Do you think they made it?” asks Austin worriedly holding his right arm shyly.

    “Yeah I think so” replies James overwhelmed.

    Willy turns away and sobs.

    “Hey Willy you okay? they’re fine don’t you worry” says Brent with a thin smile.

    “I.....I know it’s just.....I sometimes think......I’ll lose someone I care about” sighs Willy.

    “Don’t think that like have me........John and Weston will be back......try to think about that” smiles Brent.

    “Okay” replies Willy exhaustedly with a forced smile.

    “What are we going to do now?” remarks Austin holding his head and walking around nervously.

    “I don’t know........we have to keep on moving anyway” says James doubtfully.

    “Wait, we’re not leaving them!” shouts Willy softly.

    “No one wants to leave them Willy I’m just thinking loud here” replies James reassuringly.

    “Well no point waiting we can’t get down there......unless you want to break a leg in the process” mutters Austin anxiously.

    “Hmm....yeah.....John and Wes might come back when the herd passes through and grab the rest of supplies” says James firmly.

    “There’s a ladder to the next building, there may be a better a view from there........if it were up to me, I say we should go” says Lewin hesitantly.

    “Too bad we don’t have a rope or something......that way we could pull them up” says Brent thoughtfully.

    “We can always come back with one........shit why am I holding on to this empty shotgun” mumbles Lewin as he drops his weapon.

    “It might work as a baseball bat” chuckles Brent.

    “A bit heavy though, but hey you right I should hold on to it” nods Lewin with a warm smile.

    “There’s no time for jokes, so what’s the plan? it’s gonna get dark eventually” says Austin impatiently.

    [Keep moving forward on the rooftops]

    [Wait for John and Weston]

    “......breathing heavily......shit what now? we can’t hold this gate much longer” gasps John.

    “Just keep it closed” replies Weston firmly as he starts stabbing the walkers through the gate.

    “This’s pointless......I can’t hold it all day” gasps John angrily.

    Weston looks behind him he glances at the train tracks.

    “Come we jump over that and head into the tunnels” points Weston with his blooded knife.

    “Alright....get ready......take out your gun.....” nods John.

    “Ready pal” mutters Weston.

    John released the gate and they both hectically ran into the pitch dark tunnel.

    5 minutes later

    “’ dark.....anything could be down here” whispers John after a while.

    “Just stick close.....we should find light eventually.....damn........” says Weston silently.

    “What’s wrong?” asks John.

    “Nothin.....just tripped and hit my ankle.....I’m fine....” grunts Weston.

    “You think a lot of walkers are down here?” asks John slightly trembling.

    “Apart from the ones after us, there can be some down here.....don’t want to think about that.....jesus it’s dark here....I think there’s a light ahead....look am I seeing things?” replies Weston anxiously.

    “No, you got that right pal, come on lets keep moving, don’t want any fucker to kill us in the dark” says John urgently.
    The two men approach the light with their guns wielded, the lights illuminate a door.

    “Shit it’s locked” mutters Weston.

    “Mickie, Orla is that you?” a concerned female voice comes from the other side.

    “Shut up Amita, if it were them they’d say something by now” a harsh mature male voice is barely heard.

    “Hello, we need help, please open the door” says Weston faintly.

    “Go away or we’ll shoot” the male voice replies indifferently.

    “Okay then don’t let us in, just tell us how far is it to the north station, close to the university , we’re hmm....going there” urges John in a soft and firm voice.

    “Can’t help you go away” responds the male person.

    “Jesus Duke they just want to know where to go, we can help them” the foreign female voice mutters in the background.

    “Miss please tell us something anything, we have a group, we got separated, they’re on the rooftop, please.....there are children in our group” says John desperately.

    “One wrong fucking move and you’re both dead, ya hear me scumbags?!” shouts the man inside.

    “Yes sir, just.....don’t shoot” gasps John silently as he hides his pistol into the holster.

    The door unlocks revealing a Caucasian 40 something year old man with a moustache and short brown hair, wearing a dark green combat vest over a white polo t-shirt with black jeans and yellow fatigue boots.

    “What are you two doing here? how did you even get down here?” asks the man pointing his black beretta pistol.

    [“We got lost......we just want to get back to our people”]

    [“We came here looking for a safe zone, do you happen to know anything about it”]

    [“I could ask you the same thing pal”]

  • [Keep moving forward on the rooftops]

    [We got lost......we just want to get back to our people"]

    Domingez posted: »

    “The subway could be full of walkers and it’s dark down there!” yells Austin hysterically. “Fuck......Fuck” whispers James as he rapidly

  • edited August 2014

    [Wait for John and Weston]

    [“We got lost......we just want to get back to our people”]

    Domingez posted: »

    “The subway could be full of walkers and it’s dark down there!” yells Austin hysterically. “Fuck......Fuck” whispers James as he rapidly

  • [Keep moving forward on the rooftops]

    [“We got lost......we just want to get back to our people”]

    Domingez posted: »

    “The subway could be full of walkers and it’s dark down there!” yells Austin hysterically. “Fuck......Fuck” whispers James as he rapidly

  • [Keep moving forward on the rooftops]

    [“We got lost......we just want to get back to our people”]

    Domingez posted: »

    “The subway could be full of walkers and it’s dark down there!” yells Austin hysterically. “Fuck......Fuck” whispers James as he rapidly

  • keep moving forward on the rooftops

    we came here looking for a safe zone, do you happen to know anything about it

    Domingez posted: »

    “The subway could be full of walkers and it’s dark down there!” yells Austin hysterically. “Fuck......Fuck” whispers James as he rapidly

  • “Come on we have to push forward, if there’s any chance we see John and Wes again is by the university” says James decisively.

    “, up and at atom?” smirks Lewin as he gazes at the ladder in front of him.

    One by one everyone reached the next rooftop without any struggle.

    “A good thing about rooftops is that there are no walkers” says James with a thin smile hoping to cheer the group up a bit.

    “We’re low on ammo James” mutters Austin seriously lifting his head up high.

    “You think I don’t know that? we just have to watch each others back and do what we can” replies James firmly.

    “Oh great” says Brent anxiously.

    “What is it?” asks Lewin unemotionally.

    “There’s no ladder or crossing to the next building” replies Brent worriedly.

    “Hmm......the gap isn’t that big........we could just jump” shrugs James.

    “Well going back down ain’t an option at the moment......there’s too many walkers” says Lewin leaning over the edge.

    “Oh this doesn’t look long do you think this university is?” asks Austin extremely worried.

    “It’s still far....damn it’s been a long time since I last been here......” sighs James.

    “I bet it was much more cheerful then” smirks Lewin.

    “Of course it was” replies James rudely.

    “Okay okay, didn’t mean know.....sometimes I talk a bit’s the stress” responds Lewin nervously.

    “Yeah yea don’t worry about it” says James indifferently.

    “I’m going first” mumbles Austin as he already runs towards the ledge.

    “Fuck.....” Lewin mutters.

    “Good jump kid, but next time let us know earlier okay?” shrugs James sarcastically.

    “Fine whatever James, I’m tall I can handle jumps like this without you knowing, come on who’s next?” Austin replies harshly.

    “ better chill down kid” mutters James.

    “I am chill” says Austin with hostility in his voice.

    James takes two steps back before rushing to the ledge.

    “Uff.....okay good...maybe one of the kids should go first Lewin.” nods James catching his breath.

    “Yeah ‘course” startles Lewin.

    “I’ll go” says Brent confidently.

    “Be careful” trembles Willy.

    “You too buddy” nods Brent before joining James and Austin on the other side.

    “Right, now you Willy” Lewin turns around.

    “I’m scared, I can’t jump that high” his voice shivers.

    “Well you’re quite light I could just throw you” says Lewin thoughtfully as he glances at the next rooftop.

    “ it won’t work” trembles Willy taking a step away from Lewin.

    “I don’t think it’s a good idea Lewin......Willy you can do this......I’ll catch you don’t worry” says James warmly as he reaches his hand out.

    Major Choice: Faith

    [Trust Lewin in throwing Willy safely across]

    [Try to jump yourself and trust James in catching you]

    “We got lost.....we just want to get back to our people” replies John with his hands up.

    Duke looks around if there’s anyone else with them.

    “The next station is not far from here, you’ll find a way out there, now go away” says Duke harshly.

    “Wait.....we just came from there......a lot of walkers were following there another way out or somethin?” asks John softly.

    “Duke, let them in for gods sake” a female voice urges from inside.

    “Rgh.....fine.....put your guns down....and enter......any sudden moves and I’ll....” says Duke angrily.

    “You’ll kill us.....we know that” nods John seriously.

    “Good smartass” mutters Duke as he retreats.

    John and Weston enter the control room, where they meet a short thin indian woman in her mid twenties, she has a warm look on her face as they entered.

    “Hi......I’m John and this’s Weston” he says awkwardly.

    “Nice to meet you both, I’m Amita and this is Duke” replies Amita with a shining smile.

    “Wow you guys looked well supplied” remarks Weston as he notices three boxes full of canned food.

    “I knew it you guys want to rob us!!” shouts Duke as he lifts his weapon again.

    “Duke calm down” urges Amita.
    “Look relax we’re not thieves I assure you, please lower your gun” says John calmly.

    “Not gonna happen, keep talking but I’m still going to point at your head” says Duke with authority in his voice.

    “Why do you always have to be such a dick Duke” mumbles Amita.

    “I’m sorry for this, if you need some food, we can...” gestures Amita pleasantly.

    “We just need some guidance on how to get to the university” replies John calmly.

    “University? why the hell do you want to go there?” asks Duke with his eyes lifted.

    “You don’t know anything about a safe zone?” mutters Weston anxiously.

    “No.....we have a small group.....we’ve been down as long as I can remember......we lost.....we lost a few people in the first weeks....the city was complete chaos.....we’ve been stock piling as much as we could.....but there are some bad people lurking the streets at night.” her voice shivers.

    “Fuck.....” mumbles Weston frustratedly.

    “Shhh Wes......there has to be a safe zone......we’ve been getting these radio broadcast about it.....we thought maybe it’s close to one of those radio towers” replies John thoughtfully.

    Duke glances at Amita briefly.

    “We don’t know anything about that” says Duke firmly.

    “You guys have a radio?” asks Weston softly.

    “No, if we had we would’ve heard somethin don’t ya think?” replies Duke sarcastically.

    “Enough......shut up” says Amita exhaustedly.

    “You also mentioned something about bad people wondering the streets?” asks John carefully.

    Amita folds her arms and turns away for a second, her dark eyes lower helplessly and sighs “Like I said the city is chaos, people will do everything to survive now............there are murderers, hunters, scavengers all kinds......that’s why we keep ourselves to ourselves down here hidden....”

    “We’re sorry to hear that......your group has been down here from the very beginning?” asks John hesitantly with compassion.

    “I have......I’m afraid of the outside.....” her voice trembles.

    “So how did you get all these supplies?” asks Weston calmly.

    “There’s four of us” she says softly.

    “Why are you telling them this?” interjects Duke impatiently.

    “We have to start trusting people Duke, you have them at gunpoint if they’d want to kill us they would have done it already” her voice escalates.

    “Eh.....I stay down here and protect our things.......Orla, Mickie and Duke go on supply runs every now and then” she continues in warm tone.

    “We’re sorry for....disturbing.....I guess you both know your way around these tunnels?” asks John curiously.

    “Orla and Mickie know the layout pretty well” replies Amita firmly.

    “Hey you forgot about me gorgeous, I know these tunnels better than anyone” interrupts Duke playfully.

    “So if you know your way around, then could you point us in the right direction?” suggest Weston.

    “Please stay a while longer, Orla and Mickie should be back soon and you can decide then, you two must be hungry” urges Amita softly as she leans against a grey wall with her short dark brown hair falling to her shoulder blades, she’s dressed in a navy hoodie with dark green jeans and bordeaux boots.

    “If this man knows the way we have to go John” whispers Weston urgently.

    [Head out now with Duke]

    [Wait for Orla and Mickie first]

  • [Try to jump yourself and trust James in catching you]

    [Head out now with Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Come on we have to push forward, if there’s any chance we see John and Wes again is by the university” says James decisively. “Hmm......

  • try to jump and trust james to catch

    wait for Orla and Mickie first

    Domingez posted: »

    “Come on we have to push forward, if there’s any chance we see John and Wes again is by the university” says James decisively. “Hmm......

  • [Try to jump yourself and trust James in catching you]

    [Wait for Orla and Mickie first]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Come on we have to push forward, if there’s any chance we see John and Wes again is by the university” says James decisively. “Hmm......

  • [Try to jump yourself and trust James in catching you]

    [Head out now with Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Come on we have to push forward, if there’s any chance we see John and Wes again is by the university” says James decisively. “Hmm......

  • [Try to jump yourself and trust James in catching you]

    [Head out now with Duke]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Come on we have to push forward, if there’s any chance we see John and Wes again is by the university” says James decisively. “Hmm......

  • [Try to jump yourself and trust James in catching you.]

    [Head out now with Duke.]

    Domingez posted: »

    “Come on we have to push forward, if there’s any chance we see John and Wes again is by the university” says James decisively. “Hmm......

  • “You want me to help you, Willy?” asks Lewin compassionately.

    “ can do it” shivers Willy slightly and moves back

    He exhales deeply before clenches his teeth heading for the leap.

    “ was close” gasps James nervously as he pulled Willy up.

    “I wouldn’t have made it alone.....” sighs Willy laying down.

    “That’s why you have us with you, don’t beat yourself about it” James pats Willy on the back.

    “Austin, check what’s up ahead” says James with authority in his voice.

    “Sure” nods Austin.

    “Seems like everyone forgot about me” shouts Lewin playfully.

    “I’m here, go on” says James firmly with his hand reached out.

    Lewin jumps confidently to the next rooftop.

    “Well Austin, hows it looking?” yells James.

    “Not good there’s no way across the gap is too big this time, maybe we should try the streets?” asks Austin worriedly.

    “Fuck.....fuck....shit....” gasps James angrily under his nose.

    “Hey language” mutters Willy.

    “Oh sorry kids” James scratches his head.

    “Looks like all the walkers have moved there, we can make this work” says Lewin thoughtfully.

    “How do you know there ain’t another herd a few blocks from here, how are we gonna make that work?” asks James in a disagreeing tone.

    “We hide somewhere just like we did now” replies Lewin.

    “Yeah that clearly went really well last time” says James sarcastically.

    “But James we have to move forward we can’t stay here” suggests Austin heavily.

    “No one has any idea how far this safe zone is, if there’s any” mutters James.

    “Willy you okay?” asks Brent warmly.

    “Yeah I’m fine, what do you think we should do?” whispers Willy.

    “Austin’s right, we can’t stay here it’s too dangerous as it is already” replies Brent confidently.

    “It’s not dangerous here, walkers can’t climb, we have a bit food left we should get some rest” says Willy softly.

    “Weston said we have to move north and north is that way, I’m sure we’ll get there before John and Wes show up, we can rest then waiting for them maybe” says Lewin doubtfully.

    “I got a plan, there’s an alleyway across the street about two blocks from here, look” points Austin.

    “And?” remarks James.

    “I was thinking that Lewin and I would go down there and check if there’s a steady ladder, that way we could continue on the rooftops without any trouble, whatcha think?” replies Austin optimistically.

    “I think it’s risky” replies James indifferently.

    “Look around you everything is fucking risky!” yells Austin abruptly.

    “Dammit kid keep you voice down, I just think it’s stupid” replies James calmly.

    “We have to try” mumbles Brent.

    “I can go alone, no point risking the whole team” smirks Lewin.

    “Fine.....fine if you’re all so willing to go ahead with this then......I should go too” gasps James anxiously.

    “No you stay here, I want to do something useful for a change” urges Austin.

    “You kid ain’t gonna tell me what to do” replies James harshly.

    “Fuck you James, we’re suppose to support each other and you just fucking think everything is about you leading this group, some of us are still capable of deciding on our own.” shouts Austin.

    Willy -

    [Interrupt - Austin should go/ James should go/ Lewin should go alone]

    [“I’ll go with Lewin”]

    [Stay out of it]

    “Okay show us the way Duke” nods John.

    “Are you sure? I think it’s best if we all stay here until Orla and Mickie come back” Amita worries.

    “We have to go sorry, but thanks for the offer, we appreciate your help” smiles John thinly.

    “Yeah yeah whatever get a move on” says Duke rudely as he grabs a rifle and a flashlight.

    “You don’t have to be an asshole” remarks John.

    “Just give me a reason” says Duke carefully as he briefly points the rifle at Weston.

    “John, just shut up we need him” whispers Weston.

    “Maybe, maybe not” gibbers John back with his eyes focused.

    “If you say something again I will kill you, when I say move....don’t forget I’m doing you a favor here” replies Duke fearfully.

    “Jesus Duke you’re crazy don’t threaten them” says Amita angrily.

    “Stay out it Amita, keep this door shut until I or Orla and Mickie come back you hear me? no one else comes in” replies Duke harshly.

    “Okay......just don’t do anything stupid please.....” responds Amita hopelessly.

    “I won’ close the door” nods Duke.

    The three men explore the tunnels in silence for a few minutes, John occasionally glances at Weston with an angry look.

    “So Duke, where are you from?” asks Weston curiously trying to break the silence.

    Duke gives him a sharp look “Chicago is my home” he replied shortly.

    “Family?” Weston continues.

    “I don’t want to talk about that” Duke replies sullenly.

    “Oh sorry, of course” says Weston apologetically.

    “How long until we see some daylight?” asks John firmly.

    “What afraid of pitch dark?” mutters Duke.

    “No.....what I’m worried about is creepers making a jump on me when I can’t even see a damn thing” says John in a lifted tone.

    “Chill soldier, Orla and I cleared this place way before you showed up” smirks Duke.

    “Did you have to kill a lot of them?” asks Weston inquisitively.

    “Down here.....nah not many, but on the high matter how many you kill there’s still a whole lot of had come to this.....the living have to live underground while fucking corpses have the fresh air....hehe” Duke gives out a slight chuckle.

    “Maybe your group should come with us to the safe zone” suggests Weston.

    “Not trying to sound like a pessimist, but there ain’t nothing out there, I just don’t want to think what’ll happen when our food supplies run out.....” replies Duke fearlessly.

    “There has to be something that radio transmission can’t be a fluke” interjects John heavily.

    “Haven’t you ever thought that it could be just recorded and repeated over and over?” smirks Duke.

    “That also means someone has to play it back every day right?” responds John anxiously.

    “Not necessarily it could be set on a timer or somethin, everyone there could be dead for all we know, or even worse this whole thing could be a trap” replies Duke carefully.

    “A trap? for what?” asks Weston toughly.

    “Take a wild guess” mutters Duke sullenly.

    “Cannibalism?” Weston’s voice trembles.

    “That’s one of the worst scenarios” Duke replies firmly.

    “We have come to far to just give up, I believe there is something good out there still” says Weston hopefully.

    “Lets hope so pal” mumbles John doubtfully.

    “You guys are lucky that the university’s closer rather than further, because we’d have to walk a few damn miles in the dark” smiles Duke thinly.

    “We just pasted a station, guess we have about a mile to the next huh?” asks John reluctantly.

    “Yep, but after the next stop there’s no way through, unfortunately the tunnel to the north may be shattered and destroyed, we’re gonna have to find a diversion on the high ground.” says Duke calmly.

    “Well that’s just fucking great” mutters John.

    “Some fresh air would be nice......but there could be a hellauva a lot walkers” gasps Weston.

    “We better get moving it’s getting dark.......I think.....I don’t want to find myself up there with all those psychos roaming around.” says Duke rigidly.

    “Are you sure you know the way?” asks John suspiciously.

    “If you don’t want me then just fucking say it, remember I’m doing you a favor here” says Duke steadily.

    “Calm down John” says Weston calmly.

    “I am calm just hope will see Willy and Brent again.......I hope they’re all okay” sighs John faithfully.

    “We will pal I promise, we just have to keep going, come on” reassures Weston.

    20 minutes later

    “Just as I thought the north tunnel is destroyed.....” gasps Duke sullenly as they reach the station.

    “ many bullets you got left Wes?” grunts John.

    “Not much one mag, if only I had took some ammo to my rifle from that car” sighs Weston angrily.

    “I got one mag too, guess it’ll have to do” mutters John indifferently.

    “It’s not looking two good two walkers already by the entrance” remarks Duke as they stare up the stairs leading to the streets.

    “It might only be those two” mumbles John with his teeth clenched.

    “Psst lurkers are busy with something this’s your chance” whispers Duke after taking care of the two roamers.

    “Hey wait a minute you’re just gonna leave us out here?” gasps John shockingly after they run past the group of walkers feeding themselves.

    “Yeah you’re not my concern” replies Duke indifferently.

    “There aren’t any signs for the university or radio tower or safe zone” says Weston thoughtfully examining the area.

    “Because you still got a bit of distance to beat, buddy” says Duke sarcastically.

    “Fine if you’re heading back at least tell me how to go from here?” asks John harshly.

    “Well that way’s north, you should see the university soon in the distance, don’t lose sight of it and keep moving that’s all I can tell ya” replies Duke sharply.


    Ahead of them Weston gets shot in the thigh and knocks him to the ground.

    “Come on boys dinner awaits!” a creepy voice comes from the side building.

    “Oh god hunters, I’m outta here” Duke gasps nervously rushing back to the subway.

    John views as four men emerge from the alleyways with machetes running towards Weston with starved madness.


    “Fuck......thanks man.......god I thought....” gasps Weston laying on the ground holding his upper leg.

    “You fucking kill my men you are dead my friend, no pointing fighting or resisting me!” the creepy voice snarls loudly.

    More men appear with sharp melee weapons, John didn’t have enough bullets to take them all.

    “Hmm.....dinner......ah man finally.....” one of the dirty men mumbles to himself.

    “You shouldn’t be out here.......hehe......” another creepy guy gasps.

    “John.....I’m sorry but your friend is dead meat......we have to hide......” urges Duke standing close to the underground entrance.

    “Go!........they’ll get us both if you stay......I.....It’s okay” Weston’s voice shivers.

    “Hell no I can’t leave him!” shouts John anxiously as he lifts his beretta.

    Major Choice: Friendship

    [Leave Weston and go back with Duke]

    [Put Weston out of his misery]

    [Kill most of the man and get captured with Weston]

  • interrupt Austin should go

    kill most of the men and get captured with weston

    Domingez posted: »

    “You want me to help you, Willy?” asks Lewin compassionately. “ can do it” shivers Willy slightly and moves back He exha

  • [Stay out of it]

    [Put Weston out of his misery] ;_;

    Domingez posted: »

    “You want me to help you, Willy?” asks Lewin compassionately. “ can do it” shivers Willy slightly and moves back He exha

  • [Interrupt - Austin should go]

    He wants to prove himself and that's his opportunity.

    [Kill most of the man and get captured with Weston]

    Having a hard time deciding between this and putting him out of his misery, but I think true friends should stick together until the end. My hopes are on Duke to come to their aid.

    Domingez posted: »

    “You want me to help you, Willy?” asks Lewin compassionately. “ can do it” shivers Willy slightly and moves back He exha

  • edited August 2014

    [Interrupt - Austin should go]

    [Kill most of the man and get captured with Weston]

    Domingez posted: »

    “You want me to help you, Willy?” asks Lewin compassionately. “ can do it” shivers Willy slightly and moves back He exha

  • [Interrupt - Austin should go]

    [Kill most of the men and get captured with Weston] Nooo, Weston. ; - ;

    Domingez posted: »

    “You want me to help you, Willy?” asks Lewin compassionately. “ can do it” shivers Willy slightly and moves back He exha

  • edited September 2014

    “If that’s what Austin wants then I’m with you” smiles Willy shyly.

    “Thanks Will” replies Austin gladly.

    “No....just don’t have to do this, it’s suicide right now lets just take breather and try tomorrow morning” argues James.

    “No need waiting longer I’m going with or without Austin” says Lewin firmly as he takes out his hammer.

    “Sorry James, I..I have to this not only for you....but for myself....I just want you to respect that okay?” says Austin emotionally.

    “You don’t owe me anything Austin, hell if you’re so serious then....I won’t stop you, just.....if it gets dangerous just run back k?” gasps James calmly.

    “Course man” says Austin as he gives him a pleasant hug.

    “Watch yourself” says Willy with a thin smile.

    “You too” he nods towards Brent and Willy.

    “So this is the plan we run quickly, you cover me with your pistol and I’ll do all the heavy work okay?” says Lewin impatiently and nervously.

    “Sounds good” nods Austin with a warm smile.

    “Fuck.....I hope you both know whattcha doing, maybe I should go too” suggests James.

    “No, two’s enough, just stay” replies Austin abruptly.

    Lewin and Austin head down the stairway and rush across the street.

    “Damn it’s too high.....just like earlier” mutters Lewin anxiously.

    “We had a car to help us then, boost me up, maybe I can get it down” urges Austin.

    “I don’t want to get my hands dirty” says Lewin shyly.

    “You fuckin kidding me? you’re not even half as clean as you think, just get me up” winces Austin awkwardly.

    “Eh.....why can’t you boost me?” asks Lewin annoyingly.

    “Because you’re a fucking dwarf compared to me, now come on there’s no time for this crap” says Austin in a lifted tone.
    “Why do I always have to do what others want” mutters Lewin as he reluctantly boosts him.

    “Come on pull it!” shouts Lewin.

    “I can’t it won’t budge” grunts Austin trying to force the ladder down.

    “Can you see them James?” asks Brent curiously watching ahead.

    “No, but I saw them ran there, looks fine out here, the walkers are still attracted to the subway and our car.” replies James firmly.

    “Oh shit walkers, get a move on Austin” says Lewin nervously watching two walkers meander from within the alley.

    “I’m trying, I’m trying........christ what a piece of shit......there’s only two we’ll manage.....ugh....come on!” shouts Austin as he continues with force.

    “They’re getting close......I...I can’t hold you much longer Aus.....” urges Lewin hectically.

    “Just a bout’....ugh aaaaah” Austin yells as the ladder finally gives causing him to fall down.

    “Oh my god don’t move, you okay?!” shouts Lewin startlingly.

    “Fucking fuck not my ankle again!......oh jesus not now.......awww.....agh” aches Austin on the ground.

    “Can you walk?! I got get those walkers” shivers Lewin.

    “Maybe, help me up quick!” urges Austin ragingly.

    “Alright alright.....hmm.....just lean against the wall, I’ll take care of the rotters.....probably” trembles Lewin as he helps him up.

    Lewin focuses on the rotters by kicking the closest one causing it to fall into black garbage bags, he swings his hammer sideways crushing the other lurkers temple cleanly through before finishing the walker moaning and struggling to get out from the pile of rubbish.

    “Good job, I thought I was gonna have to shoot them myself” mutters Austin painfully pointing his gun.

    “Can you climb?” asks Lewin shortly.

    “I dunno know, but I don’t have much choice” aches Austin.

    Austin hops towards the ladder and tries to get some ground between him and Lewin.

    “ hurts bad....” breathes Austin heavily.

    “Stay there man I’m going to get the rest” says Lewin with his eyes wide apart.

    “Hey that’s Lewin he’s running towards us” points Brent from the rooftop.

    “Is it safe?! where’s Austin?” shouts James.

    “Yeah, for now, we must go, he’s on top already” says Lewin exhaustedly.

    “Stay close boys” mutters James with his pistol wielded as they run vividly across the street.

    The group safely climbed the next building.

    “Shit your leg doesn’t look good mate” says James worriedly as he examines Austin’s ankle.

    “No shit James, it hurts like fucking hell, it’s bleeding I’m screwed this time I know it, oh god will this fucking end.....aww” says Austin angrily and hopelessly.

    “We have to go back....” says James silently and sullenly.

    “What?!” says Lewin abruptly.

    “The cars.......we need something to clean this wound......I’m going back down there” says James toughly.

    “How are you gonna get those walkers away huh? it’s suicide, we should push ahead maybe we’ll find some supplies on the way, maybe the safe zone is close by they could help us” says Lewin thoughtfully.

    “We don’t know how long is it gonna take us to get there, by the look of things I’m starting to doubt we’ll find anything, eh.....we shouldn’t ever come here” says James in a defeated tone.

    “I can manage......shit it jus hurts so damn much” Austin clenches his teeth.

    “I ain’t going down there again sorry James” says Lewin apologetically.

    “No, no, I’ll think of might take some time though and risk” says James impatiently.

    “Listen, we need you here” says Lewin firmly.

    Willy and Brent -

    [Side with Lewin on James staying and moving forward]

    [Side with James]

    [Side with James - Willy should go with him/ Brent should go with him/ Both should go help James]

  • [Side with James - Both should go help James]

    Domingez posted: »

    “If that’s what Austin wants then I’m with you” smiles Willy shyly. “Thanks Will” replies Austin gladly. “No....just don’t ha

  • edited September 2014

    [Side with James / Both should go help James]

    Domingez posted: »

    “If that’s what Austin wants then I’m with you” smiles Willy shyly. “Thanks Will” replies Austin gladly. “No....just don’t ha

  • edited September 2014

    [Side with James / Both should go help James] oh no, double post :-s

    Domingez posted: »

    “If that’s what Austin wants then I’m with you” smiles Willy shyly. “Thanks Will” replies Austin gladly. “No....just don’t ha

  • [Side with James - Brent should go with him]

    Domingez posted: »

    “If that’s what Austin wants then I’m with you” smiles Willy shyly. “Thanks Will” replies Austin gladly. “No....just don’t ha

  • side with james- brent should go with him

    Domingez posted: »

    “If that’s what Austin wants then I’m with you” smiles Willy shyly. “Thanks Will” replies Austin gladly. “No....just don’t ha

  • edited September 2014

    [Side with James - Both should go help James]

    Domingez posted: »

    “If that’s what Austin wants then I’m with you” smiles Willy shyly. “Thanks Will” replies Austin gladly. “No....just don’t ha

  • “John we have to go, your friend is a goner” urges Duke.

    “I ain’t giving up on him” says John in a controlled voice with his eyes briefly shattered and proceeds back to his friend with his pistol firmly pointed.

    Duke lowers his head for a short moment and retreats back down the subway.

    “Get out of here John.......aww shit” aches Weston holding his thigh.

    John focuses his vision on the attackers emerging from everywhere heading towards Weston as if he was caught in a mouse trap.
    After firing a series of rounds and killing most of the hunters, he kneels down to Weston.

    “Come on get up Wes, you have to try!” yells John.

    “Aww......behind you! grab my gun!” Weston shouts by sliding his pistol towards John’s palm.

    He shoots a couple of times more before one of the killers shot back and struck his pistol causing John to drop his weapon.

    “Hold your fire fellas, looks like our strangers are defenseless now” a firm voice is heard loudly from above a small nearby building.

    John holds his palm for a second after that last shot and glances at the mysterious figure. He was an extremely tall bald man wearing a dirty black leather jacket over a grey t-shirt with spiked shoulder pads, fingerless dark green gloves, dark blue jeans and steel toe boots.

    Three other men approached Weston and John with a baseball bat, sharp long knife and a blooded moonstar.

    “Hi there what brings you here to my humble territory?......hehe....” smirks and chuckles the man slightly creepily.

    John and Weston glance at each other briefly feeling confused.

    “We were looking for a safe zone” mutters John in reply.

    “A safe zone? pssst hear that fellas?.......a safe zone......and where’s this so called safe zone suppose to be?” asks the man sarcastically.

    “Not far from here” replies John enigmatically.

    “Sounds mysterious, but hey it’s bullshit.....the only thing you find her is dead people.....hehe.....and of course us” he answers fiercely and firmly.

    “Just leave us alone” John says calmly with his eyes narrowed.

    “You ain’t leave that’s for sure, you entered our turf unwelcomely, you see” smirks the man.

    “We just want to pass through, we don’t want any trouble” interjects Weston in pain.

    “I hardly believe you’re going to move anywhere with that fucked up leg” smiles the big man as he descends to the street with a ball pen hammer in his right hand.

    He walks closer towards Weston and winces at his gunshot wound.

    “Fucking fuck........I told you to shoot him in the foot not in the goddamn thigh......sharpshooter my ass!....” he shouts at another man on the roof.

    “S-Sorry Hiram, won’t happen again” he responds promptly and firmly.

    “It better won’t........well I guess we can still eat the other leg without......any complications” Hiram says creepily.

    “You sick fuck!” snarls John as he tries to charge at Hiram, but gets hit in the stomach with a baseball bat.

    “Brave and loyal, but stupid” mutters Hiram with a contemptuous smile.

    “You fucking leave him......cough.......alone......cough.......if you touch him....” grunts John on his knees trying to catch his breath.

    “Then you’ll what kill me?.....heard that before.....although no one ever killed me....” Hiram smirks disturbingly before swinging his ball pen hammer across Weston’s mouth cracking his jaw.

    “NO Weston!” trembles John with his eyes opened wide in horror at the amount of blood pouring out of his friends mouth.

    “ I was waiting too long to do that......ufff......but not as arousing as hitting a woman that’s for sure” giggles Hiram with mad pleasure and a creepy disparaging smile.

    Weston coughs and spits out blood, breathing heavily.

    “One tough bastard..(glances at Weston with a weird impression).......okay enough with the silly introductions...I’m hungry...I mean we’re all hungry...take back to our hideout, and someone tie this sucker up” Hiram mutters.

    John remains on the ground kneeled and hands tied up with his face lifted towards Hiram who approaches him. His big dark eyes pierced at John’s face. He notices a small green skull tattoo on Hiram’s neck.

    “Stimulating isn’t it?” he remarks with a sneer slowly waving his ball pen hammer covered in Weston’s blood.

    [Spit at his - face/shoe/hammer]

    [“Not as stimulating when I’ll crack your fucking head!”]

    [Stay silent]

  • [“Not as stimulating when I’ll crack your fucking head!”]

    Domingez posted: »

    “John we have to go, your friend is a goner” urges Duke. “I ain’t giving up on him” says John in a controlled voice with his eyes briefly

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