Ah, I thought Sasha's hug recipient was based on whether or not you accepted or rejected Jack's offer to rule Hyperion.
Maybe it's a combination of all the above, then?
Looked everywhere in that scene.. did not find anything. It's the same text for all of them (and yes I'm 100% I looked at everything that I could see before the Jack scene) Any hint please?
I rewound my ep5 playthrough after I saw this, didn't find anything either.
(Though I did notice a dude facedown in the rubble this time...is he always there or did I do something to him this playthrough? If so, I am sorry nameless dude.)
Looked everywhere in that scene.. did not find anything. It's the same text for all of them (and yes I'm 100% I looked at everything that I could see before the Jack scene) Any hint please?
I rewound my ep5 playthrough after I saw this, didn't find anything either.
(Though I did notice a dude facedown in the rubble this time...is he always there or did I do something to him this playthrough? If so, I am sorry nameless dude.)
Looked everywhere in that scene.. did not find anything. It's the same text for all of them (and yes I'm 100% I looked at everything that I could see before the Jack scene) Any hint please?
Note: These Intros are the ones I had, I know there are ones such as sasha with a gun etc. Also I had to miss 1 or 2 out as tumblr can only have 10 gifs for one post.
oh ok, since I was just replaying to see what would happen I chose to "fire" the accountants, and then noticed him for the first time. I wondered if it was a TTG guilt trip like they'd done with Shade.
oh ok, since I was just replaying to see what would happen I chose to "fire" the accountants, and then noticed him for the first time. I wondered if it was a TTG guilt trip like they'd done with Shade.
There are enough options there, I wouldn't have expected it.
The choice I'm talking about is Your First Act as President. There are only three choices, and all three could have potentially led to visual changes in the playthrough.
Hey guys I have completed my Gif Intros for Borderlands! Please Check them out!!
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 1 - 5 Intros
Tale… mores from the Borderlands: Episode 1 Character intros
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 2 & 3 Character intros
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 4 & 5 Character intros
Borderlands 1 & 2: Playable Character Intros
Borderlands 2: Bosses Intros (Bosses such as Wilhelm does not have an intro)
Borderlands The Pre Sequel: Early Sequence Intros
Note: These Intros are the ones I had, I know there are ones such as sasha with a gun etc. Also I had to miss 1 or 2 out as tumblr can only have 10 gifs for one post.
There are enough options there, I wouldn't have expected it.
The choice I'm talking about is Your First Act as President. There are only three choices, and all three could have potentially led to visual changes in the playthrough.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but in episode 2, when Rhys and Vaughn fall out the caravan in the intro, Fiona's hat falls too after them before you transition to Rhys and Vaughn's scene in the dessert. However, when you get the cut scene again before you transition to Fiona's part, she doesn't lose the hat. I believe they might at first intended for Fiona to lose her hat then Rhys would pick it up and give it back to her while she gives him back his shoe but they clearly forgot about it or removed it. Yeah I know it's a small thing but it sort of bugs me a little since it could have created more interactive scenes between them which I as a Rhyiona fan would have liked :P
The thing you must remember about them is that they are both unreliable narrators and will, at times, exaggerate or embellish certain aspects of the story in order to make it sound more interesting or make one of them look cooler. For example, Rhys blowing August's mind or breaking his heart, Fiona landing on the motorcycle, or her cutting Vallory out of the deal or making her head spin, etc. Whoever telling that part of the story probably just added that to make the scene all the more dramatic and cool looking. I can imagine Rhys saying something like"And as I was falling out of the caravan with my best bro Vaughn, I look back to the caravan, and see Fiona. Her hat, the hat she loved more than anything in the universe, the hat that she cared for like it was her own child, was no longer on her head. Instead, it was flying out with the rest of the stuff from the caravan. She reached out to try and save it, but it is too far out of her reach. I could feel her heart breaking from where I was as she lost her precious hat. She had loved that hat almost as much as I love Sasha, and now it was gone."
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but in episode 2, when Rhys and Vaughn fall out the caravan in the intro, Fiona's hat falls too a… morefter them before you transition to Rhys and Vaughn's scene in the dessert. However, when you get the cut scene again before you transition to Fiona's part, she doesn't lose the hat. I believe they might at first intended for Fiona to lose her hat then Rhys would pick it up and give it back to her while she gives him back his shoe but they clearly forgot about it or removed it. Yeah I know it's a small thing but it sort of bugs me a little since it could have created more interactive scenes between them which I as a Rhyiona fan would have liked :P
...see, she loses her hat
But when they do things like that, the other (or the stranger in some cases) interferes to correct it or point it out. If he said something like that, she would most likely say it was false and just his imagination. We saw it over and over again (with the scenes you mentioned all included), the one not telling the story would interfere to correct it. When Fiona said she land on the bike, Rhys pointed it out as an over exaggeration. When Fiona "made her head spin", the Stranger pointed it out as her exaggerating. When Fiona said Rhys fell and there was lots of blood, Rhys pointed it out as false (just realized Fiona is the on that tends to exaggerate things). Fiona was even introduced after Rhys said he blew August's mind and her first dialogue in the game was "what a steaming load of skag crap" (talking about Rhys saying he blew August's mind). The fact that both of them were at the scene meant Fiona would have pointed out Rhys' exaggeration and that her hat did not go flying in the air.
The thing you must remember about them is that they are both unreliable narrators and will, at times, exaggerate or embellish certain aspect… mores of the story in order to make it sound more interesting or make one of them look cooler. For example, Rhys blowing August's mind or breaking his heart, Fiona landing on the motorcycle, or her cutting Vallory out of the deal or making her head spin, etc. Whoever telling that part of the story probably just added that to make the scene all the more dramatic and cool looking. I can imagine Rhys saying something like"And as I was falling out of the caravan with my best bro Vaughn, I look back to the caravan, and see Fiona. Her hat, the hat she loved more than anything in the universe, the hat that she cared for like it was her own child, was no longer on her head. Instead, it was flying out with the rest of the stuff from the caravan. She reached out to try and save it, but it is too far out of her reach. I… [view original content]
The difference here though is that this occurred during the musical intro for the episode, you can't have him or someone else interrupt as the music's going, it would ruin the whole scene. That and, compared to the other moments, is quite small and inconsequential that it isn't really worth it to stop the story or interrupt it.
But when they do things like that, the other (or the stranger in some cases) interferes to correct it or point it out. If he said something … morelike that, she would most likely say it was false and just his imagination. We saw it over and over again (with the scenes you mentioned all included), the one not telling the story would interfere to correct it. When Fiona said she land on the bike, Rhys pointed it out as an over exaggeration. When Fiona "made her head spin", the Stranger pointed it out as her exaggerating. When Fiona said Rhys fell and there was lots of blood, Rhys pointed it out as false (just realized Fiona is the on that tends to exaggerate things). Fiona was even introduced after Rhys said he blew August's mind and her first dialogue in the game was "what a steaming load of skag crap" (talking about Rhys saying he blew August's mind). The fact that both of them were at the scene meant Fiona would have pointed out Rhys' exaggeration and that her hat did not go flying in the air.
Yeah I think having Fiona's hat being able for Rhys to take and return to Fiona would have been a neat little extra, maybe the hat could have been optional to even pick up.
Imagine if you left it there you didnt shoot Felix so you go back there and find that hat.
Although, I guess it was required for the Trust Fiona option to work out correctly for FIona to have her hat no matter what.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but in episode 2, when Rhys and Vaughn fall out the caravan in the intro, Fiona's hat falls too a… morefter them before you transition to Rhys and Vaughn's scene in the dessert. However, when you get the cut scene again before you transition to Fiona's part, she doesn't lose the hat. I believe they might at first intended for Fiona to lose her hat then Rhys would pick it up and give it back to her while she gives him back his shoe but they clearly forgot about it or removed it. Yeah I know it's a small thing but it sort of bugs me a little since it could have created more interactive scenes between them which I as a Rhyiona fan would have liked :P
...see, she loses her hat
According to this,Vaughn listens to music from is bow-tie..MIND BLOWN!!
Ah, I thought Sasha's hug recipient was based on whether or not you accepted or rejected Jack's offer to rule Hyperion.
Maybe it's a combination of all the above, then?
If you try to use your echo eye in episode 5, Jack really seems to have left you for Helios:

You should look around some more in there
This is staff saying this. Gonna start a 5th playthrough just to look for this...
Looked everywhere in that scene.. did not find anything. It's the same text for all of them (and yes I'm 100% I looked at everything that I could see before the Jack scene) Any hint please?
I rewound my ep5 playthrough after I saw this, didn't find anything either.
(Though I did notice a dude facedown in the rubble this time...is he always there or did I do something to him this playthrough? If so, I am sorry nameless dude.)
Dude he's trolling you. He wants you to look at everything but EVERYTHING IS THE SAME ENTRY.
Master level troll. Well done to @HoboStew
That uh.. nameless dude is always there in the rubble.
You just got Trolled...
Yeah, I think I may have checked everything anyways. Also, he could be referring to your Echo-Eye if you didn't trust Jack
yeah probably
Cool, I like that you put some time and effort into doing these. Now I'll never forget someone's name!
What? Where is this? It looks like some random trading card, sort of.
It's on Telltale's official cosplay guide.
Actually, I think questions end with a question mark. Right?
Wait, really!
Wow? That was just uncalled for?
omg. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"
Yes? Now you're getting it? Aren't you glad you learned something!!
Yes? I learned something?
The power of friendship.
Cheers Man
TUMBLR Heres a link to the page where I have done alot of intros throughout BL1 - Tales
Hey guys I have completed my Gif Intros for Borderlands! Please Check them out!!
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 1 - 5 Intros
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 1 Character intros
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 2 & 3 Character intros
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 4 & 5 Character intros
Borderlands 1 & 2: Playable Character Intros
Borderlands 2: Bosses Intros (Bosses such as Wilhelm does not have an intro)
Borderlands The Pre Sequel: Early Sequence Intros
Note: These Intros are the ones I had, I know there are ones such as sasha with a gun etc. Also I had to miss 1 or 2 out as tumblr can only have 10 gifs for one post.
this would be awesome if this was a real mp3 player telltale needs a merch store
oh ok, since I was just replaying to see what would happen I chose to "fire" the accountants, and then noticed him for the first time. I wondered if it was a TTG guilt trip like they'd done with Shade.
What if they did something like that once you airlocked Orgy Room 13. I hope not...
There are enough options there, I wouldn't have expected it.
The choice I'm talking about is Your First Act as President. There are only three choices, and all three could have potentially led to visual changes in the playthrough.
Fiona cutout image /
Rhys cutout image /
Vaughn cutout image /
Sasha cutout image (sasha is a bit iffy but from avatar shrinking you cant tell)
Feel free to use. I also made some tumblr blue one - so they're backgroundless on the dashboard. Images here
Yeah, and it's also random. So is there a pizza there when you order pizza?
Yeah, Rhys says "It smells like happiness and garlic."
I never tried the moonshot since Jack considers Athena, Fi and Sasha to be bandits
Jack fires at Prosperity Junction if you choose that.
Any apparent effect on Athena's cutscene?
Sadly no. A destroyed clock tower wouldv'e been cool. Show those bandits- I mean uhh pandorans the power of Hyperion
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but in episode 2, when Rhys and Vaughn fall out the caravan in the intro, Fiona's hat falls too after them before you transition to Rhys and Vaughn's scene in the dessert. However, when you get the cut scene again before you transition to Fiona's part, she doesn't lose the hat. I believe they might at first intended for Fiona to lose her hat then Rhys would pick it up and give it back to her while she gives him back his shoe but they clearly forgot about it or removed it. Yeah I know it's a small thing but it sort of bugs me a little since it could have created more interactive scenes between them which I as a Rhyiona fan would have liked :P
...see, she loses her hat
The thing you must remember about them is that they are both unreliable narrators and will, at times, exaggerate or embellish certain aspects of the story in order to make it sound more interesting or make one of them look cooler. For example, Rhys blowing August's mind or breaking his heart, Fiona landing on the motorcycle, or her cutting Vallory out of the deal or making her head spin, etc. Whoever telling that part of the story probably just added that to make the scene all the more dramatic and cool looking. I can imagine Rhys saying something like"And as I was falling out of the caravan with my best bro Vaughn, I look back to the caravan, and see Fiona. Her hat, the hat she loved more than anything in the universe, the hat that she cared for like it was her own child, was no longer on her head. Instead, it was flying out with the rest of the stuff from the caravan. She reached out to try and save it, but it is too far out of her reach. I could feel her heart breaking from where I was as she lost her precious hat. She had loved that hat almost as much as I love Sasha, and now it was gone."
But when they do things like that, the other (or the stranger in some cases) interferes to correct it or point it out. If he said something like that, she would most likely say it was false and just his imagination. We saw it over and over again (with the scenes you mentioned all included), the one not telling the story would interfere to correct it. When Fiona said she land on the bike, Rhys pointed it out as an over exaggeration. When Fiona "made her head spin", the Stranger pointed it out as her exaggerating. When Fiona said Rhys fell and there was lots of blood, Rhys pointed it out as false (just realized Fiona is the on that tends to exaggerate things). Fiona was even introduced after Rhys said he blew August's mind and her first dialogue in the game was "what a steaming load of skag crap" (talking about Rhys saying he blew August's mind). The fact that both of them were at the scene meant Fiona would have pointed out Rhys' exaggeration and that her hat did not go flying in the air.
The difference here though is that this occurred during the musical intro for the episode, you can't have him or someone else interrupt as the music's going, it would ruin the whole scene. That and, compared to the other moments, is quite small and inconsequential that it isn't really worth it to stop the story or interrupt it.
Yeah I think having Fiona's hat being able for Rhys to take and return to Fiona would have been a neat little extra, maybe the hat could have been optional to even pick up.
Imagine if you left it there you didnt shoot Felix so you go back there and find that hat.
Although, I guess it was required for the Trust Fiona option to work out correctly for FIona to have her hat no matter what.