The Stranger doesn't have much emotion in his voice even before episode 5, it's very monotone and sounds robotic and even before the reveal Loader Bot shows some signs of emotion in in the preceding episodes as his AI is constantly evolving. One of the main writers mentioned that the identity was pretty much up in the air as they had a list of potential identities and Loader Bot was on that list and they didn't have a concrete idea until the story started coming together and they went with Loader Bot as they felt that was where the story needed to go. It all makes sense to me as the Stranger was meant to be a mysterious character who could be anybody in the Borderlands universe.
Felix didn't want Fiona or Sasha to go with him at all and follow in his con artist footsteps, he wanted them to change their lives and to better themselves which is why he hires Athena to train them, leaves them the money, cons Vallory and Hyperion to go after him instead, and lets them "leave the nest" as he's felt he has done it his part in giving them the knowledge to survive on Pandora.
I really feel like the whole Loader Bot thing was a rewrite. I feel like it was meant to be someone else. It's just weird to me that the who… morele time LB shows no emotion in his voice, then he feels betrayed and begins to show emotion? It just seems so thrown together. Playing back through it I can't tell if it actually makes sense or I'm trying my hardest to MAKE it make sense. Mostly Felix story. I was sure it was a messed up from the bomb Felix under there. I mean, his story of trying to keep them out of trouble by staging all that seems thrown together last minute. Not to mention going back through that moment with that knowledge. It just doesn't seem to make sense. If he wanted to keep them out of Vallory's warpath and have her go for him, why fake your death? If anything steal the money and make it MORE known that you did it. That would have kept Fiona and Sasha safe.
.....Huh....Handsome Jack doesn't suddenly disappear if he has Rhys successfully choke himself......
I guess maybe Handsome Jack AI actually dies if Rhy's Echo Eye gets majorly damaged or destroyed as Jack suddenly disappears when Vasquez shoots Rhys in the head in Episode 2 if you fail to get Vasquez out of the way.
If a Season 2 does happen, that needs to be a reoccurring joke! In every next time sequence, I want to see that little clip of them and have it never happen!
Don't know if it was already pointed out, but in Episode 2, instead of throwing the shovel to Vasquez, you actually have the option to dig your own grave. I don't exactly remember what happens, but I think Rhys starts digging but then refuses to continue
The small reference that Old Haven was over-run with zombies in the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC (from the first game). Most fans of Borderlands should've noticed that right away, but in case people missed it, I wanted to point it out.
I actually was hoping for that to be worked into the plot of Tales when I first heard that they were going to Old Haven. I was really looking forward to it and was actually on high alert when I first got there and was a little bit disappointed when there were no zombies, but I did appreciate the dramatic irony of that line referencing it.
Don't know if it was already pointed out, but in Episode 2, instead of throwing the shovel to Vasquez, you actually have the option to dig y… moreour own grave. I don't exactly remember what happens, but I think Rhys starts digging but then refuses to continue
Something I noticed in the Episode 2 teaser, from one of the unused cutscenes:
I'm assuming it's Athena's assassination contract list, with Fiona at the end, but I noticed Chuck Durden (Chuck Palahniuk/Tyler Durden) and laughed a bit.
Most of them did get used to some degree. Most of them were just reworked and moved into later episodes, or just changed in appearance.
Rhys and Fiona standing on that plate with the map around them = Old version of the Galatarium from the episode 2 ending.
Vasquez pointing gun at Rhys = Vasquez forcing Rhys (and Vaughn) to dig their own graves.
Caravan speeding away = Episode 2 intro.
Rhys driving away from and avoiding moonshots = A scene that was eventually reworked into the intro sequence for episode 2.
The crashed space ship thing that Rhys is walking towards = The place the Stranger takes Rhys and Fiona to in episodes 4 and 5.
Guy with cat = Old model/design of Cassius. Cassius' introduction moved to episode 3. The cat makes a cameo in episode 5 if you recruit Cassius.
Fiona pulling a gun = Most likely what eventually became her confrontation with Finch and Kroger.
Sasha walking through a storm = Nost likely a deleted/cut scene that was reworked into the first Vault encounter in episode 5.
Sasha and Janey = A scene that was eventually reworked/changed into the Springs scene in episode 2.
August punching Vaughn = Deleted/cut scene. One of the few scenes that didn't end up being reworked into something else.
The Hodunks = Deleted/cut scene that they decided to make into a running gag.
August walking through a line of gunfire = Deleted/cut scene that might have been changed into his re-appearance in episode 2 (or possibly 3).
Fiona and the hit list = Part of the small plot-line of Fiona having a bounty on her head, with multiple bounty hunters after her. Eventually this scene was worked down to Finch and Kroger.
Gortys = Self-explanatory. Gortys' introduction moved to episode 3.
Athena and her shield = Self-explanatory.
As for the episode 3 preview:
Finch and Kroger = Self explanatory, as they obviously show up again to cause more trouble.
Athena attacking a bunch of goons = What eventually became Athena returning to save Fiona and the rest by jumping in and fighting off Vallory and her men.
Brick walking through a snowy place = Old verison of the Atlas biodome. Obviously, it got changed into a completely different biome.
Person picking up picture of Felix, Fiona and Sasha = Vallory. This was another scene that didn't make it into the final game.
This may have already been mentioned, but did anybody notice how in a lot of the "Next Time..." sections there were a bunch of scenes that a… moreren't in the game? I've played through all of the episodes numerous times and haven't found a lot of those scenes. For instance, one Hodunk riding the Tector. A few are mentioned in this thread . Any ideas? That's always bothered me. Did I just not get those scenes?
Most of them did get used to some degree. Most of them were just reworked and moved into later episodes, or just changed in appearance.
R… morehys and Fiona standing on that plate with the map around them = Old version of the Galatarium from the episode 2 ending.
Vasquez pointing gun at Rhys = Vasquez forcing Rhys (and Vaughn) to dig their own graves.
Caravan speeding away = Episode 2 intro.
Rhys driving away from and avoiding moonshots = A scene that was eventually reworked into the intro sequence for episode 2.
The crashed space ship thing that Rhys is walking towards = The place the Stranger takes Rhys and Fiona to in episodes 4 and 5.
Guy with cat = Old model/design of Cassius. Cassius' introduction moved to episode 3. The cat makes a cameo in episode 5 if you recruit Cassius.
Fiona pulling a gun = Most likely what eventually became her confrontation with Finch and Kroger.
Sasha walking through a storm = Nost likely a d… [view original content]
No, she doesn't fight her. When I say 'reworked', it seems that this scene was trimmed down into the scene you see in episode 2. Maybe they originally got into a scuffle because Janey got pissed at Sasha/Fiona for accusing Athena of chasing them? I don't know, but whatever happened, it obviously changed into something else. Either way, that 'fight' turned into throwing accusations at Athena instead, and her trying to awkwardly play it off.
There were rewrites. I mentioned earlier in the thread that Helios can still be scene in the sky in the Launch Trailer with the Stranger (LoaderBot) dragging Rhys through the desert. This was also in Episode 1 until a patch. So Helios falling was probably written later on
There were rewrites in the story, so some of the "Next Time" scenes never made it into the final product. This has happened with other Tell… moreTale games, especially The Wolf Among Us, that I can recall. When you have episodes spanning a year, it's not surprising that some things get rewritten. It does however make things a little confusing for the player in between episode releases. Ah well, I'm sure they tried their best
I just wanted to say this one, cause I realized how similar these are. It's a comparison to Rhys vs jack in Episode 5 to the ending of (Please don't hate me on this. I'm sorry I'm comparing this to a Call of Duty...) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
In both scenes you play as a character played by the Voice Actor, Troy Baker. You remove a cybernetic arm in both scenes, to rid of the villain. The villain happens to be/used to be the CEO of a warmongering company. In fact, in the Call of Duty game, the person you're killing is the CEO of the Atlas Corporation. I'm sorry for comparing Tales to a game such as COD but I just found these scenes VERY similar.
I just wanted to say this one, cause I realized how similar these are. It's a comparison to Rhys vs jack in Episode 5 to the ending of (Plea… morese don't hate me on this. I'm sorry I'm comparing this to a Call of Duty...) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
In both scenes you play as a character played by the Voice Actor, Troy Baker. You remove a cybernetic arm in both scenes, to rid of the villain. The villain happens to be/used to be the CEO of a warmongering company. In fact, in the Call of Duty game, the person you're killing is the CEO of the Atlas Corporation. I'm sorry for comparing Tales to a game such as COD but I just found these scenes VERY similar.
No, she doesn't fight her. When I say 'reworked', it seems that this scene was trimmed down into the scene you see in episode 2. Maybe they … moreoriginally got into a scuffle because Janey got pissed at Sasha/Fiona for accusing Athena of chasing them? I don't know, but whatever happened, it obviously changed into something else. Either way, that 'fight' turned into throwing accusations at Athena instead, and her trying to awkwardly play it off.
I really feel like the whole Loader Bot thing was a rewrite. I feel like it was meant to be someone else. It's just weird to me that the who… morele time LB shows no emotion in his voice, then he feels betrayed and begins to show emotion? It just seems so thrown together. Playing back through it I can't tell if it actually makes sense or I'm trying my hardest to MAKE it make sense. Mostly Felix story. I was sure it was a messed up from the bomb Felix under there. I mean, his story of trying to keep them out of trouble by staging all that seems thrown together last minute. Not to mention going back through that moment with that knowledge. It just doesn't seem to make sense. If he wanted to keep them out of Vallory's warpath and have her go for him, why fake your death? If anything steal the money and make it MORE known that you did it. That would have kept Fiona and Sasha safe.
Its not really a 'Things you missed' but The Conference Call is one of my favourite weapons in BL2. I enjoyed the use of it in Tales.
So I made a shortish... video if anyone is interested! :') Approx 3:50 in is the best part.
Conference Call
The small reference that Old Haven was over-run with zombies in the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC (from the first game). Most fans of Borderl… moreands should've noticed that right away, but in case people missed it, I wanted to point it out.
I actually was hoping for that to be worked into the plot of Tales when I first heard that they were going to Old Haven. I was really looking forward to it and was actually on high alert when I first got there and was a little bit disappointed when there were no zombies, but I did appreciate the dramatic irony of that line referencing it.
The only legendary gun I found is a tongue one i was playing as mechromancer level3 others were pelecent weapons on ttaodk from butt stallion probably because my main game I'm level 36 psycho
The only legendary gun I found is a tongue one i was playing as mechromancer level3 others were pelecent weapons on ttaodk from butt stallion probably because my main game I'm level 36 psycho
Kinda weird, but it could have been a throwback to episode 2.
After Sasha falls and stands up she says to Vaughn that she's fine and okay… more.
This might have been a throw back in episode 2 after Sasha shocks herself and says something very similar to Vaughn.
Don't know if it was already pointed out, but in Episode 2, instead of throwing the shovel to Vasquez, you actually have the option to dig y… moreour own grave. I don't exactly remember what happens, but I think Rhys starts digging but then refuses to continue
If you don't punch Yvette, she ends up slipping on the blood and guts and, as a result, gets knocked out, to which Gortys responds by saying it's a workers comp case.
If you don't punch Yvette, she ends up slipping on the blood and guts and, as a result, gets knocked out, to which Gortys responds by saying it's a workers comp case.
enter link description here
Rhys: "I'll save our lives! Don't worry!"
Fiona: "Man, that's the least heroic way to say that."
Rhys: "Wait, cause I sound scared? Cause I'm not scared at all."
Fiona: "Don't get killed."
Tales from the Borderlands - All Death Scenes Episode 5 60FPS HD
Rhys getting hit by that mace is hilarious.
The Stranger doesn't have much emotion in his voice even before episode 5, it's very monotone and sounds robotic and even before the reveal Loader Bot shows some signs of emotion in in the preceding episodes as his AI is constantly evolving. One of the main writers mentioned that the identity was pretty much up in the air as they had a list of potential identities and Loader Bot was on that list and they didn't have a concrete idea until the story started coming together and they went with Loader Bot as they felt that was where the story needed to go. It all makes sense to me as the Stranger was meant to be a mysterious character who could be anybody in the Borderlands universe.
Felix didn't want Fiona or Sasha to go with him at all and follow in his con artist footsteps, he wanted them to change their lives and to better themselves which is why he hires Athena to train them, leaves them the money, cons Vallory and Hyperion to go after him instead, and lets them "leave the nest" as he's felt he has done it his part in giving them the knowledge to survive on Pandora.
.....Huh....Handsome Jack doesn't suddenly disappear if he has Rhys successfully choke himself......
I guess maybe Handsome Jack AI actually dies if Rhy's Echo Eye gets majorly damaged or destroyed as Jack suddenly disappears when Vasquez shoots Rhys in the head in Episode 2 if you fail to get Vasquez out of the way.
Indeed, we need to see that Tector and Jimbo clip in the preview for every episode.
Ohohoho i remember finding out that back when i played ep1! Favorite easter egg ever!
Here's tannis in BL1 & BL2:
i can't believe that they did it in TPS
Well, it came from Japan, then spread to China, Singapore and Hong Kong respectively.
Don't know if it was already pointed out, but in Episode 2, instead of throwing the shovel to Vasquez, you actually have the option to dig your own grave. I don't exactly remember what happens, but I think Rhys starts digging but then refuses to continue
The small reference that Old Haven was over-run with zombies in the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC (from the first game). Most fans of Borderlands should've noticed that right away, but in case people missed it, I wanted to point it out.
I actually was hoping for that to be worked into the plot of Tales when I first heard that they were going to Old Haven. I was really looking forward to it and was actually on high alert when I first got there and was a little bit disappointed when there were no zombies, but I did appreciate the dramatic irony of that line referencing it.
Yup I just decided to dig. I don't see how throwing a shovel could exactly help me!
Didn't see any posts about anyone catching it, but Chuck Durden was one of the Circle of Slaughter proprietors from the original Borderlands.
Most of them did get used to some degree. Most of them were just reworked and moved into later episodes, or just changed in appearance.
Rhys and Fiona standing on that plate with the map around them = Old version of the Galatarium from the episode 2 ending.
Vasquez pointing gun at Rhys = Vasquez forcing Rhys (and Vaughn) to dig their own graves.
Caravan speeding away = Episode 2 intro.
Rhys driving away from and avoiding moonshots = A scene that was eventually reworked into the intro sequence for episode 2.
The crashed space ship thing that Rhys is walking towards = The place the Stranger takes Rhys and Fiona to in episodes 4 and 5.
Guy with cat = Old model/design of Cassius. Cassius' introduction moved to episode 3. The cat makes a cameo in episode 5 if you recruit Cassius.
Fiona pulling a gun = Most likely what eventually became her confrontation with Finch and Kroger.
Sasha walking through a storm = Nost likely a deleted/cut scene that was reworked into the first Vault encounter in episode 5.
Sasha and Janey = A scene that was eventually reworked/changed into the Springs scene in episode 2.
August punching Vaughn = Deleted/cut scene. One of the few scenes that didn't end up being reworked into something else.
The Hodunks = Deleted/cut scene that they decided to make into a running gag.
August walking through a line of gunfire = Deleted/cut scene that might have been changed into his re-appearance in episode 2 (or possibly 3).
Fiona and the hit list = Part of the small plot-line of Fiona having a bounty on her head, with multiple bounty hunters after her. Eventually this scene was worked down to Finch and Kroger.
Gortys = Self-explanatory. Gortys' introduction moved to episode 3.
Athena and her shield = Self-explanatory.
As for the episode 3 preview:
Finch and Kroger = Self explanatory, as they obviously show up again to cause more trouble.
Athena attacking a bunch of goons = What eventually became Athena returning to save Fiona and the rest by jumping in and fighting off Vallory and her men.
Brick walking through a snowy place = Old verison of the Atlas biodome. Obviously, it got changed into a completely different biome.
Person picking up picture of Felix, Fiona and Sasha = Vallory. This was another scene that didn't make it into the final game.
Wait! Sasha fought Janey??? Unless your connotation of "reworked" is different than mine, I don't remember hearing about this.
No, she doesn't fight her. When I say 'reworked', it seems that this scene was trimmed down into the scene you see in episode 2. Maybe they originally got into a scuffle because Janey got pissed at Sasha/Fiona for accusing Athena of chasing them? I don't know, but whatever happened, it obviously changed into something else. Either way, that 'fight' turned into throwing accusations at Athena instead, and her trying to awkwardly play it off.
There were rewrites. I mentioned earlier in the thread that Helios can still be scene in the sky in the Launch Trailer with the Stranger (LoaderBot) dragging Rhys through the desert. This was also in Episode 1 until a patch. So Helios falling was probably written later on
I just wanted to say this one, cause I realized how similar these are. It's a comparison to Rhys vs jack in Episode 5 to the ending of (Please don't hate me on this. I'm sorry I'm comparing this to a Call of Duty...) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
In both scenes you play as a character played by the Voice Actor, Troy Baker. You remove a cybernetic arm in both scenes, to rid of the villain. The villain happens to be/used to be the CEO of a warmongering company. In fact, in the Call of Duty game, the person you're killing is the CEO of the Atlas Corporation. I'm sorry for comparing Tales to a game such as COD but I just found these scenes VERY similar.
Holy.. I didn't even think of that.. Nice one! (though I still hate you for mentioning CoD.. jk
I HIGHLY doubt it was. Just a fairly big coincidence
Ok. Gotcha.
Kinda weird, but it could have been a throwback to episode 2.
After Sasha falls and stands up she says to Vaughn that she's fine and okay.
This might have been a throw back in episode 2 after Sasha shocks herself and says something very similar to Vaughn.
I think telltale read the forums and placed the one character not fully mentioned as the stranger
I can sadly never find this gun I borderlands 2
I didn't know that I don't have the dlc for borderlands 1
I've found 3, all level 50. 2x Incendiary and 1x Corrosive. gave one to my mate.
The only legendary gun I found is a tongue one i was playing as mechromancer level3 others were pelecent weapons on ttaodk from butt stallion probably because my main game I'm level 36 psycho
once you play UVHM (lvl50+) alot more legendarys occur from drops.
Ep 2 Dialogue
Sasha : I-I'm fine...
Vaughn : Did you break it!?!?
Sasha : -_-
The lucky bullet (if you don't shoot August and Felix in Episode 1) never seems to be used.
Neither do Felix's grenades.
I think Telltale went in the Athena mindset and said "Nah we don't need that anymore."
oh okay havent tried that mode yet as i usually play solo but i am now going to try so wish me luck
I play solo sometimes too, I suggest using slag weapons.
okay i will try that but if i die its on you lol joke i will try that tactic thanks
i did that first time i played it but its more fun to throw it
If you don't punch Yvette, she ends up slipping on the blood and guts and, as a result, gets knocked out, to which Gortys responds by saying it's a workers comp case.
enter link description here
Haha, that's what I did. I'm not sure why I didn't punch her, seeing as I then let her die in a cell.
Or the Tediore shield that you pick up in episode 1.
Does anyone know what Fiona says if you reject Hyperion if you say "Ill save us all" because Im too lazy to replay
Rhys: "I'll save our lives! Don't worry!"
Fiona: "Man, that's the least heroic way to say that."
Rhys: "Wait, cause I sound scared? Cause I'm not scared at all."
Fiona: "Don't get killed."
Every dialogue option in this series is gold I swear.