At the start of episode 1 at the Red Wedding, most of the banners that are seen in the camp are mostly sigils of House Stark and House Forrester.
As the wedding continues - from Gareds first suspicions up until the actual slaughter, almost all the banners change to sigils of House Bolton, Frey and Whitehill, I suppose to signify the shift of power and to highlight those responsible.
At the start of episode 1 at the Red Wedding, most of the banners that are seen in the camp are mostly sigils of House Stark and House Forre… morester.
As the wedding continues - from Gareds first suspicions up until the actual slaughter, almost all the banners change to sigils of House Bolton, Frey and Whitehill, I suppose to signify the shift of power and to highlight those responsible.
At the start of episode 1 at the Red Wedding, most of the banners that are seen in the camp are mostly sigils of House Stark and House Forre… morester.
As the wedding continues - from Gareds first suspicions up until the actual slaughter, almost all the banners change to sigils of House Bolton, Frey and Whitehill, I suppose to signify the shift of power and to highlight those responsible.
Bowen has the same hairstyle as Ethan and looks a tiny bit similar to him. Bowen is stabbed through the neck at the start of Episode 1 (determinant), while Ethan is stabbed through the neck at the end of the Episode.
Bowen has the same hairstyle as Ethan and looks a tiny bit similar to him. Bowen is stabbed through the neck at the start of Episode 1 (determinant), while Ethan is stabbed through the neck at the end of the Episode.
Another thing: Did anyone notice the Whitehill's new armor in Episode 2, with their sigil now displayed on their Gorget?
I love the new armour, I hope the Forresters get new armour as well, with their new sigil on their breastplate. I'd love to actually contribute for new Forrester armour, if I had the chance.
Just be silent and focus your ears on Frostfinger and you can almost get everything he says.
He's talking about the size of the Wall and is naming all the castles of the Night's Watch. I'm sure this trivia is going to be useful against the wildlings.
In the first chapter of the book/the first scene in the show one of the rangers' names is Gared. He is the one executed in the book by Ned Stark. In the show, he is instead the one that gets beheaded by a White Walker.
I can't read that part without thinking of Mr Tuttle
In relation to the game, I will be very surprised if Gared finishes the season alive. I'll be surprised if a majority of the characters in the game make it, looking at things the way they are by the end of the second episode.
In the first chapter of the book/the first scene in the show one of the rangers' names is Gared. He is the one executed in the book by Ned S… moretark. In the show, he is instead the one that gets beheaded by a White Walker.
I can't read that part without thinking of Mr Tuttle
idk if anyone noticed this, but if you secure the betrothal with lady elaena wouldn't that screw up the deal with lord tyrion? I mean, you can only secure the marriage if you agree to give away half of the forrester's ironwood, but that would mean not having enough to make a deal with the crown.
...just saying.
i only say this because telltale seems to be making a big deal out of this lord tyrion stuff. it's around 50% of what mira does in the game, and it accounts for a lot of the decisions. (i.e. when he asks mira if she's willing to risk a war for an alliance with the crown.)
...not that lord tyrion being accused of murdering joffrey wouldn't mess that up anyways
If you forge the letter and treat Elaena honestly, you can win the betrothal without offering Ironwood. Also if you offer the ironwood, Rodrik say AFTER defeating the Whitehills, they will give half of the ironwood to her family, so I assume that they are getting the Whitehills' part.
I don't get it. Owen goes from voicing as an awesome comedy relief to voicing as multiple jackasses. Why is that?
forget this
You've posted that three times now.
At the start of episode 1 at the Red Wedding, most of the banners that are seen in the camp are mostly sigils of House Stark and House Forrester.
As the wedding continues - from Gareds first suspicions up until the actual slaughter, almost all the banners change to sigils of House Bolton, Frey and Whitehill, I suppose to signify the shift of power and to highlight those responsible.
Good job noticing this one
Coal boy's name is Tom. (Yuri Lowenthal also voiced Erik the thief, and Finn the bully)
How did you find out coal boy's name?
He's listed in the credits as Tom.
I know, for some reason it deiced to say it didnt go through then on the third time all 3 went though ;-;
Acting range. :-)
Nice one!
If you press ALT+SPACE while playing the game will pause whitout showing the actual pause screen
Bowen has the same hairstyle as Ethan and looks a tiny bit similar to him. Bowen is stabbed through the neck at the start of Episode 1 (determinant), while Ethan is stabbed through the neck at the end of the Episode.
Are you saying that haircut is cursed?
If you try to ring the bell near Frostfinger:
I never knew there were so many interesting stuff at the overlook.
At the funeral, when Rodrick comforts Elissa as she starts crying, Duncan places his hand on Rodrick's shoulder. A nice little detail.
Dont you ring my fucking bell
(?) Insert name here will remember this.
Frostfinger's speech to survive in the Night's Watch is in fact a history class.
How did you know? I can hardly hear what Frostfinger was saying because of Finn and Cotter's conversation.
The Entire Night's Watch felt like a High school to me, with the bullies and Mr. Frostfinger the teacher.
Gared's expression in the end was like "I'm gonna ring it!
Nah, never mind"
I stated in a thread I made before,
I love the new armour, I hope the Forresters get new armour as well, with their new sigil on their breastplate. I'd love to actually contribute for new Forrester armour, if I had the chance.
Just be silent and focus your ears on Frostfinger and you can almost get everything he says.
He's talking about the size of the Wall and is naming all the castles of the Night's Watch. I'm sure this trivia is going to be useful against the wildlings.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
In the first chapter of the book/the first scene in the show one of the rangers' names is Gared. He is the one executed in the book by Ned Stark. In the show, he is instead the one that gets beheaded by a White Walker.
I can't read that part without thinking of Mr Tuttle
I don't know about it being like a high school, but for me, it felt more like being in a boot camp.
I still prefer to call him coal boy
If you rewind the first episode after you have the second,the outfit of the Kingsguard is completely changed.
It does change from Goldcloaks to Kingsguards, but why is that there. What does it mean?
Any pictures?
maybe they changed the story from ep 1 and ep 2 and retconned the kingsguard into it?
In relation to the game, I will be very surprised if Gared finishes the season alive. I'll be surprised if a majority of the characters in the game make it, looking at things the way they are by the end of the second episode.
You can forge the letter and still lose the betrothal.
idk if anyone noticed this, but if you secure the betrothal with lady elaena wouldn't that screw up the deal with lord tyrion? I mean, you can only secure the marriage if you agree to give away half of the forrester's ironwood, but that would mean not having enough to make a deal with the crown.
...just saying.
i only say this because telltale seems to be making a big deal out of this lord tyrion stuff. it's around 50% of what mira does in the game, and it accounts for a lot of the decisions. (i.e. when he asks mira if she's willing to risk a war for an alliance with the crown.)
...not that lord tyrion being accused of murdering joffrey wouldn't mess that up anyways
Shhhh Elaena doesn't have to know.
My mother insisted.
Not if you forged the letter
If you forge the letter and treat Elaena honestly, you can win the betrothal without offering Ironwood. Also if you offer the ironwood, Rodrik say AFTER defeating the Whitehills, they will give half of the ironwood to her family, so I assume that they are getting the Whitehills' part.