I think you missed the one she gets in Episode 3 when she notices her upgrade during the chase scene (when her eyes turn yellow). It's only there for a second, but it's what made me start realize the whole mouth thing.
I think you missed the one she gets in Episode 3 when she notices her upgrade during the chase scene (when her eyes turn yellow). It's only there for a second, but it's what made me start realize the whole mouth thing.
Oh! I totally forgot that one, but it literally only appears for 1 moment then it never appears again in the game, here anyway:
Okay that looks meme material...
I didn't notice Gortys had a mouth. This only shows off how good TellTale's game designers are. They did so well bringing Gorty's expressions through her eyes and arms that the mouth was almost unneeded. The mouth just makes the expression that much better. Good job TellTale.
Oh! I totally forgot that one, but it literally only appears for 1 moment then it never appears again in the game, here anyway:
Okay that looks meme material...
I know he voiced Bigby, but I can't see them as Bigby and Lee. I always see them as Andy St. John and Lee, because Adam Harrington uses like the same voice for Kroger and Andy...
I'd like to say I really like both TPS and BL2 Nisha because in TPS she's more "haha butt stuff lol" I find it awesome how that's her character shes into kinky shit and BL2 she's more serious, polite and badass. Still sad there's no character intro for her. Jack seemed a lot more calmer than usual about her death though.
When they go back to Hyperion in episode 4, though, the voice that welcomes them sounds just like Bigby
I usually picture that they're talking to Bigby during that scene lol
* Rhys as the guy with the ideas.
* Fiona as the girl with the better ideas.
* Sasha as the DPS master.
* August as that g… moreuy who has to throw a lot of chairs and punch people in the face.
* Vaughn as the best hacker ever.
* Loader Bot as himself.
* Timothy Lawrence.
* And over 50,000 angry bikers!
I actually forgot one last Gortys expression to add to the list, it's basically like the upgrade one I posted above but with blue eyes instead. Appears in EP5
I found out last night that you can both "spare" accountants, who then thank you and run and you can also die for reals in the finger gun fight in ep4. If you miss the wrong QTE they figure out you aren't Vasquez, and suddenly the accountants are packing real heat.
Oh! I totally forgot that one, but it literally only appears for 1 moment then it never appears again in the game, here anyway:
Okay that looks meme material...
Maybe someone noticed this in the previous 3K comments, but it took me a couple times watching the "bro fist" scene to realize that Rhys goes cross-eyed for a split second just before the cut to reveal Fiona's making fun of them. It just adds perfectly to the silliness.
Said for me that most people got Felix killed, one of the best surprises and one that most wouldn't find out about is you actually get loads of money off him if he survives episode 1. It turns out he didn't actually betray you.
Claptrap in the final team is one that most will miss too. Though I didn't take him because some of what he says is annoying :P He was pretty funny at times in BL2 though.
Ok I know this is from way back when, but if you trusted Jack in episode 2 you had the option to shoot Vasquez or August at the start of episode 3. However, Rhys has completely different facial expressions for each choice: If you shoot august he looks slightly pleased, but if you shoot Vasquez he looks downright malevolent
Go to imgur.com and upload the two pictures there, and then copy the link of the image (must end in an image extension), and come here and when you add a comment / reply click on "Image" and paste the link there. Done!
Ok I know this is from way back when, but if you trusted Jack in episode 2 you had the option to shoot Vasquez or August at the start of epi… moresode 3. However, Rhys has completely different facial expressions for each choice: If you shoot august he looks slightly pleased, but if you shoot Vasquez he looks downright malevolent
For august:
And vasquez:
It seems almost like TT trolling the audience training you to associate the yellow eye with Jack/malevolence, and then design Rhys' 'present day' look the way they did.
Ok I know this is from way back when, but if you trusted Jack in episode 2 you had the option to shoot Vasquez or August at the start of epi… moresode 3. However, Rhys has completely different facial expressions for each choice: If you shoot august he looks slightly pleased, but if you shoot Vasquez he looks downright malevolent
For august:
And vasquez:
In the intro for episode 3 if you got his shoe back from optional dialogue in old haven, instead of fiona waking rhys up by throwing it at him and making the adorable smile, jack will do this
ha! I didn't realize you could get the shoe back at old haven at all. Up until your post, I thought the only way to keep the shoe is for Fiona to just watch them fall.
In the intro for episode 3 if you got his shoe back from optional dialogue in old haven, instead of fiona waking rhys up by throwing it at him and making the adorable smile, jack will do this
ha! I didn't realize you could get the shoe back at old haven at all. Up until your post, I thought the only way to keep the shoe is for Fiona to just watch them fall.
In the intro for episode 3 if you got his shoe back from optional dialogue in old haven, instead of fiona waking rhys up by throwing it at him and making the adorable smile, jack will do this
I'm embarassed to say it out loud... But it actually took me two playthroughs to realise that Gortys had a mouth that she could do expressions with.
Gortys has a mouth?
Damnit! I liked it better thinking it was her nose...
Gortys also has dimples, the yellow lights on her.
flips a table
oh god. i thought it was HER NOSE TOO!
Ma'am, put the table back please
Regarding that, here are all of her expressions:
She's so cute!
Tables are registered as first-class furniture objects and are under protection from "flipping", which is listed under grevious furniture harm, ma'am.
I'll eat your soul
I think you missed the one she gets in Episode 3 when she notices her upgrade during the chase scene (when her eyes turn yellow). It's only there for a second, but it's what made me start realize the whole mouth thing.
Oh! I totally forgot that one, but it literally only appears for 1 moment then it never appears again in the game, here anyway:
Okay that looks meme material...
high af rn
I didn't notice Gortys had a mouth. This only shows off how good TellTale's game designers are. They did so well bringing Gorty's expressions through her eyes and arms that the mouth was almost unneeded. The mouth just makes the expression that much better. Good job TellTale.
Sorry, officer.
She has already stolen my soul with her adorable and expressive personality.
When they go back to Hyperion in episode 4, though, the voice that welcomes them sounds just like Bigby
I usually picture that they're talking to Bigby during that scene lol
Eh, s'OK.
Just a little reminder from your friendly neighbourhood lawmen!
Rides off
What?! WHAT?! Nooo I thought it was a button nose!
Wow. Everyone ^^ didn't know that was her mouth? Huh. Guess I'm lucky that I noticed it from the start...
Just sayin'
I'd like to say I really like both TPS and BL2 Nisha because in TPS she's more "haha butt stuff lol" I find it awesome how that's her character shes into kinky shit and BL2 she's more serious, polite and badass. Still sad there's no character intro for her. Jack seemed a lot more calmer than usual about her death though.
Welcome everyone to the new Borderlands 2 DLC: The Kidnapping of Stripper Timothy
Yeah, that's definitely Bigby.
I only realized in the end of Episode 3, when she saw her update and got that zigzag mouth
And Gortys! The adorable robot that transforms into a badass killing machine
I actually forgot one last Gortys expression to add to the list, it's basically like the upgrade one I posted above but with blue eyes instead. Appears in EP5
Why does Gortys look high in every pic I post smh
I found out last night that you can both "spare" accountants, who then thank you and run and you can also die for reals in the finger gun fight in ep4. If you miss the wrong QTE they figure out you aren't Vasquez, and suddenly the accountants are packing real heat.
That reminded of "The Bug" (Sam and Max, Season 1, Episode 4) when doing a phone prank:
"I will feast on your entrails and devour your soul!"
Ah... good times.
Maybe someone noticed this in the previous 3K comments, but it took me a couple times watching the "bro fist" scene to realize that Rhys goes cross-eyed for a split second just before the cut to reveal Fiona's making fun of them. It just adds perfectly to the silliness.
Said for me that most people got Felix killed, one of the best surprises and one that most wouldn't find out about is you actually get loads of money off him if he survives episode 1. It turns out he didn't actually betray you.
Claptrap in the final team is one that most will miss too. Though I didn't take him because some of what he says is annoying :P He was pretty funny at times in BL2 though.
Ok I know this is from way back when, but if you trusted Jack in episode 2 you had the option to shoot Vasquez or August at the start of episode 3. However, Rhys has completely different facial expressions for each choice: If you shoot august he looks slightly pleased, but if you shoot Vasquez he looks downright malevolent
For august:

And vasquez:
Go to imgur.com and upload the two pictures there, and then copy the link of the image (must end in an image extension), and come here and when you add a comment / reply click on "Image" and paste the link there. Done!
It seems almost like TT trolling the audience training you to associate the yellow eye with Jack/malevolence, and then design Rhys' 'present day' look the way they did.
(A bit like that blue tattoo, really)
In the intro for episode 3 if you got his shoe back from optional dialogue in old haven, instead of fiona waking rhys up by throwing it at him and making the adorable smile, jack will do this
ha! I didn't realize you could get the shoe back at old haven at all. Up until your post, I thought the only way to keep the shoe is for Fiona to just watch them fall.
H-H-H-H-ooolly shit I didn't know that happened.
Oh god.
The shoe still disappears later though.
Yeah that was a development oversight.
So glad I got this xD