Another scene is when Gared is between his two new brothers and they talk while Frostfinger gives the speech( you can join in or not). It reminded me of when Sarah was trying to talk to Clem while Carver was lecturing the group.
It's actually 3 whole stanzas that change. The song is pretty branchy. :-)
Also some of the song's visuals will change based on your choices in 102. Check out Gared's black eye for instance.
Here's something weird for you, I noticed that on Youtube in episdoe one all the guards are gold cloaks, but on my playthrough(PS3) they were all kingsguard(?????),I was really confused about it somthing they changed in a patch or somthing?
in the second episode they are all Lannister's men and not one of them is either KG or GC..
Also,you get to see all seven of them though they all wearing their helms and look the same- 2 when you walk to the throne room,2 guarding outside the room and 3 inside, which I thought was cool but not correct as there are only 5 of them in KL durning that time(Arys Oakheart in Dorne and Jaime should still be on his way to the city but even so, think about it- you get to the see the Kingslayer even if he's some extra on the background and that's awesome)
* If you don't complete the QTE action when toasting with Beshka, she'll question how drunk you are already.
* Talia will mention how the last time Rodrik sang he scared all the animals if you offer to help with Ethan's song.
Gwyn Whitehill appears in the episode only if Ryon doesn't. In my playthrough, I kissed Ludd's ring and Ryon appeared at the funeral. It's probably a connection, since Ludd decides whether Ryon can visit Ironrath or not.
To convince Elaena to marry you, you have to promise her father half of the ironwood or forge the letter with Mira. Or even both.
Yup, that's the way it goes in the show too, intro shows basically the places the episode will take place in. In the show the exception is that King's Landing, Winterfell and The Wall are always in intro even if there are no scenes in those places. And well in season 4 there were some other exceptions with Moat Cailin and Bravos at least...
Yeah, i noticed it in the show but i didn't know if Telltale where going to do it in the game. It's cool to see that they are sicking to the same style intro and to see it change throughout the season
Yup, that's the way it goes in the show too, intro shows basically the places the episode will take place in. In the show the exception is t… morehat King's Landing, Winterfell and The Wall are always in intro even if there are no scenes in those places. And well in season 4 there were some other exceptions with Moat Cailin and Bravos at least...
I tried to when I played just to see what would happen, but it wouldn't let me. However, I play on iOS and that whole scene, the controls were really difficult for me, so it might work on other platforms.
Yup, that's the way it goes in the show too, intro shows basically the places the episode will take place in. In the show the exception is t… morehat King's Landing, Winterfell and The Wall are always in intro even if there are no scenes in those places. And well in season 4 there were some other exceptions with Moat Cailin and Bravos at least...
Here's something weird for you, I noticed that on Youtube in episdoe one all the guards are gold cloaks, but on my playthrough(PS3) they wer… moree all kingsguard(?????),I was really confused about it somthing they changed in a patch or somthing?
in the second episode they are all Lannister's men and not one of them is either KG or GC..
Also,you get to see all seven of them though they all wearing their helms and look the same- 2 when you walk to the throne room,2 guarding outside the room and 3 inside, which I thought was cool but not correct as there are only 5 of them in KL durning that time(Arys Oakheart in Dorne and Jaime should still be on his way to the city but even so, think about it- you get to the see the Kingslayer even if he's some extra on the background and that's awesome)
Erik, the thief you could judge as Ethan in the first episode makes an appearance: If you sent him to the Wall, he'll be there and Gared can talk to him. He's pretty pissed and even says that he would have preferred to have his fingers cut off.
In episode 2 when Mira meets the 2 merchants. Tyrion will say something in the lines of "Finding courtesy in a merchant? It's like finding gold in your chamberpot."
Erik, the thief you could judge as Ethan in the first episode makes an appearance: If you sent him to the Wall, he'll be there and Gared can talk to him. He's pretty pissed and even says that he would have preferred to have his fingers cut off.
Erik, the thief you could judge as Ethan in the first episode makes an appearance: If you sent him to the Wall, he'll be there and Gared can talk to him. He's pretty pissed and even says that he would have preferred to have his fingers cut off.
Meghan Thornton (episode writer alongside Nicole Martinez and Brad Kane) and I snuck that line in there. We're huge A Song of Ice and Fire nerds and wanted to get an allusion to the Lannisters "shitting gold" -- a common saying in the novels.
In episode 2 when Mira meets the 2 merchants. Tyrion will say something in the lines of "Finding courtesy in a merchant? It's like finding gold in your chamberpot."
I don't know if this has been said already, but on the PC version of Episode 1, sometimes the classic Game of Thrones theme will begin playing at the very end when Ethan gets stabbed, Ryon is taken and Lord Whitehill says something like "You brought this onto yourselves." The music has played in 2 out of my 4 playthroughs of it, and I have no idea if it's determinant on what you say or something.
On the second episode when the Lost Legion attack Asher and Beshka, the soldier that parrys and breaks Asher's sword says ''Tubi daor'' AKA ''Not today''. Referencing the ''What do we say to death?'' ''Not today''.
I might be wrong but, we don't hear the name "Jon Snow" once during episode two. I'm a huge fan of the show so I perfectly knew who he was, but what about the players who haven't watched it yet?
I might be wrong but, we don't hear the name "Jon Snow" once during episode two. I'm a huge fan of the show so I perfectly knew who he was, but what about the players who haven't watched it yet?
Erik, the thief you could judge as Ethan in the first episode makes an appearance: If you sent him to the Wall, he'll be there and Gared can talk to him. He's pretty pissed and even says that he would have preferred to have his fingers cut off.
I might be wrong but, we don't hear the name "Jon Snow" once during episode two. I'm a huge fan of the show so I perfectly knew who he was, but what about the players who haven't watched it yet?
Yeah, that's all I could think of when Cotter and Finn wouldn't shut up.
The codex for the characters updated after episode 2 and probably will more after other episodes.
Garred Loves Bacon
Who doesn't love bacon?
Well I can't eat the pork variety, but I do love turkey bacon.
It's actually 3 whole stanzas that change. The song is pretty branchy. :-)
Also some of the song's visuals will change based on your choices in 102. Check out Gared's black eye for instance.
Laura Bailey, same voice actress as Fiona from TFTB.
I saw that playthrough. I really wanted Zack to shoot him. XD
Here's something weird for you, I noticed that on Youtube in episdoe one all the guards are gold cloaks, but on my playthrough(PS3) they were all kingsguard(?????),I was really confused about it somthing they changed in a patch or somthing?
in the second episode they are all Lannister's men and not one of them is either KG or GC..
Also,you get to see all seven of them though they all wearing their helms and look the same- 2 when you walk to the throne room,2 guarding outside the room and 3 inside, which I thought was cool but not correct as there are only 5 of them in KL durning that time(Arys Oakheart in Dorne and Jaime should still be on his way to the city but even so, think about it- you get to the see the Kingslayer even if he's some extra on the background and that's awesome)
Got both of that in my first playthrough
[Sighs] Pig farmers...
One thing i noticed is that the intros for the episodes are slightly different, in episode 1 it ends in Ironrath and in episode 2 it ends in Yunkai.
Both Ned Stark and Rodrik were stabbed in the in their right leg.
I hate bacon.
Gwyn Whitehill appears in the episode only if Ryon doesn't. In my playthrough, I kissed Ludd's ring and Ryon appeared at the funeral. It's probably a connection, since Ludd decides whether Ryon can visit Ironrath or not.
To convince Elaena to marry you, you have to promise her father half of the ironwood or forge the letter with Mira. Or even both.
Yup, that's the way it goes in the show too, intro shows basically the places the episode will take place in. In the show the exception is that King's Landing, Winterfell and The Wall are always in intro even if there are no scenes in those places. And well in season 4 there were some other exceptions with Moat Cailin and Bravos at least...
You do not have to promise the Ironwood if you forged the letter with Mira
Thanks, I'll edit my comment.
Yeah, i noticed it in the show but i didn't know if Telltale where going to do it in the game. It's cool to see that they are sicking to the same style intro and to see it change throughout the season
I tried to when I played just to see what would happen, but it wouldn't let me. However, I play on iOS and that whole scene, the controls were really difficult for me, so it might work on other platforms.
Yep. It looks like Telltale's doing the same but swapping Winterfell with Ironrath.
Me too
I noticed that the guards were different and it was driving me crazy i thought i was imagining it.
If you forge the letter, you still have to convince her. You can still lose the betrothal.
You are a monster.
Erik, the thief you could judge as Ethan in the first episode makes an appearance: If you sent him to the Wall, he'll be there and Gared can talk to him. He's pretty pissed and even says that he would have preferred to have his fingers cut off.
In episode 2 when Mira meets the 2 merchants. Tyrion will say something in the lines of "Finding courtesy in a merchant? It's like finding gold in your chamberpot."
You got gameplay of that? I want to see.
Got it from the Wiki. Look up "Erik" in the Game of Thrones Wiki. There's a screenshot too.
That's interesting.
Meghan Thornton (episode writer alongside Nicole Martinez and Brad Kane) and I snuck that line in there. We're huge A Song of Ice and Fire nerds and wanted to get an allusion to the Lannisters "shitting gold" -- a common saying in the novels.
I don't know if this has been said already, but on the PC version of Episode 1, sometimes the classic Game of Thrones theme will begin playing at the very end when Ethan gets stabbed, Ryon is taken and Lord Whitehill says something like "You brought this onto yourselves." The music has played in 2 out of my 4 playthroughs of it, and I have no idea if it's determinant on what you say or something.
Good one, Telltale.
On the second episode when the Lost Legion attack Asher and Beshka, the soldier that parrys and breaks Asher's sword says ''Tubi daor'' AKA ''Not today''. Referencing the ''What do we say to death?'' ''Not today''.
He dies later in the fight tho.
I might be wrong but, we don't hear the name "Jon Snow" once during episode two. I'm a huge fan of the show so I perfectly knew who he was, but what about the players who haven't watched it yet?
They know nothing.
Oh no, where was he? I sent him to the Wall too, but I totally forgot about him. I missed him, even though I always do a full exploration?
Lol yeah I noticed that as well. That plus when he was talking about Robb as "my brother" must have had non-GoT fans confused as fuck.