Forum Users:Jurassic Park



  • No, I'm NOT going

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 2 Run like the Wind Chapter 6 Auggie Hulton Auggie: I'm gonna go and check the front to see.......

  • Meet Thomas

    RIP York and Harry.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 2 Run like the Wind Chapter 6 Auggie Hulton Auggie: I'm gonna go and check the front to see.......

  • yeh

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Meet Thomas RIP York and Harry.

  • Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Preview

    Auggie: Fine i'll go..........

    Tomas Voice: And remember our terms............

    Auggie: What terms?

    Tomas Voice: Bring your wife and child, Or else.........

    Auggie: No Fucking Way!

    Tomas Voice: You're not playing the game....You will soon enough

    Red dot goes on Marie's chest

    Auggie: MARIE!!!!!!!

    Tomas Voice: Stop! She moves she dies, Swamp 1 Hour, With your wife and daughter or else I will come back and finish this Hangs Up

    Helena: Holy Shit, What was that?

    Fiona: It's that guy

    Irvin: Guess we're gonna go Call of Duty Puts on Shades Ghost Mode............

    Ash: Don't ever do that again..........

    Auggie: You shitbirds aren't doing anything, Marie and Becky stay behind me, And for the rest of you stay here cause the others should be back anytime.....

    Irvin: FINGERBANG! Makes Gun Symbol with Hand

    Kyle: Dude, I will end you if you do that......

    Ash: Told ya, you should stop

    Jane: Oh My God Guys....

    Alicia: Really want my dad

    Irvin: Someone lonely?

    Auggie: GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay here, Don't go anywhere and try to not kill eachother.....

    Auggie, Marie and Becky start to walk off

    Becky: Mommy, Where are we going?

    Marie: We're going on a hike sweetie.....

    Auggie: Yeah, a long one.......

    Marie: How do you think the others are?


    (Tomorrow a chapter of SON will be released then the next day JP)

  • Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 1

    Jerry Stewart

    Geoffrey: Boy that was close........

    Jerry: Can't believe we ran away and got away just like that, We got lucky, Real Lucky......

    Geoffrey: Any idea where we are? Nice open field....

    Jerry: Yeah, we used to train some of them out here, The bigger ones.

    Geoffrey: How long has it been, Since we were separated from the others?

    Jerry: By where the sun is now, I'll say about 5 hours

    Geoffrey: Shit it's almost Dark.

    Jerry: Well, let's climb up in a tree, stay there for the night, and go back to the wreckage

    Geofrrey: What about the others?

    Jerry: They'll probably do the same, or at least I hope.

    Hope Pines

    Hope: It's almost Dark, JERRY!!!!!!!!!! GEOFFREY!!!!!!!!!

    Kevin: Don't do that idiot.

    Hope: They'll hear us if they're near by..... Start filimng Or if they're alive..... Duh, Duh, Duh!!! zooms in



    Dan Stevens: Holy Doodles, Stop!!!

    Dan Wildler: GUYS!!!!

    Kevin: You piece O' Shit!

    Kevin starts chocking Hope

    Hope: Finish it you coward....

    Kevin keeps chocking Hope

    Dan Wildler: ENOUGH!!!! Hits Kevin with stick

    Kevin falls off Hope

    Hope: Thanks Dan.... Coughs He gonna be okay?

    Dan Wildler: He might be out for a little bit but he'll be fine by tomorrow when we go back to the wreckage

    Dan Stevens: Guys......

    Dan Wildler: What?

    Dan Stevens: Take a look at this.....

    Hope: Oh Fuck....

    Irvin Montgomery

    Irvin: Think those things will come back?

    Ash: Which ones? There's not just one species of Dinos.

    Kyle: The ones that attacked us....They'll be back Puts on shades

    Ash: Did you just pretend to put on shades when you don't have any? Wow......New level of lame.....

    Irvin: I have to agree with my Bro Kyle, That was just on the fag level of 10......

    Kyle: Okay, Okay, Okay, I get it so shut up, Want to talk to the ladies?

    Irvin: Nah, it's almost dark, I'm gonna get some rest

    Kyle: I'm not sleeping with you guys awake, You might do something to me, or those things might come back

    Ash: Those "things" are animals

    Kyle: Animals that will kill us the first chance they get

    Ash: Whatever, I'm going to sleep

    Alicia Kensington

    Alicia: How you doing? With the baby and all.

    Helena: For the last time, I'm fine....

    Alicia: Okay, just wondering

    Helena: Thanks for asking

    Fiona: Relax sis

    Helena: I know Fiona, I'm FINE

    Jane: Damn....Just damn.... What a mess this whole thing is....

    Alicia: Yeah, What a major fucking mess, Me and my dad haven't gotten along for a while, He was just never there for me you know? I just hated him for so long..... But now I kind of want to know him better, He seems like a cool guy but has been through a lot.....

    Jane: And I kind of have a crush on Harry...... I hope he and the others are safe and okay

    Fiona: Do you think that York found them yet?

    Alicia: I don't know but they should be back anytime now.....

    Auggie Hulton

    It's been 2 hours now, It's dark, Think we're in the swamp now....

    Auggie: Before we do this, I want you two to stay behind me, if I tell you to run, Run, If I say leave me, Leave me without any hesitation

    Becky: What do you mean Daddy, I don't like this, I'm scared......

    Marie: Don't worry Becky, Daddy is just saying something from Harry Potter, I got it Auggie.

    Auggie: Good, let's go...........

    Echoing Voice: Ah, I was wondering if you would show!

    Auggie: Where are you!?

    Echoing Voice: I'm here.................. and there, But I have two things to show you first "Auggie".......

    Body drops from Tree


    Auggie: Stay Back!!!!!!!

    Marie: Who is it Auggie!?

    Auggie: Looks like that Harry kid.........

    Marie: Oh Dear God!

    Echoing Voice: Ah, like it so far!? Here's the second surprise!!! Meet your other friend.............. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

    Auggie falls over

    Marie: AUGGIE!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!

    Becky: Daddy Get up!!! Daddy!!!!!!

    Man grabs Marie and Becky

    Man: Stop moving biatch r I shove a cap up yo ass then yo dautahahas

    Marie: You Bastard! HUGO HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!

    Echoing Voice: Have fun Auggie...............

    Hugo: I'm back MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!! Now it's time to do what I've waned to do since I saw you and your family Auggie! It's raping time........ MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Get up! I only put one in your shoulder!

    Marie: Auggie!!

    Becky: Daddy!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Hugo: This is gonna be fun, and I want you to watch every second of this HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Aims Gun at Marie and Becky

    Auggie: No.............. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Charge at Hugo OR Try to talk Hugo down

  • edited January 2015

    Hugo: I'm back MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!! Now it's time to do what I've waned to do since I saw you and your family Auggie! It's raping time........ MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Get up! I only put one in your shoulder!

    Now this is why I always read saltys stories they are always so delightfully evil :'D just epic

    Alt text

    Charge at Hugo


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 1 Jerry Stewart Geoffrey: Boy that was close........ Jerry: Can't b

  • edited January 2015

    And there goes every ounce of sympathy I had for Hugo. What a fucker! Hope made a very good point with Kevin by the way, putting all the blame on him is a bit hypocritical.

    Try to talk Hugo down

    Even though Hugo is almost unable to be reasoned with, he still has a gun. Should Auggie just charge on him, chances are pretty good that he will just be shot.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 1 Jerry Stewart Geoffrey: Boy that was close........ Jerry: Can't b

  • edited January 2015

    Charge at Hugo - sighs once again, fuck Hugo.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 1 Jerry Stewart Geoffrey: Boy that was close........ Jerry: Can't b

  • idk why you guys thought Hugo was gonna be some "Savior" or something, This is what I was planning the whole time :D

    And there goes every ounce of sympathy I had for Hugo. What a fucker! Hope made a very good point with Kevin by the way, putting all the bla

  • Villains are always good, If you have a crappy Villain or challenge than it's too easy for the protagonists and the story will lack.

    Now this is why I always read saltys stories they are always so delightfully evil :'D just epic

    Thanks Mark :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Hugo: I'm back MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!! Now it's time to do what I've waned to do since I saw you and your family Auggie! It's raping time......

  • Charge at Hugo

    Awesome Chapter!!!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 1 Jerry Stewart Geoffrey: Boy that was close........ Jerry: Can't b

  • That was the point, I wanted to try and make it look like he died being a "hero" after being a douche for most of the story then come back and go full out Douche. :)

    Well, his "death" scene was pretty heroic and for a moment I thought this guy wasn't all that bad. Turns out I was wrong XD

  • Well, his "death" scene was pretty heroic and for a moment I thought this guy wasn't all that bad. Turns out I was wrong XD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    idk why you guys thought Hugo was gonna be some "Savior" or something, This is what I was planning the whole time

  • Charge at Hugo

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 1 Jerry Stewart Geoffrey: Boy that was close........ Jerry: Can't b

  • Try to talk Hugo down.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 1 Jerry Stewart Geoffrey: Boy that was close........ Jerry: Can't b

  • edited January 2015

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 2

    Hope Pines

    Hope: It's York..........

    Dan Wildler: Holy did he get here?

    Hope: He probably came cause we were gone too long, Raptors got the poor guy....

    Dan Stevens: The moon's beautiful.....

    Hope: Yeah, it is, We head back in the morning....

    Dan Stevens: I second that.....

    Dan Wildler: I agree

    Kevin Jeeves: And I....

    Dan Stevens: Hey........

    Kevin: Was it you who hit me?

    Dan Wildler: No, It was me.....

    Kevin: You hit harder than I would have expected for a guy like you........

    Dan Wildler: Well I did use a stick....

    Kevin: Even better......

    Hope: We're heading back in the morning

    Kevin: I heard and I just approved of it so relax "Assqueez",

    Hope: I'm not Assqueez and he could be dead right now..... Looks at camera dramatically

    Kevin: God Dammit! Why the fuck do you have that on!?

    Dan Wildler: Keep it down....

    Kevin: We're in a tree, they won't come up here

    Hope: We need to record our findings and adventures here so the world can see.........

    Kevin: Whatever..........Wake me up at sunrise..........

    Dan Wildler: Same.....

    Hope: Stevens, You gonna be guard?

    Dan Stevens is sleep

    Hope: Well damn....I'm talking to myself....and the camera now.....Uhhhh this whole situation is chaos........ And I feel so awkward right now, That's just chaotic chaos............... M'kay? And I should stop talking now......

    Irvin Montgomery

    Irvin: Wake up gu- Oh........It's the middle of the night.......

    I saw Alicia, ash, Kyle, and the rest sleeping among the plane wreckage......I might stay up to make sure those things don't come back....

    Irvin: Guess it's a party of one for me.......

    Auggie Hulton


    Charges at Hugo but falls down

    Marie: AUGGIE!!!!!!

    Auggie: Uh...... Auggie grips his shoulder

    Hugo: That's the second one in the same shoulder.....You better keep pressure on that if you want to live.....I want you to watch every second of this



    Auggie: Sounds like a porno

    Becky: What's a porno daddy?

    Marie: Dammit Auggie.........

    Hugo: You said it "Sweetie", Dammit Auggie.....I liked your family Snaps Marie's Neck

    Auggie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YOU BASTARD Charges but Hugo fires a warning shot

    Hugo: If you want your second bitch to live you're gonna listen and watch what I do next.........

    Becky: Mommy......MOMMY GET UP PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    Marie's open eyed body is kicked once by Hugo

    Auggie: I swear to god......I'm gonna kill you, YOU FUCKING SHITBIRD!!!!!!!

    Hugo: I prefer Assqueez mothafucka, And for that, I take yo child way.... Pulls down pants and underwear and bends Becky over, Then pulls her's down

    Auggie: STOP!!!! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST FUCKING STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugo: It's too late for that......Tomas offered me this moment....This damn moment....If I helped him out, I like the guy, He's like me, We're both innovators.... Hugo rubs his dick against Marie's back

    Becky: Daddy! What's he doing!? HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!

    Auggie: YOU AIN'T DOING SHIT HUGO!!!!!!!!!!! Charges at Hugo but Hugo hits Auggie with the back of his gun

    Hugo: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Let's have some fun Mega-Cunt.................

    I heard my daughters screams.....I saw Hugo's shadows, She was bent over and he kept going in.....I tried to get up with all my strength, But I kept falling down.....

    Auggie: Nuh.......Uh..... Wuh.............

    Hugo: LITTLE GIRL, LIKE THE TASTE!!!?!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! THIS WAS FUN!!!!!! A good 10 Minutes of Hot sweat and fucking..... HAHAHAHA Goes over and slaps Auggie


    Auggie: What!? You didn't........ Looks over at Becky

    Hugo: And for the finale! Shoots Becky in the head, She was a good bitch, Inexperienced, But tasty............


    Hugo: Uhhh.....My jaw.........Oh well.......They were both slutzzzz

    Auggie picks up gun

    Auggie: One Bullet left............

    Hugo: Finish it shitbird,........ Thank Jerr Bears for me, you know Dr. Stewart, He was the one who gave me the gun....Without it.... Spits I couldn't have done this MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

    Auggie: You killed my Wife, and you then raped and Killed my daughter, I'm not gonna kill ya shitface...................

    Hugo: Pussy............

    Auggie shoots Hugo in the dick


    Auggie drags Hugo and kicks him down a trench

    Auggie: Bye motherfucker......


    Auggie: Looks like this shit has caused you to get some friends.....

    Compies start jumping on Hugo


    Auggie: I watched as he was being eaten alive down in that trench and I listened to his screams not giving a damn for this soulless fucker

    Auggie: Rot in Hell.........Walks in to the jungle

    Jerry Stewart

    Jerry: It's morning now..... Get up........

    Geforrey: I'm worried about my daughter....And the others....

    Jerry: She'll be fine........ The two get out of the tree and start walking back to the wreckage site

    Geoffrey: I have Cancer....

    Jerry: What?

    Geoffrey: You heard....and I don't have much time left, That's why I went on a trip with her, I wasn't there for a lot of time and I bet she thinks I'm a complete shit.......

    Jerry: We all have regrets

    Geoffrey: Want to share any?

    Jerry: Stop.

    Geoffrey: C'mon man, don't be shy.....

    Jerry: Look....................

    T-Rex is roaring at Spinosaurus

    Jerry: They're about to fight........

    Geoffrey: And they're fighting This Way

    Spinosaurus bites the bac of the T-Rex

    Geoffrey: I'm gonna take one out.....

    Jerry: Bullets might not work.......

    Geoffrey: If it doesn't work then it will distract one so the other will win.......Cocks Rifle

    T-Rex bites the Sail of the Spinosaurus

    Jerry: This is incredible

    Spinosaurus shakes T-Rex loose and they start roaring at each-other more

    Geoffrey: I want a trophy.....The largest carnivore of them all.....The T-Rex.........

    Jerry: If you scan't tell the Spinosarus is a little bigger and I already told you that on the plane......Remember?

    Geoffrey: Oh Yeah...............

    Shoot T-Rex OR Shoot Spinosaurus

    Tell me what you guys think!

    Any of you guys remember a few weeks ago, when I said I was gonna be doing something really fucked up? Well this was it, The Auggie/Hugo thing............

    @Markd4547 New Most "Evil" thing ever..............

  • [Shoot himself, Geoffrey]

    [Shoot Spinosaurus]

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 2 Hope Pines Hope: It's York.......... Dan Wildler: Holy Shit....ho

  • Shoot Spinosaurus

  • Shoot Spinosaurus

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 2 Hope Pines Hope: It's York.......... Dan Wildler: Holy Shit....ho

  • Shoot T-Rex

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 2 Hope Pines Hope: It's York.......... Dan Wildler: Holy Shit....ho

  • Holy actual fuck Assquez! That part made me upset on so many levels, I don't even have the words to tell you how relieved I am that this bastard got exactly the death he needed.

    Shoot Spinosaurus

    Well, I think that's it for Geoffrey. Shooting anything isn't a very wise decision in my eyes, since it could attract the victorious dinosaur, or anger the dinosaur that got shot. But Geoffrey is going to die either way in a few months, so he might as well die with the largest carnivore of them all as a trophy.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 2 Hope Pines Hope: It's York.......... Dan Wildler: Holy Shit....ho

  • Poor Marie and especially poor Becky........

    Holy actual fuck Assquez! That part made me upset on so many levels, I don't even have the words to tell you how relieved I am that this bas

  • MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Let's have some fun Mega-Cunt

    Hugo: And for the finale! Shoots Becky in the head, She was a good bitch, Inexperienced, But tasty............

    Auggie shoots Hugo in the dick

    Alt text

    XD You never let me down salty another awesome read

    Shoot Spinosaurus

    T rex is my favorite dinosaur :P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 2 Hope Pines Hope: It's York.......... Dan Wildler: Holy Shit....ho

  • My feels, dude. Funny, in one of my planned fanfics, I'd planned to kill Becky and Auggie, and Marie was the surviving one. Then again, she was stuck with a 4 month old baby (not her's) and a 7 year old Irish kid (also... Not her's. Though you could figure out that a black lady obviously didn't give birth to this irish kid). Not too much survival in there.

    Still, that was brutal, but a really good chapter! I enjoyed it, just not the Becky getting raped parts because those were disturbing. I guess I'm lucky you write in script form rather than novella. My 13 year old eyes may not have been able to handle it.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Poor Marie and especially poor Becky........

  • edited January 2015

    I was going to make the rape scene way more graphic but I didn't want to get flagged so I didn't put in all that detail and I made it WAY more vague than what I originally wrote. I liked Marie and Becky though, but at least Assqueez is gone.

    My feels, dude. Funny, in one of my planned fanfics, I'd planned to kill Becky and Auggie, and Marie was the surviving one. Then again, she

  • that was not how i planned hugo to go... well jeez.

    Name: Robb Stark

    Age: 22

    Appearance: Robb's appearance favours his Tully side, with a stocky build, blue eyes and thick red-brown hair. He is strong and fast.

    Personality: Very honourable dude.

    Any other Info: i dunno

  • Hugo went out with a "bang" though :P

    that was not how i planned hugo to go... well jeez. Name: Robb Stark Age: 22 Appearance: Robb's appearance favours his Tully side,

  • No he's still alive.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hugo went out with a "bang" though :P

  • Sigh

    No he's still alive.

  • Shoot Spinosaurus

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Forum Users: Jurassic Park Episode 3: Kill or be Killed Chapter 2 Hope Pines Hope: It's York.......... Dan Wildler: Holy Shit....ho

  • Dat person who didn't care about what Hugo did xD

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Shoot Spinosaurus

  • Yeah, thank God! That guy legitimately freaked me out.

    You don't mind if I submit another character, do you?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I was going to make the rape scene way more graphic but I didn't want to get flagged so I didn't put in all that detail and I made it WAY more vague than what I originally wrote. I liked Marie and Becky though, but at least Assqueez is gone.

  • edited January 2015

    Name: Elsa Houten (Aww yeah, I'm bringing Elsa back!)

    Age: 28 years old.

    Gender: Female (let's not bring up the time Auggie was a girl... Oops).

    Personality: Anxious and hotheaded.

    Appearance: Auburn colored hair and blue eyes. Some freckles.

    Other: She doesn't want to build a fricken snowman.

  • You can submit one more then character submission will be closed :)

    Yeah, thank God! That guy legitimately freaked me out. You don't mind if I submit another character, do you?

  • Thanks!

    (let's not bring up the time Auggie was a girl... Oops).

    Yeah....My Bad, you submitted a lesbian couple right before in a different one so I assumed, (Sorry about that xD)

    Name: Elsa Houten (Aww yeah, I'm bringing Elsa back!) Age: 28 years old. Gender: Female (let's not bring up the time Auggie was a girl

  • Character Submission Now Closed

  • Nah, don't worry about it! It's okay. I just figured "August" was a masculine enough name, then I figured, "Well, 'Auggie' sounds a bit feminine..." so I don't blame you, and especially because I had submitted Audrey and Charity... It's fine, don't worry your pretty little head about it. :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Thanks! (let's not bring up the time Auggie was a girl... Oops). Yeah....My Bad, you submitted a lesbian couple right before in a different one so I assumed, (Sorry about that xD)

  • don't worry your pretty little head about it. :)

    Tell that to Larry :)

    Nah, don't worry about it! It's okay. I just figured "August" was a masculine enough name, then I figured, "Well, 'Auggie' sounds a bit femi

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