In the beginning of the episode everyone is wearing armor head to toe, but gets sliced through like butter. Funny enough the one that makes it out alive (Geralt) is the only one not wearing armor (maybe plot armor lol). I guess Bowen can make it out as well, still he has no armor on as well.
No one was in armour, traditionally 'in the period' GoT is set when en-camped you would remove your metal plate and walk around in your cotton padded under armour, which you can cut with a butter knife, never mind a sword.
In the beginning of the episode everyone is wearing armor head to toe, but gets sliced through like butter. Funny enough the one that makes … moreit out alive (Geralt) is the only one not wearing armor (maybe plot armor lol). I guess Bowen can make it out as well, still he has no armor on as well.
Am I the only one who found weird a certain line after Gared finished his fight against the soldiers ?
I mean, it went like this for me:
Go to my father
Aye, you'll have it
Show mercy
Mandatory, let the last one go
Then when your father dies Gared says "I'll kill the men who did this"... That's all fine and dandy but, you just let 2 out of the 3 men who did it go, you know ? It felt incredibly awkward to me, but no biggie, game was great anyway.
Am I the only one who found weird a certain line after Gared finished his fight against the soldiers ?
I mean, it went like this for me:
… more
* Go to my father
* Aye, you'll have it
* Show mercy
* Mandatory, let the last one go
Then when your father dies Gared says "I'll kill the men who did this"... That's all fine and dandy but, you just let 2 out of the 3 men who did it go, you know ? It felt incredibly awkward to me, but no biggie, game was great anyway.
Am I the only one who found weird a certain line after Gared finished his fight against the soldiers ?
I mean, it went like this for me:
… more
* Go to my father
* Aye, you'll have it
* Show mercy
* Mandatory, let the last one go
Then when your father dies Gared says "I'll kill the men who did this"... That's all fine and dandy but, you just let 2 out of the 3 men who did it go, you know ? It felt incredibly awkward to me, but no biggie, game was great anyway.
Kind of stealling it from This other thread but
It seem there is more crossover than we first thought someone found Mira can be seen on the show, this will likely be in next episode of the game too.
When the scene to give the message to your Uncle occurs if you choose the silence option "..." you still give the message anyway, but with Duncan getting a little angry and him demanding you to tell him.
At the changing game save or Point (chapter) select there will be a picture of your game save indicating at what point you are at in the game (previous Telltale games have done this, TWD and TWAU). The final picture will slightly change depending on the choice whether you met Ramsey at the gate or the Great Hall.
Most QTEs you cannot fail in episode 1. Even if you don't hit the button prompt you still live, but slightly different things happen (dodging instead of blocking, etc.). Although in some certain QTEs you can die, when you do the game over screen will pop up and it will read "Valar Morghulis" (not sure what this means can a kind soul tell me?).
* When the scene to give the message to your Uncle occurs if you choose the silence option "..." you still give the message anyway, but with… more Duncan getting a little angry and him demanding you to tell him.
* At the changing game save or Point (chapter) select there will be a picture of your game save indicating at what point you are at in the game (previous Telltale games have done this, TWD and TWAU). The final picture will slightly change depending on the choice whether you met Ramsey at the gate or the Great Hall.
* Most QTEs you cannot fail in episode 1. Even if you don't hit the button prompt you still live, but slightly different things happen (dodging instead of blocking, etc.). Although in some certain QTEs you can die, when you do the game over screen will pop up and it will read "Valar Morghulis" (not sure what this means can a kind soul tell me?).
Am I the only one who found weird a certain line after Gared finished his fight against the soldiers ?
I mean, it went like this for me:
… more
* Go to my father
* Aye, you'll have it
* Show mercy
* Mandatory, let the last one go
Then when your father dies Gared says "I'll kill the men who did this"... That's all fine and dandy but, you just let 2 out of the 3 men who did it go, you know ? It felt incredibly awkward to me, but no biggie, game was great anyway.
Kind of stealling it from This other thread but
It seem there is more crossover than we first thought someone found Mira can be seen on the show, this will likely be in next episode of the game too.
At first I was shocked, but as the credits were rolling I said to myself, "Well, it's Game of frigging Thrones. Should have expected one of them to be dead before the first episode."
Am I the only one who found weird a certain line after Gared finished his fight against the soldiers ?
I mean, it went like this for me:
… more
* Go to my father
* Aye, you'll have it
* Show mercy
* Mandatory, let the last one go
Then when your father dies Gared says "I'll kill the men who did this"... That's all fine and dandy but, you just let 2 out of the 3 men who did it go, you know ? It felt incredibly awkward to me, but no biggie, game was great anyway.
Did anyone else get frustrated with the whole '1 warrior being worth 100 pig farmers' thing, and then not have the option to answer him something along the lines of "Then howcome one of my pig farmers whooped 3 of your warriors?".
I'm pretty sure most of you probably noticed this already, but after beating episode 1, Gared's outfit on the title screen changes to black for the Night's Watch uniform.
You can pick up some medical supplies while talking to the Maester after he cleans up Gared, which hints that there is a possibility Gared or someone he is traveling with will get hurt.
If you choose to stay in place instead of running when Ramsey is flaying the man in the woods, you can go up and look at the man after Ramsey and Co. leave.
* You can pick up some medical supplies while talking to the Maester after he cleans up Gared, which hints that there is a possibility Gared… more or someone he is traveling with will get hurt.
* If you choose to stay in place instead of running when Ramsey is flaying the man in the woods, you can go up and look at the man after Ramsey and Co. leave.
I'm pretty sure most of you probably noticed this already, but after beating episode 1, Gared's outfit on the title screen changes to black for the Night's Watch uniform.
This is true, but I mean, he's a lord after all, he is just getting reminded to reason by a lady. He doesn't have "feelings" but only probably some form of respect.
Yeah, I got that feeling aswell.
He goes from:
'You little cunt! I wish I was the one who killed your father! This house sucks so bad!'
'Sorry, I mean no offense to you, my lady.'
Did anyone else get frustrated with the whole '1 warrior being worth 100 pig farmers' thing, and then not have the option to answer him something along the lines of "Then howcome one of my pig farmers whooped 3 of your warriors?".
In the beginning of the episode everyone is wearing armor head to toe, but gets sliced through like butter. Funny enough the one that makes it out alive (Geralt) is the only one not wearing armor (maybe plot armor lol). I guess Bowen can make it out as well, still he has no armor on as well.
No one was in armour, traditionally 'in the period' GoT is set when en-camped you would remove your metal plate and walk around in your cotton padded under armour, which you can cut with a butter knife, never mind a sword.
When you're Gared and you're at your farm if you pull your sword out you calmly say "I'm going to kill you."
Damn bruh you got sent to the shadowrealm, lol.
Am I the only one who found weird a certain line after Gared finished his fight against the soldiers ?
I mean, it went like this for me:
Then when your father dies Gared says "I'll kill the men who did this"... That's all fine and dandy but, you just let 2 out of the 3 men who did it go, you know ? It felt incredibly awkward to me, but no biggie, game was great anyway.
While playing, I didn't even notice. Weirdly enough, I watched some playthroughs and almost everyone pointed that out.
Ooh, watch out Daenerys!
Haha yeah after Gared said "I'll kill the men who did this," I said "bruh, I already made you kill 2 of them."
If you choose to have Mira say 'my family is still in danger!' after Margery talks to Joffrey then she will mention that Ryon is 7 years old.
Ryon mentions when talking to Ethan that Gared let him ride one of his pigs once.
Found a typo in the subtitles.

Kind of stealling it from This other thread but
It seem there is more crossover than we first thought someone found Mira can be seen on the show, this will likely be in next episode of the game too.
i really hope this scene will be on the game.
Pyrcelle: 'Young lady, let's do some...'medical research'...drool'
Piss off, old man!
Thanks, but no thanks.
I should really...ah...go talk!
(?) Silence is a valid option
In the intro the bay next to KL was titled "Sea of Dorne" when it should have been "Blackwater Bay".
Valar Morghulis="All men must die" in High Valyrian.
Hum... I just considered that he was talking about “the people responsible” in a general sense.
You do realise he's probably refering to people like Lord Whitehill and Ramsay... right? the ones who ordered it?
Added to the fact you never hear her talk. Her dialouge is cut off before she speaks.
Yes, but the instant reaction of mine were the ones who actually carried out the deed.
I actually got attached to him.
Well, I kinda liked him. In my opinion, his character didn't have enough development to be likable.
At first I was shocked, but as the credits were rolling I said to myself, "Well, it's Game of frigging Thrones. Should have expected one of them to be dead before the first episode."
I felt the same. "I will? But didn't I just let that one go of mercy?"
GOT reuses:
55 of Clementine's animations
1 Luke animation
4 Nick animations
68 Lee animations
4 Kenny animations
1 Vernon animation
3 Mike animation
2 zombie animations
when ramsay says to talia do you like hunting? he was referring to this so if he ended up taking her talia would have been dead
EDIT: tried 3 different videos and they all won't play through the site and only will play through youtube sorry guys
Welp that's an indie company for ya.
Gared has the same panting animation as Clem.
In the forest. Ethan agrees to come with old knight but turns and goes in opposite direction.
Did anyone else get frustrated with the whole '1 warrior being worth 100 pig farmers' thing, and then not have the option to answer him something along the lines of "Then howcome one of my pig farmers whooped 3 of your warriors?".
Oh also:
Did anyone else get the feeling that Lord Whitehill has feelings Lady Forrester?
Yeah, I got that feeling aswell.
He goes from:
'You little cunt! I wish I was the one who killed your father! This house sucks so bad!'
'Sorry, I mean no offense to you, my lady.'
I'm pretty sure most of you probably noticed this already, but after beating episode 1, Gared's outfit on the title screen changes to black for the Night's Watch uniform.
It's "Valar Morghulis" lol
I believe most people standed still behind the tree. It's just a human reflex to play dead when in danger.
Nice finding.
I haven't noticed at all.
This is true, but I mean, he's a lord after all, he is just getting reminded to reason by a lady. He doesn't have "feelings" but only probably some form of respect.
Very good remark ! I wouldn't have said better myself !